SQL - count with or without subquery? - sql

I have two tables in my DB:
Building(bno,address,bname) - PK is bno. bno
Room(bno,rno,floor,maxstud) - PK is bno,rno (together)
The Building table stands for a building number, address and name.
The Room table stands for building number, room number, floor number and maximum amount of students who can live in the room.
The query I have to write:
Find a building who has at least 10 rooms, which the maximum amount of students who can live in is 1. The columns should be bno, bname, number of such rooms.
What I wrote:
select building.bno, building.bname, count(rno)
from room natural join building
where maxstud =1
group by bno, bname
having count(rno)>=10
What the solution I have states:
with temp as (
select bno, count(distinct rno) as sumrooms
from room
where maxstud=1
group by bno
select bno, bname, sumrooms
from building natural join temp
where sumrooms>=10
Is my solution correct? I didn't see a reason to use a sub-query, but now I'm afraid I was wrong.

Your query will perform faster but I'm afraid won't compile because you are not including every unaggregated column in the GROUP BY clause (here: building.bname).
Also, the solution that you have which isn't yours counts distinct room numbers, so one may conclude that a building can have several rooms with the same numbers for example on different floors, so that a room would be identified correctly by the unique triple (bno, rno, floor).
Given what I've wrote above your query would look:
select building.bno, building.bname, count(distinct rno)
from room natural join building
where maxstud = 1
group by 1,2 -- I used positions here, you can use names if you wish
having count(distinct rno) >= 10

Your solution is better.
If you are unsure, run both queries on a sample dataset and convince yourself that the results are the same.


If I have multiple values in a column, how can I count it in SQL?

Let me illustrate this:
CourseA CourseB
There is an existing table that has data that looks like the one above (Not exactly Student & Course, this is more for illustration purpose) and my job is to do a count of how many students for each course. The table is very huge and I do not know how many and what are the courses are out there (Easily in thousands), so wonder if there is a way I can get a list of all these courses and their counts through SQL?
The current method that my team did is SELECT DISTINCT COURSE, COUNT(STUDENT_ID) FROM TABLE GROUP BY COURSE, but this does not work because it treats "CourseA CourseB" as its own.
There are some other columns in this table that I might need to do a SUM as well.
Appreciate any advice on this, thanks!
you could use below to find number of students for each course:
select course, count(*) as no_of_students
from table
group by course;

SQL Join query brings multiple results

I have 2 tables. One lists all the goals scored in the English Premier League and who scored it and the other, the squad numbers of each player in the league.
I want to do a join so that the table sums the total number of goals by player name, and then looks up the squad number of that player.
Table A [goal_scorer]
Table B [squads]
I have the SQL query below:
SELECT goal_scorer.*,sum(goal_scorer.number),squads.squad_number
FROM goal_scorer
Inner join squads on goal_scorer.name=squads.player
group by goal_scorer.name
The issue I have is that in the result, the sum of 'number' is too high and seems to include duplicate rows. For example, Aaron Lennon has scored 33 times, not 264 as shown below.
Maybe you want something like this?
SELECT goal_scorer.*, s.total, squads.squad_number
FROM goal_scorer
SELECT name, sum(number) as total
FROM goal_scorer
) s on s.name = goal_scorer.name
JOIN squads on goal_scorer.name=squads.player
There are other ways to do it, but here I'm using a sub-query to get the total by player. NB: Most modern SQL platforms support windowing functions to do this too.
Also, probably don't need the left on the sub-query (since we know there will always be at least one name), but I put it in case your actual use case is more complicated.
Can you try this if you are using sql-server?
select *
from squads
outer apply(
selecr sum(goal_scorer.number) as score
from goal_scorer where goal_scorer.name=squads.player

SQL Aggregation AVG statement

Ok, so I have real difficulty with the following question.
Table 1: Schema for the bookworm database. Primary keys are underlined. There are some foreign key references to link the tables together; you can make use of these with natural joins.
For each publisher, show the publisher’s name and the average price per page of books published by the publisher. Average price per page here means the total price divided by the total number of pages for the set of books; it is not the average of (price/number of pages). Present the results sorted by average price per page in ascending order.
Author(aid, alastname, afirstname, acountry, aborn, adied).
Book(bid, btitle, pid, bdate, bpages, bprice).
City(cid, cname, cstate, ccountry).
Publisher(pid, pname).
Author_Book(aid, bid).
Publisher_City(pid, cid).
So far I have tried:
FROM book NATURAL JOIN publisher
and receive
ERROR: syntax error at or near "asc"
LINE 3: group by avg(bpages) asc;
You can't group by an aggregate, at least not like that. Also don't use natural join, it's bad habit to get into because most of the time you'll have to specify join conditions. It's one of those things you see in text books but almost never in real life.
OK with that out of the way, and this being homework so I don't want to just give you an answer without an explanation, aggregate functions (sum in this case) affect all values for a column within a group as limited by the where clause and join conditions, so unless your doing every row you have to specify what column contains the values you are grouping by. In this case our group is Publisher name, they want to know per publisher, what the price per page is. Lets work out a quick select statement for that:
select Pname as Publisher
, Sum(bpages) as PublishersTotalPages
, sum(bprice) as PublishersTotalPrice
, sum(bprice)/Sum(bpages) as PublishersPricePerPage
Next up we have to determine where to get the information and how the tables relate to eachother, we will use books as the base (though due to the nature of left or right joins it's less important than you think). We know there is a foreign key relation between the column PID in the book table and the column PID in the Publisher table:
From Book B
Join Publisher P on P.PID = B.PID
That's what is called an explicit join, we are explicitly stating equivalence between the two columns in the two tables (vs. implying equivalence if it's done in the where clause). This gives us a many to one relation ship, because each publisher has many books published. To see that just run the below:
select b.*, p.*
From Book B
Join Publisher P on P.PID = B.PID
Now we get to the part that seems to have stumped you, how to get the many to one relationship between books and the publishers down to one row per publisher and perform an aggregation (sum in this case) on the page count per book and price per book. The aggregation portion was already done in our selection section, so now we just have to state what column the values our group will come from, since they want to know a per publisher aggregate we'll use the publisher name to group on:
Group by Pname
Order by PublishersPricePerPage Asc
There is a little gotcha in that last part, publisherpriceperpage is a column alias for the formula sum(bprice)/Sum(bpages). Because order by is done after all other parts of the query it's unique in that we can use a column alias no other part of a query allows that, without nesting the original query. so now that you have patiently waded through my explanation, here is the final product:
select Pname as Publisher
, Sum(bpages) as PublishersTotalPages
, sum(bprice) as PublishersTotalPrice
, sum(bprice)/Sum(bpages) as PublishersPricePerPage
From Book B
Join Publisher P on P.PID = B.PID
Group by Pname
Order by PublishersPricePerPage Asc
Good luck and hope the explanation helped you get the concept.
You need ORDER BY clause and not GROUP BY to sort record. So change your query to:
SELECT pname, AVG(bprice)
FROM book NATURAL JOIN publisher
GROUP by pname
You need Order By for sorting, which was missing:
FROM book NATURAL JOIN publisher
GROUP BY pname, bpages
order by AVG(bpages) ASC;
Base on what you're trying to achieve. You can try my query below. I used the stated formula in a CASE statement to catch the error when a bprice is divided by zero(0). Also I added ORDER BY clause in your query and there's no need for the AVG aggregates.
CASE WHEN SUM(bpages)=0 THEN '' ELSE SUM(bprice)/SUM(bpages) END price
FROM book NATURAL JOIN publisher
GROUP BY pname
The ASC is part of the ORDER BY clause. You are missing the ORDER BY here.
Reference: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/sql/sql-group-by.htm
Check this
SELECT pname, AVG(bprice)
FROM book NATURAL JOIN publisher
GROUP by pname
ORDER BY AVG(bpages)

Grouping Minus Oracle Problems

I've just created this query and I get confuse by the time I grouping this because I can't see them as one grouping. This query runs but not the way I wanted, I want to group the query by the team name but the problem occurs when its query being counted using count(*) and the result of its counting produces the same number ,,,
I want to group all these using the team name but using counting will be problem since I have no idea to group within the technique that can be run smoothly as I wanted. Thank you.
Do I understand your question? You are trying to make a table of columns NAMATEAM,X where NAMATEAM are the team names, and X are the number of people on each team who do not have awards (listed in AWARD_PERSON). If so, you should be able to use a sub-select:
-- your original query without the GROUP BYs
The first subselect SELECT creates a full list of players, the second subselect SELECT creates a list of players who have won awards (I assume), the MINUS removes the award winners from the full list. Thus the full subselect returns a list of players and their teams, for all players without awards.
The main SELECT then summarizes on the team name only, to yield a per-team count of players without awards.
You should not need your original GROUP BY TEAM.NAMATEAM, PERSONAL.KODEPERSON, unless you have duplicate rows in your database, e.g., one player on one team has more than one row in the database.

SQL Counting and Joining

I'm taking a database course this semester, and we're learning SQL. I understand most simple queries, but I'm having some difficulty using the count aggregate function.
I'm supposed to relate an advertisement number to a property number to a branch number so that I can tally up the amount of advertisements by branch number and compute their cost. I set up what I think are two appropriate new views, but I'm clueless as to what to write for the select statement. Am I approaching this the correct way? I have a feeling I'm over complicating this bigtime...
with ad_prop(ad_no, property_no, overseen_by) as
(select a.ad_no, a.property_no, p.overseen_by
from advertisement as a, property as p
where a.property_no = p.property_no)
with prop_branch(property_no, overseen_by, allocated_to) as
(select p.property_no, p.overseen_by, s.allocated_to
from property as p, staff as s
where p.overseen_by = s.staff_no)
select distinct pb.allocated_to as branch_no, count( ??? ) * 100 as ad_cost
from prop_branch as pb, ad_prop as ap
where ap.property_no = pb.property_no
group by branch_no;
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
You could simplify it like this:
- ad_no
- property_no
- property_no
- overseen_by
- staff_no
- allocated_to
SELECT s.allocated_to AS branch, COUNT(*) as num_ads, COUNT(*)*100 as ad_cost
FROM advertisement AS a
INNER JOIN property AS p ON a.property_no = p.property_no
INNER JOIN staff AS s ON p.overseen_by = s.staff_no
GROUP BY s.allocated_to;
Update: changed above to match your schema needs
You can condense your WITH clauses into a single statement. Then, the piece I think you are missing is that columns referenced in the column definition have to be aggregated if they aren't included in the GROUP BY clause. So you GROUP BY your distinct column then apply your aggregation and math in your column definitions.
s.allocated_to AS branch_no
,COUNT(a.ad_no) AS ad_count
,(ad_count * 100) AS ad_cost
GROUP BY s.allocated_to
i can tell you that you are making it way too complicated. It should be a select statement with a couple of joins. You should re-read the chapter on joins or take a look at the following link
A join allows you to "combine" the data from two tables based on a common key between the two tables (you can chain more tables together with more joins). Once you have this "joined" table, you can pretend that it is really one table (aliases are used to indicate where that column came from). You understand how aggregates work on a single table right?
I'd prefer not to give you the answer so that you can actually learn :)