howa to change home to accueil in seedstack Business Theme - seedstack

I develop an application using the theme seedstack Business Theme, the default theme generates the seedbare part with the home tab, how can I change home by acceuil or another word?
The attached image shows my problem.
!sidebare picture where i want to change the term home for acceuil
this is the code for file:
"w20-core": {
"modules": {
"application": {
"home": "/accueil/accueil"
"w20-business-theme": {
"modules": {
"main": {
"sidebar": {
"width": 270

The home link in the sidebar is automatically generated and its label is based on the translation of i18n key in the currently active culture (or locale).
Since you haven't configured i18n specifically in your application, the default culture is generic english ('en'). To configure i18n, add the following configuration to your file:
"w20-core": {
"modules": {
"culture": {
"available": [ "en", "fr" ] // add any culture you need
"default": "fr" // the default culture of your application
This configuration make two cultures available in the application (generic english and generic french) with generic french as the default. A culture switcher will be displayed in the topbar.
W20 is provided with translations for english and french only. If you need to add languages, you have to provide your own translations files. Check the documentation for more information about it.


Production build orderCore is missing

I had to manually upgrade from 3.2 to 4.2 and because I am developing a Angular library, I could not use the schematics to perform the update.
I have got it working on the development build. We are developing a feature library that targets the checkout (Payment Page and Order Confirmation Page) and it works fine.
With the production build (ng build --configuration production), the payment page works fine, but the Order Confirmation page is not working. it complains that orderCore feature is not configured properly.
Note: we are being redirected from an external site, back to the order confirmation page (after authorization). When the page loads, it shows the following error in the log and show a broken my account page.
core.js:6498 ERROR Error: Feature orderCore is not configured properly
at FacadeFactoryService.getResolver (spartacus-core.js:24825)
at FacadeFactoryService.create (spartacus-core.js:24867)
at facadeFactory (spartacus-core.js:24898)
at orderReturnRequestFacadeFactory (spartacus-order-root.js:13)
at Object.factory (spartacus-order-root.js:37)
at R3Injector.hydrate (core.js:11457)
at R3Injector.get (core.js:11276)
at NgModuleRef$1.get (core.js:25352)
at Object.get (core.js:25066)
at lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector (core.js:3354)
Anyone has an idea if we are missing some configuration in the feature modules?
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { checkoutTranslationChunksConfig, checkoutTranslations } from '#spartacus/checkout/assets';
import { CHECKOUT_FEATURE, CheckoutRootModule } from '#spartacus/checkout/root';
import { CmsConfig, I18nConfig, provideConfig } from '#spartacus/core';
declarations: [],
imports: [
providers: [provideConfig({
featureModules: {
module: () =>
import('#spartacus/checkout').then((m) => m.CheckoutModule),
} as CmsConfig),
i18n: {
resources: checkoutTranslations,
chunks: checkoutTranslationChunksConfig,
} as I18nConfig)
export class CheckoutFeatureModule {
My colleague has provided a proposal:
If you want to use Spartacus Order library, you need to create "order-feature.module.ts" for it. And by default core is bundled together with components. So, in your configuration, you need have this set: "[ORDER_CORE_FEATURE]: ORDER_FEATURE". So, the config is something like this:
const config: CmsConfig = {
featureModules: {
cmsComponents: [
// by default core is bundled together with components

How do I write a VSCode extension to set a file icon for a certain file extension while leaving all other extensions as the default?

Here's my icon-config.json:
"iconDefinitions": {
"file.myFileExt": {
"iconPath": "./custom-icon.png"
"fileExtensions": {
"myExtension": "file.myFileExt"
This works to set the file extension for foo.myExtension files, but any other file types (e.g. have their icons removed. How can I specify a custom extension icon without overwriting all other file types to be blank?
You can follow issue 14662.
VScode 1.64 (Jan. 2022) should include issue 140047: "finalize icon property of the language contribution point" (commit d335676)/
Language contributors can define an icon for the language.
"contributes": {
"languages": [
"id": "latex",
// ...
"icon": {
"light": "./icons/latex-light.png",
"dark": "./icons/latex-dark.png"
The icon is used by file icon themes as fallback if they don't have an icon for the language.

docusaurus about sidebars of docusaurus to multi-language

I use 'Docusaurus' to docs but I don`t know How to config multi-language sideBar.
docs: {
path: 'docs',
routeBasePath: '/',
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js')
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
The code only use a kind of sidebars, if I switch the language The sidebars can`t switch.
run the write-translations command, for example your locale is zh-cn, when command finished, you will get a current.json file in the i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs directory
yarn run write-translations -- --locale zh-cn
the current.json contains the docs sidebar's category labels, modify it like the following:
"version.label": {
"message": "5.0.0.alpha.1",
"description": "The label for version current"
"sidebar.docsSidebar.category.Getting Started": {
"message": "开始上手",
"description": "The label for category Getting Started in sidebar docsSidebar"
"sidebar.docsSidebar.category.Guides": {
"message": "指南",
"description": "The label for category Guides in sidebar docsSidebar"
for more details, refer to:
Docusaurus allows you to add a navbar item so the user can select the language they want. You can enable the dropdown by adding the code below, as explained in the official documentation, to the docusaurus.config.js file.
If you want to find out more you can also have a look at this video in which I explain all the steps you need to follow to translate your Docusaurus website.
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
type: 'localeDropdown',
position: 'left',
if I switch the language The sidebars can`t switch
If you properly prepared i18n JSON files, when you switch the locale (language), the sidebar label will show different languages.

Prop Suggestions/IntelliSense for own vue components

I'm cleaning up my vue.js code and I'm about to create some of my own specific components. I'm using vetur as an extension for VS Code. I read that it's possible to provided auto-complition and descriptions for my component tags and attributes.
The Vetur Docs say I have to create tags.json and attributes.json files and add them to my package.json. After restarting VS Code it should work. But it doesn't. Has anyone managed to achive this and sees where I'm making a mistake?
Thanks in advance!!
This is the content of my tags.json
"mex-btn": {
"description": "My Mex Button",
"attributes": "["content"]
This is the content of my attributes.json
"mex-btn/content": { "description": "Content of the Button"}
and this is the vetur key in my package.json
"vetur": {
"tags": "./tags.json",
"attributes": "./attributes.json"

stylelint on create-react-app #import-normalize throw error

I followed this doc to add CSS reset to my app.
But it showed this message:
"stylelint": {
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": null
How to fix this problem?it is annoying...
To fix this warning you just need to add this line to.vscode/settings.json inside your project (you can create this file if it doesn't already exist):
"css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"
For VS Code -
To make the VS Code recognise this custom CSS directive, you can provide custom data for VS Code's CSS Language Service as mentioned here -
Create a CSS custom data set file with the following info. Place it at location .vscode/custom.css-data.json relative to the project root.
"version": 1.1,
"properties": [],
"atDirectives": [
"name": "#import-normalize",
"description": "bring in normalize.css styles"
"pseudoClasses": [],
"pseudoElements": []
Now, if you don't have already, create a .vscode\settings.json file relative to project root. Add a field with key "css.customData" and value as the path to custom data set. For example,
"css.customData": ["./.vscode/custom.css-data.json"]
Now, you will no longer get "Unknown at rule" warning. When you hover over "#import-normalize", you will see the description you set for it in custom.css-data.json
#import-normalize is a non-standard at-rule. From the rule's documentation:
This rule considers at-rules defined in the CSS Specifications, up to and including Editor's Drafts, to be known.
However, the rule has an ignoreAtRules secondary option for exactly this use case, where you can list the non-standard imports you are using.
For example, in your package.json:
"stylelint": {
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": [true, {
"ignoreAtRules": ["import-normalise"]
Or within your .stylelintrc file:
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": [true, {
"ignoreAtRules": ["import-normalise"]