Make my response with random Strings -

my Question is if I can get my to respond with a random response from an Array of responses?
For example:
User: Search for Cats
Bot: Ok. I'll search for that real quick.
User: Search for Cat Images
Bot: Sure. I'll look for it! handles the NLP. Once it knows what the user wants to do, you can use one of your defined 'Actions' to return a random response to the user.


Fetch All Pull-Request Comments Via Bitbucket REST API

This is how retrieve a particular pull-request's comments according to bitbucket's documentation:
While I do have the pull-request ID and format a correct URL I still get a 400 response error. I am able to make a POST request to comment but I cannot make a GET. After further reading I noticed the six parameters listed for this endpoint do not say 'optional'. It looks like these need to be supplied in order to retrieve all the comments.
But what exactly are these parameters? I don't find their descriptions to be helpful in the slightest. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
fromHash and toHash are only required if diffType is'nt set to EFFECTIVE. state also seems optional to me (didn't give me an error when not including it), and anchorState specifies which kind of comments to fetch - you'd probably want ALL there. As far as I understand it, path contains the path of the file to read comments from. (ex: src/ and src/ were changed -> specify which of them to fetch comments for)
However, that's probably not what you want. I'm assuming you want to fetch all comments.
You can do that via /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/activities which also includes other activities like reviews, so you'll have to do some filtering.
I won't paste example data from the documentation or the bitbucket instance I tested this once since the json response is quite long. As I've said, there is an example response on the linked page. I also think you'll figure out how to get to the data you want once downloaded since this is a Q&A forum and not a "program this for me" page :b
As a small quickstart: you can use curl like this
curl -u <your_username>:<your_password> https://<bitbucket-url>/rest/api/1.0/projects/<project-key>/repos/<repo-name>/pull-requests/<pr-id>/activities
which will print the response json.
Python version of that curl snippet using the requests module:
import requests
url = "<your-url>" # see above on how to assemble your url
r = requests.get(
params={}, # you'll need this later
auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("your-username", "your-password")
Note that the result is paginated according to the api documentation, so you'll have to do some extra work to build a full list: Either set an obnoxiously high limit (dirty) or keep making requests until you've fetched everything. I stronly recommend the latter.
You can control which data you get using the start and limit parameters which you can either append to the url directly (e.g. https://bla/asdasdasd/activity?start=25) or - more cleanly - add to the params dict like so:
"start": 25,
"limit": 123
Putting it all together:
def get_all_pr_activity(url):
start = 0
values = []
while True:
r = requests.get(url, params={
"limit": 10, # adjust this limit to you liking - 10 is probably too low
"start": start
}, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("your-username", "your-password"))
if r.json()["isLastPage"]:
return values
start = r.json()["nextPageStart"]
print([x["id"] for x in get_all_pr_activity("my-bitbucket-url")])
will print a list of activity ids, e.g. [77190, 77188, 77123, 77136] and so on. Of course, you should probably not hardcode your username and password there - it's just meant as an example, not production-ready code.
Finally, to filter by action inside the function, you can replace the return values with something like
return [activity for activity in values if activity["action"] == "COMMENTED"]

Exclude retweets from twitter streaming api using tweepy

When using the python tweepy library to pull tweets from twitter's streaming API is it possible to exclude retweets?
For instance, if I want only the tweets posted by a particular user ex: twitterStream.filter(follow = ["20264932"]) but this returns retweets and I would like to exclude them. How can I do this?
Thank you in advance.
Just checking a tweet's text to see if it starts with 'RT' is not really a robust solution. You need to make a decision about what you will consider a retweet, since it isn't exactly clear-cut. The Twitter API docs explain that tweets with 'RT' in the tweet text aren't officially retweets.
Sometimes people type RT at the beginning of a Tweet to indicate that they are re-posting someone else's content. This isn't an official Twitter command or feature, but signifies that they are quoting another user's Tweet.
If you're going by the 'official' definition, then you want to filter tweets out if they have a True value for their retweeted attribute, like this:
if not tweet['retweeted']:
# do something with standard tweets
And if you want to be more inclusive, including 'unofficial' re-tweets, you should check the string for the substring 'RT #' and not merely if it starts with 'RT' because that the former is cleaner, faster and eliminates more edge cases where a tweet starts with 'RT' but isn't a retweet (lots of data out there, I'm sure this is a possibility). Here's some code for that:
if not tweet['retweeted'] and 'RT #' not in tweet['text']:
# do something with standard tweets
The latter conditional takes the subset of tweets in your collection that are regular tweets and does an intersection with the subset of tweets in your collection that do not have 'RT #' in the tweet text, leaving you with tweets that are supposedly regular tweets.
Yes there are possible ways of doing this, One of them is to check if the text of the tweet, starts with RT, For this we can easily use .startswith() method on strings and for this you need to change the code of the on_data() method in your streaming class, which can be done as:
class TwitterStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
def on_data(self, data):
# Twitter returns data in JSON format - we need to decode it first
decoded = json.loads(data)
if not decoded[`text`].startswith('RT'):
#Do processing here
print decoded['text'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return True

Correct response on a request for multiple objects where one does not exist

What is the correct response on a GET request for multiple objects where one or more of them does not exist? e.g.:
where object with id 5 does not exist. Should I return a list with just objects 1 and 3 or should I return some kind of error? What is the correct response?
Also I wonder If the behaviour should be any different if the request is POST. For instance:
$.post('', { public: true });
Should I just perform operation for the objects that exist or do not perform operation at all and return an error?
I know there are some debates if non-empty querystrings are ok for POST requests. I think they are alright just for this particular case where you request a subset of objects to do something with them.
Okay, I gave it some thoughts and here is what I believe were the right thing to do.
This is a bit of a headache since you're requesting multiple objects at once which is usually a WebDAV-thing, bringing wonders such as the 207/Multistatus response with it. Let me start of with saying that I think your query string has the wrong format. I think it really should look like this:
Now about responses on a GET request. I believe the following response codes were the right ones:
200 if any object could be found by id
400 on a missing or empty ids query parameter (unless you think no ids should translate into get all objects)
404 if none of the given ids match any object
If you want to notify the client that the request couldn't be satisfied in parts, you are free to send a Warning header along (cf RFC 2616, sec 14.46). However, if you really want to do it absolutely rightâ„¢, here's how to deal with requests where not every id is valid:
If all ids could be used to load an object, send the 200/Ok response code
If there are any ids that could not be used to load an object, redirect via 301/Moved Permanently to a new URL sans the offending ids param(s)
As for the POST request: It is my understanding that you'd like to set multiple events as public in one go? If so, I'd really change the order: Send a POST to and send the ids in the post body.

How about using URI path variables for an HTTP POST?

I've searched a lot but I couldn't find the proper answer to my question regarding my conditions.
I'm building a REST API, and the case, which seems a border line case to me, is the following:
-I'm dealing with two entities, Users and Roles. An User can have multiple roles assigned.
-To assign a Role to a User, the Role must be already in the DataBase.
-To assign a Role to a User, the only thing needed is the 'code' of the role, that is a short string.
-The uri path template used now is:
--Users: localhost:8080/api/users
--Given User: localhost:8080/api/users/{userId}
--Roles of a given User: localhost:8080/api/users/{userId}/roles
Now, to 'link' a given User with a given Role, two options come to my mind.
-The first is the one that sounds as best practice in any scenario, sending the post data in the body, perhaps as a JSON.
-The other one, sending it through the uri and with an empty body. For example, to link User with id U001 with role R001, one would have to post to the following uri sending no data in the body: localhost:8080/api/users/U001/roles/R001
The thing is that I don't mind using the first option, and it seems to be the best and most correct one, but in this particular case, I'm not sure wether it is better to send an almost empty body (because it only holds the role id, a very short string) posting it to 'localhost:8080/api/users/U001/roles' or skipping the body and just sending the role id through the uri as a path parameter like localhost:8080/api/users/U001/roles/R001
Thank you all in advance for your help.
There is nothing wrong with putting role in the URI. Your intuition was on the right track. I'd do it this way.
PUT: locahost:8080/api/users/{userid}/role/{roleId}
And here's why.
FIRST: The PUT verb is Idempotent. In other words (taken straight from the spec)
... the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request.
Which is what I'd assume you want in this regard. You don't want multiple records in your state storage for each instance of user & role. A user should feel at ease making the same PUT request without adversely effecting (adding duplicate records) the system.
When doing the same thing with a POST I'd expect to have a new record created for every request.
SECOND: The PUT verb is supposed to identify a specific resource. (taken straight from the spec)
... PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI,
it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the request.
What if role R102 becomes obsolete and R104 is preferred? Return a 301 (Moved Permanently) with a HEADER (Location : localhost:8080/api/users/{userid}/role/R104).
FINALLY: When everything works well. Return a 201 (Created) when created and a 200 (No Content) on every subsequent request to the same URI. If they provide a Role that is not in the system return a 501 (Not Implemented).
Hmm - in this case - a POST with a 302 may be a bit messy.
Why not a very simple 'PUT'/'DELETE' with indeed the URIs suggested ?
With simple; 20X meaning succeeded, possibly some 30X to indicate it was already there - and anything else a fail ?

Accessing Flixster data

Is there any way of accessing the data on Flixster? Specifically, I'd like to retrieve a list of all of my movie ratings. I know you can get an rss feed of these, but it only appears to return a subset of all of the ratings.
View your Rotten Tomatoes / Flixster movie ratings by accessing this URL, first replacing USERIDHERE in the URL.
You can find out your user id by clicking to view your Profile, which will contain your unique id in the URL, such as:
Yes, there is a new-ish Rotten-Tomatoes API at
Here's a simple program, using the API, that I've found:
...and you can read her blog post for more information.
Just tested both fetching and parsing, and it still appears to work.