Unable to create plateform for gcm on AWS - google-cloud-messaging

I have created plateform for ios app and it is created fine on aws server but when I have tried to create gcm plateform on sns section it is giving error. I have attached the image.

I got exactly same issue as yours. It seems google is migrating Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to Google Cloud Messaging, and the API Key created via Credentials in API Manager of Google Cloud Platform is not working.
And here is how I get it to work.
Go to Firebase Console and import Google Cloud Project.
Go to Project settings on Firebase Console and you should see the Web API
Key of your project.
Go back to your Google Cloud Platform, and go to Credentials of API Manager, you should see there are two API keys have been generated. Browser key (auto created by Google Service) and Server key (auto created by Google Service)
The Server key (auto created by Google Service) is what you need to
use on the Amazon SNS.
Hope it can resolve your problem, and hope it is only a temporary solution that after Google done the migration, we can directly use the API key created in API Manager.

You should check if you are using the correct server key. It should be something like AIzaSyZ-1u...0GBYzPu7Udno5aA.


Exposed Firebase Cloud Messaging Server Keys

I had used fcm to send notification in my app using api.after some days google send this and removed my app from play store.please help me.
I have tried everywhere not getting exact answer.
Put FCM Key in untrusted environment is a security issue, Any hackers are possible to send message to any user by using FCM key.
FCM key shouldn't exists in your public app like downloaded to your instance, Store in local storage, Hardcode inside application etc.
FCM key should only exists in trusted environment like your server, cloud functions etc.
You can also see this Do I need to protect my firebase Server Key?.

Where to find Firebase server key, I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1 but i can't find it

I'm having trouble finding the server key, I have set up a new project in firebase console, in my project settings I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1, but cant see the server key my Cloud Messaging is showing disabled, where can I find it? Thanks
you have to enable the Cloud Messaging API from the console.cloud.google.com by clicking on this link or in firebase console there are three dots and clicking on the "Manage API in Google Cloud Console"after enabling the API go back to firebase and refresh then you will get the FCM key for messaging

Can we use existing google calendar api in multiple domain?

Hope you are doing well..!!
I have a question , I have an existing website where already integrated google calendar api . Now I have another new website so my question here is , may I use existing website google calendar api in this new domain or not ?
or need to buy for new domain again ?
If you have a website that users Google calendar api. So you have created a project on Google cloud console. either with service account credentials or web credentials. That is considered to be a single application.
When you go and create a new website and which to also use an api you should create a new project on Google cloud console for this application. The main reason for this would be quota. If you use the same project on google cloud console then both websites would be sharing the quota.
I cant tell you if you need to buy a new domain name for your website i guess that would depend upon your needs. If by domain you mean google workspace domain. Assuming you are using service accounts to store the web app calendar data, i dont see any reason it couldn't be under the same workspace domain. Just make sure you create separate projects in google cloud console to avoid the quota issue i mentioned.

How can I use an API key to call from VBA a Google Apps Script without an OAuth 2.0 Client ID?

I have a Google Script Application that has the doGet method implemented. Also, I've deployed the application and have set up the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project.
I have an Excel VBA Application that uses https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-Web. I can call the Google Apps Script URL with no problem when I use an OAuth 2.0 Client ID (The internet window opens, I choose the Google Account, grant rights, get the authorization code, and everything works well).
But, I want to use an API Key, and not use the Google login process with screen authentication. I thought that a Google Service account will work, but not sure. Any Idea?
You can create a API Key from API & Services option, then you can restrict the key just to use only Calendar API

Switching from Google provisioning API to JSON service authorizing through oauth2

I'm just getting started porting my old code over to the new google apps json service but I'm not clear on the oauth.
I'm looking at:
It says:
"Set up a new project in the Google APIs Console and activate Admin SDK service for this project. See the Google APIs Console Help in the upper right corner of the Console page for more information about creating your API project. "
My product gets installed at each client location. Do I create the app using my key then distribute this to my customers or do I use their key in my app that runs at their site? Do I also need to enable the admin SDK in addition to enabling API access?
Do I create the app using my key then distribute this to my customers or do I use their key in my app that runs at their site?
Do they have access to the source code? If true then it will be known to them.
Whether it is your key (an API project owner by you) or theirs depends on the kind of software you offer (tailored or common service (webapp?)) and who will be responsible of the quotas, billing (if needed) and maintenance.
Do I also need to enable the admin SDK in addition to enabling API access?
API projects can hold up to 20 accounts
Users can own several projects (don't know how many)
Projects can be shared with other users or Groups