Developed JAVA2Wsdl Application using APAche CXF. Need help in adding Security to Soap service - apache

Developed the SOAP Service with APache CXF in Spring Java2WSDL - Bottom-up approach/Code first approach.
I wanna to Secure the SOAP service using APache CXF. or Spring OAuth.
I had come-accross blogs which were implemented wsdl2java.I was really messed up and fed-up with it.
Im new to this Apache CXF stack. So Explanation in brief are most supportive.


CoAP on Apache, CoAP Web Service

I am working with CoAP protocol on IoT but also I need a web service. I implemented the web service on Apache with HTTP protocol and a Proxy that converts CoAP-HTTP request and responses. But I don't want to use the Proxy to convert CoAP-HTTP. I want to implement directly CoAP web service. Do you have any idea about that. On Apache or different things. Just any idea?
As you wrote On Apache or different things, I will here talk about the second option :). To implement the CoAP server itself, I would recommend either
NodeJS with the CoAP package
Java implementation Californium, from
More complete list available at, see Server-side
And then handle the communication with your Apache HTTP server via WebSockets and REST APIs. is also great to run tests during development.

Dropwizard and EJB integration

G'Day mates,
I want to use Dropwizard to access my business logic which is encapsulated in EJB layer hosted on Glassfish.
From Dropwizard website, Dropwizard uses Jetty as a built-in application server. Which as far as I know is not EJB compatible.
How can I build a webservice layer that can consume my business layer and at the same time I can utilize the run any where .jar services?
Consuming an EJB web service does not require to use EJB. Its just SOAP over HTTP, so you can do it with a simple HTTP client application.
Normally you would generate proxy code from the wsdl to use with JAVA, check out apache cxf or the jaxws-maven-plugin.

RESTful WCF hosting

I have a RESTFul WCF service and it needs to be deployed now. I am really confused whether to deploy in windows service or IIS 7. I need to implement SSL also so the protocol would be HTTPS. It is just a simple service consumed by client using HTTPS protocol.
Please let me know which one is better.
Your question seems to have been asked (and answered) previously.
The following link provides a good discussion:
IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service
If your RESTFul WCF Service needs to be accessed via http (or https) protocol, then deploy in IIS7.

axis2 vs spring-ws vs jersey

My friend asked to explain me what's the difference between Spring, axis2 and Jersey. Here I listed down a few differences that I'm aware of. Please comment/respond if you know more differences
Spring webservices:
A java web application with a servlet configured in
You can use spring annotated POJOs for creating web services
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
The webservice application is a .aar file that will be deployed in
Use AXIOM for using non-primitive type arguments to web service calls
You can use JSR181 annotations to create webservices
You can use spring-dependency injection using axis2 extensions.
Supports both RESTful and SOAP based web services.
I guess you have to use ws-security implementation for
providing security
to your web services>
They claim hot deployment of webservices works but I haven’t seen
it working.
A regular web application with a servlet configured in web.xml.
Write custom message readers/writers for using
non-primitive type arguments to web
service calls
Since it’s a web application you can use http authentication mechanisms
for enabling security
Supports only RESTful implementation of web services
I have seen hot deployment working may be because it’s a web application
and the container can do hot
I'm not familiar with Jersey and Axis, but I can tell you something about Spring-WS.
You cannot use Spring-WS for restful webservices. Spring-WS is intended to be used for contract first webservices. You can however use the features of Spring 3.x and Spring-MVC for REST services.
As for authorization, you can easily wire in any sort of security (with Spring-Security for instance).
I'm a big fan of the 'automatic' (de) marshalling features of Spring-WS. Just annotate your methods with the correct types and it'll know what to do.

Axis2 and OpenSAML

I'm trying to add SAML assertions to a SOAP web service that is built on the axis2 engine. I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around how the two would interact. Could someone help point me in the right direction to add a SAML assertion to a response message from Axis2?
You'll need to include the rampart module as an extra module. The relevent section for configuring SAML support appears to be here
If you want more platform support then I'd recommend deploying your web service onto the Web services application server produced by the authors of Axis2. It has GUI driven screens that assist in configuring the Rampart module.