ASP.NET Core Web API + Angular 2 Authorization and Authentication - authentication

I have Angular 2 application which talks to the Web API and does some basic CRUD operations. I have few questions:
Is any way I can create a Login/Register page on Angular 2 using ASP.NET Identity?
How do I manipulate with a data only relates to the logged in user? (Token Based Authentication? How it works? Where to read about it?)
How can I implement login/register process on actual Angular 2 application without redirecting me to Identity Server?
I looked at IdentityServer4, OAuth2 and OpenID examples, it is a bit too complex to understand. I went thru every single step in quick start, it works but I don't understand how and what it does.
Can someone give me any resources where I can start from? Blogs, websites, books, step-by-step guides.

You're correct that at this point the most comprehensive solutions for authentication and authorization in systems that rely heavily on HTTP are based on OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. This of course includes your specific scenario of a SPA calling a Web API back-end. For further read on this generic case you can check the Auth0 SPA + API Architecture Scenario or give a look at the quickstarts focused on your selected technologies:
Angular2 Quickstart
ASP.NET Core Web API Quickstart
Note: Auth0 supports OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect so even though the docs may have additional features that are provider-specific, you may find them useful if you do indeed decide to go the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect route. It's one of the advantage points of relying on standards, it's easier to switch between implementation/providers.
However, you should also consider if you really need to go full OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect as they aim to solve a lot of different use cases and as such also bring significant complexity with them. If you go that route, it's recommended that you leverage existing libraries like IdentityServer or cloud providers like Auth0, because doing your own implementation carries a lot of risk and requires significant effort.
In order to meet your requirement of providing an integrated login from within your own Angular2 front-end you could probably look into the resource owner password credentials grant specified by OAuth2.
Another alternative is doing your own custom solution, this is generally frowned upon, because it's easy to get wrong, but the theory would be:
Handle user authentication and registration (possibly using ASP .NET Identity)
Upon login exchange user credentials with some a token that you can later use to call into the API
The token could just be a random (not guessable) value used as a reference to some server-side storage that would contain information about the associated user.


How do I generate and/or get an access_token and refresh_token from website built in react js that calls API built using .NET Core 3?

I am building a web app using react that calls RESTful API (built using .NET Core 3.1). The web app and soon mobile app access all data through the API. I would like to have an authentication/authorization integrated but would like to know where to start. I am thinking of IdentityServer4 to build a token service but that could be an overkill and especially security not being my speciality. But i also would like something that I can easly integrate/use but also not tied with just only one token provider (eg, MS only) - this will be too restrictive as the target users could potentially prefer to use username/password, or their google/MS/fb....). What do I do? where should I start?
I don't know the complexity of your project. Give some suggestions aobut it.
If the complexity of the project is average, you can use jwtbearer authentication and use the built-in authorization. Because you have used the front and rear separation and And authentication and authorization can be well separated according to the httpstatus.
If you do not use jwt, you can use identity. Because core has integrated identity well. But jwt is a better suggesion.
If the business you are dealing with is relatively complex, you can consider IdentityServer4. You need to configure authentication and authorization on an another server.
Well here are the moving parts, and there is quite a big learning curve, since OAuth tech covers many architectural aspects. I would aim to focus primarily on UI and API integration in the early days.
Authorization Server (AS)
This will deal with login screens, standards based messages, issuing tokens, auditing and so on. I'd recommend starting with a free or low cost cloud service, so that you can get started quickly and understand how to manage the system.
These will verify incoming access tokens and build a claims principal. I would start by understanding which claims you need and how you will authorize requests after validating the token.
Web UIs
These use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE), then handle and verify OAuth responses. A commonly used library is oidc-client, which will deal with a lot of the complexity for you.
Mobile UIs
These use the same flow above but with the use of in app browsers that handle credentials. The most commonly used library is AppAuth, which deals with the mobile plumbing.
Once the above parts are integrated you should then be able to do this without any code changes:
Add extra login methods, as discussed in my Federated Logins Blog Post
Switch providers once you better understand your AS requirements
Online Code Samples
My blog has a bunch of UI and API Code Samples you can run on your local PC, starting with the Initial Code Sample, then moving on to more advanced ones such as React SPA with .Net Core API.
IdentityServer4 is a good choice, not that hard to incorporate in your project. You may say it may be complicated but it simply provides an authorization API issuing authentication tokens for users requests(it provides a user and password as identity), and it gives you the option of deploying external authentication(FB,Google...). It is not an overkill as when it comes to security the more it is sophisticated the better.
here is a guide if you'r interested:

What is the difference between AddJwtBearer and AddOpenIdConnect in .NET Core Authentication?

I've been looking into the basics of .NET Core Authentication using Azure AD for an API that I'm building and I've been trying to find information about the authentication schemes. I get the difference between cookie and token based authentication but it seems to me that the JwtBearer and OpenIdConnect options are very similar in that they both work based on a token system.
I've done a lot of searching and I can't find anywhere that explains the differences between the two, in which scenarios you'd use one over the other or even the definitions of what these methods do. I've looked at a lot of tutorials online and even various YouTube videos and about 60% of them use AddJwtBearer and the others use AddOpenIdConnect to specify their authentication schemes. Could someone explain what these do and what the differences are?
You use AddJwtBearer to secure an API, meaning that the client of the API sends JWT-tokens to access the API and there is otherwise no human interaction.
AddOpenIdConnect you use to secure a web-application, where you have human interaction (login/logout...), because you typically redirect your user to your identity provider.

Configure core 2 web application to use authentication from a separate IdentityServer4 server

I have a working implementation of IdentityServer4 with custom user stores, etc.
I have an core web app that I want to require user login for certain pages through the IdentityServer4 instance with my site having full ASP.Net Core Identity functionality e.g. my razor pages accessing User etc.
I have been searching for 3 days and while the internet seems to have lots of resources available on very similar topics, they all do things a little differently. I feel like I just don't know the right keywords to search for.
I have been following many online tutorials such as JWT Authentication on .Net Core and all of the quickstarts on but they all leave out crucial steps.
IdentityServer is an implementation of oidc, which means that it serves as an independent, central authentication point. Client apps should be unaware of users credentials. That's part of the responsibility of IdentityServer.
So the reason you won't find answers and you think steps are missing, is because you are not implementing oidc.
It is not possible to 'hide' IdentityServer when a user has to login there.
That leaves you with three options:
implement Resource owner password flow. In that case you can collect the credentials and send it to IdentityServer. Please note that there may be security issues when you use this.
Do not use IdentityServer but instead implement Asp.Net Core Identity.
Send information to IdentityServer to identify the client and use custom presentation for that client. In that case the url may be different but the look and feel remains the same.

Using IdentityServer vs creating custom JWT based authentication

Authentication is a bit over the top for me.
My understanding is:
Client performs the login
API or authentication server responds with a token
Client calls API (includes a header which holds the token)
API checks if the token is valid and if valid responds with a resource
I checked several options:
Has the advantage to easily implement 3rd party authentication like Facebook. You can easily use the ASP.NET Core identities to authorize your API based on roles.
Custom (simple) JWT authentication
Reference: ASP.NET Core Token Authentication Guide
With this approach, you have to make your own identity user and fetch it from a database.
Cookie authentication
The client holds the token in a cookie when sending a request you have to send it too.
My front-end is written in JS and back-end is ASP.NET Core, so it's CORS.
I don't know what should I use and why? Why do many recommend to use IdentityServer4; isn't the simple custom authentication enough?
(I have problems with the IdentityUser properties and the "hidden" database checks)
The problem with authentication is that it may be simple to write a few lines of code that accomplish the end goal of authenticating your users, but it's really complex to do so in a way that you won't regret it later; aka my application got owned.
One of the steps to take to try to prevent that from happening is don't try to reinvent the wheel and stick to using current standards. However, even with standards, you need to implement them accordingly and that is why you probably see recommendations like the one you mentioned. I would actually make the same type of recommendation my self, delegate as much as you can to third-party libraries like IdentityServer4 or cloud services like Auth0. (you should know I work at Auth0, so you can consider me biased; however, for a non-biased recommendation you can check ThoughtWorks Technology Radar).
Also, if you store tokens in cookies, although the storage and transmission of the token happen differently this is still a token based-authentication system; for more on the possible implications of choosing a client-side token storage approach check where to save a JWT in a browser-based application.
In relation to CORS, you did not make that explicit, so I thought it may be worthwhile to mention it. You only need to actually worry about CORS if you deploy your front-end and back-end in separate domains because even if development happens in isolation if they share a domain CORS is one less thing you need to worry about.
For a front-end browser-based application talking with a REST API, the most common approach is to go with token-based authentication that relies on OAuth 2.0 protocol to perform the actual issuance of the tokens. Additionally, you should aim to delegate token issuance to a third-party (IdentityServer4 or other) so that you don't need to implement or maintain that part of the system and only need to consume/validate the generated tokens.

Rest API authentication mechanism, what to do

I've been reading a lot lately about WEB API authentication mechanisms and I'm a little bit confused regarding how to implement my Web API authentication mechanism, I'm thinking on using Token based authentication but I'm not sure if it is the right choice.
Basically my Web API will manage all the operations needed and it will store the users of my website as well the API users(in case they have to be separated).
I want to support the following
User can register on my website and apps using their G+ or Facebook account or an already created username from my service, as well they will be to login using their social account.
If the user is not logged in they won't be able to post Items but they will be able to see the Items, think something like Craiglist.
Let's say the user is a developer and they want to post the items through some software they created instead of going through the website and posting one item at a time, how do I allow this?
Now, my questions are: 1) When a user registers on my website, do I have to create a (public key/ secret key) for it subsequent access token , so I can use my API from the website as the user checking if they have access to certain endpoints?
2) Do I have to assign a (public key / secret key) for my website so I can consume the API when the user is not logged in?
3) The same as above for mobile apps
4) How do I allow users to (sign up / sign in) using G+ or Facebook?, if they log in using any social network how am I going to secure my api?
Please, any answer will be really appreciated.
For ASP.NET Web API 2, I would recommend you to use the default Owin OAuth2 authentication. It's a standard form of authentication well documented enough. If you do not have enough knowledge about OAuth2, read the RFC.
With Web API 2, ASP.NET moved to a new security model, called ASP.NET Identity. There is this really good video that explains the basics. The point is that starts from scratch, ignoring traditional basic, forms, or windows authentication.
A lot of learning material is on the ASP.NET website.
For local, individual accounts (questions #1, #2, and #3), look through this tutorial - here basically your own server will act as an OAuth authorization server, and the Owin OAuth2 implementation will take care of generating access token and authenticating them. Since you'll be using the OAuth 2 standard, it will be basically the same for mobile as well.
For external accounts (question #4), read through this tutorial. There are official libraries for third-party authentication for the major providers:
It would helpful to also learn more and understand the new OWIN specification, that describes how web apps need to created for the .NET framework, and the Katana project (Microsoft's OWIN implementation).
Follow this tutorial for most of your requirements Logging in via facebook/G+ MVC already has the helpers commented out. You would get the credentials by setting up key's via the third party apps and then store the identity.