Is there a way to obtain just the text visible in window in NSView or NSTextView? - objective-c

I'd like to show information in a second view that's contextualized to what's appearing in the first view. To do that, I'd like to get just the text that's scrolled into view in the NSView. As in the picture I've attached, the whole document is A. The portion that's visible is B. I'm writing this using Objective-C and Swift, so a suggestion in either language would be welcome. Thank you.


Editable text inside UISegmentedController

I want to have a UISegmentedController but the user can choose the segment and change the text inside. Is there any way to do that?
EDIT: This is what I would like to do. I have users which choose an option using UISegmentedControl. Under settings, I would like to give them the opportunity to modify what the texts in the UISegmentedControl is. I can use a UITextField and a button which triggers the change but I didn't like that solution. I considered putting a UISegmentedControl image with UITextField inside each segment but that does not seem like an elegant solution. Besides, I have no idea what the font is being used in UISegmentedControl. If I am not mistaken, by default, you can only fit a maximum of 12/13 chars or else it can break. iOS 5 SDK has some more methods to customize so it may be possible.
I coded a solution which involves a preview of what the UISegmentedControl will look like, 2 textfields to replace the texts inside each segment and a button which saves the value. I scraped it because I did not like the implementation and I just didn't like the execution too. I wanted the users to feel like they are using the UISegmentedControl and able to edit the texts inside it, up to a max of 12/13 chars.
You can always dynamically change the values of the segmented controller in code. Would it be acceptable to have the user click the button, at which point you could pop up a form for the user to fill in with the new value, and then call this method on the segmented control:
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title forSegmentAtIndex:(NSUInteger)segment

Creating a view for user to fill up a form

I'm creating a view which provides some fields for the user to fill in - address, phone number etc.
I've seen apps that have populated fields with grey text like 'Fill in your name here' on the Name field, and when the user taps on it the text is gone, a keyboard appears and the view is zoomed in to the textfield(or whatever it is). Also, after filling up that field tapping the 'Next' button on the keyboard brings the user to the next field. I'm trying to do the same but I have no idea where to get sources on this. Pardon my poor googling skills ;p
Tried UITextView and UITextField but there isn't anything related to this on the Interface Builder. Figured it lies with the codes?
It'd be great if I can get some explanation or some links on how this works (: Thanks!
EDIT: okay I played around with the Interface Builder a lil more and realized I could set placeholder as the grey text.
It is in fact a UITextField.
You can get the greyed out text by setting its placeholder property.
I am not sure what you mean by zooming but usually they do use a scroll view or adjust the frame so that it isn't blocked by the keyboard.
The Next button is made available using a UIToolbar instance as the text field's inputAccessoryView. However the implementation is one's own and is not framework provided. You can look at this example to get started.

Question about these UIButtons

How can I get a UIButton like the ones at the bottom of this picutre (move and delete)? Specifically, I want an image with a text just like that.
For Jason:
The image sticks right beside the label. Is there anyway from IB I can set it to align to the left, while the label aligns to the right? Here's what it looks like right now:
What you can do is in Interface Builder, the UIButton can be set to a type of "Custom"
After you have done this, you can simply use your own image for the button and different images for each state of the button.
Although with this approach you won't be able to have additional text modified on it like the mail app has with "Delete (1)". However, if you don't need that then this solution will work for you.
Alternatively, if you just want an image stuck onto your existing button then there is an Image property in Interface Builder where you can slap on an image to your button.
If you need more functionality then you would probably have to create your own UIButton by subclassing to handle it.

Printing the Data in a NSTableView

How would print what is in my NSTableView? The View uses core data so everything is stored and can be grabbed as an NSArray. But how would I go about printing it out? At the moment when you click the print button it just seems to take a picture of the view and print that.
Yes, this works exactly as documented. The view is asked for its PDF representation (which, for an unmodified table view, is exactly what you see on screen), then this gets printed.
A view's drawing can be customized for printing versus on-screen drawing, but for a table view, this is more trouble than it's worth.
It might be easiest to generate an HTML representation of the table, then print that. You can use WebKit or just a plain NSAttributedString and off-screen NSTextView. The trick there is to generate the HTML, create an attributed string with the HTML data (there's a method just for that), then hand that to the off-screen text view. The text view would be sized as desired, then you just tell it to print. This gives you control over pagination as WebKit doesn't currently support the print-specific parts of CSS (in other words, it's "screen-only").
What I've done is taken the data and drawn it to a NSView based object in a way that the end-user would want to print. The user then prints that. it's in the docs.
I like Joshua Nozzi's idea, probably much simpler than custom drawing...

Cocoa question for displaying images

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a method in Cocoa that will display information (images) on screen when a button is pressed. What I mean is NSLog "prints text" to the console is there a method that displays images just as easily like would -(void)drawView do it? Is it just setNeedsDisplay? I hope this makes sense. I am essentially wanting to know if I can call something that will display an image as easily as you can display/print text to the screen/console.
The Console is text-only, so no, you can't print an image to it the same way you log text. The closest equivalent is to export the image as TIFF data and write that data to a file in the temporary directory.
As for setNeedsDisplay:, that tells AppKit that the view should be told to redraw the next time the window redraws its views. (In other words, it sets the view as needing display—exactly what it says on the box.) Usually, this is because you've changed the model object(s) that the view displays, either by replacing them with other objects or by mutating one or more of their properties.
You would need to have a view to display; an image view would certainly qualify, but if you're looking for the image equivalent to NSLog, this isn't it, unless you don't mind either making a dedicated window just for showing this image or temporarily putting a image view into one of your real windows.
You should take a look at Apple's NSImageView Class Reference.
This a class you can use to display an image in Cocoa.
setNeedsDisplay is a NSView method that tells the graphics renderer it needs to redraw the image because the data has been modified. Presumably because you are using something like Quartz and you have called some custom drawing code. If you are drawing bitmap images then you probably won't need to use this.