How can join 2 Table when Key are in different columns - sql

i have 2 Tables: accounthierarchy and accountvaluetotal.
the link between 2 Tables is account number. i want to join the table based on account number. But the account number of table "account hierarchy " is on different Level (column).
Can you please help me how to do it? Thanks
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[accounthierarchy](
[ID] [int] NULL,
[level1] [int] NULL,
[level2] [int] NULL,
[level3] [int] NULL,
[level4] [int] NULL,
[level5] [int] NULL)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[accounthierarchy] (ID,level1,Level2,level3,level4,level5)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[accountvaluetotal](
[accountnumber] [int] NULL,
[values] [int] NULL
insert into [dbo].[accountvaluetotal]

you can use INNER JOIN-
FROM accounthierarchy
INNER JOIN accountvaluetotal
ON level13=accountnumber;

On the basis that the account number is the 'last' value in the accounthierarchy table;
SELECT ID, COALESCE(ac.level5,ac.level4,ac.level3,ac.level2,ac.level1) as AccountNumber
from [accounthierarchy] ac
Will then give you the the account number, to which you can then do a standard join
COALESCE gives the first non-null value from a list of values, so by going from level 5 to level 1, it will return whichever valid value it arrives at first.


Return list of Students by ZipCode Count

I am trying to get a list of students that live in the same zip code where zip code count > 1.
I tried the following and get nothing in my query. If I remove s.Student, I get results of zipcode and count, but I want to include student also.
SELECT s.Student, z.ZipCode, COUNT(s.ZipCodeId) As 'Zip Code Count'
FROM Students s
INNER JOIN ZipCodes z ON z.ZipCodeId = s.ZipCodeId
GROUP BY s.Student, z.ZipCode
HAVING COUNT(z.ZipCode) > 1
Below are the database tables I am using.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Instructors](
[InstructorId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Instructor] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[ZipCodeId] [int] NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Students](
[StudentId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Student] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[ZipCodeId] [int] NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ZipCodes](
[ZipCodeId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ZipCode] [varchar](9) NULL,
[City] [varchar](50) NULL,
[State] [varchar](25) NULL
I think you need to query the Zip Codes which are used more than once, then join the Students on along with the Zip Code details e.g.
SELECT S.Student, Z.ZipCode, Z1.Num AS "Zip Code Count"
SELECT COUNT(*) Num, ZipCodeId
FROM Students S
) Z1
INNER JOIN Students S on S.ZipCodeId = Z1.ZipCodeId
INNER JOIN ZipCodes Z on Z.ZipCodeId = Z1.ZipCodeId;
Note: You don't use single quotes (') to delimit a column name - you use double quotes (") or square brackets ([]).
Also, sample data would allow testing of our solutions.
You can do this using a window function, without re-joining
Z.Num AS [Zip Code Count]
FROM Students S
) S
INNER JOIN ZipCodes Z on Z.ZipCodeId = S.ZipCodeId
WHERE S.Num > 1;

Repeat data issues SQL

Had a quick browse to see if any previous questions related to my issue, couldn't see any.
Basically I'm doing this database for my online Cert IV course and if I weren't completely stuck (as I have been for the past few months) I wouldn't be asking for major help on this
I've got an Antiques database that is supposed to show the Customer Name, Sales Date, Product Name and Sales Price and only list the items that were sold between 2 dates and order them by said dates. Nothing I do results in not having repeat data
I've got 4 tables for this particular query Customers, Sales and Products, Tables are set up like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers](
[CustID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[firstName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales](
[SalesNo] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CustID] [int] NOT NULL,
[salesDate] [date] NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Products](
[ProductID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[prodName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[prodYear] [int] NOT NULL,
[prodType] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[salesPrice] [money] NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductSales](
[ProductID] [int] NOT NULL,
[SalesNo] [int] NOT NULL
My query looks like this
SELECT (Customers.firstName + ' ' + Customers.lastName) AS Customers_Name,
Sales.salesDate, Products.prodName, Sales.salesPrice
FROM Customers, ProductSales JOIN Products ON ProductSales.ProductID = Products.ProductID
JOIN Sales ON ProductSales.SalesNo = Sales.SalesNo
WHERE Sales.salesDate BETWEEN '2016-06-03' AND '2016-06-06'
ORDER BY Sales.salesDate
This is what shows up when I run this query:
Any help would be appreciated.
Try below - you need to join customer table properly
SELECT (Customers.firstName + ' ' + Customers.lastName) AS Customers_Name,
Sales.salesDate, Products.prodName, Sales.salesPrice
FROM ProductSales JOIN Products ON ProductSales.ProductID = Products.ProductID
JOIN Sales ON ProductSales.SalesNo = Sales.SalesNo
JOIN Customers on Sales.[CustID]=Customers.[CustID]
WHERE Sales.salesDate BETWEEN '2016-06-03' AND '2016-06-06'
ORDER BY Sales.salesDate

COALESCE vs OR condition for JOIN (SQL)

I have Event table
TABLE Event(
EventId [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
EventSource1Id [int] NULL,
EventSource2Id [int] NULL
that contains info about events from different sources
where one of the event sources can be null
TABLE EventSource1(
Id [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Name [nvarchar](50) NULL,
VenueId [int] NOT NULL
TABLE EventSource2(
Id [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Name [nvarchar](50) NULL,
VenueId [int] NOT NULL
TABLE Venue(
Id [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
TimeZone [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL
I'd like to create view, but I'm not sure what is the best way to use: coalesce vs OR condition for JOIN
First option:
ev.[Id] AS 'Id',
ven.[Id] AS 'VenueId'
FROM Event ev
LEFT JOIN EventSource1 source1 ON source1.[Id] = ev.EventSource1Id
LEFT JOIN EventSource2 source1 ON source2.[Id] = ev.EventSource2Id
LEFT JOIN Venue AS ven ON ven.[Id] = source1.[VenueId] OR v.[Id] = source2.[VenueId]
Second option:
ev.[Id] AS 'Id',
ven.[Id] AS 'VenueId'
FROM Event ev
LEFT JOIN EventSource1 source1 ON source1.[Id] = ev.EventSource1Id
LEFT JOIN EventSource2 source1 ON source2.[Id] = ev.EventSource2Id
LEFT JOIN Venue AS ven ON ven.[Id] = COALESCE(source1.[Id], source2.[Id])
Could you help me please?
The COALESCE will typically yield a better query plan. You should test with your data.

Why do i get this error when i do a SELECT..INSERT in SQL Server

Why do i get this error
The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the
insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of
INSERT columns.
When i run this query
INSERT INTO TempOutputOfGroupifySP
SELECT (DATENAME(MONTH,[ClaimProcessedDate])) AS MonthOfQuery,
Temp.Associate AS Associate,
COUNT(*) AS [NoOfClaims],
SUM(NoOfLines) AS [ActualNoOfLines] ,
(SUM(DATEDIFF(dd,[ClaimReceivedDate],[ClaimProcessedDate]))/COUNT(*)) AS [AverageTATInDays],
A.[NoOfErrorsDiscovered] AS [NoOfErrorsDiscovered],
Temp.[MonthlyTarget] As [TargetNoOfLines],(Temp.[MonthlyTarget] - COUNT(*)) AS [VarianceInPercent],
B.[NoOfClaimsAudited] AS [NoOfClaimsAudited],
((A.[NoOfErrorsDiscovered]/NULLIF(B.[NoOfClaimsAudited],0))*100) AS [InternalQualInPercent],
NULL AS [ExternalQualInPercent]
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS [NoOfErrorsDiscovered] FROM TempTableForStatisticsOfAssociates T1 WHERE [TypeOfError] IS NOT NULL) AS A,
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS [NoOfClaimsAudited] FROM TempTableForStatisticsOfAssociates T2 WHERE Auditor IS NOT NULL) AS B,
TempTableForStatisticsOfAssociates Temp
GROUP BY DATENAME(MONTH,([ClaimProcessedDate])),
Strucuture of the target table is
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TempOutputOfGroupifySP](
[MonthOfQuery] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Associate] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[NoOfClaims] [int] NULL,
[ActualNoOfLines] [int] NULL,
[AverageTATInDays] [int] NULL,
[NoOfErrorsDiscovered] [int] NULL,
[VarianceInPercent] [float] NULL,
[NoOfClaimsAudited] [int] NULL,
[InternalQualInPercent] [float] NULL,
[ExternalQualInPercent] [float] NULL
Your INSERT INTO defines 10 colums for the insertion, however, your SELECT statement return 11 columns. You are either missing a column in your INSERT statement or returning one too many in your SELECT statement.
Comparing your table structure and your SELECT and INSERT the following line in your SELECT statement doesn't have a counterpart:
Temp.[MonthlyTarget] As [TargetNoOfLines]

Create table and get data from another table

I have a table Cost category:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CostCategory](
[ID_CostCategory] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](150) NOT NULL,
[Plan] [money] NOT NULL,
[Realization] [money] NULL,
and I have another table with defined Costs:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cost](
[ID_Cost] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ID_CostCategory] [int] NULL,
[ID_Department] [int] NULL,
[ID_Project] [int] NULL,
[Value] [money] NULL,
What I want to do is to sum values from Cost table (according to ID_CostCategory) and put into Cost Category table, Realization column. So each ID_CostCategory presents automaticaly sum of Costs from Cost table (per ID_CostCategory).
How can I modify the script of Cost Category table to achieve it? Probably it's not a rocket science but I am really new to SQL.
OK. One more thing I forgot to add...
the structure looks in a way:
Cost>Cost Category>Department>Project
Right now I can easily take data from cost table and present it in Cost Category table. But Cost table includes such data as:
ID_Cost Name ID_CostCategory ID_Department ID_Project Value
1 fv 001 1 1 1 100
2 fv 002 2 1 1 500
3 fv 003 2 2 1 300
4 fv 004 3 2 2 150
5 fv 005 3 3 2 30
6 fv 006 4 3 2 15
I have also table Department which includes colums: ID_Department, Name, Plan,
So now, I want to do is to sum values from Cost table (according to ID_CostCategory and ID_Department) and put into Department table as Realization column. So each ID_Department presents automaticaly sum of Costs from Cost table (per ID_CostCategory and ID_Department).
Hope it is clear (later on will have to do it with table Project, but once I got it, it will be easy)
Try this
--create table without realization column
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CostCategory](
[ID_CostCategory] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](150) NOT NULL,
[Plan] [money] NOT NULL
) go
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cost](
[ID_Cost] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ID_CostCategory] [int] NULL,
[ID_Department] [int] NULL,
[ID_Project] [int] NULL,
[Value] [money] NULL,
) go
Create a UDF to calculate sum of the cost column:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CalculateRealization](#Id INT)
DECLARE #cost money
SELECT #cost = SUM(Value)
FROM [dbo].[Cost]
WHERE [ID_CostCategory] = #ID
return #cost
Now Alter your CostCategory table to add computed column:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CostCategory]
ADD [Realization] AS dbo.CalculateRealization(ID_CostCategory);
Now you can select Realization from Costcategory
SELECT ID_CostCategory, Realization
FROM [dbo].[CostCategory]
Answer to your comment below:
Create Another UDF
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CheckValue](#Id INT, #value Money)
SELECT #flg = CASE WHEN [Plan] >= #value THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
FROM [dbo].[CostCategory]
WHERE [ID_CostCategory] = #ID
return #flg;
Now add Constraint on Cost Table:
CHECK(dbo.CheckValue(ID_CostCategory, Value) = 1)
You do not need to have a Realization column as part of the CostCategory table. Rather, you will want to use a join.
Select A.ID_CostCategory, A.Name, SUM(B.Value) As Realization from CostCategory A
JOIN Cost B ON A.ID_CostCategory = B.ID_CostCategory
Group By A.ID_CostCategory, A.Name