Is it possible to create a baseline for each module in a Folder using a dxl script (DOORS)? - baseline

I need to create a "First Release" baseline for each module in a Folder, but I dont know if it is possible. Is, at least, possible to create a baseline for a one module each time?
Thank you in advance

yes, it is quite straight forward.
I assume that you basically know how to write DXL scripts, so here are just the main parts. Details and examples can always be found in the DXL manual or in the developerWorks forum for DXL (
Your program will mainly consist of a loop that traverses all modules in a folder.
Your starting point will be
Folder fStart = folder "/project/myfolder/mysubfolder"
You did not write whether your modules are in one folder only or whether you have to recursively traverse the folder. Assuming no recursion.
So, now your code will loop through the folder. This is done via
Itam iCurrent
for iCurrent in fStart do {
if (type iCurrent == "Formal") {
myCreateBaselineForModule(module iCurrent)
Finally you will need to create a baseline.
Assuming you want to create a major version without suffix you are sure that no module is currently open or has unsaved changes and you have enough access rights, the code would simply be
void myCreateBaselineForModule (Module mod) {
create (mod, nextMajor(), "")


Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud?

Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud, without having to create a new file of the same name in the new folder, copy/paste from the old file, and delete the old file, which is a pain.
Is there a good reason I should NOT do this? I assume my refs still work as long as the filename remains the same, and I don't have any specific folder logic tied to this file.
For example, say I have my_model.sql in my 'staging' folder and I want to simply move it to my 'mart' folder instead. In this example I'd like to do this to reflect that my file is really a more 'stable' mart-type table file vs a staging view. I realize I can just change the materialization type, but I'm doing this more to organize things clearly. Thanks!
The way to move a file in the cloud IDE for dbt is not 100% obvious. You can use the rename function to move a file to another location.
Click on the drop down next to the file name, then select "Rename." That will open a file path and you can change where the file lives from there by typing in the new folder's name.
The easiest way I have found to do this is...not using DBT Cloud, but using github desktop (no command line needed).
Create a new branch
Open repository in github
View files in your file explorer
Move files or directory locally
Upload to github
Push to origin for the branch you created
Open a pull request
Depending on what the file or directory is you may find the creating a new branch and opening PR to be overkill. For my specific project there is a lot of legacy organization and models that we aren't totally sure don't have downstream dependencies, so creating a new branch for this allowed me to test run all of our models.
Hope this helps!

Adding a module in sugarCRM 6.5 C.E. doesn't create a corresponding folder in custom/modules

I need to add a logic hook to a module built in Module Builder in SugarCRM 6.5( Community Edition ).
This logic hook should take all the fields that I have just saved after completing a form in a module and create a new record in a different module with these fields( in order to simulate a workflow ).
All the tutorials on the internet( on logic hooks ) talk about modifying stuff in "./custom/Extension/modules//..." but, after creating and deploying a module in sugarCRM, I do NOT have my module present in either "./custom/Extension/modules/" or "./custom/modules" .
Thank you for your time,
Those directories are for customizations and extensions like studio changes and custom code like hooks.
That those directories are not present only means that there are no customizations yet, so feel free to create those folders and add your hook inside.
Make sure that you create the directories with the correct names (as stated in the tutorials), including the correct case for all letters.
Also don't forget to give the web-process ownership/write-permissions to the all folders you create in custom, otherwise Sugar might fail to save studio changes and aggregation files at some point in the future.

adobe acrobat actions or batch processing - js get paths of all files in a folder

So I would like to create an action that will take a folder, and display/store its contents filenames (as I would later want to manipulate the files on this folder via their filenames). I believe this is achieved via javascript.
I did the ff:
create new action
-> starts with -> A Folder on my Computer
I have no idea what to do next.
Any help would be awesome.
A document's path can be accessed via this.path, the file name can be accessed via this.documentFileName. If all you want is a list of paths, you could print them to the console via console.println(this.path);.
There are likely better methods to achieve your objective than via Acrobat's batch processes, but without more detail, it's hard to point you in a direction.

Intellij 11.1.5 - Project specific path variable

I am using the Intellij 11.1.5. We are a large team, and have a pretty complex project setup. so we've made a template and when someone needs a new project set up, we just clone it and she is pretty much ready to go. One other thing i would like to automate is the creation of run configurations. One such configuration starts a custom bat file that requires a parameter representing a path that is user specific. I wanted to know if can store that value as a path variable specific to each project. Maybe somewhere in the .idea folder in my project. I know that Intellij stores it in its .IntelliJIdea11\config\options\path.macros.xml file, but is there a way to tweak that?
Any other idea that would allow me to locally store a parameter passed to the run config script would be usefull.
I'm afraid you can't do it in IDEA, but you can use some environment variable directly in the .bat file instead of using the parameter (or rewrite the batch script to detect this value automatically, if possible). Instruct your users to define this environment variable.
IDEA Path variables are global and cannot be made project specific.

WiX: Rename a folder during installation

I have very complex folders structure to install (dozens of folders/subfolders).
I have prepared the whole structure with heat.exe, but some folder names have "template" names instead of the real ones.
Is it possible using WiX to rename the "templated" folders during the installation?
Say I have
I can get real names for DirTemplate1 and DirTemplate2 via UI only.
Can I rename the folders after they are copied to the target?
I suppose that you familiar with WiX. And explain a few variants how it could be done.
In directory table you named needed folders with CAPITAL letters, for example DIRTEMPLATE1. Then create dialog window and set this Directory with new value. During installation directory will be created with new folder name.
(Not recommended) Create custom action which will rename needed directories at the end of installation. Not recommended because uninstallation won't delete new folders, the Repair won't work as should.
I realized that this is simply not possible to do in a right way, it contradicts the installation ideology. I would accept such answer and start thinking on a different solution. Not all problems have a solution.