Can Tensorflow Wide and Deep model train to continuous values - tensorflow

I am working with the Tensorflow Wide and Deep model. It currently trains against a binary classification (>50K or not).
Can this model be coerced to train directly against numeric values to produce more precise (if less accurate) predictions?
I have seen an example of using LSTM RNNs to make such predictions using TensorFlowEstimator directly here, but DNNLinearCombinedClassifier will not accept n_classes=0.
I like the structure of the Wide and Deep model, especially the ability to run the linear regression and the DNN separately to determine how learnable the data is, but my application involves data that clusters, but in an overlapping, input-dependent fashion.

Use DnnLinearCombinedRegressor for regression problems.


Change the spatial input dimension during training

I am training a yolov4 (fully convolutional) in tensorflow 2.3.0.
I would like to change the spatial input shape of the network during training, to further adjust the weights to different scales.
Is this possible?
I know of the existence of darknet, but it suffers from some very specific augmentations I use and have implemented in my repo, that is why I ask explicitly for tensorflow.
To be more precisely about what I want to do.
I want to train for several batches at Y1xX1xC then change the input size to Y2xX2xC and train again for several batches and so on.
It is not possible. In the past people trained several networks for different scales but the current state-of-the-art approach is feature pyramids.
Another great candidate is to use dilated convolution which can learn long distance dependencies among pixels with varying distance. You can concatenate the outputs of them and the model will then learn which distance is important for which case
It's important to mention which TensorFlow repository you're using. You can definitely achieve this. The idea is to keep the fixed spatial input dimension in a single batch.
But even better approach is to use the darknet repository from AlexeyAB:
Just set, random = 1 [line 1149]. It will train your network with different spatial dimensions randomly.
One thing you can do is, start your training with AlexeyAB repo with random=1 set, then take the trained weights file to tensorflow for fine-tuning.

Strange algorithm selection when using Azure AutoML with XBoostClassifier on categorial data

I have a data model consisting only of categorial features and a categorial label.
So when I build that model manually in XGBoost, I would basically transform the features to binary columns (using LabelEncoder and OneHotEncoder), and the label into classes using LabelEncoder. I would then run a Multilabel Classification (multi:softmax).
I tried that with my dataset and ended up with an accuracy around 0.4 (unfortunately can't share the dataset due to confidentiality)
Now, if I run the same dataset in Azure AutoML, I end up with an accuracy around 0.85 in the best experiment. But what is really interesting is that the AutoML uses SparseNormalizer, XGBoostClassifier, with reg:logistic as objective.
So if I interpret this right, AzureML just normalizes the data (somehow from categorial data?) and then executes a logistic regression? Is this even possible / does this make sense with categorial data?
Thanks in advance.
TL;DR You're right that normalization doesn't make sense for training gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDTs) on categorical data, but it won't have an adverse impact. AutoML is an automated framework for modeling. In exchange for calibration control, you get ease-of-use. It is still worth verifying first that AutoML is receiving data with the columns properly encoded as categorical.
Think of an AutoML model as effectively a sklearn Pipeline, which is a bundled set of pre-processing steps along with a predictive Estimator. AutoML will attempt to sample from a large swath of pre-configured Pipelines such that the most accurate Pipeline will be discovered. As the docs say:
In every automated machine learning experiment, your data is automatically scaled or normalized to help algorithms perform well. During model training, one of the following scaling or normalization techniques will be applied to each model.
Too see this, you can called .named_steps on your fitted model. Also check out fitted_model.get_featurization_summary()
I especially empathize with your concern especially w.r.t. how LightGBM (MSFT's GBDT implementation) is levered by AutoML. LightGBM accepts categorical columns and instead of one-hot encoding, will bin them into two subsets whenever split. Despite this, AutoML will pre-process away the categorical columns by one-hot encoding, scaling, and/or normalization; so this unique categorical approach is never utilized in AutoML.
If you're interested in "manual" ML in Azure ML, I highly suggest looking into Estimators and Azure ML Pipelines

Strategies for pre-training models for use in tfjs

This is a more general version of a question I've already asked: Significant difference between outputs of deep tensorflow keras model in Python and tensorflowjs conversion
As far as I can tell, the layers of a tfjs model when run in the browser (so far only tested in Chrome and Firefox) will have small numerical differences in the output values when compared to the same model run in Python or Node. The cumulative effect of these small differences across all the layers of the model can cause fairly significant differences in the output. See here for an example of this.
This means a model trained in Python or Node will not perform as well in terms of accuracy when run in the browser. And the deeper your model, the worse it will get.
Therefore my question is, what is the best way to train a model to use with tfjs in the browser? Is there a way to ensure the output will be identical? Or do you just have to accept that there will be small numerical differences and, if so, are there any methods that can be used to train a model to be more resilient to this?
This answer is based on my personal observations. As such, it is debatable and not backed by much evidence. Some things that I follow to get accuracy of 16-bit models close to 32 bit models are:
Avoid using activations that have small upper and lower bounds, such as sigmoid or tanh, for hidden layers. These activations cause the weights of the next layer to become very sensitive to small values, and hence, small changes. I prefer using ReLU for such models. Since it is now the standard activation for hidden layers in most models, you should be using it in any case.
Avoid weight decay and L1/L2 regularizations on weights while training (the kernel_regularizer parameter in keras), since these increase sensitivity of weights. Use Dropout instead, I didn't observe a major drop in performance on TFLite when using it instead of numerical regularizers.

Best case to use tensorflow

I followed all the steps mentioned in the article:
Then I compared the results with Linear Regression and found that the error is less (68) than the tensorflow model (84).
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
logreg_clf = LinearRegression(), y_train)
pred = logreg_clf.predict(X_test)
print(np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, pred)))
Does this mean that if I have large dataset, I will get better results than linear regression?
What is the best situation - when I should be using tensorflow?
Answering your first question, Neural Networks are notoriously known for overfitting on smaller datasets, and here you are comparing the performance of a simple linear regression model with a neural network with two hidden layers on the testing data set, so it's not very surprising to see that the MLP model falling behind (assuming that you are working with relatively a smaller dataset) the linear regression model. Larger datasets will definitely help neural networks in learning more accurate parameters and generalize the phenomena well.
Now coming to your second question, Tensorflow is basically a library for building deep learning models, so whenever you are working on a deep learning problem like image recognition, Natural Language Processing, etc. you need massive computational power and will be processing a ton of data to train your models, and this is where TensorFlow becomes handy, it offers you GPU support which will significantly boost your training process which otherwise becomes practically impossible. Moreover, if you are building a product that has to be deployed in a production environment for it to be consumed, you can make use of TensorFlow Serving which helps you to take your models much closer to the customers.

Tensorflow: how to restore only specific hidden layers from checkpoint and use them to build a different computational graph for inference?

Let's say I trained a model with a very complex computational graph tailored for training. After a lot of training, the best model was saved to a checkpoint file. Now, I want to use the learned parameters of this best model for inference. However, the computational graph used for training is not exactly the same as the one I intend to use for inference. Concretely, there is a module in the graph with several layers in charge of outputting embedding vectors for items (recommender system context). However, for the sake of computational performance, during inference time I would like to have all the item embedding vectors precomputed in advance, so that the only computation required per request would just involve a couple of hidden layers.
Therefore, what I would like to know how to do is:
How to just restore the part of the network that outputs item embedding vectors, in order to precompute these vectors for all items (this would happen in some pre-processing script off-line)
Once all item embedding vectors are precomputed, during on-line inference time how to just restore the hidden layers in the later parts of the network and make them receive the precomputed item embedding vectors instead.
How can the points above be accomplished? I think point 1. is easier to get done. But my biggest concern is with point 2. In the computational graph used for training, in order to evaluate any layer I would have to provide values for the input placeholders. However, during on-line inference these placeholders would be obsolete because a lot of stuff would be precomputed and I don't know how to tell hidden layers in the later parts of the network that they should no longer depend on these obsolete placeholders but depend on the precomputed stuff instead.