Rendering same component (with synced data) twice on same page - vue.js

I've read a lot of documentation but I can't get the following use case to work:
I've got a component 'product-filter'. This component contains the child component 'product-filter-option' which renders a individual filter option (checkbox with label)
The json data for a product-filter instance looks like:
"name": "category",
"title": "Category",
"options": [
"value": "value",
"label": "Label 1",
"active": true,
"amount": 8
"value": "value2",
"label": "Label 2",
"amount": 15
I've got multiple instances of product-filter (and a lot of product-filter-option instances) on my page. So far so good.
Now I'd like to render one of my filters (eg. the given Category filter) multiple times on my page (sort of current 'highlighted' filter, which can change during user interaction).
So I've tried to fix this with the following template code:
<filter-component v-if="activefilter"
So this filter now shows up 2 times on my page (only when the activefilter property in the vue app is set). But as you might guess when changing an option in this 'cloned' filter the original filter doesn't change, because the data is not synced between these 'clones'.
How can I fix this with Vue?
Thanks for your help!

#roy-j, thanks for your comment about sync. I already tried that by setting:
<filter-component v-if="activefilter"
This didn't work. But You got got me thinking, the options sync was not the issue, the sync of the 'checked' state was the issue.
It worked by changing :checked="" to :checked.sync="option.acitve" to the child component: 'filter-option-component'!


Does SurveyJS have a built-in way to specify "show N questions per page"

We are using Survey Creator to allow our users to build questionnaires. However, we want to keep it simple and we don't want them to have to deal with pagination.
In other words, in the builder, we want to disable pages (showPagesToolbox = false) and have them create a set of questions all on a single page.
When we present this to respondents, we want them to see a single question per page. I.e. Q1 is on page 1, Q2 is on page 2, etc.
Does the SurveyJS library provide a way of handling this situation, i.e. here are all the questions, show them with N questions per page?
There is an option, whch allows you to automatically display one question per page. To enable this you need to set "questionsOnPageMode": "questionPerPage" on the survey level. Here's an example:
"pages": [
"name": "page1",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"name": "question1"
"type": "checkbox",
"name": "question2",
"choices": [
"questionsOnPageMode": "questionPerPage"
This is also configurable through the SurveyJS creator by opening the "Survey Settings" dialog, then going to the "Navigation" section, and finally setting the "Questions on page mode" value.
Unfortunately at this time there is no option to specify N number of questions per page. The documentation for this setting is here.

Docusaurus categories in sidebars.json don't show correctly

I have mutiple (more than 2) categories in the sidebars.json,it only render the first and the last one in the page,I can't find how to fix online. thanks.
Here is a producible repo:
Here is my sidebars.json:
I expect all navs config in the sidebars.json show in the page. But only the first and the last one show.
"type": "subcategory",
"label": "Quick Start",
"ids": [
"type": "subcategory",
"label": "design-and-architecture",
"ids": [
You have duplicates ids in a different category. You should not do that. The docs is confused whether 'doc1' belong to quick start or design and architecture
In my case I had a file named with an id=docker-compose. My .dockerignore file contained an entry **/docker-compose.
In this case changing the entry to */docker-compose.yml fixed the issue.

Apache Solr 7.4 : Nesting with "_childDocuments_" not working, the document is still flat

My use case is this : I have a Parent -> Children -> GrandChildren hierarchy.
I would like to ingest documents as nested and would like to do BlockJoin queries to retrieve all grandchildren of a particular parent, all children of particular parent etc.
I have defined the appropriate fields in the schema (using curl) and copy fields and field-types as required by my application. I have also defined "text" as a copy field for everything as I have to support random searches.
I have defined the document to ingest as follows :
"id": "3443",
"path": "1.employee",
"employeeId": 3443,
"employeeName": "Tom",
"employeeCounty": "Maricopa",
"_childDocuments_": [{
"id": "3443.54545454",
"path": "2.employee.assets",
"assetId": 54545454,
"assetName": "Lenovo",
"assetType": "Laptop",
"_childDocuments_": [{
"id": "3443.54545454.5764646",
"path": "3.employee.assets.assetType",
"processorId": 5764646,
"processorType": "Intel core i7"
Now when I query using the Admin UI, I am getting the following flattened out object, also block join queries don't work as well :
What am I missing? How can I make Solr process the nested documents like they are supposed to be rather than flattening them out?
Any help is appreciated.
Found the solution. I was using the wrong URL to post.
I was using http://localhost:8983/solr/my-core/update/json/docs
Instead I should just use http://localhost:8983/solr/my-core/update
Because I am already formatting the doc in Solr format and Solr neednt do any special processing to index it.

JqWidgets treegrid issues wiring up dataAdapter object

I'm in the AngularJS environment, and trying to get a jqWidgets TreeGrid working.
I have the dataAdapter all wired up with the Json formatted data, however the grid renders only one row.
I also have a test treeGrid on the same page, and with sample data, which is working fine.
I'm putting the final Json data setting side-by-side to try and determine where I'm going wrong.
I've used this page as a guide to wire up the treegrid settings, etc.
Here is the html showing the jqx treegrid directive for the "bad" grid:
<jqx-tree-grid jqx-instance="jqGridHierObj" jqx-settings="vm.jqGridHierSettings"></jqx-tree-grid>
And the "bad" Json data tree settings binded vm.jqGridHierSettings (too large to post inline):
and here is the "good" grid with Employee test data :
<jqx-tree-grid jqx-instance="jqGridEmpObj" jqx-settings="vm.jqGridEmpSettings"></jqx-grid>
vm.jqGridEmpSettings Json data :
and from my Angular controller code, a snippet of the javascript with Json data bindings :
I need help to figure out why the "bad" grid is not working ! And why it only renders one row, where is should be showing a hierarchy of data.
I found the solution. You must define the “children” as an array type in the 'source' object; that is, prior to passing that object into the dataAdapter. See the dataFields property below :
var source = {
dataType: "json",
dataFields: [
"name": "id",
"type": "number"
"name": "field0",
"type": "string"
"name": "field1",
"type": "number"
"name": "field2",
"type": "number"
type: 'array'
hierarchy: {
root: 'children'
id: 'id',
localData: myData
var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);

Does the JIRA REST API require submitting a transition ID when transitioning an issue?

If I POST an issue transition like this:
"fields" : {
"resolution" : {
"name" : "Fixed"
...I get this error:
"errorMessages" : ["Missing 'transition' identifier"],
"errors" : {}
This seems to imply that I need to include a transition ID along with my list of changed fields. seems to say the same. Fine.
However, transition IDs appear to be global. It's not enough to look up the highest transition ID for this issue and increment it; such an ID is probably in use elsewhere. At some expense, I could get the highest transaction ID used anywhere in the system; this might be 68,000 at this moment. But if I were then to use transaction ID 68,001 there's a real chance that a GUI user would attempt a transition of their own and use this ID before I could.
I could use transaction IDs in the range of 1,000,001 and up, but if the JIRA web GUI uses the highest previously used transaction ID when generating new IDs I'll just collide in this range instead of the 68,000 range. I could use 69,000 and trust that there won't be a thousand transitions in the length of time it takes to get the highest transaction ID.
These both seem terribly clumsy, however. Is there no way to post a transition and let JIRA generate its own unique ID? I don't need to retrieve the generated IDs, I just want to update issues' statuses and resolutions.
You're getting mixed up a bit. So lets see if I can explain it better for you.
To transition a JIRA Issue, you use the Transition ID to identify what transition to apply to the issue. You aren't specifying an ID for a transaction or a transition ID to identify that the transition occurred, JIRA takes care of this for you.
The easiest way to understand it is to see it.
So first you can look at what transitions are available to an Issue by doing a GET to the API Call:
Which will show something like this:
"expand": "transitions",
"transitions": [
"id": "161",
"name": "Resolve",
"to": {
"description": "A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.",
"iconUrl": "https://localhost:8080/images/icons/statuses/resolved.png",
"id": "5",
"name": "Resolved",
"self": "https://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/status/5"
So you can see only 1 transition is available for issue ABC-123 and it has an ID of 161.
If you were to browse to that JIRA Issue through the GUI, you would see only 1 Transition available and it would match the API Call. In fact if you inspected the element you should see it having an a tag and in the href something like action=161
So should you want to transition this issue, you'll need to do a POST to the following URL:
With JSON like this:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "Bug has been fixed."
"fields": {
"assignee": {
"name": "bob"
"resolution": {
"name": "Fixed"
"transition": {
"id": "161"
Which uses the transition ID found from the call that shows all transitions. I also update the resolution and assignee and add comments at the same time.
That make a bit more sense?