BooleanQuery setDisableCoord - lucene

I have no idea what setDisableCoord is and what value should I set for it. I understand coord in a simple query (e.g. TFIDF query). But don't understand what it means in a Boolean query consisting of several queries.
To give some context, assume the following two scenarios. What value should I set in setDisableCoord for each of them?
In the first scenario I have a query with BooleanClause.Occur.FILTER (the query is used only for filtering) and another one for scoring (BooleanClause.Occur.MUST). In this scenario the first query only checks if the "year" field of the document is in a specified range and the second query uses some algorithm for ranking.
In the second scenario, I have two queries with BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD whose scores must be combined to obtain the final retrieval score of documents.

Summary: For Lucene > 6.x, set disableCoord to true, otherwise leave it at false.
Coord is a scoring feature of BooleanQuery to counteract some of TF/IDFs shortcomings for over-saturated terms. It's only relevant for multiple should clauses. In your first scenario, all sub-queries must match, there is no coord factor involved and the disableCoord parameter has no effect.
In the second scenario, when having multiple should clauses, a BooleanQuery sums up all the sub-scores to determine, which of the documents is a better match. The idea is that a doc that matches more sub-queries is a better match and thus, gets a better score.
Now, imagine a query x OR y and a document that has 1000 occurrences of x but none of y. With TF/IDF, due to the high termFreq(x), the sub-score of x is very high and so is the resulting score of x OR y, which can push this document before others, that match both fields, which is not what BooleanQuery was meant to do. This is where the coord comes into play.
The coord factor is calculated per document as number of should clauses matched/total number of should clauses in query. This basically gives a number in [0..1] that represents, how many sub-queries have matches a document. The summed score of all sub-queries is then multiplied by this coord factor. A document matching all should clauses will have it original score of all summed sub-queries and a document matching only x out of x OR y will have it's score halved, counteracting the high score that the over-saturated x gave. If you disabled coord, this factor will not be calculated and the final score is only the sum of the sub-scores.
Coord was designed with TF/IDF in mind and other similarity formulas might not suffer from over-saturated terms. BM25, which has become the default similarity in Lucene 6.0, has much better control over such over-satured terms, controlled by its k1 parameter. Instead of a score that grows near-linear with increasing termFreq, BM25 approaches a limit and stops growing. It gives no boost for documents that have a termFreq=1000 over one that has termFreq=5, but does so for termFreq=1 over termFreq=0. Britta Weber has given a talk at buzzwords about this, where she explains the saturation curve.
That means, for BM25, the coord factor is not necessary anymore and might actually lead to counter-intuitive results. It is already removed from Lucene master and will be gone in 7.0.
If you're using Lucene 6.x witht he default similarity BM25, it's a good idea to always disable the coord, as BM25 does not suffer from the problem coord worked around. If you're using TF/IDF (regardless of 6.x or not), disabling coord will only give you more predictable results as long as your term frequencies are evenly distributed (which they practically never are) and setting disableCoord to false (the default) will give results, that are intuitively better.


SOLR and Ratio of Matching Words

Using SOLR version 4.3, it appears that SOLR is valuing the percentage of matching terms more than the number of matching terms.
For example, we do a search for Dog and a document with just the word dog and a three other words returns. We have another article with hundreds of words, that has the word dog in it 27 times.
I would expect the second article to return first. However, the one with one word out of three returns first. I was hoping to find out what in SOLR controls this so I can make the appropriate modifications. I have looked the SOLR documentation and have seen COORD mentioned, but it seems to indicate that the article with 27 references should return first. Any help would be appreciated.
For 4.x Solr still used regular TF/IDF as its scoring formula, and you can see the Lucene implementation detailed in the documentation for TFIDFSimilarity.
For your question, the two factors that affect the score is:
The length of the field, as given in norm():
norm(t,d) encapsulates a few (indexing time) boost and length factors:
Field boost - set by calling field.setBoost() before adding the field to a document.
lengthNorm - computed when the document is added to the index in accordance with the number of tokens of this field in the document, so that shorter fields contribute more to the score. LengthNorm is computed by the Similarity class in effect at indexing.
.. while the number of terms matching (not their frequency), is given by coord():
coord(q,d) is a score factor based on how many of the query terms are found in the specified document. Typically, a document that contains more of the query's terms will receive a higher score than another document with fewer query terms. This is a search time factor computed in coord(q,d) by the Similarity in effect at search time.
There are a few settings in your schema that can affect how Solr scores the documents in your example:
If true, omits the norms associated with this field (this disables length normalization for the field, and saves some memory)
.. this will remove the norm() part of the score.
If true, omits term frequency, positions, and payloads from postings for this field.
.. and this will remove the boost from multiple occurrences of the same term. Be aware that this will remove positions as well, making phrase queries impossible.
But you should also consider upgrading Solr, as the BM25 similarity that's the default from 6.x usually performs better. I can't remember if a version is available for 4.3.

Elasticsearch - higher scoring if higher frequency of term

I have 2 documents, and am searching for the keyword "Twitter". Suppose both documents are blog posts with a "tags" field.
Document A has ONLY 1 term in the "tags" field, and it's "Twitter".
Document B has 100 terms in the "tags" field, but 3 of them is "Twitter".
Elastic Search gives the higher score to Document A even though Document B has a higher frequency. But the score is "diluted" because it has more terms. How do I give Document B a higher score, since it has a higher frequency of the search term?
I know ElasticSearch/Lucene performs some normalization based on the number of terms in the document. How can I disable this normalization, so that Document B gets a higher score above?
As the other answer says it would be interesting to see whether you have the same result on a single shard. I think you would and that depends on the norms for the tags field, which is taken into account when computing the score using the tf/idf similarity (default).
In fact, lucene does take into account the term frequency, in other words the number of times the term appears within the field (1 or 3 in your case), and the inverted document frequency, in other words how the term is frequent in the index, in order to compare it with other terms in the query (in your case it doesn't make any difference if you are searching for a single term).
But there's another factor called norms, that rewards shorter fields and take into account eventual index time boosting, which can be per field (in the mapping) or even per document. You can verify that norms are the reason of your result enabling the explain option in your search request and looking at the explain output.
I guess the fact that the first document contains only that tag makes it more important that the other ones that contains that tag multiple times but a lot of ther tags as well. If you don't like this behaviour you can just disable norms in your mapping for the tags field. It should be enabled by default if the field is "index":"analyzed" (default). You can either switch to "index":"not_analyzed" if you don't want your tags field to be analyzed (it usually makes sense but depends on your data and domain) or add the "omit_norms": true option in the mapping for your tags field.
Are the documents found on different shards? From Elastic search documentation:
"When a query is executed on a specific shard, it does not take into account term frequencies and other search engine information from the other shards. If we want to support accurate ranking, we would need to first execute the query against all shards and gather the relevant term frequencies, and then, based on it, execute the query."
The solution is to specify the search type. Use dfs_query_and_fetch search type to execute an initial scatter phase which goes and computes the distributed term frequencies for more accurate scoring.
You can read more here.

Complexity of a Lucene's search

If I write and algorithm that performs a search using Lucene how can I state the computational complexity of it? I know that Lucene uses tf*idf scoring but I don't know how it is implemented. I've found that tf*idf has the following complexity:
where D is the set of documents and T the set of all terms.
However, I need someone who could check if this is correct and explain me why.
Thank you
Lucene basically uses a Vector Space Model (VSM) with a tf-idf scheme. So, in the standard setting we have:
A collection of documents each represented as a vector
A text query also represented as a vector
We determine the K documents of the collection with the highest vector space scores on the query q. Typically, we seek these K top documents ordered by score in decreasing order; for instance many search engines use K = 10 to retrieve and rank-order the first page of the ten best results.
The basic algorithm for computing vector space scores is:
float Scores[N] = 0
Initialize Length[N]
for each query term t
do calculate w(t,q) and fetch postings list for t (stored in the index)
for each pair d,tf(t,d) in postings list
do Scores[d] += wf(t,d) X w(t,q) (dot product)
Read the array Length[d]
for each d
do Scored[d] = Scores[d] / Length[d]
return Top K components of Scores[]
The array Length holds the lengths (normalization factors) for each of the N
documents, whereas the array Scores holds the scores for each of the documents.
tf is the term frequency of a term in a document.
w(t,q) is the weight of the submitted query for a given term. Note that query is treated as a bag of words and the vector of weights can be considered (as if it was another document).
wf(d,q) is the logarithmic term weighting for query and document
As described here: Complexity of vector dot-product, vector dot-product is O(n). Here the dimension is the number of terms in our vocabulary: |T|, where T is the set of terms.
So, the time complexity of this algorithm is:
O(|Q|· |D| · |T|) = O(|D| · |T|)
we consider |Q| fixed, where Q is the set of words in the query (which average size is low, in average a query has between 2 and 3 terms) and D is the set of all documents.
However, for a search, these sets are bounded and indexes don't tend to grow very often. So, as a result, searches using VSM are really fast (when T and D are large the search is really slow and one has to find an alternative approach).
D is the set of all documents
before (honestly, along side) VSM, the boolean retrieval is invoked. Thus, we can say d is matching docs only (almost. ok. in the best case).
Since Scores is priority queue (at least in doc-at-time-scheme) build on heap, putting every d into takes log(K).
Therefore we can estimate it as O(d·log(K)), here I omitting T since query is expected to be short. (Otherwise, you are in a trouble).

Building ranking with genetic algorithm,

Question after BIG edition :
I need to built a ranking using genetic algorithm, I have data like this :
now, lets interpret a,b,c,d as names of football teams, and P(x>y) is probability that x wins with y. We want to build ranking of teams, we lack some observations P(a>d),P(a>c) are missing due to lack of matches between a vs d and a vs c.
Goal is to find ordering of team names, which the best describes current situation in that four team league.
If we have only 4 teams than solution is straightforward, first we compute probabilities for all 4!=24 orderings of four teams, while ignoring missing values we have :
and we choose the ranking with highest probability. I don't want to use any other fitness function.
My question :
As numbers of permutations of n elements is n! calculation of probabilities for all
orderings is impossible for large n (my n is about 40). I want to use genetic algorithm for that problem.
Mutation operator is simple switching of places of two (or more) elements of ranking.
But how to make crossover of two orderings ?
Could P(abcd) be interpreted as cost function of path 'abcd' in assymetric TSP problem but cost of travelling from x to y is different than cost of travelling from y to x, P(x>y)=1-P(y<x) ? There are so many crossover operators for TSP problem, but I think I have to design my own crossover operator, because my problem is slightly different from TSP. Do you have any ideas for solution or frame for conceptual analysis ?
The easiest way, on conceptual and implementation level, is to use crossover operator which make exchange of suborderings between two solutions :
CrossOver(ABcD,AcDB) = AcBD
for random subset of elements (in this case 'a,b,d' in capital letters) we copy and paste first subordering - sequence of elements 'a,b,d' to second ordering.
Edition : asymetric TSP could be turned into symmetric TSP, but with forbidden suborderings, which make GA approach unsuitable.
It's definitely an interesting problem, and it seems most of the answers and comments have focused on the semantic aspects of the problem (i.e., the meaning of the fitness function, etc.).
I'll chip in some information about the syntactic elements -- how do you do crossover and/or mutation in ways that make sense. Obviously, as you noted with the parallel to the TSP, you have a permutation problem. So if you want to use a GA, the natural representation of candidate solutions is simply an ordered list of your points, careful to avoid repitition -- that is, a permutation.
TSP is one such permutation problem, and there are a number of crossover operators (e.g., Edge Assembly Crossover) that you can take from TSP algorithms and use directly. However, I think you'll have problems with that approach. Basically, the problem is this: in TSP, the important quality of solutions is adjacency. That is, abcd has the same fitness as cdab, because it's the same tour, just starting and ending at a different city. In your example, absolute position is much more important that this notion of relative position. abcd means in a sense that a is the best point -- it's important that it came first in the list.
The key thing you have to do to get an effective crossover operator is to account for what the properties are in the parents that make them good, and try to extract and combine exactly those properties. Nick Radcliffe called this "respectful recombination" (note that paper is quite old, and the theory is now understood a bit differently, but the principle is sound). Taking a TSP-designed operator and applying it to your problem will end up producing offspring that try to conserve irrelevant information from the parents.
You ideally need an operator that attempts to preserve absolute position in the string. The best one I know of offhand is known as Cycle Crossover (CX). I'm missing a good reference off the top of my head, but I can point you to some code where I implemented it as part of my graduate work. The basic idea of CX is fairly complicated to describe, and much easier to see in action. Take the following two points:
Pick a starting point in parent 1 at random. For simplicity, I'll just start at position 0 with the "a".
Now drop straight down into parent 2, and observe the value there (in this case, "c").
Now search for "c" in parent 1. We find it at position 2.
Now drop straight down again, and observe the "h" in parent 2, position 2.
Again, search for this "h" in parent 1, found at position 7.
Drop straight down and observe the "a" in parent 2.
At this point note that if we search for "a" in parent one, we reach a position where we've already been. Continuing past that will just cycle. In fact, we call the sequence of positions we visited (0, 2, 7) a "cycle". Note that we can simply exchange the values at these positions between the parents as a group and both parents will retain the permutation property, because we have the same three values at each position in the cycle for both parents, just in different orders.
Make the swap of the positions included in the cycle.
Note that this is only one cycle. You then repeat this process starting from a new (unvisited) position each time until all positions have been included in a cycle. After the one iteration described in the above steps, you get the following strings (where an "X" denotes a position in the cycle where the values were swapped between the parents.
Just keep finding and swapping cycles until you're done.
The code I linked from my github account is going to be tightly bound to my own metaheuristics framework, but I think it's a reasonably easy task to pull the basic algorithm out from the code and adapt it for your own system.
Note that you can potentially gain quite a lot from doing something more customized to your particular domain. I think something like CX will make a better black box algorithm than something based on a TSP operator, but black boxes are usually a last resort. Other people's suggestions might lead you to a better overall algorithm.
I've worked on a somewhat similar ranking problem and followed a technique similar to what I describe below. Does this work for you:
Assume the unknown value of an object diverges from your estimate via some distribution, say, the normal distribution. Interpret your ranking statements such as a > b, 0.9 as the statement "The value a lies at the 90% percentile of the distribution centered on b".
For every statement:
def realArrival = calculate a's location on a distribution centered on b
def arrivalGap = | realArrival - expectedArrival |
def fitness = Σ arrivalGap
Fitness function is MIN(fitness)
FWIW, my problem was actually a bin-packing problem, where the equivalent of your "rank" statements were user-provided rankings (1, 2, 3, etc.). So not quite TSP, but NP-Hard. OTOH, bin-packing has a pseudo-polynomial solution proportional to accepted error, which is what I eventually used. I'm not quite sure that would work with your probabilistic ranking statements.
What an interesting problem! If I understand it, what you're really asking is:
"Given a weighted, directed graph, with each edge-weight in the graph representing the probability that the arc is drawn in the correct direction, return the complete sequence of nodes with maximum probability of being a topological sort of the graph."
So if your graph has N edges, there are 2^N graphs of varying likelihood, with some orderings appearing in more than one graph.
I don't know if this will help (very brief Google searches did not enlighten me, but maybe you'll have more success with more perseverance) but my thoughts are that looking for "topological sort" in conjunction with any of "probabilistic", "random", "noise," or "error" (because the edge weights can be considered as a reliability factor) might be helpful.
I strongly question your assertion, in your example, that P(a>c) is not needed, though. You know your application space best, but it seems to me that specifying P(a>c) = 0.99 will give a different fitness for f(abc) than specifying P(a>c) = 0.01.
You might want to throw in "Bayesian" as well, since you might be able to start to infer values for (in your example) P(a>c) given your conditions and hypothetical solutions. The problem is, "topological sort" and "bayesian" is going to give you a whole bunch of hits related to markov chains and markov decision problems, which may or may not be helpful.

Lucene Scoring: TermQuery w & w/o TermVectors

Does TermQuery:ExtractTerms result in a higher count when termvectors/positions/offsets are turned on? (assuming that there is more than 1 occurence of a match). Conversely, with the inverted file info turned off, does ExtractTerms always return 1 and only 1 term?
EDIT: How and where does turning on termvectors in the schema affect scoring?
TermQuery.ExtractTerms extracts the terms in the query, not the result. So a search for "foo:bar" will always return exactly one term, regardless of what's in the index.
It sounds to me like you want to know about highlighting, not Query.ExtractTerms.
EDIT: Based on your comment, it sounds like you are asking: "how is scoring affected by term vectors?" The answer to that is: not at all. The term frequency, norm, etc. is calculated at index time, so it doesn't matter what you store.
The major exception is PhraseQuery with slop, which uses the term positions. A minor exception is that custom scoring classes can use whatever data they want, so not only term vectors but also payloads etc. can potentially affect the score.
If you're just doing TermQuerys though, what you store should have no effect.