Proper way to determine generator for cmake project - cmake

I'm in a cmake build directory and want to build the project, but don't know if cmake was run with -G Unix\ Makefile or -G Ninja.
Now I know I can just be ignorant of that and use cmake --build ., but when I want to provide additional options cmake --build . -- SOMETHING I should know if I should provide gnumake or ninja options.
As possible solutions I found that I can just check the presence of a Makefile or file. Or grep in the CMakeCache.txt for CMAKE_GENERATOR.
In a similar question here it is explained that values passed to cmake with -D can be queried with cmake -LA -N. But this doesn't list the -G parameter.
I am wondering if there is a more proper way (just like cmake -LA -N instead of grepping for variable values).

You've cited two possible solutions:
Check presence of build system files. Not a general solution, as it only works for some generators, but it may work in your case. This would not work for Visual Studio (for example, unless you parse the Visual Studio files themselves), as each generator version creates the same filenames.
Grep CMakeCache.txt for CMAKE_GENERATOR. Relies on platform specific tools (grep), and the location of the CMakeCache.txt. Both likely not a problem in most situations.
A slight modification to the second option, which makes it more portable, is to cache the CMAKE_GENERATOR in another variable:
Then, when you use cmake -L, USED_CMAKE_GENERATOR will show up.


how to use clang tidy in CMake

I would like to use CMake and clang-tidy in my project, however I see that build times are quite a bit higher when I use this in all the main cmake file:
It is working well, but I don't want to have this build-time penalty every time I build the project during development. Therefore I thought I would make a separate target that builds all, but uses clang-tidy. And when I do a regular debug or release build it does not do any checking. However I don't know how to do this in Cmake. Do I make a custom target with a command "cmake --build" with a target_set_property of CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY?
This feels rather clunky, so my question is, are there other ways to do this?
however I see that build times are quite a bit higher when I use this in all the main cmake file:
You're going to have to pay for the cost of running clang-tidy sometime or another. It's essentially running the first few phases of a compiler to analyze your code and look for errors.
Setting CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY runs clang-tidy in line with your build, as you have observed.
This feels rather clunky, so my question is, are there other ways to do this?
Yes. When using the Ninja or Makefile generators, you may set -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON at the command line. That will create a file called compile_commands.json in your build folder that the standalone clang-tidy can read.
In sum, at the command line, you would manually run:
$ clang-tidy-11 -format-style=file -header-filter=. -p build
The -p flag tells clang-tidy in which directory to find your compile_commands.json.

Can I setup default CMake cache variables to apply for all projects?

There are several settings I need to provide to CMake which are the same on every project. It gets annoying having to specify these on the command line every time I blow away my build area and start again.
For example:
Is there a way to provide values for common settings like CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX so that they are applied to all projects by default?
You may create "initial-cache" script
set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/local CACHE PATH "Installation prefix")
and pass it to cmake as with -C option:
cmake -C ~/default.cmake ..
More info about -C option in cmake(1) documentation.
As for using these setting by default (that is, without any additional options to cmake), I don't know a clear way for doing this.
You may create wrapper script like default-cmake, which calls cmake with original plus additional parameters.
Another way is to create an initial CMakeCache.txt file that exactly contains those two variables:
$ cat CMakeCache.txt
Upon the next cmake run, the CMakeCache.txt will contains the remaining of the cmake run. You do not need to pass any additional flags to cmake, but it will scratch your inital CMakeCache.txt (thus you need to add it to .gitignore).

Why -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS does not create compile_commands.json file

My cmake --version is
I configure my project build with these commands:
From a clean build, and from a directory with an existing successful build. And want to see the compiler_commands.json file, but it does not appear.
At which moment should it be created: after cmake, or after make command? Where should it be in ./, or in ../klein directory? My cmake does not say anything about this option while it always complains about unused build variables.
Should it work from in a "dirty" directory, where I've performed one successful build, or does it work only on a fresh run in an empty folder?
I use a default generator "Unix Makefiles" on my ubuntu linux machine
I'm not an author of the project under the question (I just want to explore it with rtags which requires compile_commands.json file), and I'm not very familiar with CMake mechanics. However, the CMakeLists.txt is probably configured as a super-build (it indeed downloads and builds dependencies - like llvm, z3, ...), and it includes ExternalProject, however it also builds the project itself (klein) from sources. So it's a mix, as I would say.
Can you specify what generator your using? A quick scan of the cmake source from version 3.1.0 suggests that this command is still only available in the following 2 cases.
if you're using Visual Studio directly you're out of luck unless you want to add a patch to CMake. Otherwise, I know many Windows developers who've gone to Ninja. One advantage is that it's vastly faster than Visual Studio for building. If you are, in fact using Ninja or Unix Makefiles, then it's worth digging deeper.

CMake command line arguments in a Ninja build

I am trying to use Ninja + CMake to build a project.
This project has a custom target that takes additional arguments.
E.g. make target option=value
It works fine in make, however I am not sure how to get Ninja to take in additional command line arguments.
Is this possible with a Ninja build?
I don't think it's possible to do directly through Ninja. I just scanned through the Ninja documentation to double check and didn't see anything.
Instead, you could modify CMake cache variables via CMake (see cmake -D and cmake -L). That way you could change your build on the fly, or create a few different build directories with different settings in each one.

cmake: setting default values for arguments

My UNIX Makefile is as follows:
./foo -r "fun($(param))"
So if I do make run, I get ./foo - r "fun(0)" and
for make run param=10, I get ./foo -r "fun(10)".
Now I want to generate similar Makefile using cmake.
./foo -r "\"fun($(param))\""
How do I set the default value for param within cmake configuration file?
The concept in CMake is a bit different. You can define "cache variables" (basically variables that are remembered for subsequent builds in the same build dir, and can be customized by users) that come with default values and documentation strings and such. These can then be changed either by passing -D name:type=value options to cmake, or using one of the friendlier frontends (e.g. ccmake, the curses UI for CMake).
Example based on your question:
SET(param 0 CACHE STRING "Test variable defaulting to '0'")
# ...
add_custom_target(run ./foo -r "\"fun(${param})\"")
You'll find more details in the exhaustive docs for CMake.
PS. this is for variables inside CMake and specifically CMakeLists.txt itself; the possibility to change the value is not carried over into the generated Makefile as far as I can tell. I'm not sure that's possible in the first place because it probably wouldn't be compatiable with all of the targets supported by CMake (e.g. Visual Studio projects and what not). In any case, CMake doesn't seem to have been designed for generating build files used independently of CMake.
set (projectname_param 0)
to set it.