get the sys_file_metadata values using typo3 repository methods - repository

I am building an extension using typo3. I got stuck at one point. That is, I need the sys_file_metadata value along with sys_file informations. I am getting sys_file informations using repository methods. But not getting the metadata informations like title, description.
Can anyone help me to find a repository method to fetch metadata informations using repository methods?
$storageRepository = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\StorageRepository'); // create instance to storage repository
$storage = $storageRepository->findByUid(2); // get file storage with uid 1 (this should by default point to your fileadmin/ directory)
$folder = $storage->getFolder('/Audios/',false);
$files = $storage->getFilesInFolder($folder);
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$array_file = $files[$key]->toArray();
$uid = $array_file['uid'];
$array['name'] = $array_file['name'];
$array['extension'] = $array_file['extension'];

I found the answer. We can use the method
To get the specified properties, we can use


Shopware 6 custom element type image not showing any data on storefront

I have created my component to add some desired config fields in Shopware 6. Everything is working fine but one problem that is image is looking as it is being saved in the administration but is not showing any src or else in dump.
And here is my dump preiew having #data null.
can anyone tell what should I do else here?
I will be very thankful.
There is a guide in the docs that explains exactly what your case is.
You can likely extend the \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\Cms\ImageCmsElementResolver and override the getType function:
public function getType(): string
return 'my-component-name';
The important part of the default ImageCmsElementResolver is the loading the media information. For that you also need in your CMS element resolver. I explain some parts of the existing ImageCmsElementResolver so you can see which steps you need:
public function collect(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext): ?CriteriaCollection
// read the configuration, that is defined in the Admin JS. Likely also media for you
$mediaConfig = $slot->getFieldConfig()->get('media');
// if this config is NOT containing useful info
if (
$mediaConfig === null
|| $mediaConfig->isMapped()
|| $mediaConfig->isDefault()
|| $mediaConfig->getValue() === null
) {
// return nothing
return null;
// otherwise use the configured value as mediaId to load the media entry from the database
$criteria = new Criteria([$mediaConfig->getStringValue()]);
$criteriaCollection = new CriteriaCollection();
$criteriaCollection->add('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier(), MediaDefinition::class, $criteria);
// return the criterias to execute later, when all needed entities for the CMS page are fetched
return $criteriaCollection;
Now the data is fetched and as next step you need to put it into a variable accessible from the Twig template. For this you write into the same CMS element resolver this:
public function enrich(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext, ElementDataCollection $result): void
$config = $slot->getFieldConfig();
$image = new ImageStruct();
// this is important for accessing data in Twig
// read the config again
$mediaConfig = $config->get('media');
// if the configuration looks promising
if ($mediaConfig && $config->isStatic() && $mediaConfig->getValue()) {
// look up the media from the entity loading step
$searchResult = $result->get('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier());
if (!$searchResult) {
/** #var MediaEntity|null $media */
$media = $searchResult->get($config->getValue());
// if we do not have a media, then skip it
if (!$media) {
// set the media entity to the slot data we just assigned to the slot
After that you should have more info in the slot variable in Twig to embed a media.

Drupal 8 custom modules - Installing additional configuration from YML files with a hook_update_N

I have a custom module which installs a specific set of configurations - these are all stored in the config/install folder, which means they are installed when the module is installed.
The configuration includes a content type, paragraphs, view modes, form modes, field storages and fields attached to both the content type and the paragraphs, etc. The idea is to use this module to install a 'feature' (a blog) and use it across multiple sites, as well as provide updates and extensions when we add more stuff to this feature.
Since upon initial install, you cannot add more configuration through the config/install folder, I've been trying to find a way to import additional configuration files through an update hook, and this is one that works:
use \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
* Installs the file upload element
function MODULE_NAME_update_8002() {
// Is the flaw with this the fact that the order of loading configurations now
// matters and is a little bit more difficult to deal with?
// NOTE: YES. If, for example, you comment out the installing of the
// field_storage for the field_cb_file, but try to add the field_cb_file to
// the paragraph type, the update is successful and no errors are thrown.
// This is basically me trying to re-create the drupal configuration management
// system, without the dependency checks, etc. What is the PROPER way of
// importing additional configuration from a module through an update?
$configs_to_install = [
foreach ($configs_to_install as $config_to_install) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULE_NAME') . '/config/update_8002/' . $config_to_install . '.yml';
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$parsed_yml = Yaml::parse($content);
$active_storage = \Drupal::service('');
$active_storage->write($config_to_install, $parsed_yml);
however, there are flaws with this method since it means you have to order configuration files in the right order if they depend on each other, and any dependencies that are present in the config file are not checked.
Is there a way to utilise configuration management to import config properly, in this same, 'loop over the files' way? Or to point to a folder that contains all of the config files and install them?
EDIT: There are further issues with this method - even if you've ordered the files correctly in terms of dependencies, no database tables are created. The configuration is simply 'written in' as is, and no other part of Drupal seems to be made aware that new entities were created, so they cannot run any of the functions that are otherwise ran if you were to create the entities through Drupal GUI. Definitely not the recommended way of transferring more complex configuration.
I've pushed this a step further - there is a way to use the EntityTypeManager class to create / update configurations.
2 links have helped me with this largely:
pwolanins answer at the bottom provides a function that either updates the configuration if it exists, or creates the configuration outright.
the code on this page gives a clearer idea of what is happening - for each configuration that you'd like to install, you run the YML file through the respective storage manager, and then create the appropriate entity configurations, which creates all of the required DB tables.
What I ended up doing was:
Utilised a slightly modified version of pwolanins code and create a generic config updater function -
function _update_or_install_config( String $prefix, String $update_id, String $module) {
$updated = [];
$created = [];
/** #var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManagerInterface $config_manager */
$config_manager = \Drupal::service('config.manager');
$files = glob(drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/config/update_' . $update_id. '/' . $prefix . '*.yml') ;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$raw = file_get_contents($file);
$value = \Drupal\Component\Serialization\Yaml::decode($raw);
if(!is_array($value)) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid YAML file %s'), $file);
$type = $config_manager->getEntityTypeIdByName(basename($file));
$entity_manager = $config_manager->getEntityManager();
$definition = $entity_manager->getDefinition($type);
$id_key = $definition->getKey('id');
$id = $value[$id_key];
/** #var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage $entity_storage */
$entity_storage = $entity_manager->getStorage($type);
$entity = $entity_storage->load($id);
if ($entity) {
$entity = $entity_storage->updateFromStorageRecord($entity, $value);
$updated[] = $id;
else {
$entity = $entity_storage->createFromStorageRecord($value);
$created[] = $id;
return [
'udpated' => $updated,
'created' => $created,
I placed all of my yml files in folder config/update_8002, then utilised this function to loop over the config files in a hook_update_N function:
function MODULE_NAME_update_8002() {
$configs_to_install = [
foreach ($configs_to_install as $config_to_install) {
_update_or_install_config('paragraphs.paragraphs_type', '8002', 'MODULE_NAME');
_update_or_install_config('', '8002', 'MODULE_NAME');
_update_or_install_config('field.field.paragraph', '8002', 'MODULE_NAME');
_update_or_install_config('core.entity_view_display.paragraph', '8002', 'MODULE_NAME');
_update_or_install_config('core.entity_form_display.paragraph', '8002', 'MODULE_NAME');
Note that the _update_or_install_config function loops over all of the configs in the folder that match a specific entity type manager - thus you should just include the prefix in the function, and all of the YML files that import configuration of the same type will be included.

DNN - Adding a secure folder

I'm currently coding a module where users can add secure folders.
But the instance method requires a parameter of an instance name, i've no idea what they mean. Could someone explain it to me?
DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.SecureFolderProvider.Instance("Test2").AddFolder(txtFolderName.Text, new FolderMappingInfo
PortalID = base.PortalId,
MappingName = txtFolderName.Text
Any suggestions what i am doing wrong?
With some help of garethbh, i came up with this:
// Get folder mapping
var folderMapping = FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(PortalId, "Secure");
// Add folder and get the result back of the folder information
var folder = FolderManager.Instance.AddFolder(new FolderMappingInfo
FolderProviderType = folderMapping.FolderProviderType,
FolderMappingID = 9,
Priority = 2,
PortalID = PortalId,
}, portalFilePath);
This works fine for me.
You need to pass in the name of your folder mapping provider type. If you search for usages of SecureFolderProvider's base class (FolderProvider), you'll see what you need.
var folderMapping = FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(PortalId, "Secure");
if (folderMapping != null)
SecureFolderProvider.Instance(folderMapping.FolderProviderType).AddFolder(folderPath, folderMapping);
I've never actually used the secure folder provider before so I'm just guessing you need the one with the 'Secure' mapping name (but you may want to use 'Database' depending on your needs or create your own folder provider). See the FolderMappings table in the database for available types.
From the DNN wiki and

Magento API V2 - add an additional attribute to API response

I'm using the Magento API V2.
When I call salesOrderCreditmemoInfo, I get a response with the credit memo details and a list of the products associated with the order.
But in the list of product items there is no product_type attribute.
I want to manually edit the response to add this attribute.
I tried editing:
And replaced:
public function info($creditmemoIncrementId)
$result['items'] = array();
foreach ($creditmemo->getAllItems() as $item) {
$result['items'][] = $this->_getAttributes($item, 'creditmemo_item');
With the following - (basically appending an extra attribute to the array):
public function info($creditmemoIncrementId)
$result['items'] = array();
foreach ($creditmemo->getAllItems() as $item) {
$product_type = '1'; //test value to check if works
$attribs = $this->_getAttributes($item, 'creditmemo_item');
$attribs['product_type'] = $product_type;
$result['items'][] = $attribs;
When I do mage::log($result), the extra attribute seems to be added correctly to the array.
(also indicating that this function is the one getting called)
But it has no impact on the actual API response.
Am I totally looking in the wrong place or is there something else I need to update?
Since You were using SOAP V2, you should update the wsdl.xml to get the output.
For your case it is product_type and refresh cache on server. /tmp to load the new wsdl.xml that already updated. don't forget to go to System -> Cache Management clear all cache.

Get product link from Magento API

I am new to Magento and using their API. I need to be able to get the product url from the API call. I see that I can access the url_key and url_path, but unfortunately that's not necessarily what the URL for the product is (ie it may be category/my-product-url.html) where url_key would contain my-product-url and url_path would only contain my-product-url.html. Further complicating things, it may even be /category/sub-category/my-product-url.html. So, how would I get the full url with the category and everything as it is setup in the url rewrite information? Seems like this should come with the product information from the api call but it doesn't.
Magento Product api does not provide such functionality
Although there are easy ways to extend specific API in custom modules, but here is the quickest way if you don't want to write a custom module ( as i think it's difficult for a new magento developer).
Copy the original product API-class from the core to the local folder before editing anything (that way your Magento installation stays "update-save").
copy Api.php from:app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api.php
Now change the info method within the copied file to include the full_url. Add the following line to the $result-array. (Make sure to set necessary commas at the end of the array-lines.)
'full_url' => $product->getProductUrl(),
Your resulting method code should look like:
public function info($productId, $store = null, $attributes = null, $identifierType = null)
$product = $this->_getProduct($productId, $store, $identifierType);
$result = array( // Basic product data
'product_id' => $product->getId(),
'sku' => $product->getSku(),
'set' => $product->getAttributeSetId(),
'type' => $product->getTypeId(),
'categories' => $product->getCategoryIds(),
'websites' => $product->getWebsiteIds(),
'full_url' => $product->getProductUrl(),
foreach ($product->getTypeInstance(true)->getEditableAttributes($product) as $attribute) {
if ($this->_isAllowedAttribute($attribute, $attributes)) {
$result[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = $product->getData(
return $result;
Afterwards you can call and use the full_url field via the API.
Well actually even your path is wrong, the one he is referring to is