Aurelia Route History - aurelia

How does one tell the router to ignore history for a particular view, for example when moving from a login view to the landing page, I want the login view not to appear in the navigation history (user must not be able to press the back button to the login view)
Similarly, if a user hits a page, and is redirected to the login view because the page requires authentication (this is currently done via pipeline step), the history should be maintained less the loginView.

Ok - found a potential solution using:
router.navigateToRoute(route, params, {trigger: true, replace: true}
when navigating to the new page after the LoginView.
The key is the replace: true parameter - which replaces the previous view in the history.


Saving state on back button press in vue-electron

I want to make a desktop app in vue-electron. I am new to both vue.js and electron.
I am having some problems while managing state.
When I click on login button I send data i.e sessionId and username to next screen and on this screen I display these props using this code but as I go to the third screen and then come back then this data disappears
I am going back to second screen using router.go(-1)
The vue-router documentation says that
“router.push method pushes a new entry into the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser back button they will be taken to the previous URL.”
and router.go(n) "This method takes a single integer as parameter that indicates by how many steps to go forwards or go backwards in the history stack"
However in my case, lifecycle hooks are called again when I go back to history stack. So does that mean when we come to previous page that component is created again and not popped from stack. I actually don’t want to refresh / reload the page on back button.
You need to send the data to the third screen,too.
Instead of
<route-link to="third_screen"></router-link>
You need to write,
<router-link :to="{ path: 'third_screen', params: { session_id: this.session_id, userName:this.user_name}}">User</router-link>
And instead of router.go(-1) you need to send the data as params again to your second screen using router.push() method.
But I won't suggest the above method as you need to pass the same data as params to all routes.
You should also have a look at Vuex.
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.
You should store your Session Id as cookie instead of passing it as props.
Also have a look at <keep-alive></keep-alive>.

Skip a route from being remembered in Sencha Touch 2 history navigation

In my Sencha Touch 2 app, I use history navigation and routes.
User is on home page and clicks on "products" which is a restricted route (user needs to be auth first).
From the router, using a before-filter, I see the route which is being accessed (in this case products) is protected, and I redirect the user to login view, using:
This works like a charm.
But if the user, which is on the login view, hits the back button, Sencha remembered that the user wanted to visit the "products" route.
So Sencha tries to load the products view, reaches the router, the router see's the view is protected and redirects to login.
So in this way, the user will be stuck on the login page, no matter how many times he pushes the back button.
Now, the question:
When redirecting to a route, is there a way not to save that redirect into Sencha Touch's history?
Any idea?
For views that you don't want to have history support, simply add / change the view without using redirectTo.
Straigh to viewport:
Ext.Viewport.add({xtype: 'myview'})
or with navigation view (in a controller):
this.getMyNavView().push({xtype: 'myview'})

Add a Sign in portlet on the login page

I am building a basic login page using the existing sign-in portlet.
I just want to have a functionality that when a user access the website, right now localhost:8080, the sign-in portlet should pop up!
Is this doable? If so, Can someone please hint me how this can be done?
This is how the default page looks like right now:
To log in, I have to explicitely click on the "sign-in" blue button and then it pops out a modal sign in portlet.
But what I am trying to do here is:
Whenever a user clicks on the default url, it should immediately ask the user to login rather than showing a blank page with a sign-in button (something like the output image)
Or even a modal sign-in box (Whatever is easy to customize.)
Whenever a user hits any other url for eg. localhost:8080/web/project1/home and if the user is not signed in, it should force him to sign in first.
Two possibilities out of the box:
place nothing but the sign in portlet on the homepage, appearing at that location (typically /web/guest/home)
protect your default page to be not visible to the guest user (this will automatically forward to the sign-in portlet) - see the "Permissions" button on the "Manage Pages" interface
There are more, but these seem to be the first and most obvious ones. Let me know if one of them works for you or what the reason for your request is
From what I understand, you want the Login Portlet to popup as a modal window/lightbox on the current page (i.e. without leaving the page). AFAIK, to achieve this, you'll have to develop all your portlets to use AJAX to create links that point protected resources. So when you get an unauthenticated request, you can stay on the same page and show login dialog.
This is high-level approach. You'll need to 1) embed the Login portlet in your theme and 2) put the below javascript functionality in Theme:
callback function - to handle response for unauthenticated request,
to render modal/lightbox
You might face surprises while implementing this.

Redirecting URL assigned to Home Tab on Plone

On Plone, I am looking at establishing a User Group with an initial login page (collective.onlogin) that leads to what I hope will be the new Home Page. How do I change the Home Tab to reflect this once the authorised user has moved past the LogIn page. Currently, the home tab reflects and returns to the login page - string${globals_view/navigationRootUrl}
Where string:${globals_view/navigationRootUrl} is specified you may specify other expressions. In this case, you'll probably wish to create a BrowserView or Python Script that returns the path you want, since it sounds like there may be some real logic. Then, call that view or script rather than globals_view/navigationRootUrl.
Found that if I de-activated collective.onlogin, went to the "Change content item as default view ..." and selected the home page that I wanted, then reactivated collective.onlogin I would get what I wanted. The login page is still very vanilla, but that can wait for another day. Hope this helps the next person.

Sitecore - Prevent access to a page, but still show it in the navigation

In Sitecore I have denied access to a particular page for the anonymous user.
This works correctly, but it also means that the page does not appear in the navigation menus and sitemap (both XSLT).
What I would like is for the user to be able to see the link, but be redirected to a Register/Login page when they click on it.
You'd need to allow anonymous users to view the page for it to be visible in the menu and sitemap.
What you could do though is override the Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestProcessor to check if the page requires a login (by adding a RequiresLogin True/False to the template for example), then check if the user is logged in if not redirect to your login page.
Theres an example of overriding the HttpRequestProcessor here
You could wrap the rendering logic in the menus in a SecurityDisabler, so it would render all item links, even if the user "cant see" them.
using (SecurityDisabler disabler = new SecurityDisabler())
foreach (Item item in Sitecore.Context.Item.Children)
... render the link ...