Accord Framework HiddenMarkovClassifier(TDistribution, TObservation) API -

When I upgrade to Accord Framework 3.2.0 and run software I get 2 'obsolete' errors:
Warning 1 'HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'MultivariateNormalDistribution'>'' is obsolete: 'Please use HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>' instead.'
Warning 14 'BaumWelchLearning'<'MultivariateNormalDistribution'>' is obsolete: 'Please use BaumWelchLearning'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>' instead.'
There is no apparent API for the BaumWelchLearning'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>'. When I go to the new API for HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'TDistribution'>' and the relatively minor changes reflected on that documentation it does not fix the 2 issues above.
Any suggestions?

The was answered in updated documentation for Accord Framework in Google Groups Support :!topic/accord-net/CdB4vsUNr_Y


'GeckoButtonElement' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments

Updated geckofx45 to 60 as in browser keep showing message like "this browser is not supported anymore please update your browser" and once I updated my solution references, I get 12 errors :(
I tried to look here if I did not find similar issue but for me it doesn't helped.
I tried also update framework from 4.5 to 4.6 then to 4.7.2 even more errors like 102 !
So I'm not sure why this happens, but I know I need the latest gecko browser it order to load website correctly and get rid of message "update your browser"

Missing user and channel fields in google-benchmark conan package

I am trying to install the google benchmark library using the C++ package manager Conan. However, the user and channel fields seem to be missing from the conan-center. I also get an error if I try to search for the library on the conan-center.
$conan search benchmark --remote=conan-center
ERROR: Value provided for user name, '_' (type str), is too short. Valid names must contain at least 2 characters.. [Remote: conan-center]
Is something off with the conan-center, or am I missing something? I noticed that other packages show the same behavior (gtest, doctest, etc.), although they also have a "regular" version provided by bincrafters.
Since Conan 1.18 the package namespace became optional. This feature was introduced together with the new Conan Center Index which has received all Conan recipes again, but without namespace.
All old and new packages, including from Conan Community and Bincrafters, will stay in Bintray Conan Center as well.
Now about your error:
ERROR: Value provided for user name, '_' (type str), is too short. Valid names must contain at least 2 characters.. [Remote: conan-center]
This error occurred because your Conan client is outdated. I believe you are running <= 1.17.
I strongly recommend you update your Conan client to the latest version (1.20.4).

AuthenticateAsync has been deprecated. How to use with Facebook C# SDK?

After about 3 hours I found out that in universal Windows Phone 8.1 apps the AuthenticateAsync-method has been deprecated.
When using it in Visual studio, at first, it is silent. When you try to run it, it says:
AuthenticateAsync is unavailable for releases beginning with Windows
Phone 8.1. Instead, use AuthenticateAndContinue or
After another 2 hours, how hard I try, I cannot find a way to implement the example of the Single-sign on, it simply doesn't work.
AuthenticateAndContinue fails because the "remote procedure call failed"
SilentlyAsync returns the error, that the parameters are incorrect, but that is logical.
Do any of you guys know of a way to sign in, without using AuthenticateAsync?
Edit: When running anyway, it throws a not implemented Exception
I assumed "deprecated: was just a compiler warning saying "we suggest you shouldn't use this API anymore".
I was wrong - it's apparently a hard error with the OP's Windows Phone SDK. The new SDK doesn't support the old call; I doubt the Facebook SDK supports the new call.
1) Try using an older Windows Phone SDK (or, if possible, target your compile for an older version of the runtime).
2) Wrap your call in Dispatcher.RunAsync
WebAuthenticationBroken.AuthenticateAsync - NotImplementException

Laravel Multi Auth set up issue

I have installed Multi Auth following instructions by ollieread at, but i'm missing some point here.
I got this error when running my app before replacing the configuration for auth (config/auth.php):
Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::createDriver(), called in /private/var/www/portal-varejo/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Manager.php on line 81 and defined
Im pretty sure that whats missing is this (from documentation):
Custom Auth Drivers
At this current moment in time, custom Auth drivers written for the base Auth class will not >work. I'm currently looking into this particular issue but for the meantime, you can work >around this by changing your closure to return an instance of Ollieread\Multiauth\Guard >instead of the default.
How can i do that? What closure i'm supposed to change?
Running Laravel 4.1 here.
You need to comment out 'Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider' and 'Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider' from app/config/app.php.

Support for Add function in .NET Toolkit for Rally API

I am currently running with version 1.43 of the Rally WebServices API. I have been adding test cases to test sets by updating the test set after adding the test case to the testcases array within the test set.
This has been working well for several months, but I have just started to get the error:
"Could not set value for Test Cases: null"
The first test case I add to a new test set does not get the error. It is only when I have two or more test cases in the test case array that the error is returned.
I contacted Rally support and they recommended switching to v2.0 and using the following:
Request Body:
"CollectionItems": [
{"_ref": "/testcase/14469885324"},
{"_ref": "/testcase/14469885842"},
{"_ref": "/testcase/14469886070"},
{"_ref": "/testcase/14469887154"}
The .NET toolkit does not support Add as far as I know, and I don't think there is a way of using "CollectionItems" either.
I am wondering if functionality to do this is planned for the .NET toolkit? If not, is there another way I can achieve this with the toolkit?
Thanks for your help,
Caspar Davey.