How to get rid of special character in Netezza columns - sql

I am transferring data from one Netezza database to another using Talend, an ETL tool. When I pull data from a varchar(30) field and try to put it in the new database's varchar(30) field, it gives an error saying it's too long. Logs show the field has whitespace at the end followed by a square, representing some character I can't figure out. I attached a screenshot of the logs below. I have tried writing SQL to pull this field and replace what I thought was a CRLF, but no luck. When I do a select on the field and get the length, it has a few extra characters than what you see, so something is there and I want to get rid of it. Trimming does not do anything.
This SQL does not return a length shorter than simply doing length() on the column itself. Does anyone know what else it could be?
SELECT LENGTH(trim(translate(TRANSLATE(<column>, chr(13), ''), chr(10), ''))) as len_modified
Note that the last column in the logs, where you see a square in brackets, is supposed to show the last character examined.

Save the data to a larger target table size that works. If 30 character data put it in a 500 character table. Get it to work. Then look through character by character on the fields that are the longest to determine what character is being added. Use commands like ascii() to determine the ascii value of the individual characters and the beginning and end. Most likely you are getting some additional character in the beginning or the end. Determine what the extra character data is and then write code to remove it or to never load it so that it fits in the 30 character column. Or just leave your target column with longer and include the additional characters. For example Varchar(30) becomes Varchar(32) (waste the space but don't alter the data as it comes in to you).


In Hive what is the difference between FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\u0004' and FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\u001C'

In my project I saw two Hive tables and in the create table statement I saw one table has ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\u0004' and another table has ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\u001C'. I want to know what does these '\u0004' and '\u001C' mean and when to use them? Kindly answer.
In many text formats, \u introduces a Unicode escape sequence. This is a way of storing or sending a character that can't be easily displayed or represented in the format you're using. The four characters after the \u are the Unicode "code point" in hexadecimal. A Unicode code point is a number denoting a specific Unicode character.
All characters have a code point, even the printable ones. For example, a is U+0061.
U+0004 and U+001C are both unprintable characters, meaning there's no standard character you can use to display them on the screen. That's why an escape sequence is used here.
If you use a simple, printable character like , as your field delimiter, it will make the stored data easier for a human to read. The field values will be stored with a , between each one. For example, you might see the values one, two and three stored as:
But if you expect your field values to actually contain a ,, it would be a poor choice of field delimiter (because then you'd need a special way to tell the difference between a single field with a value of one,two or two different fields with the values one and two). The choice of delimiter depends both on whether you want to be able to read it easily, and what characters you expect the field to contain.

How to store hyphen/dash in Oracle Varchar2

I am trying to store some text with a hyphen aka dash (-) in Oracle 12c Varchar2 field.
But when I go to do a Select on the table value, the hyphen/dash character results in a funny looking symbol. I have tried escaping before using the dash (-) but that still produced the funny looking symbol.
How do i store hypens/dashes properly in Oracle?
Thank you
Putting as answer as for comment it would be too long.
First you have to establish the problem is with inserting dash or while fetching it. To verify, run this on the column
select * from table where column like '%-%';
If you get output, that means it is stored properly. So the problem is with displaying it.
If you don't get ouput, that means you are not inserting it properly. In that case show your insert statement. You just have to treat dash as any other string character.

Can we select the datas that have spaces between the lines in DB without the spaces?

I have a textbox to make a search in my table.My table name is ADDRESSBOOK and this table holds the personel records like name,surname,phone numbers and etc.The phone numbers holding like "0 123 456789".If I write "0 123 456789" in my textbox in the background this code is working
SELECT * FROM ADDRESSBOOK WHERE phonenumber LIKE "0 123 456789"
My problem is how can I select the same row with writing "0123456789" in the textbox.Sorry for my english
You can use replace():
WHERE REPLACE(phonenumber, ' ', '') LIKE REPLACE('0 123 456789', ' ', '')
If performance is an issue, you can do the following in SQL Server:
alter table t add column phonenumber_nospace as (replace(phonenumber, ' ', '');
create index idx_t_phonenumber_nospace on t(phonenumber_nospace);
Then, remove the spaces in the parameter value before constructing the query, and use:
WHERE phonenumber_nospace = #phonenumber_nospace
This assumes an equality comparison, as in your example.
If there is a specific format in which the Phone number is stored than you can insert space at the specific locations and than pass that to the database query.
For Example as you have mentioned in the question for number 0 123 456789.
If there is a space after first number and space after fourth number then you could take the text from the textbox and insert space at second position and sixth position(as after adding space at second position + next three positions are number so sixth position) and pass that text to the database query.
An important part of Db design is ensuring data consistency. The more consistently it's stored, the easier it is to query. That's why you should make a point of ensuring your columns use the correct data types:
Dates/time columns should use an appropriate date/time type.
Number columns should use a numeric type of the appropriate size. (None of this numeric varchar rubbish.)
String columns should be of the appropriate length (whether char or varchar).
Columns with referential relationships should never store invalid references to the referenced table.
And similarly, you need to determine the exact format you wish to use when storing telephone numbers; and ensure that any time you store a number it's done so consistently.
Some queries will be complex enough as is. As soon as you're unable to rely on a consistent format, your queries to find data need to cater for all the possible variations. They'll be less likely to leverage indexes effectively.
I have seen argument in favour of storing telephone numbers as numeric data. (It is after all a "number".) Though I'm not really convinced because this approach would be unable to represent leading zeroes (which might be desirable).
Whenever you insert/update a telephone number, ensure it's stored in a consistent format. (NOTE: You can be flexible about how the number appears to your users. It's only the stored value that needs to be consistent.)
Whenever you search for a telephone number, convert the search value into the compatible format before searching.
It's up to you exactly where/how you do these conversions. But you might wish to consider CHECK constraints to ensure that if you failed to convert a number appropriately at some point, that it isn't accidentally stored in the incorrect format. E.g.
CONSTRAINT CK_NoSpacesInTelno CHECK (Telephone NOT LIKE '% %')

SQL Server NText field limited to 43,679 characters?

I working with SQL Server data base in order to store very long Unicode string. The field is from type 'ntext', which theoretically should be limit to 2^30 Unicode characters.
From MSDN documentation:
Variable-length Unicode data with a maximum string length of 2^30 - 1 (1,073,741,823) bytes. Storage size, in bytes, is two times the string length that is entered. The ISO synonym for ntext is national
I'm made this test:
Generate 50,000 characters string.
Run an Update SQL statement
UPDATE [table]
SET Response='... 50,000 character string...'
WHERE ID='593BCBC0-EC1E-4850-93B0-3A9A9EB83123'
Check the result - what actually stored in the field at the end.
The result was that the field [Response] contain only 43,679 characters. All the characters at the end of the string was thrown out.
Why this happens? How I can fix this?
If this is really the capacity limit of this data type (ntext), which another data type can store longer Unicode string?
Based on what I've seen, you may just only be able to copy 43679 characters. It is storing all the characters, they're in the db(check this with Select Len(Reponse) From [table] Where... to verify this), and SSMS has problem copying more than when you go to look at the full data.
NTEXT datatype is deprecated and you should use NVARCHAR(MAX).
I see two possible explanations:
Your ODBC driver you use to connect to database truncate parameter value when it is too long (try using SSMS)
You write you generate your input string. I suspect you generate CHAR(0) which is Null literal
If second is your case make sure you cannot generate \0 char.
I don't know how you check the length but keep in mind that LEN does not count trailing whitespaces
SELECT LEN('aa ') AS length -- 2
,DATALENGTH('aa ') AS datalength -- 7
Last possible solution I see you do sth like:
SELECT 'aa aaaa'
-- result in SSMS `aa aaaa`: so when you count you lose all multiple whitespaces
Check query below if returns 100k:
For all bytes; Grid result on right click and click save result to file.
Can confirm. The actual limit is 43679. Had a problem with a subscription service for a week now. Every data looked good, but it still gave us an error that one of the fields have invalid values, even tho, it got correct values in. It turned out that the parameters was stored in NText and it maxed out at 43679 characters. And because we cannot change the database design, we had to make 2 different subscriptions for the same thing and put half of the entities to the other one.

How do I escape an enclosure character in a SQL Loader data file?

I have a SQL*Loader control file that has a line something like this:
Normally, I'd use a quotation mark, but that seems to destroy emacs's python syntax highlighting if used inside a multi-line string. The problem is that we are loading an ADDRESS_LINE_2 column where only 7,000 out of a million records are loading because they have lines like this:
...(other columns),Apt #2,(other columns)...
Which is of course causing errors. Is there any way to escape the enclosing character so this doesn't happen? Or do I just need to choose a better enclosing character?
I've looked through the documentation, but don't seem to have found an answer to this.
I found it...
If two delimiter characters are encountered next to each other, a single occurrence of the delimiter character is used in the data value. For example, 'DON''T' is stored as DON'T. However, if the field consists of just two delimiter characters, its value is null.
Field List Reference
Unfortunately, SqlLoader computes both occurrences of the delimiter while checking for max length of the field. For instance, DON''T will be rejected in a CHAR(5) field, with ORA-12899: value too large for column blah.blah2 (actual: 6, maximum: 5).
At least in my 11gR2 . Haven't tried in other versions....