How best to write this xtext grammar - grammar

I am using Xtext, and need suggestions on the following two problems.
Problem #1
Lets say I have three rules a, b and c. And I want to allow any sequence of these rules, except that b and c should appear only once. How best to write such a grammar?
Here is what I came up with:
a: 'a';
b: 'b';
c: 'c';
Is there a better way to write root grammar? b and c still have to be in a strict order, which is not ideal.
Problem #2
Have a look at this grammar:
name='x' '{' y=y '}'
name='y' '{' z=z '}'
name='z' '{' any+=any* '}'
Using this grammar I expected to be able to write a language like below:
a {
b {
c {
y {
x {
y {
z {
the_end {}
However, I get an error due to the node "y" appearing under "c". Why is that? Is it because now that "y" has been used as a terminal in one of the rules, it cannot appear anywhere else in the grammar?
How to fix this grammar?

For problem #1:
root: a+=a* (b=b a+=a* & c=c a+=a*);
For problem #2 you need a datatype rule like this:
IdOrABC: ID | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' ;
and you have to use it in your any rule like name=IdOrABC instead of name=ID.

For problem #1, we can adjust the grammar like below:
b=b a+=a* c=c
c=c a+=a* b=b
a: 'a';
b: 'b';
c: 'c';
On the other hand, the problem #2 cannot really be solved via the grammar as parser can never differentiate between an ID and the special keyword "x", "y" or "z". Perhaps a better strategy would be to keep the grammar simple like below:
And enforce the special x/y/z hierarchy via validators.


How to disambiguate a subselect from a parenthesized expression?

I have the following expression notation:
: OpenParen expr (Comma expr)* Comma? CloseParen # parenExpr
| OpenParen simpleSelect CloseParen # subSelectExpr
Unfortunately, a simpleSelect can also have a parenthetical around it, and so the following statement becomes ambiguous:
select ((select 1))
Here is the current grammar that I have, simplified down to only showing the issue:
grammar Subselect;
options { caseInsensitive=true; }
statement: query_statement EOF;
: query_expr # simple
| query_statement set_op query_statement # set
: with_clause?
( select | '(' query_statement ')' )
: select_clause
with_clause: 'WITH' expr 'AS (' select ')';
select_clause: 'SELECT' expr (',' expr)*;
from_clause: 'FROM' expr;
where_clause: 'WHERE' expr;
limit_clause: 'LIMIT' expr;
: '(' expr ')' # parenExpr
| '(' query_expr ')' # subSelect
| Atom # identifier
Atom: [a-z_0-9]+;
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
And on the parse of select ((select 1)), here is the output:
What would be a possible way to disambiguate this?
I suppose the main thing is here:
'(' query_statement ')'
Since that recursively calls itself -- is there a way to do indirection or something else such that a query_statement called from within parens can never itself have parens?
Also, maybe this is a common thing? I get the same ambiguous output when running this on the official MySQL grammar here:
I would be curious whether any of the grammars can solve the issue here: Maybe the best approach is just to remove duplicate parens before parsing the text? (If so, are there are good tools to do that, or do I need to write an additional antlr parser just to do that?)
Your input generates this parse tree:
That's a reasonable interpretation of your input and it is identified as a subSelect expr. It's a subSelect nested in a parenExpr (both of which are exprs).
If I switch up your rule a bit:
expr: '(' query_expr ')' # subSelect
| '(' expr ')' # parenExpr
| Atom # identifier
Now it's a subSelect that interprets the nested (select 1) as a query expression.
It's ambiguous because the outer parenthesized expression could match either of the first two alternatives resulting in different parse trees.
In ANTLR, ambiguities in alternatives are resolved by "using" the first alternative that matches. In this way ANTLR has deterministic behavior where you can control which interpretation is used (with alternative order). It's not uncommon for ANTLR grammars to have ambiguities like this.
IMHO, the IntelliJ plugin has caused many people to stumble over this as an indication that something is "wrong" with the grammar. There's a reason that ANTLR itself does not report an error in this situation. It has defined, deterministic behavior.
So far as "resolving" this ambiguity: the simple fact that the syntax uses parentheses to indicate two different "things" indicates that it is inherently ambiguous, so I don't believe you can "fix" the grammar ambiguity without modifying the syntax. (I might be wrong about this, and would find it interesting if someone provides a refactoring that manages to remove the ambiguity.)
After trying an earlier solution that proved incorrect with some additional test data, I've tried a different approach.
I added Atom as a viable alternative for query_expr since that Atom '1` is being offered as test data. In the full grammar implementation, it's hard to predict if this is necessary, even sufficent. I have only the grammar above with which to test.
I used some semantic predicates to strip parentheses (avoids the effort of writing an additional parser).
For testing purposes only, I added SQL-style line comments so that I could test many different inputs quickly.
The following SQL statements were tested, showing no ambiguity.
select 1
select (1)
select ((select 1))
select ((select (abc)))
select abc from ((select 1 from (select((select(1))))))
(select 1 from (select((select(1)))))
((select (xyz) from (select (((((foo))))) from tableX)))
select a from (select x from xyz)
select b from abc
select a from ((select x from xyz ))
((select b from foo))
select a from (select x from xyz )
(select b from foo)
The grammar is as follows:
grammar Subselect;
options { caseInsensitive=true; }
import java.util.*;
String stripParens(String phrase)
String temp1 = phrase.substring[1];
temp2 = temp1.substring(0, s.length()-1);
return temp2;
statement: query_statement EOF;
: query_expr # simple
| query_statement set_op query_statement # set
: with_clause?
( select | '(' query_statement ')' )
| Atom
: select_clause
with_clause: 'WITH' expr 'AS (' select ')';
select_clause: 'SELECT' expr (',' expr)*;
from_clause: 'FROM' expr;
where_clause: 'WHERE' expr;
limit_clause: 'LIMIT' expr;
: {stripParens(_input.LT[1].getText())}? query_expr
: '(' lrpExpr ')' # parenExpr
| Atom # identifier
Atom: [a-z_0-9]+;
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
LineComment : '--' ~[\r\n]* -> skip ;
I'm not including images of parse trees in this edit to conserve space. However, from the inputs I tested, lrpExpr, being a separate rule, would give e.g. a Visitor class to evaluate what is inside the parentheses before moving further down the parse tree, so order of evaluation e.g. mathematical operator precedence could still be honored.
All still fast and with zero ambiguity.
I hope this suits your needs better.
Attribution: I used this answer as a starting point for the Java code for the semantic predicate.

Why doesn't this ANTLR grammar derive the string `baba`?

Using ANTLR v4.9.3, I created the following grammar …
grammar G ;
start : s EOF ;
s : 'ba' a b ;
a : 'b' ;
b : 'a' ;
Given the above grammar, I thought that the following derivation is possible …
start → s → 'ba' a b → 'ba' 'b' b → 'ba' 'b' 'a' = 'baba'
However, my Java test program indicates a syntax error occurs when trying to parse the string baba.
Shouldn't the string baba be in the language generated by grammar G ?
Although the conclusion/answer is already in the comments, here an answers that explains it in a bit more detail.
When defining literal tokens inside parser rule (the 'ba', 'a' and 'b'), ANTLR implicitly creates the following grammar:
grammar G ;
start : s EOF ;
s : T__0 a b ;
a : T__1 ;
b : T__2 ;
T__0 : 'ba';
T__1 : 'b';
T__2 : 'a';
Now, when the lexer get the input "baba", it will create 2 T__0 tokens. The lexer is not driven by whatever the parser is trying to match. It works independently from the parser. The lexer creates tokens following these 2 rules:
try to match as many characters as possible for a rule
when 2 (or more) lexer rules match the same characters, let the one defined first "win"
Because of rule 1, it is apparent that 2 T__0 tokens are created.
As you already mentioned in a comment, removing the 'ba' token (and using 'b' followed by 'a') would resolve the issue:
grammar G ;
start : s EOF ;
s : 'b' 'a' a b ;
a : 'b' ;
b : 'a' ;
which would really be the grammar:
grammar G ;
start : s EOF ;
s : T__0 T__1 a b ;
a : T__0 ;
b : T__1 ;
T__0 : 'b';
T__1 : 'a';

What's wrong with this ANTLR grammar?

I want to parse query expressions that look like this:
Person Name=%John%
(Person Name=John% and Address=%Ontario%)
Person Fullname_3="John C. Smith"
But I'm totally new to Antlr4 and can't even figure out how to parse one single TABLE FIELD=QUERY clause. When I run the grammar below in Go as target, I get
line 1:7 mismatched input 'Name' expecting {'not', '(', FIELDNAME}
for a simple query like
Person Name=John
Why can't the Grammar parse FIELDNAME via parsing fieldsearch->field EQ searchterm->FIELDNAME?
I guess I'm misunderstanding something very fundamental here about how Antlr Grammars work, but what?
/* ANTLR Grammar for Minidb Query Language */
grammar Mdb;
start : searchclause EOF ;
: table expr
: fieldsearch
| unop fieldsearch
| LPAREN expr relop expr RPAREN
| OR
: field EQ searchterm
: 'and'
: 'or'
: 'not'
: '='
: '('
: ')'
: ('a' .. 'z') | ('A' .. 'Z') | '_'
fragment VALID_ID_CHAR
: VALID_ID_START | ('0' .. '9')
STRING: '"' ~('\n'|'"')* ('"' | { panic("syntax-error - unterminated string literal") } ) ;
: [ \r\n\t] + -> skip
Try looking at the tokens produced for that input using grun Mdb tokens -tokens. It will tell you that the input consists of two table names, an equals sign and then another table name. To match your grammar it would have needed to be a table name, a field name, an equals sign and a string.
The first problem is that TABLENAME and FIELDNAME have the exact same definition. In cases where two lexer rules would produce a match of the same length on the current input, ANTLR prefers the one that comes first in the grammar. So it will never produce a FIELDNAME token. To fix that just replace both of those rules with a single ID rule. If you want to, you can then introduce parser rules tableName : ID ; and fieldName : ID ; if you want to keep the names.
The other problem is more straight forward: John simply does not match your rules for a string since it's not in quotes. If you do want to allow John as a valid search term, you might want to define it as searchterm : STRING | ID ; instead of only allowing STRINGs.

how to resolve an ambiguity

I have a grammar:
grammar Test;
s : ID OP (NUMBER | ID);
ID : [a-z]+ ;
NUMBER : '.'? [0-9]+ ;
OP : '/.' | '/' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
An expression like x/.123 can either be parsed as (s x /. 123), or as (s x / .123). With the grammar above I get the first variant.
Is there a way to get both parse trees? Is there a way to control how it is parsed? Say, if there is a number after the /. then I emit the / otherwise I emit /. in the tree.
I am new to ANTLR.
An expression like x/.123 can either be parsed as (s x /. 123), or as (s x / .123)
I'm not sure. In the ReplaceAll page(*), Possible Issues paragraph, it is said that "Periods bind to numbers more strongly than to slash", so that /.123 will always be interpreted as a division operation by the number .123. Next it is said that to avoid this issue, a space must be inserted in the input between the /. operator and the number, if you want it to be understood as a replacement.
So there is only one possible parse tree (otherwise how could the Wolfram parser decide how to interpret the statement ?).
ANTLR4 lexer and parser are greedy. It means that the lexer (parser) tries to read as much input characters (tokens) that it can while matching a rule. With your OP rule OP : '/.' | '/' ; the lexer will always match the input /. to the /. alternative (even if the rule is OP : '/' | '/.' ;). This means there is no ambiguity and you have no chance the input to be interpreted as OP=/ and NUMBER=.123.
Given my small experience with ANTLR, I have found no other solution than to split the ReplaceAll operator into two tokens.
Grammar Question.g4 :
grammar Question;
/* Parse Wolfram ReplaceAll. */
#init {System.out.println("Question last update 0851");}
: s+ EOF
s : division
| replace_all
: expr '/' NUMBER
{System.out.println("found division " + $expr.text + " by " + $NUMBER.text);}
: expr '/' '.' replacement
{System.out.println("found ReplaceAll " + $expr.text + " with " + $replacement.text);}
: ID
| '"' ID '"'
| '{' expr ( ',' expr )* '}'
: expr '->' expr
| '{' replacement ( ',' replacement )* '}'
ID : [a-z]+ ;
NUMBER : '.'? [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Input file t.text :
x/.x -> 1
{x, y}/.{x -> 1, y -> 2}
{0, 1}/.0 -> "zero"
{0, 1}/. 0 -> "zero"
Execution :
$ export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.6-complete.jar"
$ alias a4='java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.6-complete.jar'
$ alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
$ a4 Question.g4
$ javac Q*.java
$ grun Question question -tokens -diagnostics t.text
Question last update 0851
found division x by .123
found ReplaceAll x with x->1
found ReplaceAll {x,y} with {x->1,y->2}
found division {0,1} by .0
line 4:10 extraneous input '->' expecting {<EOF>, '"', '{', ID, NUMBER}
found ReplaceAll {0,1} with 0->"zero"
The input x/.123 is ambiguous until the slash. Then the parser has two choices : / NUMBER in the division rule or / . expr in the replace_all rule. I think that NUMBER absorbs the input and so there is no more ambiguity.
(*) the link was yesterday in a comment that has disappeared, i.e. Wolfram Language & System, ReplaceAll

Antlr lexer tokens that match similar strings, what if the greedy lexer makes a mistake?

It seems that sometimes the Antlr lexer makes a bad choice on which rule to use when tokenizing a stream of characters... I'm trying to figure out how to help Antlr make the obvious-to-a-human right choice. I want to parse text like this:
This is an unfortunate syntax that an existing language uses and I'm trying to write a parser for. The "d/dt(x)" is representing the left hand side of a differential equation. Ignore the lingo if you must, just know that it is not "d" divided by "dt". However, the second occurrence of "d/dt" really is "d" divided by "dt".
Here's my grammar:
grammar diffeq_grammar;
program : (statement? NEWLINE)*;
: diffeq
| assignment;
diffeq : DDT ID ')' '=' ID;
| ID '=' ID '/' ID
DDT : 'd/dt(';
ID : 'a'..'z'+;
NUMBER : '0'..'9'+;
NEWLINE : '\r\n'|'\r'|'\n';
When using this grammar the lexer grabs the first "d/dt(" and turns it to the token DDT. Perfect! Now later the lexer sees the second "d" followed by a "/" and says "hmmm, I can match this as an ID and a '/' or I can be greedy and match DDT". The lexer chooses to be greedy... but little does it know, there is no "(" a few characters later in the input stream. When the lexer looks for the missing "(" it throws a MismatchedTokenException!
The only solution I've found so far, is to move all the rules into the parser with a grammar like:
grammar diffeq_grammar;
program : (statement? NEWLINE)*;
: diffeq
| assignment;
diffeq : ddt id ')' '=' id;
: id '=' number
| id '=' id '/' id
ddt : 'd' '/' 'd' 't' '(';
id : CHAR+;
number : DIGIT+;
CHAR : 'a'..'z';
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
NEWLINE : '\r\n'|'\r'|'\n';
This is a fine solution if I didn't already have thousands of lines of working code that depend on the first grammar working. After spending 2 days researching this problem I have come to the conclusion that a lexer... really ought to be able to distinguish the two cases. At some point the Antlr lexer is deciding between two rules: DDT and ID. It chooses DDT because the lexer is greedy. But when matching DDT fails, I'd like the lexer to go back to using ID.
I'm okay with using predicates or other tricks as long as the grammar remains basically the same (i.e., the rules in the lexer, stay in the lexer. And most rules are left untouched.).
Ideally I can modify the lexer rule for DDT with any valid Antlr code... and be done.
My target language is Java.
Thank you guys for some great answers!! I accepted the answer that best fit my question. The actual solution I used is in my own answer (not the accepted answer), and there are more answers that could have worked. Readers, check out all the answers; some of them may suit your case better than mine.
I'm okay with using predicates or other tricks as long as the grammar remains basically the same (i.e., the rules in the lexer, stay in the lexer. And most rules are left untouched.).
In that case, force the lexer to look ahead in the char-stream to make sure there really is "d/dt(" using a gated syntactic predicate.
A demo:
grammar diffeq_grammar;
#parser::members {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String src =
"d/dt(x)=a\n" +
"a=d/dt\n" +
"d=3\n" +
diffeq_grammarLexer lexer = new diffeq_grammarLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
diffeq_grammarParser parser = new diffeq_grammarParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
#lexer::members {
private boolean ahead(String text) {
for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if(input.LA(i + 1) != text.charAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
: (statement? NEWLINE)* EOF
: diffeq {System.out.println("diffeq : " + $text);}
| assignment {System.out.println("assignment : " + $text);}
: DDT ID ')' '=' ID
| ID '=' ID '/' ID
DDT : {ahead("d/dt(")}?=> 'd/dt(';
ID : 'a'..'z'+;
NUMBER : '0'..'9'+;
NEWLINE : '\r\n' | '\r' | '\n';
If you now run the demo:
java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool diffeq_grammar.g
javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar diffeq_grammarParser
(when using Windows, replace the : with ; in the last command)
you will see the following output:
diffeq : d/dt(x)=a
assignment : a=d/dt
assignment : d=3
assignment : dt=4
Although this is not what you are trying to do considering the large amount of working code that you have in the project, you should still consider separating your parser and lexer more thoroughly. I is best to let the parser and the lexer do what they do best, rather than "fusing" them together. The most obvious indication of something being wrong is the lack of symmetry between your ( and ) tokens: one is part of a composite token, while the other one is a stand-alone token.
If refactoring is at all an option, you could change the parser and lexer like this:
grammar diffeq_grammar;
program : (statement? NEWLINE)* EOF; // <-- You forgot EOF
: diffeq
| assignment;
diffeq : D OVER DT OPEN id CLOSE EQ id; // <-- here, id is a parser rule
| id EQ id OVER id
id : ID | D | DT; // <-- Nice trick, isn't it?
D : 'D';
DT : 'DT';
OVER : '/';
EQ : '=';
OPEN : '(';
CLOSE : ')';
ID : 'a'..'z'+;
NUMBER : '0'..'9'+;
NEWLINE : '\r\n'|'\r'|'\n';
You may need to enable backtracking and memoization for this to work (but try compiling it without backtracking first).
Here's the solution I finally used. I know it violates one of my requirements: to keep lexer rules in the lexer and parser rules in the parser, but as it turns out moving DDT to ddt required no change in my code. Also, dasblinkenlight makes some good points about mismatched parenthesis in his answer and comments.
grammar ddt_problem;
program : (statement? NEWLINE)*;
: diffeq
| assignment;
diffeq : ddt ID ')' '=' ID;
| ID '=' ID '/' ID
ddt : ( d=ID ) { $d.getText().equals("d") }? '/' ( dt=ID ) { $dt.getText().equals("dt") }? '(';
ID : 'a'..'z'+;
NUMBER : '0'..'9'+;
NEWLINE : '\r\n'|'\r'|'\n';