Can I convert centigrade to farenheit in a query (not a function) - sql

In Oracle I can convert centigrade to farenheit in an SQL query, see below. It seems SQL Server does not have full regex functionality. Is it possible to do this without dropping into a function, which I currently do?
(UNISTR('00B0') is the degree symbol we use)
The requirement is for any string that contains [digits]°C to be converted to same string with [new_digits]°F.
SELECT replace(replace(v_text_f,replace(regexp_substr(v_text_f,'\-? [[:digit:]]+\.?[[:digit:]]*'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C'),UNISTR('\00B0')||'C'),
UNISTR('\00B0')||'F'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C',UNISTR('\00B0') ||'F')
FROM (SELECT '38'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C' as v_text_f FROM DUAL)

Try this, comparing to Oracle code, extremely simplified version:
DECLARE #C nvarchar(10) = '38'+CHAR(0x00B0)+'C' --38°C
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(10),CONVERT(int ,LEFT(#C, CHARINDEX(CHAR(0x00B0), #C)-1))*9/5+32)+CHAR(0x00B0)+'F'


Sybase convert issue from float to varchar

First, I need to mention that my current sybase db version is Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.4. I aim to convert float data type into varchar via sybase convert function in order to concat several of these kinds of variables, format and store in string type.
Unfortunately, it is not the case. Simply using convert(varchar(20), float_var) or cast() function cannot correctly return the precise value.
For example, ...
declare #float_var float
select #float_var =345.1237 --from table actually
select convert(varchar(20),#float_var) --return 345.1236999999
The incorrect string results returned occasionally have 99999 or 00001 suffix.
I tried many function including specify the precision, but there are still several cases not working on it. The sybase internal function does not exactly work on it.
I suppose this is a gerneral issue while using Sybase DB, however few answer found in serach. During my past experience, Sybase store procedure gammer always has sort of tolerance in runtime and internal fix when error encounter. This issue make me confused how Sybase works internally. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
there are a couple of possible solutions for this.
firstly, let's try to convert the float to decimal first, then to varchar.
select cast(cast(#float_var as decimal(13,4)) as varchar)
alternatively, and this is where my ASE memory might fail me a little, would be to use the STR function like so:
Select ltrim(str(#float_var, 25, 5))
You have to TRIM the output as the STR function padding empty spaces on to the left of the result
this works for me:
declare #float_var float
select #float_var = 96.332
select cast(cast(#float_var as decimal(13,4)) as varchar) -- Returns 96.3320
declare #float_var float
select #float_var = 345.1237
select cast(cast(#float_var as decimal(13,4)) as varchar) -- Returns 345.1237

String input matched against a binary field in SQL WHERE

Here is the scenario:
I have a SQL select statement that returns a binary data object as a string. This cannot be changed it is outside the area of what I can modify.
So for example it would return '1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652'.
If I manually add a 0x in front of this string in a query I will retrieve the results I'm looking for so for example:
SELECT a, b FROM mytable WHERE uuid = 0x1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652
My result set is correct.
However I need to find a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 compatible means to do this programatically. Simply concatenating 0x to the string variable does not work. Obvious, but I did try it.
Help please :)
Thank you
My understanding of your question is that you have a column uuid, which is binary.
You are trying to select rows with a particular value in uuid, but you are trying to use a string like so:
SELECT a, b FROM mytable WHERE uuid = '0x1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652'
which does not work. If this is correct, you can use the CONVERT function with a style of 2 to have SQL Server treat the string as hex and not require a '0x' as the first characters:
FROM mytable
WHERE uuid = CONVERT(binary(16), '1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652', 2)

How to compare two different data type variables in where condition of SQL query

I have one column which is integer in first table and second is varcha. Now I need to compare these 2 variables which are of different data types and retrieve data if it matches.
Please could please help me out how to work on this?
Please specify which DBMS you're using please.
Sql Server?
Well, I see you mentioned Sql*Plus above which to me says Oracle so for the sake of thoroughness. CAST appears to be what you're looking for. CONVERT does something a bit different in Oracle so you'd be doing something like
CAST(#YourStringValue AS INTEGER) = #YourOtherIntegerValue
or whatever datatype you want to cast your column to and then compare it against your other value. The syntax may be off a bit as I'm no Oracle guy but this should point you in the right direction.
If it is about MS SQL, then it will cast those for you implicitly, no need to cast or convert.
declare #IntVariable int
set #IntVariable = 3
declare #VarcharVariable varchar(10)
set #VarcharVariable = '3'
select case when #IntVariable = #VarcharVariable then 1 else 0 end
You can either cast varchar to int or int to varchar and then compare.
Short example of casting:
CAST(ColumnName as datatype)as CertainName
Here CertainName means u can show that to display as your new column name
if yo are using c# java or other strict type programming languase then you will have to convert the int type into string then you will be able to compare them if you are using PHP then no conversion will be required

searching sql DB table for japanese terms

I have a table with columns that allow for different language formats (using nvarchar) and the problem is that when I try to search for these terms; particularly Japanese/Chinese terms, the typical select statement does not work
select * from jtable where searchterm = 'ろくでなし'
It will return 0 which is incorrect since it is definitely in the table. Someone mentioned using cast(....) but not sure how to do this.
Need an N to make the string literal unicode.
select * from jtable where searchterm = N'ろくでなし'
Without the N the 'ろくでなし' is implicit varchar and is seen as '?????'
See my related answer about khmer text for examples of why: Khmer Unicode, English and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 results in questionmarks

Implement an IN Query using XQuery in MSSQLServer 2005

I'm trying to query an xml column using an IN expression. I have not found a native XQuery way of doing such a query so I have tried two work-arounds:
Implement the IN query as a concatenation of ORs like this:
WHERE Data.exist('/Document/ParentKTMNode[text() = sql:variable("#Param1368320145") or
text() = sql:variable("#Param2043685301") or ...
Implement the IN query with the String fn:contains(...) method like this:
WHERE Data.exist('/Document/Field2[fn:contains(sql:variable("#Param1412022317"), .)]') = 1
Where the given parameter is a (long) string with the values separated by "|"
The problem is that Version 1. doesn't work for more than about 50 arguments. The server throws an out of memory exception. Version 2. works, but is very, very slow.
Has anyone a 3. idea? To phrase the problem more complete: Given a list of values, of any sql native type, select all rows whose xml column has one of the given values at a specific field in the xml.
Try to insert all your parameters in a table and query using sql:column clause:
SELECT Mytable.Column FROM MyTable
WHERE Data.exist('/Document/ParentKTMNode[text() = sql:column("T")