How to determine the type of control (or object)? - vba

There are three only ways, which are discussed on the Internet and on this forum in particular
How to check type of object in VB 6 - Is there any method other than 'TypeName'
How to check type of Object in VB 6 ? - I do not want to use 'TypeOf' method
How to check type of object in VB 6 - Is there any method other than 'TypeName'
- the string method TypeName
- the clumsy TypeOf
- by name of control, defined in a specific notation
Am I right, that there are no built-in tools to get a normal numeric constant, like the MsoControlType?

Direct answer
Am I right, that there are no built-in tools to get a normal numeric constant, like the MsoControlType?
Yes, that is correct. Unless you implement your own, using the techniques you've listed.
Well, excluding VarType, which will return vbObject given any object reference.
Pedantic answer
What you're referring to as a "normal numeric constant" has strictly nothing to do with a control's type - these MsoControlType constants are just Enum values that the CommandBar API uses to determine the type of the control to create when you ask to create one.
MsoControlType.msoControlButton is not a type of control, it's a constant with a value of 1. Nothing more, nothing less - the type of a control is a class, not a numeric constant:
CommandBarPopup is the class (and thus the type of the control), not msoControlPopup, and not 10:
A type is what you give to TypeOf [variable] Is [*type*], or Dim [variable] As [*type*]: it's an identifier that refers to a class/interface (in the case of an object, of course - a type could also be one of the primitives, e.g. Integer or Boolean). And given the weakness of reflection capabilities in VB6/VBA for lack of a .net-like type system where a type itself is an abstraction that can be worked with, a custom Enum type and a function taking an object, featuring a Select Case block with TypeOf checks, is your best bet for that function to return a normal numeric constant that represents the type of the provided object.


What is the point of CTypeDynamic?

I'm using reflection to serialize an object. Getting the values as objects is a real murder on performance due to late binding penalties. CType / DirectCast can get rid of most of it but I can't feed a type variable into it so currently I'm using a switch case block on the type variable to select the correct DirectCast.
It came to my attention that CTypeDynamic exists and takes type variables but the return type is Object so... it converts an object into an object, cool. That got me wondering, what is the purpose of this function?
The CTypeDynamic function looks for dynamic information and performs the cast/conversion appropriately. This is different from the CType operator which looks for static information at compile time or relies on the types being IConvertible.
This function examines the object at runtime including looking for Shared (aka static) custom operators. As always, if you know the type then use CType, but if you need dynamic casting then you need to use CTypeDynamic.
More information here:

Passing parameters of varying Types

I am using a procedure which involves parameter passing and the parameter being passed is a variable. Because I have explicitly declared the data type of another parameter, I need to do the same for this one. What data type do I declare the parameter as if it is a variable?
An example of what you are doing and what Types you are dealing with would have been nice. You can implement Overloading to provide for different parameter Types:
Friend Function FooBar(n As Integer) As Integer
Friend Function FooBar(n As Int64) As Integer
Friend Function FooBar(n As Short) As Integer
The compiler will pick the function which matches the data type being passed. Internally, they might do whatever based on the Type passed, then call another procedure to perform any stuff common to them all.
There is probably a finite number of types you need it to work with. For instance Font, Point and Rectangle probably make no sense. Even Date is dubious because you cannot do stuff to a date in the same way as with an Int or Long. String is also not likely needed because you can always pass it as FooBar(CInt(someString)) provided it does contain a valid integer or whatever.
You can also use a generic to tell the function what you are passing:
Private Function FooBar(Of T)(parm As T) As Integer
' called as:
ziggy = FooBar(Of Int32)(n)
zoey = FooBar(Of String)(str)
This might even be Private Function FooBar(Of T)(parm As T) As T if the function return varies depending on the parameter Type passed. There are many uses for this (one of which is to avoid passing a param as Object), but as a general purpose way of passing any type you want it is not a good idea: internally you will likely have to have a big If/Else to handle the different types their own way.
Turning off Option Strict is never advisable since all sorts of unwanted type conversions can take place.
In VB.NET, you can use Object as the type but with Option Strict Off. You can pass any kind of parameter in that case.
for more information, refer :

Why doesn't VB.Net type inference work in class fields?

If I were to type the following into a method body:
Dim myInt = 1
the Visual Studio IDE (and therefore, I am guessing, the compiler) infers the type of myInt to be Integer.
Apparently using a literal was a bad choice here, since I've become embroiled in a lengthy debate that has nothing to do with the question. If you take issue with the fact that the expression 1 might be interpreted as an instance of different numeric types, pretend I had written:
Dim myInstance = New MyClass()
However, when I put a field declaration with the exact same code at the top of a class, the type of myList is not inferred:
Public Class Foo
Dim myInt = 1
End Class
On mouseover, it mentions the absence of an As clause, and says a type of Object has been assumed. I cannot pass myInt as an argument to a function or sub that expects an Integer argument, without explicitly adding an As clause or casting to Integer.
Is there a discrepancy between how the IDE and compiler deal with type inference? If, on the other hand, the compiler can't infer type in this situation either, why the discrepancy between method variables and class fields?
What you've found is that way on purpose. here is the MSDN expalanation.
Local type inference applies at procedure level. It cannot be used to
declare variables at module level (within a class, structure, module,
or interface but not within a procedure or block). If num2 in the
previous example were a field of a class instead of a local variable
in a procedure, the declaration would cause an error with Option
Strict on, and would classify num2 as an Object with Option Strict
off. Similarly, local type inference does not apply to procedure level
variables declared as Static.

Check/display the declared type of an entity (variable, expression...)

I am investigating types in VB especially in VBA. Generally, given an entity there are two types: Effective value type, I guess, is defined as value types in this part of the specification; Declared Type is defined in this part of the specification.
To do tests, I need to use some functions to check types. There are TypeName and VarType. I think they are used to check effective value type of an entity, because TypeName can return DBNull, Decimal and Nothing; VarType can return vbNull, vbEmpty, vbError and vbDecimal. These types exist in the table of effective value types, but not in the table of declared type.
So now, my question is, does anyone know how to check/display the declared type of an entity (variable, expression...)?
Edit 1: Probably for a variable, its declared type is just the type that the declaration of the variable specifies. I would like to insist that, it seems that VBA has declared type for expressions. For instance, Operator Declared Type is mentioned in this link. I think that refers to the declared type of the result of an operation. That means such entities as -i, i+5, i>6... can have a declared type. I would like to know how to display their declared type.
Dim i as integer
i = 6/3
then you do, TypeName(i>3)
it returns Boolean which is the expression's Type based on the Type of the resulting value it holds not operand's declare type. And it complies with the specification given in your link for msdn 2.2 Entities and Declared Types.
Or else are you looking for a syntax/function (e.g. DType, imaginative function) that could return DType(i>3) as integer which is operand's (i) Type? Or rather it's more useful when you have multiple variables within some expression, so you can find all their Types in one go?
e.g. some String that combined all sorts of different TYPE variables in one expressoin.
Just trying to understand when and how this can be useful to you and what could be the end result you are looking for.. Seems like this is more to lanague root definitions.
PS: I do not have reps points to comment. So I added as an answer.

Visual Basic 6.0 to VB.NET declaration

How do I declare "as any" in VB.NET, or what is the equivalent?
The closest you can get is:
Dim var as Object
It's not exactly the same as VB6's as Any (which stores values in a Variant) but you can store variables of any type as Object, albeit boxed.
VB.NET does not support the as any keyword, VB.NET is a strongly typed language, you can however (with .NET 3.5) use implicit typing in VB
Dim fred = "Hello World" will implicitly type fred as a string variable. If you want to simply hold a value that you do not know the type of at design time then you can simply declare your variable as object (the mother of all objects) NOTE, this usually is a red flag for code reviewers, so make sure you have a good reason ready :-)
As Any must be referring to Windows API declarations, as it can't be used in variable declarations. You can use overloading: just repeat the declarations for each different data type you wish to pass. VB.NET picks out the one that matches the argument you pass in your call.
This is better than As Any was in VB6 because the compiler can still do type-checking.
I suppose you have problems with converting WinAPI declarations. Sometimes you can get away if you just declare your variable as string or integer because that is the real type of value returned.
You can also try marshaling:
<MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.AsAny)> ByRef buff As Object
VB.NET doesn't support the "As Any" keyword. You'll need to explicitly specify the type.