I was trying to install XSS Validator for Burpsuite and I need to use phantomjs for that however I can't open the xss.js file. Sadly I have very little code knowledge. I tried following other tutorials but still coulding figure it out.
I'm using the executable phantomjs.exe version. Am I supposed to drag the xss.js file into the phantomjs command line or copy the directory of it and enter?
phantomjs --help
phantomjs [switchs] [options] [script] [argument [argument [...]]]
So you need to run it as
/path/to/phantomjs.exe path/to/xss.js
Also found a detailed discussion:
How to have Phantomjs execute a js file on Windows
In power-shell window command prompt how to run a karate script. can you briefly explain the process on this.
Download the standalone JAR file: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#standalone-jar
Assuming you have the JAR and feature file in the same directory, you can trigger the script from the command prompt using the following command:
> karate.jar testscript.feature
Since you are new to stack overflow, please do read the following to best get help:
I am trying to download Appium Desktop in Ubuntu 16 (I've just been using the terminal to run it so far).
I understand that for Ubuntu, I must download the source code release they have on git (Source Code tar.gz), as apposed to their .exe (windows) or .dmg (mac) releases. After downloading it and un-tarring it, I do not know how to "install" it. I tried reading the README.md, but cannot find the instruction.
How to do this?
Many thanks in advance
1.2.0-beta.2 offers an AppImage for Linux - https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases/
Download it, run chmod a+x on it, and then ./AppImage to execute it.
Offical url: https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases
If you have no idea which file to download, there's a file contains "linux" and end with format "yml", the file name is contained in it.
The file should be an AppImage file as above mentioned, you should change the permission by checking box of "Allow executing file as program" of its "Properties".
And then run "./appiumimagename" in terminal to launch Appium Desktop or install it.
download file named'Appium-linux-1.18.2.AppImage'.
change file permission to "Allow executing file as program" in file properties.
Right click and click on RUN.
I know there's another question similar to this, but the link provided by the answerer is out of date (and when I dig into the current Watir documentation I only find info on Windows 8.1; I am on Windows 7, and the step that doc suggests for resolving this is not helping me per below)
I am attempting to execute a test using Watir/minitest (along the lines of rake ci:setup:minitest test TEST=test/full_path/happypath_test.rb), and it chokes on the following:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: Unable to find the chromedriver exec
utable. Please download the server from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.c
om/index.html and place it somewhere on your PATH. More info at http://code.goog
The Watir documentation and error message both point to the PATH. However, I have just downloaded the latest version of Chromedriver (2.12, it appears) and plonked the exe in a folder that I have confirmed is in my PATH (specifically c:/Ruby193/bin - yes I know I'm on an old Ruby version; alas not something I can update for this project)
I know Chromedriver is present because I can run it from irb:
require 'watir-webdriver
followed by
b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
This launches a chrome window just fine. But when I actually try to execute a test it gives the "can't find chromedriver" error.
I've run bundle install to try and be sure I'm on the right versions of things and don't know what else to do. Any help, please?
Specify the driver_path directly to Selenium.
Simply call this before launching your new browser window:
Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service.driver_path = "/absolute/path/to/chromedriver"
This also has the benefit of not requiring you to muck up your PATH and you can checkthis into your repo (of course, make the path dynamic to your project root directory, etc.).
I found real nice posts here and here. You can configure in super easy steps.
I have tried and tested working superb.
From post 1:
Change from firefox to chrome (wherever you have instantiated the browser ), so that it will become:
#browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
Now if you are on Windows, copy paste the downloaded binary file in C:/Windows directory`
Second post tells about how to change the default path c:\windows to your project's custom path. Its interesting and helpful. Take a look for sure.
Recently I worked on a project done in the network visualization and analysis software Gephi, and I saved it with the ".gephi" extension. However, when I try to reopen the file, it gives the following error message:-
"The project file couldn't be opened. Please check the file has .gephi extension.
XMLStreamException - ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file."
I'm a beginner in Gephi and only an amateur programmer. I do not understand this error message, and thus have no ideas on how to resolve it. I tried updating Gephi to the latest version. I also tried to open the file from within Gephi. Neither of those steps have resolved the problem. Can anyone help me out with this, please?
The error message "premature end of file" means that the xml file was not complete. I suppose that the whole file is empty or just the xml part of the file. so maybe the file got corrupted while saving.
Can you try to open the file with notepad or a hexeditor to verify that it has some content?
There must be some bug on the gephi files writing or reading process.
In order to identify the problem it would help if you can post a gephi log file when each error happens.
You can find the log file on gephi user directory (check http://wiki.gephi.org/index.php/Troubleshooting)
For example in Windows 7 the path is C:\Users\Your_User\AppData\Roaming.gephi\dev\var\log\messages.log
Also, if you can share the files, it will be easier to fix.
This could be related to an open bug where Java6 is used to save the gephi file and then Java7 is used to load the file, say on a different machine.
The jdk used by Gephi can be specified in /etc/gephi.conf or alternatively it can be specified as a parameter --jdkhome when launching Gephi.
The problem is with java and javac:
If you created your gephi file with open java-6-openjdk (for example) and then you sitch your java to java-7-openjdk, then this problem surges.
I fix my gephi returning to the same java and javac executables in Linux by:
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and then
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Hope this can help!
Can I get an interactive JS debugger working on PhantomJS and/or CasperJS?
I didn't solve this entirely, but I definitely reduced the pain.
PhantomJS provides a command line argument to enable webkit's remote debugger. AFAIK, PhantomJS launches a server and dumps the script into the <head> of a webpage with the familiar in-browser debugger. It's actually pretty nice, with breakpoints, etc. However, switching to manually digging around in the terminal for a random command line parameter and the path to your script is seriously irritating.
So, I used IntelliJ's "external tools" feature to launch a Bash script that kills any previous debugging session, launches PhantomJS, and then opens the page up in Chrome.
lsof -i tcp# #list anything bound to port 9000
if [ $? -eq 0 ] #if something was listed
killall 'phantomjs'
/usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs/2.0.0/bin/phantomjs --remote-debugger-port=9000 $1 &
# --remote-debugger-autorun=yes <- use if you have added 'debugger;' break points
# replace $1 with full path if you don't pass it as a variable.
sleep 2; #give phantomJS time to get started
open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app http://localhost:9000 & #linux has a different 'open' command
# alt URL if you want to skip the page listing
# http://localhost:9000/webkit/inspector/inspector.html?page=1
#see also
The next few lines are settings for IntelliJ, although the above code works just as well on any platform/IDE.
program: $ProjectFileDir$/path/to/bash/script.sh
parameters: $FilePath$
working dir: $ProjectFileDir$
PhantomJS has a remote-debugger-port option you can use to debug your casper script in Chrome dev tools. To use it, simply execute your casper script with this argument:
casperjs test script.js --remote-debugger-port=9000
Then, open up http://localhost:9000 in Chrome and click on the about:blank link that presents itself. You should then find yourself in familiar Chrome dev tools territory.
Since this is a script and not a web page, in order to start debugging, you have to do one of two things before your script will execute:
In the Chrome dev tools page, open the console and execute __run() to actually start your script.
Insert a debugger; line in your code, and run your casper script with an additional --remote-debugger-autorun=yes argument. Doing so with the remote debug page open will run the script until it hits your debugger; line.
There's a great tutorial that explains this all very nicely.