I have written server (I've used python 3, twisted, tkinter) and everything is Okay when I try to connect to it on my local machine, for example via telnet I do so - "telnet localhost port", but when I try this "telnet ip_address port" it's not going to be connected. Question is why? And to simplify this, here's simple code:
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
class Echo(protocol.Protocol):
def dataReceived(self, data):
def main():
factory = protocol.ServerFactory()
factory.protocol = Echo
reactor.listenTCP(8123, factory)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is an overview of what needs to be done. To start things off, you have to bind to an interface other than localhost. Alternatively, you can listen on all interfaces (ie. interface = '0.0.0.'). In your code, you need to append the interface to your reactor.listenTCP() function:
reactor.listenTCP(8123, factory, interface='')
Next you will have to ensure incoming TCP traffic is permitted on your router and server. You will also have to forward traffic from your incoming WAN interface from your router to the interface on your server. On the server side, you'll have to ensure incoming traffic is permitted by your firewall(s). So let's say your WAN IP address provided by your ISP is and your Twisted server is running on server's interface Go onto your router and look for Port Forward or NAT functions then set them so that requests for your WAN IP are forwarded to your server's IP.
Take extra precautions with these steps as this can leave your network very vulnerable! It's probably better to use services like OpenShift or Heroku to host your Python projects.
I'm using GCP like in the following schema:
TCP balancer -> backend-service -> MIG(my app) with auto scaling.
"My app" accepts commands on a TCP port (A) and sends notifications on another TCP port(B) for subscriber.
I'm running my tests against TCP LB's IP - my tests connect to port B on a startup(i.e. one of instances of "my app") and also my tests make a connection to port A for each test.
i.e. I've faced with a case when port A and port B are terminated/connected to different hosts.
I am not sure how to circumvent this case.
I have mitigated the issue using --session-affinity=CLIENT_IP for backend-services configuration, I.e. all connections from one IP are directed to the same target.
I am trying to set up a STUN/TURN server on my local computer for a webrtc application of me. I decided to use coturn. Note that my server is running behind a NAT.
So i fired up my Ubuntu VM and installed it. After reading through the wiki I got it working, atleast on my local network. For testing purposes, i use this site. Therefore, when i try it there with, it works. When i try it with "public-ip":3478, it doesnt.
This told me, it is working locally and it should be a port/NAT issue. What i did:
1) I set the VM to Bridging
2) I opened the port 3478 on my router. To test if this is really working, i used telnet on a remote machine and it worked. Another test was that i set up a quick apache server on my local machine on port 3478 and it could be accessed from the outside. This told me that there is, or should be, not port/NAT issue and my turn server should be working.
Any ideas?
I am running my server with the following command:
"sudo turnserver -X "public-ip" -listening-port=3478 -v
The turnserver.conf looks something like this:
As telnet and apache server are both working, i am pretty sure i have a configuration issue. I basically spent the weekend trying and im really lost on what could be wrong.
Thanks for any help!
From the documentation of turnserver
-X, --external-ip <public-ip>[/private-ip] TURN Server public/private address mapping, if the server is behind NAT. In that situation, if a -X is used in form "-X " then that ip will be reported as relay IP address of all allocations. This scenario works only in a simple case when one single relay address is to be used, and no CHANGE_REQUEST STUN functionality is required. That single relay address must be mapped by NAT to the 'external' IP. The "external-ip" value, if not empty, is returned in XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS field. For that 'external' IP, NAT must forward ports directly (relayed port 12345 must be always mapped to the same 'external' port 12345). In more complex case when more than one IP address is involved, that option must be used several times, each entry must have form "-X ", to map all involved addresses. CHANGE_REQUEST NAT discovery STUN functionality will work correctly, if the addresses are mapped properly, even when the TURN server itself is behind A NAT. By default, this value is empty, and no address mapping is used.
So, it is not enough that you expose only the listening port from the inside LAN to the public network but all ports that you are going to use to relay. Please, note what is said in the same documentation:
--min-port <port> Lower bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation. Default value is 49152, according to RFC 5766.
--max-port <port> Upper bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation. Default value is 65535, according to RFC 5766.
You should choose a range of ports in the server, configure with them the options --min-port and --max-port and create a NAT rule to expose those ports to the public side of the router without change.
I was looking for an answer on my question on google and also here, but a didn't find a proper answer.
So here is the context:
I have a software running on some server (without firewall) in one subnet.
There is another software running on some PC in a different subnet.
Both subnets are connected to a gateway server. All computers are running CentOS or RHEL.
On the gateway server, there is a firewall, preventing multicast traffic from leaving the one subnet and allow clients from outside to connect to computers inside this subnet. Therefore xinetd is used. The computer from outside needs to send a packet to a specific port, the computer on the inside answers to another specific port depending on the sender. So there is no need for the gateway to keep track of sender-receiver relations. It just needs to forward UDP on specific ports to specific computers from one subnet to another.
So I added one service in /etc/services (for one direction):
udp-gateway 6000/udp
And created the according configuration file in /etc/xinetd.d/gateway like:
service udp-gateway
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = no
user = root
redirect = 6000 #Server inside the subnet
Now the problem is, that the server doesn't open an UDP-port to listen on ('netstat -nulp' says). When I change the protocol to TCP and the socket_type to stream, it works. But I need this for UDP.
Is it possible that this is not possible for UDP? Or is netstat just not showing the ports? Or is my xinetd-configuration missing something?
Thanks in advance, every hint is appreciated.
redirect = 6000 #Server inside the subnet
from the man page of xinetd:
Allows a tcp service to be redirected to another host.
This means usage of redirect for udp is not possible. And I don't see any other way to do this with xinetd.
It's not that much of a question, rather a confirmation that what I did is right or not and if it is safe or not.
Until now what I have found googling around is that you cannot run rtorrent through a proxy. You can either put the http request through a proxy, or tsocks, in both cases either the actual transfers are done directly or not done at all. Therefore until now the only proposed viable solution is a VPN which I wanted to avoid.
What I did was use an http proxy for the http part and a port forwarding for the actual download part. For example, lets assume the following: --> Local machine with the actual rtorrent
remote.machine.com --> The remote machine used as a proxy
I created 2 ssh tunnels
ssh -N -D 9090 user#remote.machine.com
ssh -R 9091:localhost:9091 user#remote.machine.com
From the local machine I installed polipo as the html proxy and configured it to use a socks proxy in the remote.machine.com.
I edited the following lines in /etc/polipo/config so that I can get the socks proxy.
socksParentProxy = "localhost:9090"
socksProxyType = socks5
I also changed the html proxy port for extra security, again in /etc/polipo/config
proxyPort = 9080
On the local machine I changed the ~/.rtorrent.rc as following:
#Proxy of the http requests through polipo
# The ip address reported to the tracker.
#Really important, in order to get connections for downloads
ip = remote.machine.com
# The ip address the listening socket and outgoing connections is
# bound to.
bind =
# Port range to use for listening.
port_range = 9091-9091
# Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
port_random = no
The system seems to work. I connect to the trackers and I have up and down traffic. So the questions are:
Am I safe that all the traffic concerning rtorrent is done through the remote.machine.com?
Did I miss something?
Are there any problems or concerns regarding this method?
As far as I see, you have covered inbound connections, as well as outgoing HTTP traffic, but any outbound peer-to-peer connections will be created directly, not through any tunnel. Currently, rtorrent does not appear to support passing outbound P2P connections through a tunnel or proxy of any kind, so in order to handle these, you'll need some other mechanism.
You mentioned tsocks and that it does not work – not even in addition to the rtorrent configuration you have set up above? (Although with tsocks you should be able to drop the HTTP proxy part.)
If that fails, there are alternatives to tsocks mentioned on the tsocks project page. A slightly more involved alternative would be to create a new loopback interface (lo:1 with IP, bind your rtorrent to that one and use something like sshuttle to direct all traffic originating on that interface through an SSH tunnel. Unfortunately, sshuttle doesn't let you restrict its operation to a specific interface at the moment, though, so you'd have to fiddle with the iptables rules it creates to make them match your needs. I assume a patch adding this feature to sshuttle would be welcome.
As a side note, you can create multiple port forwards and SOCKS proxies in a single SSH connection, like this:
ssh -N -D 9090 -R myself#my.example.com
I'm trying to setup JMeter in a distributed mode.
I have a server running on an ec2 intance, and I want the master to run on my local computer.
I had to jump through some hopes to get RMI working correctly on the server but was solved with setting the "java.rmi.server.hostname" to the IP of the ec2 instance.
The next (and hopefully last) problem is the server communicating back to the master.
The problem is that because I am doing this from an internal network, the master is sending its local/internal ip address (192.168.1.XXX) when it should be sending back the IP of my external connection (92.XXX.XXX.XXX).
I can see this in the jmeter-server.log:
ERROR - jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper: testStarted(host) java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
That host IP is wrong. It should be the 92.XXX.XXX.XX address. I assume this is because in the master logs I see the following:
2012/07/29 20:45:25 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: IP: Name: XXXXXX.local FullName:
And this IP is sent to the server during RMI setup.
So I think I have two options:
Tell the master to send the external IP
Tell the server to connect on the external IP of the master.
But I can't see where to set these commands.
Any help would be useful.
For the benefit of future readers, don't take no for an answer. It is possible! Plus you can keep your firewall in place.
In this case, I did everything over port 4000.
How to connect a JMeter client and server for distributed testing with Amazon EC2 instance and local dev machine across different networks.
JMeter 2.13 Client: local dev computer (different network)
JMeter 2.13 Server: Amazon EC2 instance
I configured distributed client / server JMeter connectivity as follows:
1. Added a port forwarding rule on my firewall/router:
Port: 4000
Destination: JMeter client private IP address on the LAN.
2. Configured the "Security Group" settings on the EC2 instance:
Type: Allow: Inbound
Port: 4000
Source: JMeter client public IP address (my dev computer/network public IP)
Update: If you already have SSH connectivity, you could use an SSH tunnel for the connection, that will avoid needing to add the firewall rules.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/54-179-XXX-XXX.pem ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 4000:localhost:4000 jmeter#54.179.XXX.XXX
3. Configured client $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter.properties file RMI section:
note only the non-default values that I changed are included here:
# Remote hosts and RMI configuration
# Remote Hosts - comma delimited
# Add EC2 JMeter server public IP address:Port combo
# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)
# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by the RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controler)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine
# To change the default port (1099) used to access the server:
# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:
4. Configured remote server $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter.properties file RMI section as follows:
# Remote hosts and RMI configuration
# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)
# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by the RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controler)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine
# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:
5. Started the JMeter server/slave with:
jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=54.179.XXX.XXX
where 54.179.XXX.XXX is the public IP address of the EC2 server
6. Started the JMeter client/master with:
jmeter -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=121.73.XXX.XXX
where 121.73.XXX.XXX is the public IP address of my client computer.
7. Ran a JMeter test suite.
JMeter GUI log output
I had a similar problem: the JMeter server tried to connect to the wrong address for sending the results of the test (it tried to connect to localhost).
I solved this by setting the following parameter when starting the JMeter master:
It looks as though this wont work Distributed JMeter Testing explains the requirements for load testing in a distributed environment. Number 2 and 3 are particular to your use case I believe.
The firewalls on the systems are turned off.
All the clients are on the same subnet.
The server is in the same subnet, if 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x ip addresses are used.
Make sure JMeter can access the server.
Make sure you use the same version of JMeter on all the systems. Mixing versions may not work correctly.
Might be very late in the game but still. Im running this with jmeter 5.3.
So to get it work by setting up the slaves in aws and the controller on your local machine.
Make sure your slave has the proper localports and hostname. The hostname on the slave should be the ec2 instance public dns.
Make sure AWS has proper security policies.
For the controller (which is your local machine) make sure you run with the parameter '-Djava.rmi.server.hostname='. You can get the ip by googling "my public ip address". Definately not those 192.xxx.xxx.x or 172.xx.xxx.
Then you have to configure your modem to port forward your machine that is used to be your controller. The port can be obtained when from the slave log (the ones that has the FINE: RMI RenewClean....., yeah you have to set the log to verbose). OR set DMZ and put your controller machine. Dangerous, but convinient just for the testing time, don't forget to off it after that
Then it should work.