How to configure kubernetes cluster with corporate ldap, for authentication? [closed] - ldap

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How to configure kubernetes cluster with corporate ldap, for authentication?
I'd not found anything official.

Kismatic is one of the projects that provides a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication webhook for Kubernetes. For Kismatic Enterprise Toolkit (KET) source code check out this link.

According to official documentation as of K8s 1.3, there is no native support for ldap authentication but using keystone can be a way to bridge to an LDAP or AD.
Found this link showing a sample walk through (with Samba):
This implies the API server does the authn for the client... a more flexible solution using keystone tokens might soon be implemented here:


How does FusionAuth compare to other auth providers? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We're checking out Auth Providers and was wondering how FusionAuth compares to the others?
First of, FusionAuth is free. Developers can use it for any application and even deploy to production with any number of users. All of the features of FusionAuth are available for free as well.
FusionAuth provides all of the core features that an identity provider must provide. These include registration, login, SSO, MFA, password hashing, password constraints, password reset, email templates, OAuth, OpenID Connect and others. In addition to the core features, FusionAuth also provides localization features, reporting, analytics, user segmentation, user search and a user management UI.
FusionAuth is single-tenant and downloadable. You can download it to your dev box, deploy it on a bare-metal server, run it in any cloud or deploy it to Docker. This provides a lot flexibility and FusionAuth (the company) can host it for you in an AWS private cloud if you need.
Finally, FusionAuth is built to scale. You can spin up new instances of it to handle large login volumes (because password hashing is expensive). We've tested it with a few hundred million users and it performs nicely.
Here's a quick example of just one of the numerous of APIs that FusionAuth provides.
$ curl -H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d'{"loginId":"", "password":"password"}' \
This is the Login API and you can find the full documentation here:
There are comparison docs to other common solutions like Auth0 here.
At the bottom are links to comparisons to Active Directory, Cognito, Firebase, Ping Identity, Okta, and OneLogin.

Login to AWS Console with Google apps account

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Closed 2 days ago.
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Is it possible to setup authentication to AWS with Google accounts?
I find out that there is Identity Providers in IAM, with which I can setup OpenID connection, so I start digging in this way, but there is no information about specifics of bonding together Amazon and Google.

IBM Worklight - What is offline authentication? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have seen sometimes the concept of "offline authentication" in slides but I have never been able to map it to specific feature.
Now in Worklight 6.1 I see it in a table of features and the support for each platform:
What is offline authentication and how does Worklight implements it? I understand it is not the same as "working offline".
Looks like "Offline authentication" is a reference to Encrypted Offline Cache... and the same can be achieved with JSONStore as well.
Source: Enhancing Your Mobile Enterprise Security with IBM Worklight
Offline authentication
When applications are running on mobile devices
that are not connected to the network, the need for user
authentication still exists. The encrypted cache feature in Worklight
can be used to achieve more offline authentication because only the
correct passwords can unlock the offline cache.
Theoretically you could devise an authentication flow that uses local secure storage for authentication needs.... I don't know how popular that would be...

Is there any public streaming api? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have read the github api docs and I haven't found any streaming api like twitter streaming api.
I want to implement public github repository feed via js on client side without a server.
Is it possible?
Should I create a server and github app and authenticate my server on github so I can make all requests through it?
There is no streaming API for GitHub. I doubt they have plans of adding one either to be frank.
Your initial request can get the last 30 events and then poll with the ETag header of that request for updates. You'll need to be authenticated (somehow, not necessary via an app) to make it work. Considering each request should come from a different IP address I would hazard a guess that the rate-limits wouldn't be applied globally to all visitors regardless of who they're authenticating as. That, however, would be an excellent question for the API support team at GitHub.

Simple LDAP based centralized web authentication store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Internal to our work group we have a number of services running on our web server including build service, wiki, bug tracker, and some homegrown apps. Currently these all require seperate logins for each service.
The main choice i see to centralize user creation between all these services is LDAP, however i am not interested in doing the full enterprise system, attaching logins and shared directories etc all I want is a way of centralizing users in web services.
From playing with openLDAP this seems complete overkill and is a pain to set up. Is there a simpler method, perhaps speaking LDAP protocol or some other way of centralizing authentication without having to hack up custom external authentication scripts for my services?
A centralized authentication store accessed via LDAP is exactly the solution for which you seek. LDAP is
a small protocol from a wire perspective
most available LDAP servers are extremely fast
the protocol and implemented servers are simple
easy to understand
easy to administrate
easily securable
Add replication for redundancy and increased aggregate throughput and it is hard to imagine a better solution.