react-select: How to keep menu closed after selecting a value when multiselect? - react-select

I would like the menu to be closed after I have selected a value in multi select mode.
Is that possible? I have tried scrollMenuIntoView={false} and openOnFocus={false} without success.

I got answer in another forum,
"To close the whole control, you can keep a ref to the Select and call"


Kendo-Vue Hide button in column?

i'm struggling with this one, i need to hide a button, i mean a command button based on the value of a column.
i grab the following example from kendo pages, i would like to show/hide the button "View Details" based on the "Discontinued" value.
i've already tested with :visible or :hide properties without success.
does someone know how to get this working?
The command option is expecting string or array so this is an updated stackblitz example that worked at my side -

Automation Anywhere. How do I pick a value from dropdown

Automation Anywhere. How do I pick a value from dropdown. I tried 'set text' from a copied variable. Its very slow, and also doesnt seem to be the right away. I would want to pick a value from the dropdown. Any idea how this can be done ? Thank you
You can use Object Cloning for this.
The process will be like:
Select object cloning and select the window you want to clone.
Capture the object to which you want to select from the drop-down.
Object cloning intelligence will automatically treat this as Drop down, and an extra option like "select Item by text" will appear in the action list. Select that option.
It will only suggest the all the drop down options. Select the required option you want.
Press Save.
That's it.
You can do it using 'Manage Windows Controls' AA Command ( in this command make sure you check available checkbox for Capture a control of specific type [select - Drop Down] in next text box) and capture the value from pick list.

Powerbuilder multiple select in dropdown

Is there a multiple select option for the datawindow dropdown in powerbuilder? I have a dropdown (dddw) and I need to select more than one value. How can I do that?
Nope. A dropdowndatawindow is a single select object. You can do this via a listbox. Here is a link which may help you from the old PowerBuilder Developers Journal. You basically set the muli select property of the listbox to true. Populate the entries. Then loop through the selected items.
There also is a discussion string on this topic in the SAP archives (SAP used to own PowerBuilder). There is a custom control by Balu Ramasamy which may help too.
I don’t know how to make Powerbuilder select multiple rows in a dropdowndatawindow, but I had a situation where it did select multiple rows and I didn’t want it to. I had to turn off the prior row and reselect the new row. I added this code to the itemchanged event when transaction_reason changed.
DataWindowChild ldwc_Reason
this.GetChild('transaction_reason', ldwc_Reason)
// unselect prior reason's'
ldwc_Reason.selectrow( 0, false)
// select the current reason
ldwc_Reason.selectrow( ldwc_Reason.getrow(), true)

ToolStripManager.Merge corrupts button?

In, I have 2 contextmenustrips: cmsSource and cmsMain.
I am merging cmsSource into cmsMain so I can have another contextmenu drop down like this:
I am still using cmsSource to assign to a splitbutton:
splitbutton.ContextMenuStrip = cmsSource
But when I run the code, the splitbutton will not show the contextmenu when clicked. If I comment out the ToolStripManager.Merge function, it works fine. Also, I try to assign the splitbutton prior to merging but that also does not work. BTW, cmsMain has 2 submenus containing ToolStripMenuItems and cmsSource has 1 submenu containing ToolStripMenuItems.
I have also set cmsmain.allowmerge = true, that did not help. If I merge and revertmerge, it works as if I never merged(obviously). So does the merging somehow alter cmsSource or keep it from being used? Thanks in advance.
Not really an answer but I think that's just the way it is, once it is merged, cmsSource cannot be used. I'll just duplicate the cms.

Clearing a dropdown menu in VB.Net

I have two drop down boxes in my program. When you select an item from the first drop down, it populates select-able items in the second. When I select something in the second and then change the selection in the first one, the values remain in the second. How do I "reset" the second drop down when the first is changed?
Any help would be awesome!
The drop down is in a windows form.
You have to reset the comboxBox items collection before adding the new items :
Hope that helps.
I'm working with very old VB.NET legacy code in an ASP.NET project, so I'm not sure if this answer will help anyone or not. Here is what I did to clear our dropdown list:
The code in the .aspx file looks like this:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" Style="width:250px">
ClearSelection() did exactly what I needed it to do. It cleared the dropdownlist selection so that nothing was selected. The box was blank, but when you dropdown the list, all the options are still available to choose from.