Django Deployed Admin Account - Missing Table - sql

My local Django app has an admin account, which I can successfully login to. However, when I deploy this app to the Google's Cloud by following this tutorial; I get the photographed error. How can I fix this?


Cant access Heroku account

When I am trying to log in to my Heroku account it tells me to use the authenticator app.
I downloaded the salesforce authenticator, but I think I have to be inside my account to make the connection to the app. But I can`t get in to do that - Its a typical catch 22 situation.

Google SDK API Error 403 when using complete API privileges

We have built a provisioning with google SDK API to create and update employees in google workspace.
We are using a service user without a role and authentication using one of the admin users.
There is an issue, when the admin account we are using is set with COMPLETE API Privileges and in the user payload we are sending “suspended”: true we are getting an error back from google “403 “Not Authorized to access this resource/api” “.
If we change the admin account to SUPER ADMIN its working correctly and we are not getting an error.
We have tried cloning the Super Admin permissions, and set the admin account with the cloned permission yet again we are getting the same error.
Can anyone assist with understanding why its happening or how to overcome this issue?

Oauth2 login times out on AWS

I'm currently developing a Flask application on a Amazon EC2 instance running Linux. I have installed httpd and access to the site is successful. The Flask application has an OAuth2 authentication using Google accounts.
When testing on localhost, the website runs perfectly with the user staying logged in. However, when testing on the live site - there is a redirect to the Google login page after about a minute. Apart from this, the live site is working as expected including the actual process of logging in.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is the case or have suggestions on how to fix this? I can provide more details on the setup if need be. It seems strange that the localhost doesn't have this issue.
Make sure you're using UTC everywhere.
to see the expiration time of your access token.

Cannot add users to Google Console Project

I am attempting to add a project owner within Google Developer Console under Permissions. The original project was created with a domain user (Google Apps for Work) and I can add other domain users but cannot add external users (other gmail or different Google Apps domain user).
I receive a 504 error in the Console logs and a message saying "The server has timed out while trying to process your request."
Has anyone seen or resolved this issue? Or perhaps know of a way to contact Google support regarding this?
I realized that the this happens for two of our projects and both projects have a prefix on the project ID:
I am not sure if this is linked but is the primary domain for our Google Apps account.

How to publish google apps script to cloud for public?

I have a apps script that uses bigquery service to fetch data from my bigquery account and builds visualizations/tables etc. I publish the app with following options
Execute App as: User accessing web app
Who has access to this app: Anyone
When I open the link (one ending in exec not dev) in chrome incognito, I expect it to show the web app but it asks for google credentials.
When I entering credentials of my other (different from the one hosting the project) account, I get a permissions error.
I added this other account from my primary one under permissions option of google console - even that wasn't enough.
I had to create a dummy project as this other user to accept the invitation from my primary account. After that the app showed up on this other account.
My question is, how do I publish my app for the consumers (even public) of this info without them having to create dummy project/accept my invite etc?
You have two errors:
1) Publish to run as you not the user, and2) make it anonymous access. *
People might consume your daily/per second quotas thou.
(*) anonymous access option might not be present if the google apps administrator disabled anonymous sharing in the console.