Using promise with GraphRequestManager - react-native

Does anyone have an example on how to use promise with GraphRequestManager?
I get Cannot read property then of undefined error in my action creator.
function graphRequest(path, params, token=undefined, version=undefined, method='GET') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(new GraphRequest(
httpMethod: method,
version: version,
accessToken: token
(error, result) => {
if (error) {
console.log('Error fetching data: ' + error);
reject('error making request. ' + error);
} else {
console.log('Success fetching data: ');
I call the above using my action creator
export function accounts() {
return dispatch => {
console.log("fetching accounts!!!!!!");
fbAPI.accounts().then((accounts) => {
}).catch((error) => {
I get 'Success fetching data:' in the console along with the result before the error. So the API call is made successfully. The error is after fetching the accounts in fbAPI.accounts().then((accounts) which I think is due to GraphRequestManager returning immediately instead of waiting.

I have a solution for you.
My provider look like this :
FBGraphRequest = async (fields) => {
const accessData = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
// Create a graph request asking for user information
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const infoRequest = new GraphRequest('/me', {
accessToken: accessData.accessToken,
parameters: {
fields: {
string: fields
(error, result) => {
if (error) {
console.log('Error fetching data: ' + error.toString());
} else {
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(infoRequest).start();
triggerGraphRequest = async () => {
let result = await this.FBGraphRequest('id, email');
return result;
That works great ! I let you adapt my solution to your system.


react native make accessToken global

im using rn-secure-storage to save authState when using oauth2, then i have class AppHelper to control all network function like below:
import RNSecureStorage, { ACCESSIBLE } from 'rn-secure-storage'
export const accessToken = async() => {
await RNSecureStorage.get("authState").then((value) => {
console.log("authState", value);
return JSON.parse(value).accessToken
}).catch((err) => {
console.log("can not get authState", err);
export const getData = (url, tag = 'getData') => {
return fetch(url, {
method : 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + accessToken
.then((response) => {
console.log(tag, 'Bearer ' + accessToken);
return response.text();
.then((json) => {
console.log(tag, json)
return json;
.catch((error) => {
console.log(tag, error, url)
export const handleError = (error) => {
if (error.response.code == 401){
console.log('network call failed', error)
im coding native before, so im not familiar with React native syntax. I just want to get access token to apply in network call, but my code show error:
_getMasterInfoApi Bearer function _callee() {
return _regenerator.default.async(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = {
case 0: = 2;
return _regenerator.default.awrap(_rnSecureStorage.default.get("authState").then(function (value) {
console.log("authState", value);
return JSON.parse(value).accessToken;
}).catch(function (err) {
case 2:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, null, null, null, Promise);
Can anyone help? thanks in advance

Login page (with firebase auth) is not rendering if dataProvider (Woocommerce) is failing

The app is not rendering the login page in case the dataprovider is failing.
I have made a customized login page, using firebase as authProvider.
I'm trying to make it work so that I log in and then use the provided to use a correct API -key to fetch & update data from WooCommerce site.
Everything works fine if I have predefined the user id in the dataprovider, like this
const user = async () => {await authProvider.checkAuth()};
const vendor = user.lengt > 0 ? user.uid: 'reader';
let WooCommerce = new WooCommerceAPI(wcConfig[host][vendor]);
If I plainly use the user.uid it is undefined before I log in and the login age will not be shown at all. Now what I do wonder is that why would we try to use the dataprovider before auth and how to get pass that?
After log in the vendor (used for woocommerce api) is not updated either.
WooCommerce dataProvider is self made, it does return a 401, but I'm wondering if there's something missing in the error handling.
Here's the actual code:
export default {
getList: (resource, params) => {
const search = params.filter.q;
const { page, per_page } = params.pagination;
const query = {
page: JSON.stringify(page),
per_page: JSON.stringify(per_page),
search: JSON.stringify(search)
let url = `${resource}/?${stringify(query)}`
if (resource === 'system_status'){
url = resource;
return WooCommerce.get(url,
.then((response) => {
return {
total: parseInt(response.headers['x-wp-total']),
pages: parseInt(response.headers['x-wp-totalpages'])
.catch((error) => {
// Invalid request, for 4xx and 5xx statuses
console.log("Response Status:", error.response.status);
console.log("Response Headers:", error.response.headers);
console.log("Response Data:",;
return { data: };
.finally(() => {
// Always executed.
getOne: (resource, params) => {
return WooCommerce.get(resource + '/' +
.then((response) => {
// Successful request
return {
.catch((error) => {
// Invalid request, for 4xx and 5xx statuses
console.log("Response Status:", error.response.status);
console.log("Response Headers:", error.response.headers);
console.log("Response Data:",;
return { data: };
.finally(() => {
// Always executed.
update: (resource, params) => {
return WooCommerce.put(resource + '/' +,
.then((response) => {
// Successful request
return {
.catch((error) => {
// Invalid request, for 4xx and 5xx statuses
console.log("Response Status:", error.response.status);
console.log("Response Headers:", error.response.headers);
console.log("Response Data:",;
return { data: };
.finally(() => {
// Always executed.
create: (resource, params) => {
.then((response) => {
// Successful request
return {
.catch((error) => {
// Invalid request, for 4xx and 5xx statuses
console.log("Response Status:", error.response.status);
console.log("Response Headers:", error.response.headers);
console.log("Response Data:",;
return { data: };
.finally(() => {
// Always executed.
Apparently one has to handle the configuration error.
let WooCommerce = () => {
try {
return new WooCommerceAPI(config[host][vendor]);
} catch (error) {
Could've been better, but at least it works now.

React native asyncstorage cannot get data

I'm starting my react-native project with npm start. On my emulator I have installed expo to view my application. Also I'm using http://ip:19001/debugger-ui/ to debug my application in google chrome.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get any data from asyncstorage. Can you please give me some tips how to correct this problem.
In one of my activities I store data with;
storeDataInAsync1(idSchool,year) {
try {
//await AsyncStorage.removeItem('user');
AsyncStorage.setItem('dateRange', this.props.range);
AsyncStorage.setItem('idSchool', idSchool);
AsyncStorage.setItem('school_year', year);
} catch (error) {
// Error saving data
My call to this method;
async saveMyProfil() {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('school_year', this.props.year);
await fetch(`${api.url}/my_profile/`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
body: formData,
}).then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(json));
.catch((error) => {
back() {
In another activity there is method to retrive data;
_retrieveData = async () => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('idSchool');
const year = await AsyncStorage.getItem('school_year');
if (value !== null && year !== null) {
// We have data!!
console.log('Id School: ' + value);
console.log('Year: ' + year);
} catch (error) {
// Error retrieving data
I call _retrieveData in;
componentDidMount() {
BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);

AsyncStorage data changing upon app restart

I'm currently calling a JSON api to set an auth token which I'll just be storing in the AsyncStorage to persist between app life so a user doesn't have to log in every single time.
I'm currently setting that token like so:
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(this.state)
.then( resp => {
return resp.json();
.then( async (data) => {
if ('error' in data) {
error: data.error,
password: ''
if ('access_token' in data) {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('access_token', data.access_token);
} catch (error) {
return error;
error => {
return error;
If I then call AsyncStorage.getItem('access_token') After killing the app or reloading it I'm winding up with this output:
If I then call AsyncStorage.getItem('access_token') Before killing the app or reloading it I'm winding up with the correct access token. I've double checked the code and I'm not using AsyncStorage.setItem('access_token') anywhere else.
This is how I'm retrieving my token:
componentDidMount() {
try {
let token = AsyncStorage.getItem('access_token');
if(token !== null) {
} catch (error) {}
AsyncStorage.getItem() is a asynchronous action just like setItem(), so you need to wait until the Promise has been resolved before logging.
Tip: if you see some strange output like that it is always related to a Promise which is not yet resolved or rejected
I've solved my issue by using #dentemm's recommendation of creating an async function.
async _getToken() {
try {
var token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('access_token');
return token;
} catch(e) {
componentDidMount() {
let token = null;
.then( rsp => {
fetch(global.url + '/api/auth/refresh', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + rsp
.then(rsp => {
return rsp.json();
.then(data => {
if('access_token' in data) {
try {
AsyncStorage.setItem('access_token', data.access_token);
} catch (error) {
return error;
.catch( error => {
return error;
This way I can get my token from the storage then run my refresh function to get an updated token to use for future requests.

Doing a Timeout Error with Fetch - React Native

I have a user login function that is working. But, I want to incorporate a time out error for the fetch. Is there a way to set up a timer for 5 seconds or so that would stop trying to fetch after such a time? Otherwise, I just get a red screen after a while saying network error.
_userLogin() {
var value = this.refs.form.getValue();
if (value) {
// if validation fails, value will be null
if (!this.validateEmail( {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
Alert.alert('Enter a valid email');
} else {
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
timeout: 5000,
body: JSON.stringify({
password: value.password,
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((responseData) => {
if (responseData.status == 'success') {
Alert.alert('Login Success!');
this.props.navigator.push({name: 'StartScreen'});
} else if (responseData.status == 'error') {
Alert.alert('Login Error', responseData.message);
I have made a ES6 function that wraps ES fetch into a promise, here it is:
export async function fetchWithTimeout(url, options, timeout = 5000) {
return Promise.race([
fetch(url, options),
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('timeout')), timeout))
Here is how to use it:
const requestInfo = {
const url = ''
let data = await fetchWithTimeout(url, requestInfo, 3000);
// Wrapper function for fetch
const fetchSomething = async () => {
let controller = new AbortController()
setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 3000); // abort after 3 seconds
const resp = await fetch('some url', {signal: controller.signal});
const json = await resp.json();
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${resp.status}`);
return json;
// usage
try {
let jsonResp = await fetchSomthing();
} catch (error) {
if ( === 'AbortError') {
console.log('Network Error');
} else {
I think using AbortController is the recommended way to abort a fetch call. The code snippet above handles the following scenarios:
If network is good but HTTP returns an error status, the message "HTTP error! ..." will be logged.
If network is down, setTimeout would trigger the AbortController to abort fetch after three seconds. The message "Network Error" will be logged.
If network is good and HTTP response is good, the response JSON will be logged.
The documentation for using AbortController to abort fetch is here.
There is no standard way of handling this as a timeout option isn't defined in the official spec yet. There is an abort defined which you can use in conjunction with your own timeout and Promises. For example as seen here and here. I've copied the example code, but haven't tested it myself yet.
// Rough implementation. Untested.
function timeout(ms, promise) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
reject(new Error("timeout"))
}, ms)
promise.then(resolve, reject)
timeout(1000, fetch('/hello')).then(function(response) {
// process response
}).catch(function(error) {
// might be a timeout error
Another option would be to modify the fetch.js module yourself to add a timeout that calls abort as seen here.
This is what I did to go around it:
(This is the "generic" function I use to make all calls on my app)
I created a timeout function, that will be triggered unless it is cleared before, then I clear this timeout on server response
const doFetch = (url, callback, data) => {
//... creating config obj here (not relevant for this answer)
var wasServerTimeout = false;
var timeout = setTimeout(() => {
wasServerTimeout = true;
alert('Time Out');
}, 3000);
fetch(HOST + url, config)
.then((response) => {
timeout && clearTimeout(timeout); //If everything is ok, clear the timeout
if (!wasServerTimeout) {
return response.json();
.then((response) => {
callback && callback( || response);
.catch((err) => {
//If something goes wrong, clear the timeout
timeout && clearTimeout(timeout);
if (!wasServerTimeout) {
//Error logic here
I solved this problem by using a race between 2 promises, written as a wrapper around fetch. In my case I expect the request to return json so also added that. Maybe there is a better solution, but this works correctly for me!
The wrapper returns a promise which will resolve as long as there are no code errors.
You can check the result.status for 'success' and read json data from In case of error you can read the exact error in, and display it or log it somewhere. This way you always know what went wrong!
var yourFetchWrapperFunction = function (
timeout = 5000,
) {
var timeoutPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, timeout, {
status: 'error',
code: 666,
'Verbinding met de cloud kon niet tot stand gebracht worden: Timeout.',
return Promise.race([
fetch(connectionType + '://' + url, {
method: method,
headers: headers,
body: body,
(result) => {
var Status = result.status;
return result
function (data) {
if (Status === 200 || Status === 0) {
return {status: 'success', code: Status, data: data};
} else {
return {
status: 'error',
code: Status,
data: 'Error (' + data.status_code + '): ' + data.message,
function (response) {
return {
status: 'error',
code: Status,
data: 'json promise failed' + response,
.catch((error) => {
return {status: 'error', code: 666, data: 'no json response'};
function (error) {
return {status: 'error', code: 666, data: 'connection timed out'};
.catch((error) => {
return {status: 'error', code: 666, data: 'connection timed out'};
let controller = new AbortController()
setTimeout( () => {
}, 10000); // 10,000 means 10 seconds
return fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(param),
signal: controller.signal
I may be late but i made a code which is 100% working to timeout an API request using fetch.
fetch_timeout(url, options) {
let timeout = 1000;
let timeout_err = {
ok: false,
status: 408,
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fetch(url, options)
.then(resolve, reject)
.catch(() => {
setTimeout(reject.bind(null, timeout_err), timeout);
You just need to pass the api-endpoint to the url and body to the options parameter.