How does Lagom manage communication patterns? - lagom

I'm referring to the "Managing Communication Patterns" section of Reactive Microservices Architecture by Jonas Boner.
Usually when communicating between services (ESB is one example), one would need:
1) A queue for pub-sub communication, and to queue up events for back pressure and fault tolerance
2) A routing layer - Camel Or Akka Streams
3) A mediation later for communicating with different protocols - Camel is one example.
How does Lagom handle the above?

I'm not sure you "usually" need routing and mediation within the message bus. Jonas Bonér points out that publish/subscribe is a very useful addition to using HTTP calls for microservices. This is provided by Lagom in form of the message bus.
This in accordance with the "smart endpoints, dumb pipes" approach.
If you want to follow a different approach and put mediation and orchestration in the bus, rather than in services and possibly their anti-corruption layers, you could leverage Camel and/or RabbitMQ or the likes, but there's no Lagom-specific integration. You'd just use the Scala (or Java) connectors they provide.


What is the design pattern for forwarding messages to a centralised object?

What is the design pattern for forwarding messages to a centralised object?
I have to select few messages from UI and forward them to a centralized service like SQS.
What is the most accurate design pattern that can be used for this scenario?
Below is one of the architecture principles used in the modern world pub-sub based interactions between systems. This is based on the assumption that the UI component has the capability of making an API call and act accordingly based on the response received from the backend components.

Ready-made solution for notification microservice

I have a microservice architecture and now I need to introduce a notification center. Requirements are: any service is able to send a notification, any service is able to subscribe to any kind of notifications, UI (web) is able to subscribe to notifications (websockets are preferred). Of course I can write such service by myself but maybe there is ready-made robust solution for that.
UPD: I'm not looking for pub/sub messaging system as it is too low-level for notification center
What you are looking for is publish-subscriber messaging. If you are using AWS stack, then I can recommend Amazon SNS or Amazon SQS. I think Amazon SNS is more suitable because its push based.
Amazon SNS allows applications to send time-critical messages to multiple subscribers through a “push” mechanism, eliminating the need
to periodically check or “poll” for updates.
Amazon SQS is a message queue service used by distributed applications to exchange messages through a polling model, and can be
used to decouple sending and receiving components—without requiring
each component to be concurrently available.
Out of Amazon web services stack, there are a bunch of free messaging solutions:
RabbitMQ is one of the leading implementation of the AMQP protocol (along with Apache Qpid). Therefore, it implements a broker
architecture, meaning that messages are queued on a central node
before being sent to clients. This approach makes RabbitMQ very easy
to use and deploy, because advanced scenarios like routing, load
balancing or persistent message queuing are supported in just a few
lines of code. However, it also makes it less scalable and “slower”
because the central node adds latency and message envelopes are quite
ZeroMq is a very lightweight messaging system specially designed for high throughput/low latency scenarios like the one you can find in
the financial world. Zmq supports many advanced messaging scenarios
but contrary to RabbitMQ, you’ll have to implement most of them
yourself by combining various pieces of the framework (e.g : sockets
and devices).
ActiveMQ is in the middle ground. Like Zmq, it can be deployed with both broker and P2P topologies. Like RabbitMQ, it’s easier to
implement advanced scenarios but usually at the cost of raw
Now you know what you need, I would recommend to read through each technology for a while and decide which one serves your goal more accurately. If that doesn't worth our time and your requirement is more specific & relatively small, then you can go for writing something on your own.

Angular 5 and Message Bus

I have a set of RESTful services that my Angular 5 client uses to perform CRUD and business operations for the application. These are a set of micro services and they use pub/sub message queues to communicate between them, e.g. when a user is created the user server publishes a UserCreated event to the message queue and subscribers can listen for this event and act upon it as required.
Now, this is all good but i was thinking that wouldn’t it be better if the Angular 5 application itself published the event to the message queue rather than making HTTP POST/PUT or DELETE and only make GET requests against the API?
So repeating the example above the Angular 5 client would publish a CreateUserEvent to the message bus (in my case cloud pub/sub), I could then have services subscribe to these events and act upon them. My RESTful services would then only expose GET /users and GET /user/:id for example.
I know that this is doable and I guess what I am describing is CQRS, but I am keen to understand if publishing events to a message bus from the UI is good practice?
The concept of Messaging Bus is very different than Microservices. Probably, the answer to your question lies in the way you look at these two, from architectural perspective.
A messaging bus(whether it is backend specific or frontend specific) is designed in such a way, that it serves the purpose of communication of entities within the confined boundary of an environment, i.e. backend or frontend.
Whereas on the other hand, microservices architecture is designed in such a way that, two different environments that may be backend-frontend or backend-backend, can "effectively" communicate.
So there is a clear separation of motivation behind both the concepts. Now, from your viewpoint, you may use a hybrid approach which might work, and it may also lead to interesting findings related to performance, architectural design or overheads as well.
Publishing directly from the client is possible, but the caveat is that it means that the client needs to have the proper credentials to publish. For this reason, it may be preferable to have the service do the publishing in response to requests sent from the clients.

Message broker vs. MOM (Message-Oriented Middleware)

I'm a little confused as to what the difference is between a message broker e.g. RabbitMQ and Message-orientated Middleware. I can't find much info apart from what's on Wikipedia. When searching MOM I find info on AMQP which states is a protocol for MOM.. what does this mean? What is MOM then? I also have read that RabbitMQ implements the AMPQ protocol.. so why does that make a RabbitMQ a messsage broker? Are a message broker and MOM the same thing?
Hope some can unravel my confusion. thanks
An overview -
A protocol - A set of rules.
AMQP - AMQP is an open internet protocol for reliably sending and receiving messages.
MOM (message-oriented-middleware) - is an approach, an architecture for distributed system i.e. a middle layer for the whole distributed system, where there's lot of internal communication (a component is querying data, and then needs to send it to the other component, which will be doing some processing on the data) so components have to share info/data among them.
Message broker - is any system (in MOM) which handles messages (sending as well as receiving), or to be more precise which routes messages to the specific consumer/recipient. A Message Broker is typically built upon a MOM. The MOM provides the base communication among the applications, and things like message persistence and guaranteed delivery. "Message brokers are a building block of Message oriented middleware."
Rabbitmq - a message broker; a MOM implementation; an open-source implementation of AMQP; as per Wikipedia:
RabbitMQ is an open source message broker software (sometimes
called message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced
Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
As you asked:
When searching MOM I find info on AMQP which states is a protocol for MOM.. what does this mean?
MOM is about having a messaging middleware (middle layer) between (distributed) system components, and AMQP is protocol (set of rules) for reliably sending and receiving messages. So, a MOM implementation (i.e. Rabbitmq) may use AMQP.
What is MOM then?
Message-Oriented-Middleware - is an approach, an architecture for distributed system i.e. a middle layer for the whole distributed system, where there's lot of internal communication (a component is querying data, and then needs to send it to the other component, which will be doing some processing on the data) so components have to share info/data among them.
In short it's a way to design a system, for example: depending upon the overall requirements we need to develop a distributed system, with some internal communication. The biggest advantage of MOM architecture/decision is decoupling of the components i.e. if we're going to change the data query component it'll have no effect on the data processing components, as they're communicating via MOM (e.g. Rabbitmq Cluster) - the data processing component is getting the data in form messages, which then parses and processes them.
MOM at the end is just a design decision, that we use a middleware for gluing our system (distributed) components, a middleware for handling communication between them, in the form of messages (i.e. JSON). To implement a message-oriented-middleware we need more - set of specific rules i.e. how the messages will be published, consumed, how the acknowledgement will work, the lifetime of a message is until it is consumed, the persistence of a message, etc. AMQP is basically these set of rules i.e. a standard/protocol for implementing a MOM i.e. a messaging system using AMQP, means it confines itself by the stated rules. From Wikipedia:
AMQP mandates the behavior of the messaging provider and client to the
extent that implementations from different vendors are inter-operable,
in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. have created inter-operable
I also have read that RabbitMQ implements the AMPQ protocol.. so why does that make a RabbitMQ a message broker?
Yes, Rabbitmq is a message broker (publisher -> exchange -> queue -> consumer). It's an open source AMQP implementation i.e. a messaging system/broker which confines to AMQP (the AMQP rules) - one can use Rabbitmq as the middleware, hence MOM.
AMQP - is just a set of rules i.e .how messages will be published, kept (in queues), consumed, delivery acknowledgement, etc.
Are a message broker and MOM the same thing?
In simple words, Yes. If we need to go with MOM design for our distributed system, we can simply use Rabbitmq (a message broker; an AMQP implementation) as the middleware.
"MOM" broadly means any technology that can deliver "messages" from one user-space application to another. A message is usually understood to be a discrete piece of information, as compared to a stream.
MOM products used to be quite large and complex: CORBA, JMS, TIBCO, WebsphereMQ, etc. and tried to do a lot more than simply deliver messages.
A broker is a particular set of routing and queuing patterns, and we usually use the term "broker" specifically in MOM (as compared to HTTP, email, XMPP, etc.) Routing means, one message goes to one peer, to one of many peers, to all of many peers, etc. Queuing means messages are held in memory or disk until they can be delivered (and in some cases, acknowledged).
AMQP used to specific those broker patters, so an application could rely on consistent behavior from any AMQP-compatible broker (thus RabbitMQ and OpenAMQ looked much the same to a client app, like two HTTP or two XMPP servers would look the same). AMQP/1.0 specifies just the connection between nodes, so you don't have guarantees of behavior. This makes AMQP/1.0 much easier for firms to implement, but doesn't deliver interoperability.
ZeroMQ is message-oriented middleware that defines, like AMQP/1.0, the connections between pieces rather than the behaviour of a central broker. However it's relatively easy to write MOM brokers using 0MQ, and we've done a few of these (like Majordomo).
Message brokers are one (quite popular) kind of MOM. Another kind of MOM would be brokerless MOM, like ZeroMQ. With broker based MOM, all messages go to one central place: broker, and get distributed from there. Broker less MOM usually allows for peer to peer messaging (but does not exclude option of central server as well) .
AMQP is broker based MOM protocol definition (at least all versions prior to 1.0, which drifts into more general MOM), and there are several different Message brokers implementing that protocol, RabbitMQ is just one of them.

The performance of HornetQ core API vs. JMS

Is the performance of HornetQ core API better than JMS?
the only question I found in this forum that resembels my question was in this post, but it only talked about the core API having more features and didn't talk about the performance benefits of either options.
I'm asking this because in HornetQ User Manual (section 5.1) it's written that:
When a user uses the JMS API on the client side, all JMS interactions are translated into operations on the HornetQ core client API before being transferred over the wire using the HornetQ wire format.
Note that in our application we use a Queue with several consumers on the same Queue, and we have several queues.
The Queue contains HornetQ's ClientMessages, and each ClientMessage contains serialized POJO serialized as String and added to the message as a String property.
we pool the consumers, messages and producers using Apache ObjectPool.
The overhead of JMS in top of the hornetq-core is really small.
The only thing is if you use the core-api you may have a better tuning for your needs such as asynchronous confirmations, a better control on when you flush ACKs and other things that are implicit behavior on the JMS implementation.