Spring AMQP - Sender and Receiving Messages - rabbitmq

I am facing an issue in receiving a message from RabbitMQ.
I am sending a message like below
HashMap<Object, Object> senderMap=new HashMap<>();
senderMap.put("STATUS", "SUCCESS");
senderMap.put("EXECUTION_START_TIME", new Date());
If we see in RabbitMQ, we will get a fully qualified type.
In the current scenario, we have n number of producer for the same consumer. If i use any mapper, it leads to an exception.
How will i send a message so that it doesn't contain any type_id and i can receive the message as Message object and later i can bind it to my custom object in the receiver.
I am receiving message like below.
Could you please let me know how to use Jackson2MessageConverter so that message will get directly binds to my Object/HashMap from Receiver end. Also i have removed the Type_ID now from the sender.
How Message looks in RabbitMQ
priority: 0 delivery_mode: 2 headers:
ContentTypeId: java.lang.Object
KeyTypeId: java.lang.Object content_encoding: UTF-8 content_type: application/json
public class AdapterOutputHandler {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AdapterOutputHandler.class);
public void handleAdapterQueueMessage(HashMap<String,Object> message){
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory adapterOPListenerContainerFactory() {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
Jackson2JsonMessageConverter messageConverter = new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
DefaultClassMapper classMapper = new DefaultClassMapper();
Caused by: org.springframework.amqp.support.converter.MessageConversionException: failed to convert Message content. Could not resolve __TypeId__ in header and no defaultType provided
at org.springframework.amqp.support.converter.DefaultClassMapper.toClass(DefaultClassMapper.java:139)
I don't want to use __TYPE__ID from sender because they are multiple senders for the same queue and only one consumer.

it leads to an exception
What exception?
TypeId: com.diff.approach.JobListenerDTO
That means you are sending a DTO, not a hash map as you describe in the question.
If you want to remove the typeId header, you can use a message post processor...
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(Constants.INPUT_QUEUE, dto, m -> {
return m;
(or , new MessagePostProcessor() {...} if you're not using Java 8).
What version of Spring AMQP are you using? With 1.6 you don't even have to remove the __TypeId__ header - the framework looks at the listener parameter type and tells the Jackson converter the type so it automatically converts to that (if it can). As you can see here; it works fine without removing the type id...
package com.example;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.springframework.amqp.core.Queue;
import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.annotation.RabbitListener;
import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.config.SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory;
import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactory;
import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin;
import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate;
import org.springframework.amqp.support.converter.Jackson2JsonMessageConverter;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
public class So39443850Application {
private static final String QUEUE = "so39443850";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context = SpringApplication.run(So39443850Application.class, args);
context.getBean(RabbitTemplate.class).convertAndSend(QUEUE, new DTO("baz", "qux"));
context.getBean(So39443850Application.class).latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
#RabbitListener(queues = QUEUE, containerFactory = "adapterOPListenerContainerFactory")
public void listen(HashMap<String, Object> message) {
System.out.println(message.getClass() + ":" + message);
public Queue queue() {
return new Queue(QUEUE);
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
template.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return template;
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory adapterOPListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return factory;
public static class DTO {
private String foo;
private String baz;
public DTO(String foo, String baz) {
this.foo = foo;
this.baz = baz;
public String getFoo() {
return this.foo;
public void setFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public String getBaz() {
return this.baz;
public void setBaz(String baz) {
this.baz = baz;
class java.util.HashMap:{foo=baz, baz=qux}
This is described in the documentation...
In versions prior to 1.6, the type information to convert the JSON had to be provided in message headers, or a custom ClassMapper was required. Starting with version 1.6, if there are no type information headers, the type can be inferred from the target method arguments.
You can also configure a custom ClassMapper to always return HashMap.

Want to use "a" different Java calss when receive message?
Config #Bean Jackson2JsonMessageConverter with a custom ClassMapper
Want to use "many" different Java calss when receive message? such as :
void handlerMsg(
// Main message class, by MessageConverter
#Payload MyMsg myMsg,
// Secondary message class - by MessageConverter->ConversionService
#Payload Map<String, String> map,
org.springframework.messaging.Message<MyMsg> msg,
org.springframework.amqp.core.Message amqpMsg
) {
// ...
Provide a custom #Bean Converter, ConversionService, RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor :
FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean rabbitMqCs(
Set<Converter> converters
) {
FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean fac = new FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean();
return fac;
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory messageHandlerMethodFactory(
FormattingConversionService rabbitMqCs
) {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory defaultFactory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return defaultFactory;
// copied from RabbitBootstrapConfiguration
public RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor rabbitListenerAnnotationProcessor(
MessageHandlerMethodFactory handlerFac
) {
RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor bpp = new RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor();
return bpp;
public RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry defaultRabbitListenerEndpointRegistry() {
return new RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry();
Debugging source code PayloadArgumentResolver


How to pass request-id in quarkus through activeMQ?

My application is generating a request and then sending that request to a listener(activemq here) for further processing, I am trying to add a request-id to the logs for better tracing of errors but the request-id is not passing to the listener it works fine before that, i have tried the approach mentioned in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/70892802/19343662
These are the files i have created...
package com.cashfree.common.dexterreport.filters;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseFilter;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
public class RequestIdFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
HttpServerRequest request;
private static final String REQUEST_ID_HEADER_NAME = "X-Request-Id";
private static final String REQUEST_ID = "requestId";
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext context) {
MDC.put(REQUEST_ID, getRequestIdFromHeader(request));
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) {
private String getRequestIdFromHeader(final HttpServerRequest request) {
String requestId = request.getHeader(REQUEST_ID_HEADER_NAME);
if (requestId == null || requestId.length() == 0) {
requestId = generateUniqueRequestId();
return requestId;
private String generateUniqueRequestId() {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
public class MdcContextProvider implements ThreadContextProvider {
public ThreadContextSnapshot currentContext(Map<String, String> props) {
Map<String, String> propagate = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return () -> {
Map<String, String> old = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return () -> {
public ThreadContextSnapshot clearedContext(Map<String, String> props) {
return () -> {
Map<String, String> old = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return () -> {
public String getThreadContextType() {
return "SLF4J MDC";
A ThreadContextProvider file created at src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextProvider having line specifying the ref path of mdcContextProvider : com.org.common.report.Provider.MdcContextProvider
But this is not working although i was expecting this, since the the thread started by listener and the thread which passes the message to it has no connection between them, is there any way where i can pass the request-id to the listener...
I was able to do it with a workaround.
Because each Listener runs/spawn up its own thread. you cannot expect the request ID to be available in MDC property as MDC property is thread local.
I was able to achieve it by passing the value as part of ActiveMQ's message
Wrap every message you exchange in a Generic class
class ActiveMqMsg {
private Message message;
private Map<String, Object> properties;
and expect Listener to deserialize it to ActiveMqMsg and read the properties and set it to MDC property again.
Hope this helps.

Redis PUBSUB Spring Data transnational reliability/retry

I been working on implementing a PUB/SUB service using spring-data-Redis.
I have been researching and following the web and got something to work fine.
my problem is that I need absolute reliability when a message is not processed ( either an Exception is thrown or a logic error occurs ).
In which case I need the message to return to the topic for a retry ( by another subscriber or even the same ).
I have looked at several questions, particularly the following:
Redis Pub/Sub with Reliability
How to implement Redis Multi-Exec by using Spring-data-Redis
I have understood that I should use multi, exec for managing a transaction, but I couldn't get it to work.
Here is a simplified version of my code
#PropertySource(value = { "classpath:application.properties" })
public class RedisConfig {
Environment env;
public MessageListenerAdapter messageListener() {
MyMessageListenerAdapter messageListeneradapter = new MyMessageListenerAdapter(new RedisMessageSubscriber());
return messageListeneradapter;
public RedisMessagePublisher messagePublisher() {
return new RedisMessagePublisher();
public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<String , Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
template.setValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Object>(Object.class));
return template;
public RedisMessageListenerContainer redisContainer() {
RedisMessageListenerContainer container
= new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
container.addMessageListener(messageListener(), topic());
return container;
public LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory() {
LettuceConnectionFactory factory = new LettuceConnectionFactory();
return factory;
public ChannelTopic topic() {
return new ChannelTopic("MQ_TOPIC");
public class MyMessageListenerAdapter extends MessageListenerAdapter{
public MyMessageListenerAdapter(RedisMessageSubscriber redisMessageSubscriber) {
public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) {
RedisTemplate<?, ?> template = redisTemplate();
template.execute(new SessionCallback<String>() {
public <K, V> String execute(RedisOperations<K, V> operations) throws DataAccessException {
System.out.println("got message");
String result = doSomeLogic(message);
if (result == null)
return null;
}) ;
My requirements are that if a message failed to process ( I can leave without runtime exceptions etc.. strictly logical error would suffice for now ), It will return to the topic.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

Spring amqp and the correlatinId

I have some doubts about Spring AMQP and the correlationId of an AMQP message.
I have a Project with two queues (“queue.A” and “queue.B”) and one MessageListener on each:
public class ServerHandlerQueueA implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message msg)
public class ServerHandlerQueueB implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message msg)
In some cases, when I receive a message in the “queue.A”, I have to redirect it to “queue.B”:
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(routingkey, msg, new MessagePostProcessor()
{ …});
In all cases I send the response to the client using the following:
String routingkey = msg.getMessageProperties().getReplyTo();
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(routingkey, respuesta, new MessagePostProcessor() {
public Message postProcessMessage(Message msg) throws AmqpException
This is working correctly if I use Spring AMQP on the client side:
Object _response = getRabbitOperations().convertSendAndReceive(requestExchange, routingKeyManagement, msg,
new MessagePostProcessor()
public Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws AmqpException
But If I use the java client (on then client side):
RpcClient _rpcClient = new RpcClient(channel, exchangeName, routingKey);
Response _response = _rpcClient.doCall(new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()
I always get a NullPointerException in:
I think it's because of the correlationId treatment. When I send a message with Spring AMQP I can see the “spring_listener_return_correlation” and “spring_request_return_correlation” headers in the consumer, but the “correlationId” property is always null.
How can I make it compatible with the pure java client and with Spring AMQP? I am doing something wrong?
------ EDIT ----------
I’ve upgraded to Spring AMQP 1.7.4 version.
I send a message like this:
Object respuesta = getRabbitOperations().convertSendAndReceive(requestExchange, routingKey, _object,
new MessagePostProcessor()
public Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws AmqpException
message.getMessageProperties().setMessageId(counter.incrementAndGet() + "-myType");
return message;
On the server I have:
public void onMessage(Message msg)
MessageProperties mp = msg.getMessageProperties();
Gson __gson = new Gson();
String _stringMP = __gson.toJson(mp);
System.out.println("MessageProperties:\n" + _stringMP);
And I think the problem is that I always get the correlationId null:
If I use the Java Client I can see the correlationId:
{"headers":{},"appId":"XBID","type":"MyOrders","correlationId":[49], ….
------------ EDIT 2 --------------------------------
I have tried with:
getRabbitOperations().convertAndSend(requestExchange, routingKeyInquiry,
new MessagePostProcessor()
public Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws AmqpException
message.getMessageProperties().setMessageId(counter.incrementAndGet() + "-myType");
return message;
But the "correlationId" is always null at the server side.
What version are you using?
The return correlation headers have nothing to do with correlationId; they are used to correlate returned (mandatory) requests and replies.
As long as you copy the correlationId and replyTo from the queue.A message to the queue.B message, it should all work ok.
If you can't figure it out, post debug logs from all 3 servers someplace.
This works fine for me...
public class So46316261Application implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So46316261Application.class, args).close();
private RabbitTemplate template;
public void run(String... arg0) throws Exception {
Object reply = this.template.convertSendAndReceive("queue.A", "foo");
Connection conn = this.template.getConnectionFactory().createConnection();
Channel channel = conn.createChannel(false);
RpcClient client = new RpcClient(channel, "", "queue.A");
Response response = client.doCall(new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()
System.out.println(new String(response.getBody()));
public Queue queueA() {
return new Queue("queue.A");
public Queue queueB() {
return new Queue("queue.B");
#RabbitListener(queues = "queue.A")
public void listen(Message in) {
this.template.send("queue.B", in);
#RabbitListener(queues = "queue.B")
public String listenB(Message in) {
return "FOO";
(Body:'foo' MessageProperties [headers={}, correlationId=1, replyTo=amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.g2dkABByYWJiaXRAbG9jYWxob3N0AAACyAAAAAAB.hp0xZxgVpXcuj9+5QkcOOw==, contentType=text/plain, contentEncoding=UTF-8, contentLength=0, priority=0, redelivered=false, receivedExchange=, receivedRoutingKey=queue.B, deliveryTag=1, consumerTag=amq.ctag-oanHvT3YyUb_Lajl0gpZSQ, consumerQueue=queue.B])
(Body:'foo' MessageProperties [headers={}, appId=MyApp, type=NewOrder, correlationId=1, replyTo=amq.rabbitmq.reply-to.g2dkABByYWJiaXRAbG9jYWxob3N0AAACzAAAAAAB.okm02YXf0s0HdqZynVIn2w==, contentType=text/plain, contentLength=0, priority=1, redelivered=false, receivedExchange=, receivedRoutingKey=queue.B, deliveryTag=2, consumerTag=amq.ctag-oanHvT3YyUb_Lajl0gpZSQ, consumerQueue=queue.B])

RabbitMQ not serialize message, error convert

I've seen some related questions here, but none worked for me, the rabbit will not serialize my message coming from another application.
Caused by: org.springframework.amqp.AmqpException: No method found for class [B
Below my configuration class to receive the messages.
public class RabbitConfiguration implements RabbitListenerConfigurer{
public final static String EXCHANGE_NAME = "wallet-accounts";
public final static String QUEUE_PAYMENT = "wallet-accounts.payment";
public final static String QUEUE_RECHARGE = "wallet-accounts.recharge";
public List<Declarable> ds() {
private ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory;
public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
return new RabbitAdmin(rabbitConnectionFactory);
public TopicExchange exchange() {
return new TopicExchange(EXCHANGE_NAME);
private List<Declarable> queues(String ... names){
List<Declarable> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
return result;
private static Binding makeBinding(String queueName){
return new Binding(queueName, DestinationType.QUEUE, EXCHANGE_NAME, queueName, null);
private static Queue makeQueue(String name){
return new Queue(name);
public MappingJackson2MessageConverter jackson2Converter() {
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
return converter;
public DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory myHandlerMethodFactory() {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory factory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return factory;
public void configureRabbitListeners(RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
Using this other configuration, the error is almost the same:
Caused by: org.springframework.amqp.support.converter.MessageConversionException: failed to resolve class name. Class not found [br.com.beblue.wallet.payment.application.accounts.PaymentEntryCommand]
public class RabbitConfiguration {
public final static String EXCHANGE_NAME = "wallet-accounts";
public final static String QUEUE_PAYMENT = "wallet-accounts.payment";
public final static String QUEUE_RECHARGE = "wallet-accounts.recharge";
public List<Declarable> ds() {
private ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory;
public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
return new RabbitAdmin(rabbitConnectionFactory);
public TopicExchange exchange() {
return new TopicExchange(EXCHANGE_NAME);
public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
private List<Declarable> queues(String ... names){
List<Declarable> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
return result;
private static Binding makeBinding(String queueName){
return new Binding(queueName, DestinationType.QUEUE, EXCHANGE_NAME, queueName, null);
private static Queue makeQueue(String name){
return new Queue(name);
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with these settings, or what's missing?
No method found for class [B
Means there is a default SimpleMessageConverter which can't convert your incoming application/json. It is just not aware of that content-type and just falls back to the byte[] to return.
Class not found [br.com.beblue.wallet.payment.application.accounts.PaymentEntryCommand]
Means that Jackson2JsonMessageConverter can't convert your application/json because the incoming __TypeId__ header, representing class of the content, cannot be found in the local classpath.
Well, definitely your configuration for the DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory does not make sense for the AMQP conversion. You should consider to use SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory bean definition and its setMessageConverter. And yes, consider to inject the proper org.springframework.amqp.support.converter.MessageConverter implementation.
From the Spring Boot perspective there is SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer to configure on the matter:

Spring Amqp: Mix SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory with #RabbitListener

I have an app that is gonna listen to multiple queues, which are declared on different vhost. I used a SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory to store a connectionFactoryMap, and I hope to set up my listener with #RabbitListener.
According to Spring AMQP doc:
Also starting with version 1.4, you can configure a routing connection
factory in a SimpleMessageListenerContainer. In that case, the list of
queue names is used as the lookup key. For example, if you configure
the container with setQueueNames("foo, bar"), the lookup key will be
"[foo,bar]" (no spaces).
I used #RabbitListener(queues = "some-key"). Unfortunately, spring complained "lookup key [null]". See below.
18:52:44.528 WARN --- [cTaskExecutor-1]
o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Consumer raised exception,
processing can restart if the connection factory supports it
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot determine target
ConnectionFactory for lookup key [null] at
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Did I do something wrong? If queues attribute is used as lookup key (for connection factory lookup), what am I supposed to use to specify which queue I'd like to listen to?
Ultimately, I hope to do programmatic/dynamic listener setup. If I use "Programmatic Endpoint Registration", am I supposed to drop "Annotation-driven listener endpoints"? I love "Annotation-driven listener endpoints", because a listener could have multiple message handles with different incoming data type as argument, which is very clean and tidy. If I use Programmatic Endpoint Registration, I would have to parse the Message input variable, and call my a particular custom message handler based on the message type/content.
Hi Gary,
I modified your code #2 a little bit, so that it uses Jackson2JsonMessageConverter to serialize class objects (in RabbitTemplate bean), and use it to un-serialize them back to objects (in inboundAdapter). I also removed #RabbitListener because all listeners would be added at runtime in my case. Now the fooBean can receive integer, string and TestData message without any problem! The only issue left behind is that the program constantly report warning:
"[erContainer#0-1] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Consumer raised exception, processing can restart if the connection factory supports it
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot determine target ConnectionFactory for lookup key [null]". For the full stacktrace, please see the bottom.
Did I miss anything?
public class App2 implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(App2.class, args);
private IntegrationFlowContext flowContext;
private ConnectionFactory routingCf;
private RabbitTemplate template;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
// dynamically add a listener for queue qux
IntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows.from(Amqp.inboundAdapter(this.routingCf, "qux").messageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter()))
// now test it
SimpleResourceHolder.bind(this.routingCf, "[qux]");
this.template.convertAndSend("qux", 42);
this.template.convertAndSend("qux", "fizbuz");
this.template.convertAndSend("qux", new TestData(1, "test"));
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(routingCf);
template.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return template;
public ConnectionFactory routingCf() {
SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory rcf = new SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory();
Map<Object, ConnectionFactory> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("[foo,bar]", routedCf());
map.put("[baz]", routedCf());
map.put("[qux]", routedCf());
return rcf;
public ConnectionFactory routedCf() {
return new CachingConnectionFactory("");
public Foo fooBean() {
return new Foo();
public static class Foo {
public void handleInteger(Integer in) {
System.out.println("int: " + in);
public void handleString(String in) {
System.out.println("str: " + in);
public void handleData(TestData data) {
System.out.println("TestData: " + data);
Full stack trace:
2017-03-15 21:43:06.413 INFO 1003 --- [ main] hello.App2 : Started App2 in 3.003 seconds (JVM running for 3.69)
2017-03-15 21:43:11.415 WARN 1003 --- [erContainer#0-1] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Consumer raised exception, processing can restart if the connection factory supports it
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot determine target ConnectionFactory for lookup key [null]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory.determineTargetConnectionFactory(AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory.java:119) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory.createConnection(AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory.java:97) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.doExecute(RabbitTemplate.java:1430) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.execute(RabbitTemplate.java:1411) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.execute(RabbitTemplate.java:1387) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin.initialize(RabbitAdmin.java:500) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin$11.onCreate(RabbitAdmin.java:419) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CompositeConnectionListener.onCreate(CompositeConnectionListener.java:33) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory.createConnection(CachingConnectionFactory.java:571) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactoryUtils$1.createConnection(ConnectionFactoryUtils.java:90) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactoryUtils.doGetTransactionalResourceHolder(ConnectionFactoryUtils.java:140) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactoryUtils.getTransactionalResourceHolder(ConnectionFactoryUtils.java:76) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.BlockingQueueConsumer.start(BlockingQueueConsumer.java:505) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer$AsyncMessageProcessingConsumer.run(SimpleMessageListenerContainer.java:1382) ~[spring-rabbit-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar:na]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [na:1.8.0_112]
Please show your configuration - it works fine for me...
public class So42784471Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So42784471Application.class, args);
public ConnectionFactory routing() {
SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory rcf = new SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory();
Map<Object, ConnectionFactory> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("[foo,bar]", routedCf());
map.put("[baz]", routedCf());
return rcf;
public ConnectionFactory routedCf() {
return new CachingConnectionFactory("");
#RabbitListener(queues = { "foo" , "bar" })
public void foobar(String in) {
#RabbitListener(queues = "baz")
public void bazzer(String in) {
Regarding your second question, you could build the endpoint manually but it's quite involved. It's probably easier to use a similar feature in a Spring Integration #ServiceActivator.
I will update this answer with details shortly.
And here's the update using Spring Integration techniques to dynamically add a multi-method listener at runtime...
public class So42784471Application implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So42784471Application.class, args);
private IntegrationFlowContext flowContext;
private ConnectionFactory routingCf;
private RabbitTemplate template;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
// dynamically add a listener for queue qux
IntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows.from(Amqp.inboundAdapter(this.routingCf, "qux"))
// now test it
SimpleResourceHolder.bind(this.routingCf, "[qux]");
this.template.convertAndSend("qux", 42);
this.template.convertAndSend("qux", "fizbuz");
public ConnectionFactory routingCf() {
SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory rcf = new SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory();
Map<Object, ConnectionFactory> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("[foo,bar]", routedCf());
map.put("[baz]", routedCf());
map.put("[qux]", routedCf());
return rcf;
public ConnectionFactory routedCf() {
return new CachingConnectionFactory("");
#RabbitListener(queues = { "foo" , "bar" })
public void foobar(String in) {
#RabbitListener(queues = "baz")
public void bazzer(String in) {
public Foo fooBean() {
return new Foo();
public static class Foo {
public void handleInteger(Integer in) {
System.out.println("int: " + in);
public void handleString(String in) {
System.out.println("str: " + in);