I see that Jedis and JedisCluster don't implement a common java interface, and I am wondering why. My software will be running in different environments where redis may or may not run in cluster mode, so how do I implement a common piece of code using Jedis that will run in both the environments?
The clients will be doing only basic operations and I want to hide the cluster operations within the library and not expose them. Any ideas on a modular design?
Looks like this may be your answer redis.clients.jedis.JedisCommands.
You can use this interface as argument to your methods and pass in either a Jedis or JedisCluster instance.
I want to implement Distributed caching(Redis) in ASP.NET Core project. After a bit or research I found that there are two ways of creating a Redis connection using AddStackExchangeRedisCache in Startup.cs and ConnectionMultiplexer
AddStackExchangeRedisCache - This happens in Startup.cs.
Doubts in above approach:
Does this work in Prod environment?
When and how the connection is initialized?
Is it thread safe way to create the connection?
By using the ConnectionMultiplexer, we can initialize the DB instance. As per few articles, Lazy initialization will take care of the Thread safety as well
From above approaches, which is the better approach?
I tried both approaches in my local machine both are working fine. But I could not find Pros and Cons of above approach.
With ConnectionMultiplexer, you have the full list of commands that you can execute on your Redis server. With DistributedCaching, you can only store/retrieve a byte array or a string, and you can not execute any other commands that Redis provides. So if you just want to use it as a cache store, DistributedCaching provides a good abstraction layer. However, even the simplest increment/decrement command for Redis will not be available, unless you use ConnectionMultiplexer.
The extension method AddStackExchangeRedisCache uses a ConnectionMultiplexer under the hood (see here, and here for the extension method itself).
#2: works in prod either way
#3: connection is established lazily on first use, the ConnectionMultiplexer instance is re-used (registered as DI singleton)
#4: yeah, see above resp. here, a SemaphoreSlim is used to ensure the connection is only created once
pros and cons: since both use the ConnectionMultiplexer, they are pretty similar.
You can pick between the advantages of using the implementation agnostic IDistributedCache vs. direct use of the multiplexer and the StackExchange.Redis API (which has more specific functions than the interface).
Wrappers like IDistributedCache and StackExchangeRedis.Extensions do not include all the functions possible in the original library, In particular I required to delete All the keys in Redis Cache, which was not exposed in these wrappers.
I am try to develop a Hazelcast Client. This client will connect a cluster and display objects' values in Collections. Problem is that client will not know classes in cluster. Can I create dynamically these classes and use in my Hazelcast Client? I tried Hazelcast serialization and reflection but I did not succeed.
First, plz have a look at the existing client implementations. Clients have been implemented in many programming languages, thus maybe you don't have to implement the client again.
Now, when it comes to your question: it is not a problem if you store primitive data types in your Collection, e.g. String, Integer, etc.
If you store custom classes, let them implement Portable or IdentifiedDataSerializable. It will enable creating the same data structures on the client side. Have a look at the C++ serialisation example:
I'm seriously start thinking that usage of IoC container provokes to create overdesigned solutions (at least it provokes me to try to use various unnecessary features:).
It's the time to synchronize my "IoC" antipatterns list with community one's..
My short experience tell that it is absolutely enough to call Resolve method once per application at startup to resolve some infrastructure singletons and initiate with them "transient object's factory" that could produce new "smaller life time grain factories" . Even to make those factories thread safe (e.g. create one instance per thread) is so easy to achieve by adding 10 code lines into factory... Still those factories are much more simpler then "library's integration with IoC tool". Interception? Just create your own wrappers... Life time managers / dependency strategies/ parent containers? Call the Resolve only once at bootstrapper and you won't think about that.
Could you help me to understand why developers call Resolve several times on different application layers (by passing container or by passing delegate to container) and then have a lot of things to think about? I really worry that I miss something.
Some kind of IoC are anti-patterns or may be in some cases. For example the service locator antipattern. But if you are using constructor injection at the beginning of your application - and only there - then it should not lead to an anti-pattern.
Injecting a DI container interface in a class is a wrong use of constructor injection. If DI is not part of the business logic of your class it should not know or depend on DI container nor should it depend on IKitchen. It's only fine to inject your DI container in some kind of helper or service working in conjunction with your dependency injection container, because it's purpose is to work with or around DI container. The examples in the links you give are misuse of IoC. It does not mean that IoC in general is an anti-pattern.
I think the correct question would be "Can constructor injection be an anti-pattern?". So far I've never faced any situation or seen any example where it was so I would say "no", until I face such a situation.
When it was not clear to me how to use an IoC container, I decided to stop using it, because I thought was just an overcomplication over the simple dependency injection.
It is true though that even without IoC is possible to fall in the over-injection cases.
A while ago I read some posts from the author of ninject that opened my mind.
As you already know the injector should be used only inside the context root. However, in order to avoid over-injections, I decided to introduce an exception of the rule for injected factories.
In my framework, factories (and only factories) can use the injector container. Factories are binded in the container in the context root and therefore can be injected. Factories become valid dependencies and are used to create new objects inside other objects, using the injector container to facilitate dependencies injection.
Read This
Clearly something wrong. New library should not bring additional complex code.
I've found somebody who possibly could understand me :)
Constructor over-injection anti-pattern
Other antipattern in my eyes is pushing the initialization of container "deeper" then actual bootsrapper.
For example Unity and WCF recommendations
Bootstrapper in wcf app is the service constructor, then just put container initialization to constructor. I do not understand reasons to recommend to go for programming wcf sevice behaiviors and custome sevice host factory: if you want to have "IoC container free" bootstrapper - it is absurd, if you need to have "IoC container free" service contract implementation - just create second "IoC container free" service contract implementation.
Is Kernel.Get() threadsafe? My goal is share an instance of my kernel among all my componenets and they may all very well call Kernel.Get() at the same time on different threads.
Is Kernel.Get() thread safe?
What is the best pattern to share the application kernel among all application components which are sitting in different dll's? I prefer not to pass an instance of a factory to every component of my application if this makes sense.
Get is threadsafe but creating new kernel instances (ctor) is currently not threadsafe.
Generally you should try to minimize your access to the kernel to an absolute minimum. Accessing the kernel form everywhere is a very bad design and makes your code much less reusable. See Service Locator Antipattern
The only situations where you access the kernel should be:
Once in the composite root of the application (e.g. Program.Main, App.xaml, MVC Controller creation)
Inside a factory if you don't know how many instances you need when the composite root is created
Inside a factory if you don't know which implementation is required when the composite root is created
Inside a factory if you need to create a component late due to memory/resource constraints.
In all cases limit the access to the kernel to the composite root and inject factories (class or Func<T>) to the classes where you need to create objects during runtime. The best way to give those factories access to the kernel is still constructor injection even if you do not prefer doing so. Or use Func<T> ( Does Ninject support Func (auto generated factory)? ).
Yes, it is thread safe; The primary app I work on has a single kernel that serves a large SAAS app. So it gets pounded and it does just fine. We also have a multi-threaded page generator test suite that exposed a thread issue in Ninject last fall, but has been fixed and has been fine since then. So I know for sure that it's ok.
There are lots of different patterns for exposing the kernel. We use a ServiceLocator pattern (basically a static container for the container.)
For the different dll's. We have a NinjectModule in each dll that does it's own bindings and then the app does a assembly scan for NinjectModules at startup when it sets of the ServiceLocator.
I have been using Spring.NET and NHibernate for some years and I am very satisfied. However, I was always playing around with multi threading, Reactive Extensions and eventually Task Parallel Library which is a great framework. Unfortunately all kind of multithreading approaches fail because of NHiberntate's session which is not thread safe.
I am asking you how can I benefit from parallel programming and still utilising NHibernate.
For instance: I have a CustomerRegistrationService class which method Register performs several tasks:
ICustumer customer = this.CreateCustomerAndAdresses(params);
The last two methods would be ideal candidates to run parallel, CreateGeoLookups calls some web services to determine geo locations of the customer's address and creates some new entities as well as updates the customer itself. SendWelcomMail does what it says.
Because CreateGeoLookups does use NHibernate (although through repository objects so NHibernate is acutally hidden via Interfaces/Dependency Inection) it won't work with Task.Factory.StarNew(...) or other Threading mechanisms.
My question is not to solve this very issue I have described but I would like to hear from you about NHibenrate, Spring.NET and parallel approaches.
Thank you very much
In NH its the ISession that isn't thread-safe but the ISessionFactory is entirely thread-safe, easily supporting what it seems you are after. If you have designed your session-lifecycle-management (and the repositories that depend upon it) such that you assume one single consistent ISession across calls, then, yes, you will have this kind of trouble. But if you have designed your session-handling pattern to only assume a single ISessionFactory but not to make assumptions about ISession, then there is nothing inherently preventing you from interacting with NH in parallel.
Although you don't specifically mention your use case as being for the web, its important to take note that in web-centric use-cases (e.g., what is a pretty common case for Spring.NET users as well as many other NH-managing-frameworks), the often-used 'Session-Per-Request' pattern of ISession management (often referred to in Spring.NET as 'Open Session In View' or just 'OSIV') will NOT work and you will need to switch to a different duration of your ISession lifecycle. This is because (as the name suggests) the session-per-request/OSIV pattern makes the (now incorrect in your case) assumption that there is only a single ISession instance for the duration of each HttpRequest (and presumably you would want to be spawning these parallel NH calls all within the context of a single HttpRequest in the web use case).
Obviously in the non-web case where there's rarely a similar concept to session-per-request you wouldn't be as likely to run into this issue as session-lifecycle management is rarely as fine-grained/short-lived as it in web-based applications.
Hope this helps.
-Steve B.
This a difficult thing you ask for. The DTC has to be taken with care.
The only solution i may know is the use of reliable, transactional messaging (e.g. MSMQ + NServiceBus/MassTransit).
Such a design enables you to do this. It would look like this:
var customerUid=CreateCustomers();
Bus.Publish(new CustomerCreatedEvent() { CustomerUid = customerUid});
Then you could use two event handlers (Reactors) that handle the event and send an EMail or create the lookups.
This won´t allow you sharing the Transaction either but will ensure that the Reactors are run (in a new Transaction) when the creation of the customer suceeded.
Also this has nothing to do with the TPL.
Well thank you for answering. I know that the 'ISession that isn't thread-safe but the ISessionFactory is entirely thread-safe'. My problem in the above code for example is that the whole operation is wrapped in one transaction. So this.CreateCustomerAndAdresses(params) on main thread #1 will use for instance ISession #1 with transaction #1. Calling the other three in parallel will create three more threads and three more sessions and transactions which leads to database timeouts in my case. My assumption is that the transaction #1 is not successfully commited because it waits for the three concurrent tasks to complete. But the three concurrent tasks try to read from the database while a transaction is still active leading to deadlocks/timeouts.
So is there some way to tell the other threads/sessions not to create a new transaction but use the main transaction #1?
I am using the TxScopeTransactionManager from Spring.NET which utilises DTC (System.Transactions). I have googled that maybe System.Transactions.DependentTransaction could work but do not have a clue how to integrate it in my Spring.NET transaction managed scenario.