Apache version 2.2 and security vulnerabilities - apache

A penetration test has recently identified that one of our RHEL(6.7) servers running Apache 2.2.15 is vulnerable on a number of points and needs to be updated to the latest version 2.4. I have run yum update and it says that there are no packages marked for update. I understand that I will need to download the updates manually. There are a few questions I have around the requirement to upgrade Apache.
I am up to date on the 2.2 version tree. Does this mean that any security patches made to version 2.4 will be back patched to version 2.2.X as well?
I am running PHP (version 5.3.3) and MySQL (version 5.1.73) - will these be affected by upgrading the Apache version (Google tells me that there is no problem on both fronts - but I thought I'd ask before I started down this route).
If you experts tell me that I have no other choice but to upgrade, then I'm planning on using the instruction set here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/138899/centos-install-using-yum-apache-2-4
Thank you in advance for your advice.

You could download the 2.4 source code from the Apache site and compile it. There's a setting which will configure for RedHat:
This setting will configure the paths for executables, configuration files, libraries etc in one go.
The following should be a reasonable starting point for a configuration line:
sh ./configure --enable-layout=RedHat --enable-mods-shared=all
then perform a make and make install
Do the same with a newer version of PHP (5.3.29 is available in the "old downloads" section, but try a newer version. Check the changes first though) and your problems should be lessened. Finally, MySQL or MariaDB is available for download and compilation too
Obviously, try all of this on a test machine first and back everything up. Your test machine should be as close as possible to your production machine. If you use something like VirtualBox to try it, you can take a snapshot at each point of the process and rollback if something goes wrong


How to install mod_auth_openidc on RHEL 7

I've been to the Releases site for mod_auth_openidc and brought down the rpm. And attempting to install requires cjose but attempting to find and install that poses a problem as it seems to incorrectly test the version of jansson (e.g., 2.10 is though to be less than 2.3). Most of the documentation I find is years old. Trying to use yum brings in a very outdated version of the mod_auth_openidc (1.8.8) that fails to allow apache httpd to load if you have an OIDCDirectURL coded.
I'm trying to configure Apache HTTPD to call out to an OAUTH2 Server I've created but I can't get the old mod to work and I'd love to know where I can get the piece parts to allow the latest version to install. There are some old downloads on the Releases site if you page back to 2.0 but the libcjose0 is not an rpm.
Do I need to retrieve the dependencies from their github and build them? If someone has done this already and posted the assets I'm happy to retrieve them. I'm surprised RHEL 7 repos don't have the latest (or newer) versions of the mod_auth_openidc.
The version issue reported when trying to install cjose is a red herring. Based on this site I found I needed to install jansson-devel to get past the errant warning about versions.
Going here allowed me to retrieve a fairly recent version of cjose-0.5.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm which installed without complaints once jansson-devel was installed.
I was then able to install mod_auth_openidc-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm from the github repo releases
I am now able to start apache httpd with the OIDCRedirectURI entry in httpd.conf

Pharo 2.0 not running on CentOS 6.6

I am trying to run my pharo2.0 application on CentoOS which was previously been installed in a mac. The original version is pharo2.0 so I need to run the same image CentoOS too, but I get an error which says this below :
/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by xxxxx)
Should I be trying to upgrade the CentoOS and see if pharo2.0 works or port my whole application to a later version of pharo?
There is now a VM build especially for systems with an older libc version. In fact there is a build for Centos specifically (which has a slight variation in linkages from Debian), the latest version of which is permalinked here. See http://pharo.org/download#custom for more info.

Spring data redis mock

I need to do integration testing for a spring cloud application running with spring data on redis.
Tests work locally with the regular redis server instance and I need to run this on a Jenkins CI server that is controlled by the corporate CI engineering group.
Obviously I can attach to a redo server there so I used an embedded redis server (from here: https://github.com/kstyrc/embedded-redis).
Running tests locally with this redis server works well since there is a test profile to inject the embedded server in place of the production one.
Now the problem is that when we run this in the Jenkins environment this is the error we see.
/tmp/1430170830037-0/redis-server-2.8.19: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /tmp/1430170830037-0/redis-server-2.8.19)
So this version of redis has specific dependency on a specific version of glibc. I tried a couple of other libraries but they all depend on the same underlying version of the embedded redis server.
Is there a spring data mock framework that can be used to get around this sort of issue?
This might come a little late for you, but there is indeed a Spring Data Mock framework that you can use, which let's you mock repositories (regardless of the specific backend solution) without a real database connection.
Here is a link: https://github.com/mmnaseri/spring-data-mock
You don't have a high enough version of libc6, that is causing the error.
From How to fix “/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found”? – Super User:
That means the program was compiled against glibc version 2.14, and it requires that version to run, but your system has an older version installed. You'll need to either recompile the program against the version of glibc that's on your system, or install a newer version of glibc (the "libc6" package in Debian).
So, you just need to upgrade your libc6 package. All versions of Ubuntu have at least version 2.15 because it's a faily important package (reference).
To upgrade it, use these commands in a terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6
p.s. This is answer from askubuntu.com by minerz029

Using httpd 2.4 instead of 2.2 on centos 6

I use Centos 6.5, I've installed apache 2.2 on my server by yum, I want to upgrade my apache to 2.4, but yum not support that, so I download apache 2.4.7 and install it to opt/apache/httpd-2.4.7 follow the tutorial here: Apache 2.4.x Manual install on RHEL 6.4 - No apache modules will load on start . I want to change environment variables to new apache version to write apache 2.4 modules (change include folder for header file, change "modules" folder when build with apxs,...). I think I must install another httpd-devel for apache 2.4.7, because I still not install httpd-devel-2.4.7, but I don't know how to install and use it instead of httpd-devel-2.2 by yum. I can not describe my problems clearly in English, so I hope you can understand it. I'm a newbie and I really need your help. Thank you!
CentOS is image of RHEL, which stands for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. RHEL is designed to be an "Enterprise class" operating system, in which you rely on software packages that are delivered from controlled repositories where they are made available only after being thoroughly tested for Enterprise level use.
From that point of view, its generally not a good idea to install packages from source code, or using third party RPMs, because once you do, your OS is no longer "Enterprise" class.
If you're trying to upgrade for security reasons, you shouldn't. Critical security updates are always backported in previous RPM releases, so you only have to update your current package from the same yum repo from where you got it first. The binary will still say it is Apache 2.2, but it will have the latest security updates.
If you need an actual feature of 2.4, the smart move is to upgrade your CentOS. It may seem like the harder option initially, but it never is in the long run.
In my experience these reports can be fairly basic/binary:
Are you running the latest version of the software? If no flag as security risk.
However this fails to take into account package managers which back port fixes to older versions and so often have addressed potential security issues.
By moving away from the packaged version you are making security updates more difficult (as can't do a simple "yum update" to address them anymore).
Apache 2.2 is still maintained for security and bug fixes - though how long for remains to be seen and it is falling further and further behind in features.
So often you just need to explain (and prove!) you have a regular patching process and so the "version of Apache" you are reporting is not really accurate in terms of security patching.
See here for more details: https://serverfault.com/questions/731657/pci-compliance-apache-versions/
Saying all that we moved to Apache 2.4 on centos a while back for some extra features we wanted and just upgrade it to the latest version as part of regular patching cycle and are not finding it too inconvenient. Yes it's not quite as simple as "yum update" but it's a decision we've made because of some features we required. Not a decision to be taken lightly as Garreth states but it had the added side effect of this not getting highlighted anymore in these sorts of security scans :-)
We made this decision despite upgrading to a newer version of Red Hat as that was still on an older version of Apache (2.4.7 if memory serves me correctly) which still missed a few features we required. Sometimes it's frustrating how far behind some of these "enterprise" versions are, but that's the downside when there are plenty of upsides to using them too (stability, security... etc.).

Upgrading apache tomcat from 5.5.xx to a newer 5.5 version

Is there a guide on how to do this easily? I want to upgrade it without losing all the configuration settings etc. Is there a particular method to achieve this (or config files that I can just copy to the new installation). I'm running it as a windows service at the moment so the new version will need to run in the same way too.
There isn't an upgrade script that will do it for you, at least not that I've ever used/found. Which, is actually a good thing, IMO. You can simply download the newer Tomcat version to a different directory than your current install (c:/tomcat55 and c:/tomcat6) and copy the configuration from you 5.5 installation. Nearly all of the basic settings are the same from 5.5 to 6.0.x, not as sure about 7.0. If you install the new service with a different service name, you don't have to worry about any conflicts (except the ports in your server.xml)
If this is a production box, I would recommend changing the ports on your new installation so you can run it alongside your current install, and test your applications before you switch over. If all is OK, you can shutdown your new Tomcat, update the ports to be what your current install is, shutdown Tomcat5.5, and start your new install and you should be good. Of course you can always run the new install on the different port, but if you're using Apache in front, you'll have to update the Apache config as well.
Hope this helps.