Sum rows in SAP Webi 4.1 report - sap

I have a report in Webi which is similar to below example (Upper table).
What I want to build is the lower table, i.e. to sum up the values of "A" and "B" and show it in one row.
How to achieve this in BO Webi?

If you are on BI4, then this is actually pretty easily done. First, Control-click on the A and B cells to select both:
Right-click on one of the selected cells, then hit Group -> Group:
Give the group a meaningful name (taking the name "A+B" from your example):
This will create a new Group and replace the original variable in the report block:
You'll see the new variable under "Variables" in the Available Objects panel, and can modify it from there if necessary.
If you are not on BI4, or if you just prefer to enter a variable manually, you can do that too. Replace the Forecast column with:
=If [Forecast] InList ("A";"B") Then "A+B" Else [Forecast]


Limit dimension values displayed in QlikView Pivot Table Chart

I have a pivot table chart in QlikView that has a dimension and an expression. The dimension is a column with 5 possible values: 'a','b','c','d','e'.
Is there a way to restrict the values to 'a','b' and 'c' only?
I would prefer to enforce this from the chart properties with a condition, instead of choosing the values from a listbox if possible.
Thank you very much, I_saw_drones! There is an problem I have though. I have different expressions defined depending on the category, like this:
IF( ([Category]) = 'A' , COUNT( {<[field1] = {'x','y'} >} [field2]), IF ([Category]) = 'B' , SUM( {<[field3] = {'z'} >} [field4]), IF (Category='C', ..., 0)))
In this case, where would I add $<Category={'A','B','C'} ? My expression so far doesn't help because although I tell QV to use a different formula/calculation for each category, the category overall (all 5 values) represents the dimension.
One possible method to do this is to use QlikView's Set Analysis to create an expression which sums only your desired values.
For this example, I have a very simple load script:
Category, Value
A, 1
B, 2
C, 3
D, 4
E, 5
I then have the following Pivot Table Chart set up with a single expression which just sums the values:
What we need to do is to modify the expression, so that it only sums A, B and C from the Category field.
If I then use QlikView's Set Analysis to modify the expression to the following:
=sum({$<Category={A,B,C}>} Value)
I then achieve my desired result:
This then restricts my Pivot Table Chart to displaying only these three values for Category without me having to make a selection in a Listbox. The form of this expression also allows other dimensions to be filtered at the same time (i.e. the selections "add up"), so I could say, filter on a Country dimension, and my restriction for Category would still be applied.
How this works
Let's pick apart the expression:
=sum({$<Category={A,B,C}>} Value)
Here you can recognise the original form we had before (sum(Value)), but with a modification. The part {$<Category={A,B,C}>} is the Set Analysis part and has this format: {set_identifier<set_modifier>}. Coming back to our original expression:
{: Set Analysis expressions always start with a {.
$: Set Identifier: This symbol represents the current selections in the QlikView document. This means that any subsequent restrictions are applied on top of the existing selections. 1 can also be used, this represents the full set of data in your document irrespective of selections.
<: Start of the set modifiers.
Category={A,B,C}: The dimension that we wish to place a restriction on. The values required are contained within the curly braces and in this case they are ORed together.
>: End of the set modifiers.
}: End of the set analysis expression.
Set Analysis can be quite complex and I've only scratched the surface here, I would definitely recommend checking the QlikView topic "Set Analysis" in both the installed helpfile and the reference manual (PDF).
Finally, Set Analysis in QlikView is quite powerful, however it should be used sparingly as it can lead to some performance problems. In this case, as this is a fairly simple expression the performance should be reasonable.
Woa! a year later, but what you are loking for is osmething near this:
Go to the dimension sheet, then select the Category Dimension, and click on the Edit Dimesnion button
there you can use something like this:
= If(Match(Category, 'a', 'b', 'c'), Category, Null())
This will make the object display only a b and c Categories, and a line for the Null value.
What leasts is that you check the "Suppress value when null" option on the Dimension sheet.
c ya around
Just thought another solution to this which may still be useful to people looking for this.
How about creating a bookmark with the categories that you want and then setting the expressions to be evaluated in the context of that bookmark only?
(Will expand on this later, but take a look at how set analysis can be affected by a bookmark)

How to make a column invisible in an ssrs matrix

I have an ssrs matrix , the design of which looks like this :
The sql query used in the above dataset looks like this :
select [YEAR], [MONTH] as MONT , ProductName, NumberofSales from XYZ ;
When the report is run , My output looks like this :
Here , the Column Names 9 , 10 correspond to the months 9 - September and 10 - October.
Change shows the difference in numbers between the month and the previous month . example :
number of sales in october - number of sales in september.
I would like to remove the column that I have circled in the above picture . Could you please let me know how I can do this . ??
I already tried right clicking the Change column and changing the visibility property, by adding an expression to look soomething like this :
But that gives me an entire blank space for the Change column like this :
But I do, not want to see the blank space. I would like to remove the column completely.
Please let me know if it is possible.
I don't know, why it shows blank space, but here is how I handled this problem:
Choose "column visibility" property of column "Change"
Then I added expression for hiding column: =IIF(Month(Fields!Date.Value)=Parameters!UserSelectedDate.Value,True,False)
And when I select report parameter to 1 and preview the report, it hides Change column for month 1:
This answer works only for matrixed (varied count) columns.
But in all reports client want to group report data dynamicly and select column that one want to see.
So if I have matrix for example with columns -
[Store] [Good] [Amount Jan] [Amount Feb].... [Amount Dec]
I can hide any column with Amount but If I right click on column Store - No option in menu- Column properties and option Column Visibility - Disabled. If apply visibility to cells - you'll see a blank space.
I've looked for an answer for this issue and was frustrated that I could not find any. Then I found a workaround for this issue, I decided to share this.
You have to create column groups for all columns, which you would like to Show/Hide. For this matter you have to take or create one or more attributes in you ResultSet, which contain a constant value, so that the columns will not be later propagated.
After you created a new Column Group (as Adjacent Before/After)
you can put there the columns, which you like to Hide/Show.
After that you can use the property "Column visibility". It works just fine for me.

How to create calculated column with data from another list

I have the following situation: List A has two columns (Name, Amount) and in List B (Name) I want to add a calculated column which should be the sum of all entries in List A that have the same name as in List B. Example:
List A:
NAME Amount
L0011 100
L0011 50
L0020 234
So in List B I want the calculated column to show:
NAME Amount
L0011 150
L0020 234
How can this be done? Workflow (as soon as I add/mod an entry in List A, update List B) or something else? Thanks
lem.mallari's answer is a huge pain unless you can assume that the Amounts in List A never change, since it's not tracking whether an item has already been added to the sum. There is no way for a Workflow to iterate through a SharePoint list, which means there is no easy way to calculate the sum or average of multiple list items.
The correct way to implement this will will require some development. The SharePoint Developer Training (2010, 2013) will actually get you most of the way there: an event receiver should trigger when items are added or changed in Lists A and B that uses SharePoint's API to go through List A and average values by Name, then update all (or just affected) items in List B. Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to display the sum of all entries in List A that have the same name as the item in List B as long as all the data is displayed on your page. If you're handy with XPath and InfoPath, you could add List A as a secondary data source to List B's form and select only applicable items in List A to sum from.
But if we're talking Workflows, here's the "workflow only" method. This was tested and successful in 2010. Create custom List C with the following columns:
Title (string, mandatory, enforce unique values)
TotalItems (integer, mandatory, default 0)
Sum (number, decimal places however you want, mandatory, default 0)
Average (calculated, =IF(TotalItems=0,0,Sum/TotalItems)) (optional)
Replace the Name columns in Lists A and B with lookup columns pointing at List C. Delete the Amount column in List B, instead including the Sum column as an additional column. Add the following columns to List A, and ensure that users cannot change them directly. This can be restricted by making InfoPath forms or by making alternative view and edit forms.
AmountArchive (number, identical to Amount, default 0)
AmountHasBeenSubmitted (yes/no, default no)
Create a Workflow to run each time an item is created or modified in List A. Use these commands (I'm using a list for readability; it was getting ugly when formatted as code):
If Current Item:Amount not equals Current Item:AmountArchive
Set Variable:Item Count to (Data source: List C; Field from source: TotalItems; Find the List Item: Field Title; Value: Current Item:Name(Return field as: Lookup Value (as Text)))
Calculate Variable:ItemCount plus 1 (Output to Variable: ItemCount)
Calculate List C:Sum (similar settings as above; be sure to use Lookup Value (as Text) and not String!) minus Current Item:AmountArchive (Output to Variable: SumWithoutValue)
Calculate Variable: SumWithoutValue plus Current Item:Amount (Output to Variable: NewSum)
If Current Item:AmountHasBeenSubmitted equals No
Set AmountHasBeenSubmitted to Yes
Update item in List C (Set TotalItems to Variable:ItemCount; Set Sum to Variable:NewSum; Find the List Item in the same way of Field:Title; Value: Current Item:Name(Return field as: Lookup Value (as Text))
Update item in List C (don't do anything to TotalItems; use the same logic to set Sum to Variable:NewSum)
Set Amount to Current Item:AmountArchive
This can't be done using calculated columns because calculated columns can only be used for columns on the same list.
Using SharePoint Designer Workflows you can just use Create List Item and Update List Item actions so that whenever a user adds a value for L0011 the amount will be added in another list's column which contains the previous amounts already.
Let me know if you need a more detailed answer for the SharePoint approach and I'll provide you a step by step instruction on what to do.
What about using the DSum function?
List B
NAME Amount
L0011 =DSum("[Amount]","List A","[NAME]=''" & [NAME] & "'")
L0020 =DSum("[Amount]","List A","[NAME]=''" & [NAME] & "'")

Crystal Reports equivalent of 'WHERE'

I'm familiar with SQL but not Crystal Reports. I'm trying to deal with an imported data set with 5 columns:
id deathDate giftDate giftAmount Dead
123 2008-01-06 2011-09-08 25.00 TRUE
456 2009-06-08 2011-10-13 10.00 TRUE
789 0 2011-12-04 50.00 FALSE
I'm trying to do a subquery but can't figure out what the CR equivalent of WHERE in SQL would be. I'd like to do something along the line of:
SELECT count(id) from tab1 where dead=TRUE
Any suggestions?
As Conrad and dotjoe have observed, the Crystal equivalent of the sql where clause is the Select Expert - you should be able to find this on the Report menu.
If you need to include both true and false Dead records in the detail section, but want a total for only those records where Dead is true, the simplest way to do this would be to set up a formula item. To do so:
Right-click on the Formula Fields option in the Field Explorer and select New... .
Enter a suitable formula field name, like DeadCount.
In the Formula editor, enter a formula like the following (assuming Dead is a string):
If {tab1.Dead} = 'TRUE' then 1
Use the x-2 button (or Alt-C) to check that the formula does not have any errors, then press the Save and Close button to exit the formula editor.
Drag and drop the new formula field from the Field Explorer onto anywhere in the report.
Right-click on the formula field that you have just added to the report and select Insert > Summary... from the menu.
In the Insert Summary dialog, specify the Summary operation as Sum and the Summary location as Grand Total (Report Footer), then click OK. A summarised field, labelled something like Sum of #DeadCount, should appear in the Report Footer. (You should now remove the un-summarised formula field from where you placed it in the report design area.)
This technique is essentially similar to including a summed case value in a sql query - something like: select sum(case when Dead = 'TRUE' then 1 end) as DeadCount from tab1
Add this to the record selection formula...
{datasetname.Dead} = true
//note: I'm not sure what data type that is but CR uses bool for bit and XSD bool
Then add a summary field to the report footer which does the count(id).
Or, if you need to display the dataset and only need a subquery you can use something called a "Running Total" field. In here you can do the count(id) and add the where clause to the necessary formula.

How to make a drop down list (list box)in an MS Acess Query with values from two different tables

I need the drop down box above to display the date as shown and the ClassTypeDesc as you can see above the dropdown list shows 1/12/2010 twice. They have different ClassTypes Assigned to them.
The drop down list should show:
1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One AM
1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One PM
I need to know the statement to put in the Row Source Box on the lookup tab in the Field Properties to make this work.
Related Question on Making a drop down list
There's no need to concatenate the two columns. Based on the diagram, the SQL for your lookup combo box should look like this:
SELECT tblClassSession.SessionID, tblClassSession.Date, tblSessionType.ClassTypeDesc
FROM tblClassSession INNER JOIN tblSessionType
ON tblClassSession.SessionTypeID = tblSessionType.SessionTypeID;
Then in the properties for your lookup combo box, change ColumnCount to 3, and Column Widths to 0 (if you want to size the other columns, change Column Width sto something like 0";.75";1.5", and the List Width property to 2.25").
I may have gotten some of the field names wrong, but that's the basic idea.
(also, you probably really ought to rename tblClassSession.Date to tblClassSession.SessionDate so you don't run into problems with the fact that Date is a reserved word)
As you already have the right number of rows, you just need to concatenate enough fields to make it more useful, so your query would be something like:
SELECT c.Date + ' ' + s.ClassTypeDesc AS YourFieldName