How to enable Turbine stream using Cloud foundry Rabbit MQ service - rabbitmq

I am trying to integrate Hystrix CircuitBreaker in my sample application.I have two apps, one behaving as server other as client. CircuitBreaker is working fine as well i can see form client.
Now i am trying out multiple clients in one DashBoard using Turbine stream.
On server side i have added 2 dependencies as below :
and annotation #EnableTurbineStream on application.
On client side i have added below dependencies:
Both application deployed in Pivotal Cloud Foundry and binded to Rabbit Mq service for PCF.
On Client deployment i see below Exception : :null
Caused by : com.rabbitmq.client.ShutDownSignalException : channel error :protocol method : #method<channel.close><reply-code=406, reply-test=PRECONDITION-FAILED - equivalent arg 'type' for exchange '' in vhost '' : receieved 'topic' but current is 'Direct', class-id=40, methid-id=10>
On hiting Turbine server, i m getting
data : {type : ping}
Management port on turbine server is set to -1.
Is any MQ configurtion required on client and sever to push Hystrix stream in Rabbit MQ? Any help would be appreciated.

The client side error is telling you that you are trying to declare an exchange that already exists, but with a type that conflicts. You could fix it by changing the exchange name or by just deleting the old one. Or simply delete the service and re-create it in Cloud Foundry,


How do I find the connection information of a RabbitMQ server that is bound to a SCDF stream deployed on Tanzu (Pivotal/PCF) environment?

This is a follow-up question of How to implement HTTP request/reply when the response comes from a rabbitMQ reply queue using Spring Integration DSL?.
We were able to build the Spring Integration application and the SCDF stream successfully locally. We could send a http request to the rabbitMQ request queue which was bound to the SCDF stream rabbit source. We could also receive the response back from the rabbitMQ response queue which was bound to the SCDF stream rabbit sink.
We have deployed the SCDF stream into PCF environment which had a binding of an internal rabbitMQ broker. Now we need to specify the spring rabbitMQ connection information in the Spring Integration application properties - currently it's using the default localhost#5762, which is no longer valid. Does anyone know how to get this rabbitMQ configuration properties? We already checked the SCDF stream rabbit source/sink log files but couldn't find the information. I know we probably need to check internally whoever set up the SCDF/rabbitMQ in PCF environment, but so far we haven't heard the answers from them.
Also, it appears we can have a different approach that binds both the SCDF stream and the integration application to a separate rabbitMQ instance (instead of using the existing one bundled with the SCDF configuration). Is it a recommended solution?
It is unclear whether you're using the SCDF tile or the SCDF OSS (via manfest.yml) on PCF.
Suppose you're using the OSS, AFA. In that case, you are providing the right RMQ service-instance configuration (that you pre-created) in the manifest.yml, then SCDF would automatically propagate that RMQ service instance and bind it to the apps it is deploying to your ORG/Space. You don't need to muck around with connection credentials manually.
On the other hand, if you are using the SCDF Tile, the SCDF service broker will auto-create the RMQ SI and automatically bind it to the apps it deploys.
In summary, there's no reason to manually pass the connection credentials or pack them as application properties inside your apps. You can automate all this provided you're configuring all this correctly.

TomEE, rabbitmq

I am working on developing an interface between TomEE application server and rabbitmq.
Is there any example that can show me what is to be configured in the tomEE server ?
How can I initiate tomEE to create a exchange and queue and than send out messages ?
not sure I fully got the question bu you can embed java client in your application and use Java API:
If you want to use JMS you can rely on but since there is no rabbitmq resource adapter it is still "manual".

Can't read from remote transactional private queue using WCF in workgroup mode (can do using System.Messaging !)

I have spent days reading MSDN, forums and article about this, and cannot find a solution to my problem.
As a PoC, I need to consume a queue from more than one machine since I need fault tolerance on the consumers side. Performance is not an issue since less than 100 messages a day should by exchanged.
I have coded two trivial console application , one as client, the other one as server. Using Framework 4.0 (tested also on 3.5). Messages are using transactions.
Everything runs fines on a single machine (Windows 7), even when running multiple consumers application instance.
Now I have a 2012 and a 2008 R2 virtual test servers running in the same domain (but don't want to use AD integration anyway). I am using IP address or "." in endpoint address attribute to prevent from DNS / AD resolution side effects.
Everything works fine IF the the queue is hosted by the consumer and the producer is submitting messages on the remote private queue. This is also true if I exchange the consumer / producer role of the 2012 and 2008 server.
But I have NEVER been able to make this run, using WCF, when the consumer is reading from remote queue and the producer is submitting messages localy. Submition never fails, my problem is on the consumer side.
My wish is to make this run using netMsmqBinding, but I also tried using msmqIntegrationBinding. For each test, I adapted code and configuration, then confirmed this was running ok when the consumer was consuming from the local queue.
The last test I have done is using WCF (msmqIntegrationBinding) only on the producer (local queue) and System.Messaging.MessageQueue on the consumer (remote queue) : It works fine ! => My goal is to make the same using WCF and netMsmqBinding on both sides.
In my point of view, I have proved this problem is a WCF issue, not an MSMQ one. This has nothing to do with security, authentication, firewall, transport, protocol, MSMQ version etc.
Errors info using MS Service Trace Viewer :
Using msmqIntegrationBinding when receiving the message (openning queue was ok) : An error occurred while receiving a message from the queue: The transaction specified cannot be imported. (-1072824242, 0xc00e004e). Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Make sure the queue is available to receive from.
Using netMsmqBinding, on opening the queue : An error occurred when converting the '\private$\Test' queue path name to the format name: The queue path name specified is invalid. (-1072824300, 0xc00e0014). All operations on the queued channel failed. Ensure that the queue address is valid. MSMQ must be installed with Active Directory integration enabled and access to it is available.
If someone can help to find why my configuration cannot be handled by WCF, a much elegant and configurable way than Messaging, I would greatly appreciate !
Thank you.
You may need to post you consumer code and config to give more of an idea but it could be the construction of the queue name - e.g.
There are several different ways to connect to a queue and it changes when you are remote or local as well.
I have found this article in the past to help:
Also, MessageQueue Constructor on MSDN...

Setting up WebSphere MQ integration in a WebLogic clustered environment

I have a WebLogic cluster up and running an application containing an MDB. I'm currently using WebLogic JMS queues to send messages to the MDB. All is well.
I now have need to switch to IBM WebSphere MQ for my JMS messaging.
I can set this up and send/receive messages in a non-clustered environment (Admin server) using a Foreign server with a bindings file. However, I can't seem to properly configure the clustered environment for MQ integration to work correctly.
I get the following when deploying the EAR/MDB on the cluster:
The Message-Driven EJB: xxxMDB is unable to connect to the JMS destination...
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'jms.xxxQueue'
Can anyone point me to some documentation on how to configure IBM WebSphere MQ in a WebLogic cluster?
there is a need to add several MQ JMS classes to the PATH of the weblogic so it will be able to connect to MQ
the path needed to be added is : *MQ_system_path*/java/lib64
beside that here are the clasess i have found that are needed to make this thing :;;; commonservices.jar;;jta.jar;
this what helped us to connect weblogic to MQ
Oren yeger

MQ With WLS Foreign Server

I am facing two issues when i try to connect to MQ which is deployed on a Remote Server from Weblogic Server(WLS) by creating a Foreign Server.
1. When I try to connect to MQ Queuemanager in Bindings mode(after importing the .Bindings file) i keep getting the below error in WLS console:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mqjbnd05 in java.library.path
If i Switch the Transport to Client i keep getting:
JMSWMQ0018: Failed to connect to queue manager '' with connection mode 'Client' and host name 'localhost'. Check the queue manager is started and if running in client mode, check there is a listener running. Please see the linked exception for more information.
Has anyone seen this, and are there any performance implications which dictate the use of client over bindings and vice versa?
Finally i was able to resolve this, i had to recreate the .bindings file in the client mode, with changes to the IVTsetup.bat which is most likely present in
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\java\bin, I had to run this
to generate the .bindings file.
Refer to this link for more details:
Where the question states that I try to connect to MQ which is deployed on a Remote Server from Weblogic Server I assume this means that WLS and WMQ are on two different hosts. If that is the case, then a bindings mode connection (which relies on shared memory segments) won't work.
The client mode connection appears to be using a CF that is pointed to localhost rather than the IP or hostname of the WMQ server. This would work for an application on the same host as the queue manager but not when the app and QMgr are on separate servers.
As far as choosing between client and bindings mode, the answer is that if the QMgr is local use bindings. This provides highest reliability, best performance and XA transactionality. When using client mode, two-phase XA commit is not supported without the Extended Transactional Client. Per the JMS specification, there is an ambiguity that can exist if an app loses the connection during a COMMIT call. Depending on how the app handles this it's possible to end up with duplicate messages. (The JMS spec refers to these as "functionally duplicate.") This ambiguity is much less likely to occur with a bindings mode connection since there is no network latency and not even any traversal of the IP stack or interface. So use bindings mode where possible.
Removed note about Extended Transactional Client being a chargeable component. As of April 24th, XTC is free of charge for all versions of WMQ on all platforms.