How to change the color of each row of tablix in rdlc? - rdlc

I am new to rdlc, in rdlc I have a tab lix that can have max of 10 row, I want to assign each row a unique color. I found a solution for even and odd row color, but I want to assign each row a unique color, how is it possible?

Best way I can think of is to make the colour of the row based on a function. Then define an array of 10 colour values and use the RowNumber function to pick which element in the array to use as that rows colour. The choose function would do most of this logic for you:
=Choose(RowNumber(Nothing),"#ffff33","#aaaa66", "#333399")


how to bing the grouped items to a non group section of a tablix

I need to have a graph the same size as tablix. Since i cant merge the cells , how can i bring the grouped items to the left ?
i have this
and i want it to look like this:
But since the period is a group i cant merge the cells in the bottom, So is there a way to bring period colums to the left.
If your chart and table use the same dataset (and why wouldn;t it if it showing the same data), you can put them in a list that will grow with the column grouping of your current table.
INSERT a new List. A list is really just a table.
Add an extra row to the list in the same group.
Set the Grouping on the list to Group By 1 (the number one). This will group everything to one line.
Set the dataset to the same dataset as your chart and table.
Set the list's top cell's size to match your table.
Put the table in the top row.
Set the bottom cell to the height of the chart.
Put the chart in the bottom.
The column grouping in the top will stretch out the list and the chart will go with it.

Change the color of x number of cells based on the numeric value from another cell (in multiple rows)

My question is basically the same as this one (Change the color of x number of cells based on the numeric value from another cell) with one extra condition: for multiple rows.
enter image description here
So on the left side, there's a column "PTO 2018 Total" (range= I3:I80) and I want to color each row (range= J3:S80) based on the number of the column I, like I manually did for the first two rows.
Thank you so much in advance.
Use conditional formatting:
Use a formula rule with the formula:
Applied to

Alternate Cell Color in a column B for particular range say B67 to B323

I need to color alternate cells in a column in Excel via vb,basically requirement is if B1 value is selected like4/6/8/10/12 a table gets generated (done) and then with a particular pattern cells should be colored.I have done manually for few of them but requirement is to color alternate cells from B67:B323 in a column B.
There's no need for VBA for this. Use conditional formatting instead.
MOD(ROW(),2) will return 1 for odd numbered rows, and 0 for even.

Dynamic background color for total cell

I'm using Pentaho Report Designer and I would like to change the background of the cell that contains the sum of all the measure values of a column based on the calculated value. For the measure values, this can be easily done defining a formula for the background property like the following one:
=IF([measure] >10; "red"; "green")
However, from the cell that shows the total, [measure] is always null.
How can I get the value of the cell (or the result of sum all the measure values)?
Finally I've found how to do this. It is necessary to create a function to sum the values so it can be referenced later from a formula:
Create a function to calculate the total (Add Function... > Summary > Sum)
Inside the properties table, select Field Name for the function. Give it a Function Name to make reference to the formula later (i.e. budgetTotal)
Use the function to apply the conditional formatting based on its value (i.e. =IF([budgetTotal] >10; "red"; "green"))

table get the cell from the row

I have one table with 3 rows and 3 columns. Now I want to add 2 row's 2nd columns cell's control. That means whether that is text or combox in the cell. How do I get the 2nd row's 2nd column and remove the compoenent dynamically in SWT JFace?
Do you use a TableViewer?
The SWT-way of getting to the item is indexed first by row, than by column.
Getting the text of the third column in the second row is done like this:
To display custom-controls, like a combobox you will have to either paint it manually or use SWT's TableEditor.
Also check out this tutorial: