Telegram bot: a dirctionary of available commands - telegram-bot

How to organize a dictionary of available commands for a Telegram bot? How do good programmers do it? I know that writing dozens of if statements is a bad idea, as well as a switch statement.
For now it's implemented using switch:
The bot receives a command
Finds it in a switch
Processes the command
Sends the response to the user
But when there are dozens of commands, the switch operator becomes hard to maintain. What is the common way to solve this problem?

I'm not a Python coder, but it seems that your problem should be solved with with an associative array data structure regardless the language you use. The actual name of the structure may vary from language to language: for example, in C++ it is called map, and in Python it is.. dictionary! Thus, you several times wrote the relevant keyword in your question (even in the original language).
Bearing the above in mind, a sketch of your program may look like this:
# Command processing functions:
def func1():
return "Response 1"
def func2():
return "Response 2"
# Commands dictionary:
d = {"cmd1":func1, "cmd2":func2}
# Suppose this command was receiced by the bot:
command_received = "cmd1"
# Processing:
response = d[command_received]()
except KeyError:
response = "Unknown command"
# Sending response:
print response


Fetching big SQL table in the web app session

I'm quite new in web app so apologize if my question is abit basic. I'm developing a Web app with R shiny where the inputs are very large tables from Azure SQL server. They are 20 tables each in the order of hundred-thousand rows and hundreds of columns containing numbers, Characters and etc. I have no problem calling them, my main issue is that it takes so much time to fetch everything from Azure SQL server. It takes approximately 20 minutes. So the user of the web app needs to wait quite a long.
I'm using DBI package as follows:
db_connect <- function(database_config_name){
dbConfig <- config::get(database_config_name)
connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = dbConfig$driver,
Server = dbConfig$server,
UID = dbConfig$uid,
PWD = dbConfig$pwd,
Database = dbConfig$database,
encoding = "latin1"
and then fetching tables by :
connection <- db_connect(db_config_name)
table <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema(fetch_schema_name(db_config_name,table_name,data_source_type), fetch_table_name(db_config_name,table_name,data_source_type)))
I searched a lot but didn't come across a good solution, I appreciate any solutions can tackle this problem.
I work with R accessing SQL Server (not Azure) daily. For larger data (as in your example), I always revert to using the command-line tool sqlcmd, it is significantly faster. The only pain point for me was learning the arguments and working around the fact that it does not return proper CSV, there is post-query munging required. You may have an additional pain-point of having to adjust my example to connect to your Azure instance (I do not have an account).
In order to use this in a shiny environment and preserve its interactivity, I use the processx package to start the process in the background and then poll its exit status periodically to determine when it has completed.
Up front: this is mostly a "loose guide", I do not pretend that this is a fully-functional solution for you. There might be some rough-edges that you need to work through yourself. For instance, while I say you can do it asynchronously, it is up to you to work the polling process and delayed-data-availability into your shiny application. My answer here provides starting the process and reading the file once complete. And finally, if encoding= is an issue for you, I don't know if sqlcmd does non-latin correctly, and I don't know if or how to fix this with its very limited, even antiquated arguments.
Save the query into a text file. Short queries can be provided on the command-line, but past some point (128 chars? I don't know that it's clearly defined, and have not looked enough recently) it just fails. Using a query-file is simple enough and always works, so I always use it.
I always use temporary files for each query instead of hard-coding the filename; this just makes sense. For convenience (for me), I use the same tempfile base name and append .sql for the query and .csv for the returned data, that way it's much easier to match query-to-data in the temp files. It's a convention I use, nothing more.
tf <- tempfile()
# using the same tempfile base name for both the query and csv-output temp files
querytf <- paste0(tf, ".sql")
writeLines(query, querytf)
csvtf <- paste0(tf, ".csv")
# these may be useful in troubleshoot, but not always [^2]
stdouttf <- paste0(tf, ".stdout")
stderrtf <- paste0(tf, ".stderr")
Make the call. I suggest you see how fast this is in a synchronous way first to see if you need to add an async query and polling in your shiny interface.
exe <- "/path/to/sqlcmd" # or "sqlcmd.exe"
args <- c("-W", "b", "-s", "\037", "-i", querytf, "-o", csvtf,
"-S", dbConfig$server, "-d", dbConfig$database,
"-U", dbConfig$uid, "-P", dbConfig$pwd)
## as to why I use "\037", see [^1]
## note that the user id and password will be visible on the shiny server
## via a `ps -fax` command-line call
proc <- processx::process$new(command = exe, args = args,
stdout = stdouttf, stderr = stderrtf) # other args exist
# this should return immediately, and should be TRUE until
# data retrieval is done (or error)
# this will hang (pause R) until retrieval is complete; if/when you
# shift to asynchronous queries, do not do this
One can use processx::run instead of process$new and proc$wait(), but I thought I'd start you down this path in case you want/need to go asynchronous.
If you go with an asynchronous operation, then periodically check (perhaps every 3 or 10 seconds) proc$is_alive(). Once that returns FALSE, you can start processing the file. During this time, shiny will continue to operate normally. (If you do not go async and therefore choose to proc$wait(), then shiny will hang until the query is complete.)
If you make a mistake and do not proc$wait() and try to continue with reading the file, that's a mistake. The file may not exist, in which case it will err with No such file or directory. The file may exist, perhaps empty. It may exist and have incomplete data. So really, make a firm decision to stay synchronous and therefore call proc$wait(), or go asynchronous and poll periodically until proc$is_alive() returns FALSE.
Reading in the file. There are three "joys" of using sqlcmd that require special handling of the file.
It does not do embedded quotes consistently, which is why I chose to use "\037" as a separator. (See [^1].)
It adds a line of dashes under the column names, which will corrupt the auto-classing of data when R reads in the data. For this, we do a two-step read of the file.
Nulls in the database are the literal NULL string in the data. For this, we update the na.strings= argument when reading the file.
exitstat <- proc$get_exit_status()
if (exitstat == 0) {
## read #1: get the column headers
tmp1 <- read.csv(csvtf, nrows = 2, sep = "\037", header = FALSE)
colnms <- unlist(tmp1[1,], use.names = FALSE)
## read #2: read the rest of the data
out <- read.csv(csvtf, skip = 2, header = FALSE, sep = "\037",
na.strings = c("NA", "NULL"), quote = "")
colnames(out) <- colnms
} else {
# you should check both stdout and stderr files, see [^2]
stop("'sqlcmd' exit status: ", exitstat)
After a lot of pain with several issues (some in sqlcmd.exe, some in data.table::fread and other readers, all dealing with CSV-format non-compliance), at one point I chose to stop working with comma-delimited returns, instead opting for the "\037" field Delimiter. It works fine with all CSV-reading tools and has fixed so many problems (some not mentioned here). If you're not concerned, feel free to change the args to "-s", "," (adjusting the read as well).
sqlcmd seems to use stdout or stderr in different ways when there are problems. I'm sure there's rationale somewhere, but the point is that if there is a problem, check both files.
I added the use of both stdout= and stderr= because of a lot of troubleshooting I did, and continue to do if I munge a query. Using them is not strictly required, but you might be throwing caution to the wind if you omit those options.
By the way, if you choose to only use sqlcmd for all of your queries, there is no need to create a connection object in R. That is, db_connect may not be necessary. In my use, I tend to use "real" R DBI connections for known-small queries and the bulk sqlcmd for anything above around 10K rows. There is a tradeoff; I have not measured it sufficiently in my environment to know where the tipping point is, and it is likely different in your case.

Jmeter Beanshell: Accessing global lists of data

I'm using Jmeter to design a test that requires data to be randomly read from text files. To save memory, I have set up a "setUp Thread Group" with a BeanShell PreProcessor with the following:
//Read data files
List items = FileUtils.readLines(new File(vars.get("DataFolder") + "/items.txt"));
//Store for future use
props.put("items", items);
I then attempt to read this in my other thread groups and am trying to access a random line in my text files with something like this:
(props.get("items")).get(new Random().nextInt((props.get("items")).size()))
However, this throws a "Typed variable declaration" error and I think it's because the get() method returns an object and I'm trying to invoke size() on it, since it's really a List. I'm not sure what to do here. My ultimate goal is to define some lists of data once to be used globally in my test so my tests don't have to store this data themselves.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what might be wrong?
I've also tried defining the variables in the setUp thread group as follows:
bsh.shared.items = items;
And then using them as this:
(bsh.shared.items).get(new Random().nextInt((bsh.shared.items).size()))
But that fails with the error "Method size() not found in class'bsh.Primitive'".
You were very close, just add casting to List so the interpreter will know what's the expected object:"items")).get(new Random().nextInt((props.get("items")).size())));
Be aware that since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use Groovy for any form of scripting as:
Groovy performance is much better
Groovy supports more modern Java features while with Beanshell you're stuck at Java 5 level
Groovy has a plenty of JDK enhancements, i.e. File.readLines() function
So kindly find Groovy solution below:
In the first Thread Group:
props.put('items', new File(vars.get('DataFolder') + '/items.txt').readLines()
In the second Thread Group:
def items = props.get('items')
def randomLine = items.get(new Random().nextInt(items.size))

Persistent connection in twisted

I'm new in Twisted and have one question. How can I organize a persistent connection in Twisted? I have a queue and every second checks it. If have some - send on client. I can't find something better than call dataReceived every second.
Here is the code of Protocol implementation:
class SyncProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
# ... some code here
def dataReceived(self, data):
for order in self.orders_queue:
reactor.callLater(1, self.dataReceived, data) # 1 second delay
It works how I need, but I'm sure that it is very bad solution. How can I do that in different way (flexible and correct)? Thanks.
P.S. - the main idea and alghorithm:
1. Client connect to server and wait
2. Server checks for update and pushes data to client if anything changes
3. Client do some operations and then wait for other data
Without knowing how the snippet you provided links into your internet.XXXServer or reactor.listenXXX (or XXXXEndpoint calls), its hard to make head-or-tails of it, but...
First off, in normal use, a twisted protocol.Protocol's dataReceived would only be called by the framework itself. It would be linked to a client or server connection directly or via a factory and it would be automatically called as data comes into the given connection. (The vast majority of twisted protocols and interfaces (if not all) are interrupt based, not polling/callLater, thats part of what makes Twisted so CPU efficient)
So if your shown code is actually linked into Twisted via a Server or listen or Endpoint to your clients then I think you will find very bad things will happen if your clients ever send data (... because twisted will call dataReceived for that, which (among other problems) would add extra reactor.callLater callbacks and all sorts of chaos would ensue...)
If instead, the code isn't linked into twisted connection framework, then your attempting to reuse twisted classes in a space they aren't designed for (... I guess this seems unlikely because I don't know how non-connection code would learn of a transport, unless your manually setting it...)
The way I've been build building models like this is to make a completely separate class for the polling based I/O, but after I instantiate it, I push my client-list (server)factory into the polling instance (something like mypollingthing.servfact = myserverfactory) there-by making a way for my polling logic to be able to call into the clients .write (or more likely a def I built to abstract to the correct level for my polling logic)
I tend to take the examples in Krondo's Twisted Introduction as one of the canonical examples of how to do twisted (other then twisted matrix), and the example in part 6, under "Client 3.0" PoetryClientFactory has a __init__ that sets a callback in the factory.
If I try blend that with the twistedmatrix chat example and a few other things, I get:
(You'll want to change sendToAll to whatever your self.orders_queue.has_new_orders() is about)
from twisted.internet import task
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ServerFactory
class PollingIOThingy(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sendingcallback = None # Note I'm pushing sendToAll into here in main
self.iotries = 0
def pollingtry(self):
self.iotries += 1
print "Polling runs: " + str(self.iotries)
if self.sendingcallback:
self.sendingcallback("Polling runs: " + str(self.iotries) + "\n")
class MyClientConnections(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
print "Got new client!"
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "Lost a client!"
class MyServerFactory(ServerFactory):
protocol = MyClientConnections
def __init__(self):
self.clients = []
def sendToAll(self, message):
for c in self.clients:
def main():
client_connection_factory = MyServerFactory()
polling_stuff = PollingIOThingy()
# the following line is what this example is all about:
polling_stuff.sendingcallback = client_connection_factory.sendToAll
# push the client connections send def into my polling class
# if you want to run something ever second (instead of 1 second after
# the end of your last code run, which could vary) do:
l = task.LoopingCall(polling_stuff.pollingtry)
# from:
reactor.listenTCP(5000, client_connection_factory)
if __name__ == '__main__':
To be fair, it might be better to inform PollingIOThingy of the callback by passing it as an arg to it's __init__ (that is what is shown in Krondo's docs), For some reason, I tend to miss connections like this when I read code and find class-cheating easier to see, but that may just by my personal brain-damage.

Renaming an Amazon CloudWatch Alarm

I'm trying to organize a large number of CloudWatch alarms for maintainability, and the web console grays out the name field on an edit. Is there another method (preferably something scriptable) for updating the name of CloudWatch alarms? I would prefer a solution that does not require any programming beyond simple executable scripts.
Here's a script we use to do this for the time being:
import sys
import boto
def rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name):
conn = boto.connect_cloudwatch()
def get_alarm():
alarms = conn.describe_alarms(alarm_names=[alarm_name])
if not alarms:
raise Exception("Alarm '%s' not found" % alarm_name)
return alarms[0]
alarm = get_alarm()
# work around boto comparison serialization issue
alarm.comparison = alarm._cmp_map.get(alarm.comparison) = new_alarm_name
# update actually creates a new alarm because the name has changed, so
# we have to manually delete the old one
if __name__ == '__main__':
alarm_name, new_alarm_name = sys.argv[1:3]
rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name)
It assumes you're either on an ec2 instance with a role that allows this, or you've got a ~/.boto file with your credentials. It's easy enough to manually add yours.
Unfortunately it looks like this is not currently possible.
I looked around for the same solution but it seems neither console nor cloudwatch API provides that feature.
But we can copy the existing alram with the same parameter and can save on new name

getting result from a function running "deferToThread"

I have recently started working on twisted not much familiar with its functions.I have a problem related to "deferToThread" code is here to use this method
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
from twisted.internet import reactor
class Tool(object):
def exectool(self,tool):
# print "Test Class Exec tool running..........."
exec tool
def getResult(self,tool):
return results.append(deferToThread(self.exectool, tool))
obj_tool=compile(f, 'a_filename', 'exec')
[ at 0x8ce7020, file "a_filename", line 1>, at 0x8cd4e30, file "a_filename", line 2>]
I am passing tools one by one in getResults() method it executs successfully & prints the results what script written in the file objects.
I have to store the result of tools executing in some variable so that I can save it in database.How to achieve this cause when i call re=to.getResult(tools) and print "re" it prints none.
thanx in advance
There are two problems here.
First, deferToThread will not work if you never start the reactor. Hopefully this code snippet was actually extracted from a larger Twisted-using application where the reactor is running, so that won't be an actual problem for you. But you shouldn't expect this snippet to work unless you add a call to it.
Second, deferToThread returns a Deferred. The Deferred fires with the result of the callable you passed in. This is covered in the API documentation. Many APIs in Twisted return a Deferred, so you might want to read the documentation covering them. Once you understand how they work and how to use them, lots of things should be quite a bit easier.