Using a VBA copy sheet macro and formula r1c1 - vba

Maybe I've been staring at this for too long, but I have a macro that copies worksheets in Excel that works. What I'm also trying to do is include this into the loop (just the R1C1 formula from this recorded macro):
Sub Macro4()
' Macro4 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 97.5, 95.25, 43.5).Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 169.5, 94.5, 42.75).Select
Sheets("<Null>").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Dividing Walls Only'!RC[-2]"
Sheets("<Null> (2)").Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 97.5, 95.25, 43.5).Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 169.5, 95.25, 42.75).Select
Sheets("<Null> (2)").Copy After:=Sheets(4)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Dividing Walls Only'!R[1]C[-2]"
Sheets("<Null> (3)").Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 97.5, 95.25, 43.5).Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 169.5, 95.25, 42.75).Select
Sheets("<Null> (3)").Copy After:=Sheets(5)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Dividing Walls Only'!R[2]C[-2]"
End Sub
Obviously, this would be silly to repeat 180 times. This is the Copy Sheet macro that I have already:
Sub CopySheet()
Call OptimizeCode_Begin
Dim x As Integer
x = InputBox("Enter number of times to copy active sheet")
For numtimes = 1 To x
'Loop by using x as the index number to make x number copies
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
'Put copies in front of Sheet3
'Might need to move the new sheets
Call OptimizeCode_End
End Sub
What I would like to do is either incorporate a nested loop or something to automatically advance the R1C1 formula for each sheet that would keep me from having to type in the cell I'm trying to reference after all the sheets have copied. Any help would be appreciated.

From what I could understand from your post, the code below will run according to the number of times selected by the user in InputBox, and copy a Sheet at after the last on.
For each created Sheet it will add a Formula to Cell C4, I'm just not sure the logics in advancing the Formula for each sheet.
Sub CopySheets()
Dim x As Long
Dim numtimes As Long
Dim newSht As Worksheet
x = Application.InputBox("Enter number of times to copy active sheet", Default:=1, Type:=1)
' optimize run time
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' create the Buttons on the original sheet
' (will be copied inside the loop for all other sheets)
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 97.5, 95.25, 43.5).Select
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(541.5, 169.5, 94.5, 42.75).Select
For numtimes = 1 To x
'Loop by using x as the index number to make x number copies
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
Set newSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
' give the new Sheet Name the reference of num of times
newSht.Name = "<NULL " & numtimes & ">"
' advance the row number in the formula
newSht.Range("C3").FormulaR1C1 = "='Dividing Walls Only'!R[" & numtimes & "1]C[-2]"
Next numtimes
' Resume Settings
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

may be this is what you are after:
Option Explicit
Sub CopySheet()
Dim numtimes As Long, x As Long, rowIndex As Long
Call OptimizeCode_Begin
rowIndex = 4 '<-- this is the row index that will be used in the formula that'll be written in the first new sheet
numtimes = Application.InputBox("Enter number of times to copy active sheet", Default:=1, Type:=1)
For x = 1 To numtimes
'Loop by using x as the index number to make x number copies
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
Range("C3").Formula = "='Dividing Walls Only'!A" & rowIndex '<--| write formula in the new sheet cell "C3" referencing "Dividing Walls Only" worksheet column "A" cell in current 'rowIndex'
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 '<--| update row index for subsequent new sheet formula
Call OptimizeCode_End
End Sub
you see I used Excel (i.e. Application) InputBox() method instead of VBA InputBox() one since the former lets you specify the return data type also (Type:=1 for numeric input), thus forcing the user input to the wanted one.


Getting a copied formula from the clipboard in Excel VBA

I’ve a routine that effectively pastes a link to a cell or cells that a user has copied to the clipboard, putting a space after the "=" (a personal preference, for readability) and changing the anchoring to row-only before pasting. If the link is to another sheet, the font is changed to blue. The code is as follows:
Sub QuickLink2()
' Copies a link,putting a space after the "=" and changing the
' anchoring to row-only. If the link is to another sheet, the
' font is changed to blue.
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim FormulaArr() As Variant
Dim Destination As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Paste link
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True
If Err.Number = 1004 Then GoTo NoSelection '1004 is a paste failure
On Error GoTo 0
' Transfer pasted link to array
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim FormulaArr(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
FormulaArr(1, 1) = Selection.Formula
FormulaArr = Selection.Formula
End If
' Adjust formula spaces and anchoring
For r = 1 To UBound(FormulaArr, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(FormulaArr, 2)
FormulaArr(r, c) = Replace(FormulaArr(r, c), "=", "= ")
FormulaArr(r, c) = Application.ConvertFormula _
(FormulaArr(r, c), xlA1, xlA1, xlAbsRowRelColumn)
Next c
Next r
Set Destination = Selection
Destination.Formula = FormulaArr
' Change font to blue if link is to another sheet
If Destination(1).Formula Like "*!*" Then _
Destination.Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
Exit Sub
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
The idea here is to speed up the code by assigning the pasted link to a variant array, doing the necessary work on the array, and then assigning the array to a range. What I really want to do, however, is to access the copied cell formulas directly from the clipboard, and assign to the variant array without the intermediate ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True step.
The following code would allow me to get the copied cell value, but of course I'm looking for the copied formulas.
Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim S As String
S = DataObj.GetText
To get formula's:
Private Sub PutCellFormulaInClipBoard(ByVal Cell As Range)
Dim oDataObject As Object
Set oDataObject = _
With oDataObject
.SetText Cell.Cells(1).Formula
End With
End Sub

First VBA code... looking for feedback to make it faster

I wrote a small VBA macro to compare two worksheets and put unique values onto a new 3rd worksheet.
The code works, but every time I use if excel goes "not responding" and after 30-45sec comes back and everything worked as it should.
Can I make this faster and get rid of the "not responding" issue? is it just my computer not being fast enough?
I start with about 2500-2700 rows in each sheet I'm comparing.
Sub FilterNew()
Dim LastRow, x As Long
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "New" 'Adds a new Sheet to store unique values
Sheets(1).Rows("1:1").Copy Sheets("New").Rows("1:1") 'Copies the header row to the new sheet
LastRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Cell In Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
x = 2 'This is for looking through rows of sheet2
Dim unique As Boolean: unique = True
If Cell.Value = Sheets(2).Cells(x, "B").Value Then 'Test if cell matches any cell on Sheet2
unique = False 'If the cells match, then its not unique
Exit Do 'And no need to continue testing
End If
x = x + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(Sheets(2).Cells(x, "B"))
If unique = True Then
Cell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("New").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This belongs in Code Review, but here is a link
With your code your main issues are:
Selecting/Activating Sheets
Copy & pasting.
Fix those things and youll be set straight my friend :)
instead of a do...loop to find out duplicate, I would use range.find method:
set r = SHeets(2).range("b:b").find cell.value
if r is nothing then unique = true else unique = false
(quickly written and untested)
What about this (it's should help):
Sub FilterNew()
Dim Cel, Rng As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "New" 'Adds a new Sheet to store unique values
Sheets(1).Rows("1:1").Copy Sheets("New").Rows("1:1") 'Copies the header row to the new sheet
Set Rng = Sheet(1).Range("B2:B" & Sheet(1).Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row)
For Each Cel In Rng
If Cel.Value <> Sheet(2).Cells(Cel.Row, 2).Value Then Cel.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("New").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) ' The only issue I have with this is that this doesn't actually tell you if the value is unique, it just tells you ins not on the same rows of the first and second sheet - Is this alright with you?
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Excel macro - check for a string in a cell, run a routine, move to the next row, do it again

I am not a Dev, but given I do use Excel, I have been tasked to create a looping macro that will check for a string ('Resource') in a cell and if it finds that string, then run a Copy and Paste code and then move to the next row. This starts at row 5 and runs continuously until row 199, but does not work on every row, hence the validation for the string Resource.
I have managed to create the macro for the Copy and Paste but it also has issues as I created it using the macro recorder and it only works on the row I actually did the recording on.
I am at a complete loss, can anyone help?
this is what I have so far
A New Resource name is added manually to the spreadsheet
the user clicks cell (C6) to focus the curser
the user clicks a macro button called 'Forecast for Future Project 1' to start the macro
On the button click the Macro will:
Interogate if cell to the left of current cell (B6) = 'Resource'
Sub CP()
Application.Goto Reference:="ProjAdd"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUMIF('Current Project Utilisation'!R2C1:R62C1,RC1,'Current Project Utilisation'!R2C:R62C)+SUMIF('Future Project 1'!R2C1:R62C1,RC1,'Future Project 1'!R2C:R62C)"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Loop Until ActiveCell.Address(0,0) = "$B$199"
End Sub
Move to cell under original active cell (C7) and Repeat the Macro until cell C199 is reached
If (B6) does not = 'Resource' then move to go to the cell under (C7) aand Repeat the Macro until cell C199 is reached
Refresh Worksheet to update data
Would something like this work for you?
Sub CopyPasteResource()
Dim CopyRange As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Set CopyRange = Workbooks("YourWorkBookName").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C6:C199")
For Each Cell In CopyRange
If InStr(1, Cell.Offset(0, -1).Text, "Resource") Then
'paste where you wish
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
EDIT: Or do you want to loop through B6:B199 and then C6:199? I'm not entirely clear on the aim.
Ah the old macro recorder, generating 90% extra code since 1997. I couldn't exactly figure out from your question what exactly is being copied and to where but this code will loop through rows 5 to 199, check if the value in column B = "Resource" and then set the corresponding value in column C, you should be able to modify for your needs but I think you definitely want a structure more like this than what the recorder generated for you..
public sub cp()
Dim ws as Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Current Project Utilisation")
Dim i as int
for iI = 5 to 199
if(ws.cells(i, 2).value = "Resource") then
ws.cells(i, 3).value = "what you're copying"
end if
next I
end sub
Assuming your cell range doesn't change you can do this for the looping part
Sub ResourceCheck()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = ActiveSheet
Dim Resources() As Long, r As Long
ReDim Resources(5 To 199)
For r = 5 To 199
If UCase(WS.Cells(r, 2).Value) = "RESOURCE" Then
WS.Cells(r, 3).Value = "x"
'Do copy paste part
End If
Next r
End Sub
Can you add a sample of your data? It's a bit hard to see what you're referencing to and how the data relates to each other.
Also, where is the "Projadd" cell reference? And what does it do?
Sub CP()
' I like to know what worksheet I'm on
Dim ws as Worksheet
' if it's a dedicated worksheet use this
' Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' Otherwise following your current code
Set ws = ActiveSheet
' I also like to grab all my data at once
Dim Data as Variant
Data = ws.Range("B6:B199")
' No need to focus the cursor
For row = 5 to 199
' No need to select any range
' Is this case-sensitive???
If Data(row-4, 1) = "Resource" Then
' Copy C6??? Paste 'ProjAdd'
ws.Cells(row, 3).Copy Range("ProjAdd")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
End Sub

Excel/VBA - Extracting a range of rows from a selected sheet to a new book

I'm trying to build a new VBA function for Excel. I've got a book of sheets with a front page that always loads first, on this page I've got a combo box that lists all the other sheets in the book and a nice extract button that will pull out the chosen sheet to a new book. (Thanks to those here who helped with that). Now I need a new function that will use the same combo box, but instead only extract a small subset of the chosen sheet.
Unfortunately, that subset isn't on the same rows for every sheet, nor is the number of rows the same (so one sheet, the subset might be 10 rows, on another it might be 12, on another it might be 20, etc etc etc).
On the plus side, there are merged rows (from column A to G) at the start and end of each subset - with specific text, which could be used to search for.
After some back and forth, I've got a better bit of code that I think is almost working:
Sub ZCPS_Extract()
Dim StartRow
Dim EndRow
Dim Zws As Worksheet
Dim wbkOriginal As Workbook
Set wbkOriginal = ActiveWorkbook
StartRow = 1
EndRow = 1
'sets site details into the header of the ZCPS checksheet
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("B3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("E6")
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("D3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("N6")
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range("F3").Value = Worksheets("front page").Range("K6")
Set Zws = Sheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value)
'selects ZCPS block from select estate sheet
StartRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** ZCPS Installation").Row) + 1
EndRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** Aztec Hotfixes").Row) - 1
'copy above block and paste into Z-MISC starting at row 5
Worksheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value).Range(Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Copy Worksheets("Z-MISC").Range("A5")
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Z-MISC")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
"C:\temp\" _
& ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Z-MISC").Cells(3, 2).Text _
& " ZCPS CheckSheet " _
& Format(Now(), "DD-MM-YY") _
& ".xlsm", _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, , , , False
End With
'code to close the original workbook to prevent accidental changes etc
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
It's error on the line for copying, I'm getting a runtime error of "Application-defined or object-defined error" which to my limited knowledge isn't helping me. Any assistance/pointers/suggestions are welcomed.
Sub ismerged()
Dim start As Integer, finish As Integer
For i = 1 To Range("A655").End(3).Row + 1
If Cells(i, "A").MergeCells = True Then
start = i
Exit For
End If
For i = start To Range("A655").End(3).Row + 1
If Cells(i, "A").MergeCells = True Then
finish = i
End If
MsgBox start
MsgBox finish
End Sub
Then I guess you can select your data as you wish.
I'm not sure about the way you reference your sheet. I will assume 'comboboxvalue' contains the name or the number of the sheet you are selecting. Your code should be something like the following.
Sub Z_Extract()
Dim StartRow
Dim EndRow
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets(comboboxvalue)
StartRow = ws.Cells.Find("**** ZC").Row
EndRow = ws.Cells.Find("****").Row
'Im assuming you have values up to column G
ws.Range(ws.Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Copy
'Now that you have the correct Range selected you can copy it to your new workbook
'SelectedRange.Copy Etc.....
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Got it working.
Set Zws = Sheets(Sheet1.CmbSheet.Value)
'selects ZCPS block from selected estate sheet
StartRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** ZCPS Installation").Row)
EndRow = (Zws.Cells.Find("**** Aztec Hotfixes").Row) - 1
'copy above block and paste into Z-MISC starting at row 10
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(StartRow, 1), Cells(EndRow, 7)).Select

How To Paste My Formula In A Cell With Specific Text Instead Of A Column?

I pretty much have an already working macro for me but for the future it may cause problems because the macro i have finds the column i gave it and then starts to input the formula there. Now my data may change in the future and in that column i might have something new so the macro would obviously run the formulas to the wrong column. Changing it manually is possible but hectic and a lot of work. Is there any possible way i can select a cell with a specific text in it instead of the column? since the text will never change this will me much easier for me to work with. Because doing this the formulas will always be posted in the correct column.
EDIT! I added the whole code to the post so you can see it more clearly and understand what i mean more clearly.
Sub HW_Copy_RawData_Formulas()
Dim intChoice As Integer
Dim strPath As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim filePath As String
Dim SourceWb As Workbook
Dim TargetWb As Workbook
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim Nrow As Long
Set TargetWb = ActiveWorkbook
' Delete Rows
On Error Resume Next
TargetWb.Worksheets("Raw Data").Activate
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'Copy Formulas
Range("AF2").Formula = "=IF([#ServDt]<DATE(2013,1,1), DATE(YEAR([#ServDt]),12,31),EOMONTH([#ServDt],0))"
Range("AG2").Formula = "=IF([#Amount]>1,[#Quantity],0)"
Range("AH2").Formula = "=IF([#Amount]<>0,[#Amount]-[#Adj]-[#[Adjustment ]],0)"
Range("AI2").Formula = "=IF(AND([#Department]=""HH"",[#Pay]=0),[#Amount]/2,0)"
Range("AJ2").Formula = "=IF([#Amount]<>0,[#Bal]-[#[Adjustment ]],[#Bal]+[#Adj])"
Range("AK2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP([Department],Service[#All],2,FALSE)"
Range("AL2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP([#Entity],Site,3,FALSE)"
MSG1 = MsgBox("Add Raw Data", vbYesNo)
If MSG1 = vbYes Then
'only allow the user to select one file
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False
'make the file dialog visible to the user
intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show
'determine what choice the user made
If intChoice <> 0 Then
'get the file path selected by the user
strPath = Application.FileDialog( _
Else: GoTo endmsg
End If
'Setting source of data
Set SourceWb = Workbooks.Open(strPath)
Lastrow = SourceWb.Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
SourceWb.Worksheets(1).Range("A2:BJ" & Lastrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select
Selection.Copy Destination:=TargetWb.Sheets("Raw Data").Range("A2")
' Close the source workbook without saving changes.
SourceWb.Close savechanges:=False
MsgBox "Complete"
End If
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range("AF2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
The following code snippet might be of use to you. It acquires the range of the cell given a specific value. It can also be used to search a specific row with .Rows() instead.
Dim *YOURCELL* As Range
Set *YOURCELL*= .Columns(1).Find(What:= *WHATYOUWANTTOFIND*, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, searchformat:=False)
If, however, you do not know where the last used cell is located, then consider reading this other post.
The while loop runs as long as the currently selected cell is not empty. In this loop, it selects the next cell to the right and increments a count. After the loop has finished, the currently selected cell is the first empty cell in the second row. Count has found the column number of it by incrementing alongside the loop, so it can then be used as needed. I used cells instead of range afterwards because it can use the column number.
Dim count As Integer
count = 1
'skip all used cells in the row
Do While Not (ActiveCell.value = None)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
count = count + 1
Cells(count, 2).Formula = your_formula
Cells(count + 1, 2).Formula = your_formula ' next cell to the right
Cells(count + 2, 2).Formula = your_formula ' next cell to the right