Is there a way to resume a Google BigQuery export after it reached the 500 URI quota cap? - google-bigquery

I'm exporting a ~500GB table to google cloud storage as AVRO files, and I hit the 500 URI quota cap. It looks like a hard limit, even though I've given them payment information, and would gladly toss them a few bucks to finish getting my data :-).
Is there any way to resume an export from where it left off? Maybe an undocumented offset parameter in an API? I didn't find one, but figured it was worth asking the community.
BigQuery Quota Policy for reference.


Google Workspace Migrate Gmail API Limit

I'm using Google's Workspace Migrate tool to move Gmail data for users from one Workspace domain to another. After about 10 minutes, Gmail message migrations stop with an error saying "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user" of service "' for [Google Cloud project number]."
I don't see in Google Cloud that I'm actually hitting any limits. I don't have the ability to throttle API requests as I'm using a tool provided by Google. Do "free" Google Cloud projects have different limits than "paid" projects?
I'm expecting Google's tool to work as advertised. I have a case open with their support, but I'm not getting anywhere fast when it comes to a solution.
Hello 👋 Not sure if you already got an answer to this, but I recommend checking the Quotas page on GCP to see your current usage. You can access that here. Search for the "Queries per minute per user" metric for the Gmail API and look at your "Seven-day peak usage percentage". A note, though, since your question was posted more than seven days ago, you might need to rerun a migration to see your current usage.
Regarding your question about the limit for "free projects", I can't really help there. I can tell you that on our project (which has a billing account attached), we have the limit set to 15,000.
You can always ask Google to increase your quota if you're not getting enough for your use case.

Youtube Data API quota exceeded

I am developing an app locally and I just integrated the Youtube data api v3 to query videos.
Last night I received the 403 error that said my daily quota has been exceeded. If I look at the chart under quotas in the developer console, it says there was 10,000 requests yesterday. This is totally impossible as I am only using this locally.
Here is the quota chart
If I click on credentials in the left hand menu and select the API key page, it says only 309 requests for that API key in the last 30 days. That is the only API key I have activated. It can't be API theft, as it only says 309 requests for that key.
I am totally confused. What is happening here? Is there a way to see the IP address where these requests are originating from?
Those 2 stats are different from each other. 1 request could have a quota cost of one to over a hundred. That quota cost reflects to the queries per day stat. So it's not surprising for you to hit 10,000 with 300 requests.
To get around this issue, you may need to optimize your API request to retrieve only the resource that you need. If the default quota (10,000) isn't really enough, then you probably need to request for quota increase through the console or through this direct apply for higher quota link.
Complete info can be found in the youtube documentation
You can check how to calculate on link

How does Google define "day" for Google API quotas?

Google Cloud Translate API, for example, sets a default quota of 2 million characters "per day".
However, I can't find their definition of "day" anywhere.
Is this calendar-based, or is it a sliding time interval?
(Observation suggests that it is a sliding time window.)
If calendar-based, when does each day begin?
Is this immutable or does it vary?
Can developers set the start or end time of a project's "days"?
If it is a sliding window, can developers reset it? This could help us manage usage that comes in bursts, and could help us test limiting situations.
Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
I found one answer in Google's online documentation, and it is specific to the Google Analytics API.
This API's daily quota is calendar-based and immutable:
Daily quotas are refreshed at midnight Pacific Standard Time.
From: Google Developers | Analytics Real Time Reporting API | Limits and Quotas on API Requests
I assume that this definition probably applies to the other Google APIs, as well.

Not able to apply for BigQuery API quota. Broken link?

I am trying to request BQ API quota.
According to AIM I have - / 0 limit.
When I click "apply for higher quota" I am being redirected to..
Get Help Developing with Google BigQuery page that has nothing in common with BQ API.
That looks like a... Broken link?
Any ideas what is going on?
This quota metric is actually an internal-only quota bucket that shouldn't affect your usage of BQ. You can safely ignore it (and we'll hide it in the future).
BigQuery's quota limits are documented here:
If you'd like to request an increase in one of those quotas, please contact support:
But note that not all quotas can be adjusted.

Google Translate API - Access Denied Error 403

I am using Google API for one of my project. I completed all the formalities with google. I pay the bill for using it. But I cannot move out with one issue. If I send data for translation back to back, google reverts back with Access denied Error 403. So I had to put some delay in my code. But as a matter of fact total time is increasing. So what is the possible way to recover this issue.
I am using C# dot net to call the google API.
>{0}&source=en &target=sv
From Google translate API FAQ page:
You may be exceeding your quota: either the daily billable total, or the limit on request characters per second.
To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:
For more information Google translate API FAQ