Displaying HTML and Web Pages consecutivelyin VB.net using Web Browser conctrol - vb.net

I have an array of Web Pages and LOCAL HTML files that I want to display using the Web Browser control in a VB.Net application. I set the navigate property from the first file in my array and I get to it OK. I want to stay there for some interval, then display the next one. I set a timer after I navigate to the first one then want to navigate to the second one after the timer pop but It flashes the first one then the second one. Is there method I can use to hold the first one for some interval, then display the second, then the third ETC?


Attaching a new tab without use of "Title"

I have a piece of automation that uses a handful of links to traverse to a required new tab. Once that tab is open, another set of rules handles how to utilize it. The problem is the site I am using has completely different names for each tab that is opened this way. I have tried attaching the browser with just a "*" for the HTML title (in hopes that it grabs the most recent active tab), but this doesn't seem reliable. I know you can capture the browser instance and pass it around as a parameter, but I haven't seen where I can grab the instance of the newly opened tab.
To maybe make this easier to follow:
attach browser
click a bunch of links
final link opens a new tab, with essentially a random title
another piece of code needs to pickup where the last one left off
so if I can either get the instance of the new tab to pass to the second set of code, or a way to attach the new tab to second set of code without the use of the "title"
I hope this makes sense. Any help is appreciated.
As I have understood, you have a browser, with a website. On that page you click on links to open them in new tabs. So far so good. Now you would like to switch to these new tabs.
So as there is no way to solve this in UiPath, I could think about a workaround that works in any browser without any plugin.
Steps to solve it:
Having all new tabs opened and the base tab is active in your browser
Get the tab title via Get Attribute activity and save it as String variable MainTabTitle
Now add a Do While loop
In the loop you add the following things:
If you use Firefox, add the Hotkey CTRL+Tab, this will let you go to the next tab
Add a Get Attribute activity (that extracts the title of the tab)
Save the name into a Dictionary or something similar with an Assign activity
Do this until you reach the first tab again (you can determine the first tab with checking your MainTabTitle)
Then at the end of the Do While loop you now have the logic:
We should have now all the tabs (except the first) in the Dictionary
Now take the title of the first entry of that Dictionary
That title is now used as the Attach browser scope that you need to use to give the tab the focus
That's it. I would say a proper way to solve this.

Using puppeteer to automate button clicks for every button at every URL in a web app

I am currently trying to use JS and puppeteer to take a screenshot of every url in my web app, as well as take a screenshot of every button that can be clicked. Is there a way to click each button without specifying the id? Not all of my buttons have an id and even if they did, I wouldn't want to have x number of page.click(id, options) for each button I have (which is quite a lot).
I have tried going based off each className (this app is built using react) but this does not work. It will take a screenshot of the same buttons over and over. I believe because if page.click has multiple of the same options, it only chooses the first one and many buttons have the same styling classNames.
You could get an array of each element on a page, go through the elements with a for loop determine if it is a button, then click it. Then for each page you'd have to input each url in an array and then use a for loop to go through it.

How to post my page back to itself?

I have a list that I need to process 1 at a time. The list is too long for a querystring for me to just redirect back to my same page with 1 of the items "processed" and taken off the list.
What code can I do to post my form back to itself after I put my list value into a hidden input?
The reason I need to redirect is because I am using Telerik ExportToExcel() from a gridview, and it will cause a download to open up. My purpose is to save the stream into a file (I was able to do this) and then redirect so that I can do the next one in the list.

how can i do this in wp7?

Any ideas on how i can create this app?
1) i have a page which contains 3 tasks and thus has a textbox, a label to contain an image name and another label which is to display my current location..the first is to enter some text into a textbox, the second is to take a picture and come back to this page and display the picture url and the 3rd is to determine and display my location.
2) i need to gather each of these 3 bits of information and upload it to a remote database via WCF or Odata.
3) I know that for example, to either take a picture with my camera or browse to a pix in the pictures hub will take me away from my task page.
how can i take the picture and carry the information back to my task page without losing state?
To get a picture from the camera you need to use a CameraCaptureTask.
To choose an existing picture from the phone you shoudl use a PhotoChooserTask.
To get the devices currentl location use the GeoCoordinateWatcher.
There should be no issues with loosing state while you capture this information but isf there is you can just store it in the Page State object.
Note. All links are "How To" articles.
When you take a picture, your application will be tombstoned. See the following article for details of how this process works and what you need to do:

VB.Net Start-up window changes based on App.config setting, how is it changing?

I have this VB.Net 1.1 project that I have to make some changes to. There is a flag in the App.config file. If it is false, the page just loads a splash screen and runs the program normally. If it is true it first opens a login window.
VB.Net is not something I've ever worked with before. I can't for the life of me figure out where the logic for the picking the startup object is. In the property pages, Main.vb is always set as the startup object, but that's not even the window that loads up when the flag is false, it always comes after the splash screen.
I've search all through the code for any reference to creating a new instance of the login window to display it but can't find it. I've searched for where it checks what the flag is set to, but anything I've found for that is not in reference to loading the login window.
Any ideas?
What is the name of the login window class? You could either do a search in the entire solution to find all occurences of that name (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F) or place the cursor on the class name and press Shift+F12. The latter will find all references of the login window class. In the search result window now look for new MyLoginWindow to see where it is instantiated.
From that location on you can use the same method again to find the callees and possibly the place in the code where the config flag is checked (Or you could place a breakpoint, debug and walk up the call stack to see where you are coming from - that could be easier).