sum vs np.nansum weirdness while summing columns with same name on a pandas dataframe - python - pandas

taking inspiration from this discussion here on SO (Merge Columns within a DataFrame that have the Same Name), I tried the method suggested and, while it works while using the function sum() it doesn't when I am using np.nansum :
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100,4), columns=['a', 'a','b','b'], index=pd.date_range('2011-1-1', periods=100))
sum() case:
print(df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).apply(sum, axis=1).head(3))
a b
2011-01-01 1.328933 1.678469
2011-01-02 1.878389 1.343327
2011-01-03 0.964278 1.302857
np.nansum() case:
print(df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).apply(np.nansum, axis=1).head(3))
a [1.32893299939, 1.87838886222, 0.964278430632,...
b [1.67846885234, 1.34332662587, 1.30285727348, ...
dtype: object
any idea why?

The issue is that np.nansum converts its input to a numpy array, so it effectively loses the column information (sum doesn't do this). As a result, the groupby doesn't get back any column information when constructing the output, so the output is just a Series of numpy arrays.
Specifically, the source code for np.nansum calls the _replace_nan function. In turn, the source code for _replace_nan checks if the input is an array, and converts it to one if it's not.
All hope isn't lost though. You can easily replicate np.nansum with Pandas functions. Specifically use sum followed by fillna:
df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).sum().fillna(0)
The sum should ignore NaN's and just sum the non-null values. The only case you'll get back a NaN is if all the values attempting to be summed are NaN, which is why fillna is required. Note that you could also do the fillna before the groupby, i.e. df.fillna(0).groupby....
If you really want to use np.nansum, you can recast as pd.Series. This will likely impact performance, as constructing a Series can be a relatively expensive, and you'll be doing it multiple times:
df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.nansum(x, axis=1), x.index))
Example Computations
For some example computations, I'll be using the following simple DataFrame, which includes NaN values (your example data doesn't):
df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,2,np.nan,4],[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,3,3],[np.nan,np.nan,-1,2,np.nan]], columns=list('aaabb'))
a a a b b
0 1.0 2.0 2.0 NaN 4.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 3.0
2 NaN NaN -1.0 2.0 NaN
Using sum without fillna:
df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).sum()
a b
0 5.0 4.0
1 NaN 6.0
2 -1.0 2.0
Using sum and fillna:
df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).sum().fillna(0)
a b
0 5.0 4.0
1 0.0 6.0
2 -1.0 2.0
Comparing to the fixed np.nansum method:
df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.nansum(x, axis=1), x.index))
a b
0 5.0 4.0
1 0.0 6.0
2 -1.0 2.0


Pandas: Merging multiple dataframes efficiently

I have a situation where I need to merge multiple dataframes that I can do easily using the below code:
# Merge all the datasets together
df_prep1 = df_prep.merge(df1,on='e_id',how='left')
df_prep2 = df_prep1.merge(df2,on='e_id',how='left')
df_prep3 = df_prep2.merge(df3,on='e_id',how='left')
df_prep4 = df_prep3.merge(df_4,on='e_id',how='left')
df_prep5 = df_prep4.merge(df_5,on='e_id',how='left')
df_prep6 = df_prep5.merge(df_6,on='e_id',how='left')
But what I want to understand is that if there is any other efficient way to perform this merge, maybe using a helper function? If yes, then how could I achieve that?
You can use reduce from functools module to merge multiple dataframes:
from functools import reduce
dfs = [df_1, df_2, df_3, df_4, df_5, df_6]
out = reduce(lambda dfl, dfr: pd.merge(dfl, dfr, on='e_id', how='left'), dfs)
You can put all your dfs into a list, or pass them from a function, a loop, etc. and then have 1 main df that you merge everything onto.
You can start with an empty df and iterate through. In your case, since you are doing left merge, it looks like your df_prep should already have all of the e_id values that you want. You'll need to figure out what you want to do with any additional columns, e.g., you can have pandas add _x and _y after conflicting column names that you don't merge, or rename them, etc. See this toy example:
main_df = pd.DataFrame({'e_id': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]})
for x in range(3):
dfx = pd.DataFrame({'e_id': [x], 'another_col' + str(x): [x * 10]})
main_df = main_df.merge(dfx, on='e_id', how='left')
to get:
e_id another_col0 another_col1 another_col2
0 0 0.0 NaN NaN
1 1 NaN 10.0 NaN
2 2 NaN NaN 20.0
3 3 NaN NaN NaN
4 4 NaN NaN NaN

Series.replace cannot use dict-like to_replace and non-None value [duplicate]

I've got a pandas DataFrame filled mostly with real numbers, but there is a few nan values in it as well.
How can I replace the nans with averages of columns where they are?
This question is very similar to this one: numpy array: replace nan values with average of columns but, unfortunately, the solution given there doesn't work for a pandas DataFrame.
You can simply use DataFrame.fillna to fill the nan's directly:
In [27]: df
0 -0.166919 0.979728 -0.632955
1 -0.297953 -0.912674 -1.365463
2 -0.120211 -0.540679 -0.680481
3 NaN -2.027325 1.533582
4 NaN NaN 0.461821
5 -0.788073 NaN NaN
6 -0.916080 -0.612343 NaN
7 -0.887858 1.033826 NaN
8 1.948430 1.025011 -2.982224
9 0.019698 -0.795876 -0.046431
In [28]: df.mean()
A -0.151121
B -0.231291
C -0.530307
dtype: float64
In [29]: df.fillna(df.mean())
0 -0.166919 0.979728 -0.632955
1 -0.297953 -0.912674 -1.365463
2 -0.120211 -0.540679 -0.680481
3 -0.151121 -2.027325 1.533582
4 -0.151121 -0.231291 0.461821
5 -0.788073 -0.231291 -0.530307
6 -0.916080 -0.612343 -0.530307
7 -0.887858 1.033826 -0.530307
8 1.948430 1.025011 -2.982224
9 0.019698 -0.795876 -0.046431
The docstring of fillna says that value should be a scalar or a dict, however, it seems to work with a Series as well. If you want to pass a dict, you could use df.mean().to_dict().
sub2['income'].fillna((sub2['income'].mean()), inplace=True)
In [16]: df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,3))
In [17]: df.iloc[3:5,0] = np.nan
In [18]: df.iloc[4:6,1] = np.nan
In [19]: df.iloc[5:8,2] = np.nan
In [20]: df
0 1 2
0 1.148272 0.227366 -2.368136
1 -0.820823 1.071471 -0.784713
2 0.157913 0.602857 0.665034
3 NaN -0.985188 -0.324136
4 NaN NaN 0.238512
5 0.769657 NaN NaN
6 0.141951 0.326064 NaN
7 -1.694475 -0.523440 NaN
8 0.352556 -0.551487 -1.639298
9 -2.067324 -0.492617 -1.675794
In [22]: df.mean()
0 -0.251534
1 -0.040622
2 -0.841219
dtype: float64
Apply per-column the mean of that columns and fill
In [23]: df.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()),axis=0)
0 1 2
0 1.148272 0.227366 -2.368136
1 -0.820823 1.071471 -0.784713
2 0.157913 0.602857 0.665034
3 -0.251534 -0.985188 -0.324136
4 -0.251534 -0.040622 0.238512
5 0.769657 -0.040622 -0.841219
6 0.141951 0.326064 -0.841219
7 -1.694475 -0.523440 -0.841219
8 0.352556 -0.551487 -1.639298
9 -2.067324 -0.492617 -1.675794
Although, the below code does the job, BUT its performance takes a big hit, as you deal with a DataFrame with # records 100k or more:
In my experience, one should replace NaN values (be it with Mean or Median), only where it is required, rather than applying fillna() all over the DataFrame.
I had a DataFrame with 20 variables, and only 4 of them required NaN values treatment (replacement). I tried the above code (Code 1), along with a slightly modified version of it (code 2), where i ran it selectively .i.e. only on variables which had a NaN value
#----(Code 1) Treatment on overall DataFrame-----
#----(Code 2) Selective Treatment----------------
for i in df.columns[df.isnull().any(axis=0)]: #---Applying Only on variables with NaN values
#---df.isnull().any(axis=0) gives True/False flag (Boolean value series),
#---which when applied on df.columns[], helps identify variables with NaN values
Below is the performance i observed, as i kept on increasing the # records in DataFrame
DataFrame with ~100k records
Code 1: 22.06 Seconds
Code 2: 0.03 Seconds
DataFrame with ~200k records
Code 1: 180.06 Seconds
Code 2: 0.06 Seconds
DataFrame with ~1.6 Million records
Code 1: code kept running endlessly
Code 2: 0.40 Seconds
DataFrame with ~13 Million records
Code 1: --did not even try, after seeing performance on 1.6 Mn records--
Code 2: 3.20 Seconds
Apologies for a long answer ! Hope this helps !
If you want to impute missing values with mean and you want to go column by column, then this will only impute with the mean of that column. This might be a little more readable.
sub2['income'] = sub2['income'].fillna((sub2['income'].mean()))
# To read data from csv file
Dataset = pd.read_csv('Data.csv')
X = Dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values
# To calculate mean use imputer class
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')
imputer =[:, 1:3])
X[:, 1:3] = imputer.transform(X[:, 1:3])
Directly use df.fillna(df.mean()) to fill all the null value with mean
If you want to fill null value with mean of that column then you can use this
suppose x=df['Item_Weight'] here Item_Weight is column name
here we are assigning (fill null values of x with mean of x into x)
df['Item_Weight'] = df['Item_Weight'].fillna((df['Item_Weight'].mean()))
If you want to fill null value with some string then use
here Outlet_size is column name
df.Outlet_Size = df.Outlet_Size.fillna('Missing')
Pandas: How to replace NaN (nan) values with the average (mean), median or other statistics of one column
Say your DataFrame is df and you have one column called nr_items. This is: df['nr_items']
If you want to replace the NaN values of your column df['nr_items'] with the mean of the column:
Use method .fillna():
I have created a new df column called nr_item_ave to store the new column with the NaN values replaced by the mean value of the column.
You should be careful when using the mean. If you have outliers is more recommendable to use the median
Another option besides those above is:
df = df.groupby(df.columns, axis = 1).transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))
It's less elegant than previous responses for mean, but it could be shorter if you desire to replace nulls by some other column function.
using sklearn library preprocessing class
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
missingvalues = SimpleImputer(missing_values = np.nan, strategy = 'mean', axis = 0)
missingvalues =[:,1:3])
x[:,1:3] = missingvalues.transform(x[:,1:3])
Note: In the recent version parameter missing_values value change to np.nan from NaN
I use this method to fill missing values by average of a column.
fill_mean = lambda col : col.fillna(col.mean())
df = df.apply(fill_mean, axis = 0)
You can also use value_counts to get the most frequent values. This would work on different datatypes.
df = df.apply(lambda x:x.fillna(x.value_counts().index[0]))
Here is the value_counts api reference.

Using pandas and scipy regression line slope to identify growth

My goal is to be able to identify price growth in a table of records.
I know this is probably far off from what is possible with data tools, so I appreciate any help or suggestions for improvement.
The immediate trouble I'm having is that scipy.stats.linregress does not return if some data in the pandas rows is absent. I think some kind of masking or filling will be necessary to return the slope measure for rows where there are nulls. There is an exception thrown but it still works.
Also, am I using the best solution to find the growth?
I've observed that if I filter for the records that have a positive slope, higher rvalue (correlation) and lower stderr (standard error) the trendline for these rows is upward and consistent.
The reason I tried quantifying the price growth with the slope and other numeric values is because if I plot the lines from all the data in an excel chart, it's overwhelming to select the lines that show consistent upward movement because there is so much noise. Can it be done in a better way?
Here is the working sample:
# credit jezrael
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import stats
def calc_slope(row):
a = scipy.stats.linregress(row, y=axisvalues)
return pd.Series(a._asdict())
db=(table.groupby(['Category','Quarter']).filter(lambda group: len(group) >= 1)).groupby(['Category','Quarter'])["Value"].mean()
axisvalues=list(range(1,len(db.columns)+1)) #used in calc_slope function
db = db.join(db.apply(calc_slope,axis=1))
You can use:
#np.arange instead range
axisvalues= np.arange(1,len(db.columns)+1)
def calc_slope(row):
#mask NaNs out
mask = row.notnull()
a = scipy.stats.linregress(row[mask.values], y=axisvalues[mask])
return pd.Series(a._asdict())
db = db.join(db.apply(calc_slope,axis=1))
print (db)
print (db)
2016-Q1 2016-Q2 2016-Q3 2016-Q4 2017-Q2 2017-Q3 2017-Q4 \
A 100.0 200.0 300.0 300.0 200.0 500.0 400.0
B 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 500.0 600.0 800.0
C NaN 900.0 NaN NaN 500.0 NaN NaN
D NaN NaN NaN 100.0 NaN NaN NaN
slope intercept rvalue pvalue stderr
A 0.012895 0.315789 0.802955 0.029677 0.004281
B 0.010057 -0.885057 0.947623 0.001172 0.001516
C -0.007500 8.750000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
D NaN NaN 0.000000 NaN NaN
But for last row get RuntimeWarnings, because only one value in 2016-Q4.
And for remove warnings is possible use filterwarnings, thank Kdog:
import warnings

Mathematical operations with dataframe column names

In general terms, the problem I'm having is that I have numerical column names for a dataframe and struggling to use them.
I have a dataframe (df1) like this:
3.2 5.4 1.1
1 1.6 2.8 4.0
2 3.5 4.2 3.2
I want to create another (df2) where each value is:
(the corresponding value in df1 minus the value to the left) /
(the column number in df1 minus the column number to the left)
This means that the first column of df2 is nan and, for instance, the second row, second column is: (4.2-3.5)/(5.4-3.2)
I think maybe this is problematic because the column names aren't of the appropriate type: I've searched elsewhere but haven't found anything on how to use the column names in the way required.
Any and all help appreciated, even if it involves a workaround!
v = np.diff(df1.values, axis=1) / np.diff(df1.columns.values.astype(float))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(v, df1.index, df1.columns[1:]).reindex_like(df1)
3.2 5.4 1.1
1 NaN 0.545455 -0.279070
2 NaN 0.318182 0.232558
You can first transpose the DF and get the rowwise diff. Then divide each column with the column diff. Finally transpose the DF back.
df2 = df.T.assign(c=lambda x: x.index.astype(float)).diff()
df2.apply(lambda x: x.div(df2.c)).drop('c',1).T
3.2 5.4 1.1
1 NaN 0.545455 -0.279070
2 NaN 0.318182 0.232558

What is the functionality of the filling method when reindexing?

When reindexing, say, 1 minute data to daily data (e.g. and index for daily prices at 16:00), if there is a situation that there is no 1 minute data for the 16:00 timestamp on a day, we would want to forward fill from the last non-null 1min data. In the following case, there is no 1min data before 16:00 on the 13th, and the last 1min data comes from 10th.
When using reindex with method='ffill', wouldn't one expect the following code to fill in the value on the 13th at 16:00? Inspecting daily1 shows that it is missing however.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
hf_index = pd.date_range(start='2013-05-09 9:00', end='2013-05-13 23:59', freq='1min')
hf_prices = np.random.rand(len(hf_index))
hf = pd.DataFrame(hf_prices, index=hf_index)
hf.ix['2013-05-10 18:00':'2013-05-13 18:00',:]=np.nan
ind_daily = pd.date_range(start='2013-05-09 16:00', end='2013-05-13 16:00', freq='B')
daily1 = hf.reindex(index=ind_daily, method='ffill')
To fill as one (or rather I) would expect, I need to do this:
daily2 = daily1.fillna(method='ffill')
If this is the case, what is the fill method in reindex actually doing. It is not clear to me just from the pandas documentation. It seems to me I should not have to do the above line.
I write my comment on the github here as well:
The current behavior in my opinion makes more sense. 'nan' values can be valid "actual" values in some scenarios. the concept of an actual 'nan' value should be different from 'nan' value because of changing index. If I have a dataframe like this:
1 1.242 NaN 0.110
3 NaN -0.185 -0.209
5 -0.581 1.483 NaN
and i want to keep all nan as nan, it makes much more sense to have:
df.reindex( [2, 4, 6], method='ffill' )
2 1.242 NaN 0.110
4 NaN -0.185 -0.209
6 -0.581 1.483 NaN
just take whatever value there is ( nan or not nan ) and fill forward until the next available index. Reindexing should not enforce a mandatory fillna on the data.
This is completely different from
df.reindex( [2, 4, 6], method=None )
which produces
2 NaN NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN
6 NaN NaN NaN
Here is an example:
np.nan can just mean not applicable; say i have hourly data, and on weekends some calculations are just not applicable. I will fill nan for those columns during the weekends. now if I reindex to finer index, say every minute, the reindex will pick the last value from Friday, and fill it out for the whole weekend. This is wrong.
in reindexing a dataframe, forward flll means just take whatever value there is ( nan or not nan ) and fill forward until the next available index. A 'nan' value can be just an actual valid observation which you want to keep as is.
Reindexing should not enforce a mandatory fillna on the data.