How does ibm - mobile first get mobile number from security context? - ibm-mobilefirst

I am following "isRegistered" api from this sample code. I did not understand how we get phone number from security context.
The API that I want to use is:
#OAuthSecurity(enabled = true)
#ApiOperation(value = "Check if a phone number is registered",
notes = "Check if a phone number is registered",
httpMethod = "GET",
response = Boolean.class
#ApiResponses(value = {
#ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK",
response = String.class),
#ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Not Authorized",
response = String.class),
#ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Cannot check if phone number is registered",
response = String.class)
public Boolean isRegistered() {
//Getting client data from the security context
ClientData clientData = securityContext.getClientRegistrationData();
if (clientData == null) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("This check allowed only from a mobile device.");
String number = clientData.getProtectedAttributes().get(SMSOTPSecurityCheck.PHONE_NUMBER);
return number != null && !number.trim().equals("");
How does the security context have the client phone number?

There is a client project as well in this sample. Please refer to the complete sample.
Within the client side logic here, the user is asked to provide the phone number , which is sent to the server in an adapter call:
MainViewController.codeDialog("Phone Number", message: "Please provide your phone number",isCode: true) { (phone, ok) -> Void in
if ok {
let resourseRequest = WLResourceRequest(URL: NSURL(string:"/adapters/smsOtp/phone/register/\(phone)")!, method:"POST")
Now in the adapter code path #Path("/register/{phoneNumber}") notice the following code:
clientData.getProtectedAttributes().put(SMSOTPSecurityCheck.PHONE_NUMBER, phoneNumber);
This is how the phone number made it to the security context.
Run the sample and use a tool such as Wireshark to analyze the data flow between client and server.


Want to know about authentication error /creational invalid in power BI i call rest API

When i call rest API by using following line of code that time, I'm pass my Power BI desktop username and pass but its showing error
() =>
let body = [username = "Username", password = "----"],
Data = Json.Document(Web.Contents("URL", [Headers = [# "Content-Type" = "application/json"], Content = Json.FromValue(body)])),
result = Record.Field(Data[result] {
}, "token")
refer this code I'm trying but I found error

having same delivery_sm with same MessageId every time

I'm trying to implement smpp solution using opensmpp. Messages are sent succefully but for delivery receipts, I get only for some submited message and the same delivery receipts came several times. Can someone help me please.
private void receiveSms() {
try {
if (session != null && session.isBound()) {
PDU pdu = session.receive(1500);
if (pdu instanceof DeliverSM) {
DeliverSM received = (DeliverSM) pdu;
if (received.getEsmClass() == 0) {
// new message
System.out.println("RECEIVE NEW MESSAGE " + received.debugString());
} else {
//delivry Repport
System.out.println("RECEIVE NEW DELIVERED REPORT: " + received.debugString());
I am not familliar with opensmpp, but note that the messageId in norm smpp34 is still NULL,
The messageId associated to SUBMIT_SM is in DELIVER_SM "receipted_message_id" field,
or in the short_message if the appendixB is used,
If the "receipted_message_id" field has always the same value, you should check about the SMSC configuration/code, the DELIVER_SM is generated there

The service is not available received when calling MS Graph API

We are doing a MS Graph API call to get the Sharepoint URL of a Team.
API URL: GET{GroupID}/sites/root/weburl
We get this :
"error": {
"code": "serviceNotAvailable",
"message": "The service is not available. Try the request again after a delay. There may be a Retry-After header.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "9f23d067-e851-4c43-8701-abe137683b87",
"date": "2020-03-05T13:53:43"
What could be the issue?
I have been experiencing a similar problem in searching sites ( GET /sites?search=* ) with the Graph API since March 2nd. I have not been able to recover. I have experienced this over multiple O365 tenants, both free and licensed.
Microsoft docs say this error code is due to MSFT induced throttling, but my request rate is like 50 per hour.
This seems to be a Microsoft bug. I posted a stack overflow issue for this and #rafa-ayadi reported that MSFT was fixing it their side for one of his customers.
I bought an Azure Developer Support subscription for this issue, but MSFT closed it and referred me to Sharepoint Developer Support, for which I can find no link or pricing. So no luck yet in getting MSFT to acknowledge and fix for me.
You need do authentication delegated. See the follow code:
First of all you need from register app and get:
folder id it is tenantID
App Id. it is clientId
URL urlObj = new
HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection();
String urlParameters = "" + // para la v2.0
"grant_type"+"="+"password"+"&"+ /
"scope" + "=" + "" +"&" +
"client_id" + "=" + config.clientId +"&" +
"client_secret" + "=" + config.clientSecret +"&" +
"username" + "=" + config.username +"&" +
"password" + "=" + config.contrasena +"&";
byte[] postData = urlParameters.getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
int postDataLength = postData.length;
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(httpCon.getOutputStream());
int status = httpCon.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
String inputLine;
StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
String body = getBody(content.toString());
String token = null;
final ObjectNode node = new ObjectMapper().readValue(body, ObjectNode.class);
if (node.has("access_token")) {
token = node.get("access_token").asText();
return token;
My similar problem accessing any resource in the sites API was caused by having both the Groups.Create and Groups.ReadWrite.All permissions granted at the same time for application type access.
Removing Groups.Create allowed the all CRUD calls to be successful without serviceNotAvailable errors, even command line calls that just access sites.
Be sure to update admin grant and your token if you change the permissions for a test.
User #user13034886 mentioned the permission clash in another post.

App-Only Token Fetches Users But Can't Create Subscriptions?

I am using an "app-only" token to retrieve my users which works just fine.
Once the app loops through the users, it's supposed to create a subscription as shown below.
However, when attempting to create the subscription, the request simply returns:
Code: InvalidRequest Message: Unable to connect to the remote server
Inner error
My question is, why does the subscription request fail to connect when I am obviously able to successfully connect in the first request which retrieves the users?
How can I see the inner error?
string tenantId = appSettings.TenantId;
var client = sdkHelper.GetAuthenticatedClientAppOnly(tenantId);
// this request works...
IGraphServiceUsersCollectionPage users = await client.Users.Request().Filter("userPrincipalName eq 'MY_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME'").GetAsync();
if (users?.Count > 0)
foreach (User user in users)
// this request doesn't work...
Subscription newSubscription = new Subscription();
string clientState = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
newSubscription = await client.Subscriptions.Request().AddAsync(new Subscription
Resource = $"users/{ user.Id }#{ tenantId }/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages",
//Resource = $"users/{ user.UserPrincipalName }/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages", // also tried using email address
ChangeType = "created",
NotificationUrl = "https://localhost:44334/notification/listen",
ClientState = clientState,
//ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 4230, 0) // current maximum lifespan for messages
ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15, 0) // shorter duration useful for testing
When I wrap the call in a try/catch, the error message is just this with no inner exception:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException' was thrown.
I have tried all three resources URLs but all result in the same error as shown above:
Resource = $"users/{ user.Id }/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages",
Resource = $"users/{ user.Id }#{ tenantId }/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages",
Resource = $"users/{ user.UserPrincipalName }/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages",
I found this thread on github but the requests don't seem to work for me.
Allow Application-Only requests to create subscriptions -
NotificationUrl cannot be "localhost!" The request is being sent from a remote server so it has no idea what localhost would be thus it fails. If I deploy my project to a remote server and pass the URL, it will likely work. I will try that...

Google API for getting maximum number of licenses in a Google Apps domain

I have a Google Apps Script function used for setting up accounts for new employees in our Google Apps domain.
The first thing it does is makes calls to the Google Admin Settings API and retrieves the currentNumberOfUsers and maximumNumberOfUsers, so it can see if there are available seats (otherwise a subsequent step where the user is created using the Admin SDK Directory API would fail).
It's been working fine until recently when our domain had to migrate from Postini to Google Vault for email archiving.
Before the migration, when creating a Google Apps user using the Admin SDK Directory API, it would increment the currentNumberOfUsers by 1 and the new user account user would automatically have access to all Google Apps services.
Now after the migration, when creating a Google Apps user, they aren't automatically assigned a "license," so I modified my script to use the Enterprise License Manager API and now it assigns a "Google-Apps-For-Business" license. That works fine.
However, the currentNumberOfUsers is now different from the number of assigned licenses, and "Google-Apps-For-Business" is only one of several different types of licenses available.
I can get the current number of assigned "Google-Apps-For-Business" licenses by running this:
var currentXml = AdminLicenseManager.LicenseAssignments.listForProductAndSku('Google-Apps', 'Google-Apps-For-Business', '', {maxResults: 1000});
var current = currentXml.items.toString().match(/\/sku\/Google-Apps-For-Business\/user\//g).length;
But the number that produces is different from currentNumberOfUsers.
All I really need to do now is get the maximum number of owned "Google-Apps-For-Business" licenses so the new employee setup script can determine whether there are any available.
I checked the API Reference documentation for the following APIs but...
Enterprise License Manager API → Doesn't have a method for getting the maximum or available number of licenses.
Google Admin Settings API → Doesn't deal with licenses, only "users."
Admin SDK Directory API User resource → Doesn't deal with licenses.
Google Apps Reseller API → This API seems to have what I need, but it's only for Reseller accounts.
I know I can program my new employee setup script to just have a try/catch seeing if it would be able to create the user and assign the license, and end the script execution gracefully if it can't, but that doesn't seem efficient.
Also, part of the old script was that if there were less than X seats available, it would email me a heads-up to order more. I can program a loop that attempts to repeatedly create dummy users and assign them licenses and count the number of times it can do that before it fails, then delete all the dummy users, but, once again, that's not efficient at all.
Any ideas?
Update 3/11/2020: Since the Admin Settings API had shut down a few years ago I've been using the Enterprise License Manager API to get the current number of used licenses, like this:
function getCurrentNumberOfUsedGoogleLicenses(skuId) {
var success = false, error = null, count = 0;
var adminEmail = '';
var gSuiteDomain = adminEmail.split('#')[1];
// for more information on the domain-wide delegation:
// the getDomainWideDelegationService() function uses this:
var service = getDomainWideDelegationService('EnterpriseLicenseManager: ', '', adminEmail);
if (skuId == 'Google-Apps-Unlimited') var productId = 'Google-Apps';
else return { success: success, error: "Unsupported skuId", count: count };
var requestBody = {};
requestBody.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()};
requestBody.method = "GET";
requestBody.muteHttpExceptions = false;
var data, pageToken, pageTokenString;
var maxAttempts = 5;
var currentAttempts = 0;
var pauseBetweenAttemptsSeconds = 3;
do {
if (typeof pageToken === 'undefined') pageTokenString = "";
else pageTokenString = "&pageToken=" + encodeURIComponent(pageToken);
var url = '' + productId + '/sku/' + skuId + '/users?maxResults=1000&customerId=' + gSuiteDomain + pageTokenString;
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestBody);
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (result.items) {
var licenseAssignments = result.items;
var licenseAssignmentsString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < licenseAssignments.length; i++) {
licenseAssignmentsString += JSON.stringify(licenseAssignments[i]);
if (skuId == 'Google-Apps-Unlimited') count += licenseAssignmentsString.match(/\/sku\/Google-Apps-Unlimited\/user\//g).length;
currentAttempts = 0; // reset currentAttempts before the next page
} catch(e) {
error = "Error: " + e.message;
if (currentAttempts >= maxAttempts) {
error = 'Exceeded ' + maxAttempts + ' attempts to get license count: ' + error;
break loopThroughPages;
} // end of try catch
if (result) pageToken = result.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);
if (!error) success = true;
return { success: success, error: error, count: count };
However, there still does not appear to be a way to get the maximum number available to the domain using this API.
Use CustomerUsageReports.
jay0lee is kind enough to provide the GAM source code in Python. I crudely modified the doGetCustomerInfo() function into Apps Script thusly:
function getNumberOfLicenses() {
var tryDate = new Date();
var dateString = tryDate.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + (tryDate.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + tryDate.getDate().toString();
while (true) {
try {
var response = AdminReports.CustomerUsageReports.get(dateString,{parameters : "accounts:gsuite_basic_total_licenses,accounts:gsuite_basic_used_licenses"});
} catch(e) {
dateString = tryDate.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + (tryDate.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + tryDate.getDate().toString();
var availLicenseCount = response.usageReports[0].parameters[0].intValue;
var usedLicenseCount = response.usageReports[0].parameters[1].intValue;
Logger.log("Available licenses:" + availLicenseCount.toString());
Logger.log("Used licenses:" + usedLicenseCount.toString());
return availLicenseCount;
I would recommend exploring GAM which is a tool that gives command line access to the administration functions of your domain.