IdentityServer 4 and scope specific user settings -

I plan to use IdentityServer 4 on ASP.NET Core with ASP.NET Identity as the data store. This is the first time I use a central authentication/authorization and I am wondering how to solve the following question:
Assume I have users with claims like name, role etc. and a Web API (scope) that allows these users access to measured values from hardware devices. IdentityServer will allow me to authenticate known users but now I need an access control that knows which users may access which device data.
Where do I store this information? Since it is specific to the scope I guess it should not be stored in the IdentityServers store. On the other hand, if I store it in the scopes own database I somehow need to connect it to the users defined in the IdentityServers store. Should I define user IDs that are unique to all scopes and IdentityServer?

You will need to correlate the User Ids that IdentiyServer returns with users defined in the scope's database.
I believe that there is a User table and a UserLogin table where you could track the different logins for each of your users.
Then, in the scope's database, you can then specify which users have access to what device data.

This is a bad idea and will probably lead you down a road that you should not.
This means that your client application requesting the scopes will need to know which user has access to which scopes even before requesting a token from your IDP (otherwise your token request will not work). Rather model these as user claims. Then on your WebApi you can do normal claim based authorization.


How to authorize different roles on a .Net 5 OAuth API

I have an IdentityServer4 application, a client application and a .Net 5 API. I want the client application to be able to talk to my API on the users behalf with an access token. Some users should be able to do admin requests while others should only be able to do normal user tasks.
I believe I need to add two scopes for these, api.admin and api.normal.
First question is where would I add these scopes in identityserver? Does the client request both scopes and just gets back whatever IS decides is right for that user?
Secondly, how do I validate what scopes are in the access token on my API. Method 1 should only be used if the access token contains the api.admin scope for eg.
First, scopes are something you typically hard-code in your client and it does not "vary" between users. It main purpose is to indicate what the "client" application want to have access to, not the user.
So you only need only one scope like "api".
Then you have different roles or claims in the access-token that describe what the authenticated user have access to.
You then use the authorization middleware in the API to determine what the user actually have access to.
Like what the picture below shows:
There is no reason that different scopes could not be requested by the client based on the user interacting with the client or even environmental based criteria.
As some quick example, a USER that has Authenticated to a Client Application that determines the user is a "Preferred Customer" vs a visitor might be granted scope to allow reading "Preferred Content".
The client then requests a "preferredcontent" scope for the "Preferred Customer" and not for the visitor.
And of course the Authorization Server may reject the scopes requested for any reason.

How to manage user updates and deletions in OIDC and SPA architecture

i am making a set of applications that share a common oidc provider (in my control), where the users will be created.
One of my applications is a stateless SPA "meeting" app where you can schedule meetings with other users, and you login purely by an OIDC token.
I am having a hard time thinking a strategy about the following
Should the "user" details be stored in the meeting app after a login? So let's say user A exists in the provider, then enters the meeting app. Should i save user A in the meeting app DB?
How to handle change of user details? Let's say user A changes name to User B in the provider. Until he logs in again, all the other users see him as User A still in the "contacts" list. What is the usual practice for solving this?
How to handle deletions in the provider. I need someway to signal that "deleted in provider -> deleted in app". Should i constantly poll the provider and get any missing users, create a push system, or is this just unneeded?
Thanks a lot in advance
That's actually a very good question and rarely explained well in online articles. Hopefully the below detailed notes help you with your solution. I have answered your questions at the end.
Typically the core user data such as name, email etc belongs in the Authorization Server. It contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and changes are audited there. This is explored in further detail in the Privacy and GDPR article.
This might include fields like a user's application preferences, and you may end up with data similar to this in your APIs:
A database surrogate key for the user
The subject claim from an OAuth access token, which is typically a GUID or something similar
A boolean flag set to true when a user is active in the app
field 1
A domain specific value
field 2
A domain specific value
To get OAuth user data within your applications your APIs can call the Authorization Server's SCIM 2.0 endpoint as described in this User Management article.
Interestingly, roles and application specific rights could be stored in either of the above data sources. You may want to start by putting roles in the OAuth data, but for cases where they are very domain specific and change often, I have found that storing them in my own API data works best.
Sometimes you need to include domain specific user data (which might include roles) in access tokens. This Claims Article explains how claims can be looked up from external APIs during token issuance. This typically involves a REST call from the Authorization Server to one or more APIs, providing the subject value for which tokens will be issued.
A user can potentially authenticate in multiple ways, such as default password / corporate login / social login. You may need to use some custom Account Linking logic to ensure that the subject field in the access token gets the same value in all cases. This prevents you ever creating duplicate users within your application.
These are typically made by end users within an application screen, and your APIs then call SCIM endpoints to update the core OAuth data. A common case is when a user changes their name and / or email, eg if the user gets married. Note that the subject value remains the same after this edit.
In scenarios where corporate assets are used, an administrator typically provisions users, either individually or in bulk. This can be done via the SCIM endpoint. In some cases administrator actions may need to save data to both data sources - eg to create a user and set roles + application preferences.
Sometimes your application needs to know about a user info event, such as new, deleted or changed users. This can be managed via Event Listeners, where an extension to the Authorization Server calls back your domain specific APIs when a user edit occurs. When a user is deleted in the OAuth user data you might then update the user's application state to archived.
Finally it is worth mentioning that the above also supports migrating to an OAuth architecture or between providers:
Get a combined view of the user data before migration
Insert all existing users into the new OAuth system via SCIM
Update the combined view of the user data with new subject values
Update your domain specific data with new subject values
So to answer your questions:
Aim to avoid this because it adds complexity, though in some cases you may need to denormalise for performance reasons. The OAuth user data should remain the source of truth and the only place where edits occur to PII data.
Your meeting app would need to join on the OAuth user data and domain specific user data and present a list. This would probably involve caching a combined view of the user data.
See Administrator Events above. Your API should be informed of OAuth user data changes via an event, then your SPA would get current data on the next refresh.
When implemented like this you end up with simple code and a well defined architecture. Some providers may not provide all of these features though, in which case you may need an alternative approach to some areas.

Using JWT for anonymous and authenticated users

I am trying to build a pure JavaScript rest-client application that must support anonymous retrieval of information from a REST server that already supports JWT for authentication/authorization for external applications. The server is already being used by other client applications supporting multi-tenancy. Actually embedding the tenant information in the JWT.
Besides that the application needs to support users(human beings) that will want to mark(or select) some resources as favorites so a mechanism is needed for users/role creation and further authentication/authorization for the users. But these users can't be isolated to a single tenant, they will want to use across tenant resources.
So, right now I found that I need to use a JWT value for the anonymous data retrieval that of course should be tenant-agnostic. This means that I have to create an user with a special role that just have permissions for read only resources, except for the permissions for user creation (when the clients do sign up) again this should be tenant-agnostic. And when the user log-in into the system the JWT should be replaced for the one that have the user credentials again tenant agnostic. I am not sure if this is entirely correct, so how should we handle a situation like this ?
My other concern is, that we have the same back-end supporting authentication and credentials storage for human clients (tenant-agnostic) and application clients (tenant-aware), so there is logic that is a little bit more complicated in order to handle the privileges and tenant restrictions here. This could be just my impression but I feel that there should be a separation between application users and human users in the logic and/or data store.
But I am not completely sure and I want to know if some of you have previous experience or could have some ideas about this topic ?
Can you try the following approach, Create the users, assign the users with a read-only role for the tenants to which they need access to.
The data would be like
User1 - tenant1 - administrative role
User1 - tenant2 - data reader role
User1 - tenant 3 - user role
In the jwt, we ensure that the user is authorized. Then we get the list of accessible tenants and see if he has access to the requested tenant data the above data and then complete the authorization.

Scope and Claims (again!)

I'd like to ask a question to confirm my understanding of how to use Scopes and Claims (roles). Let's say I have a User (User A with read only rights i.e. suitable read only role), a Windows Service (Client A with read only access), an MVC site (Client B with full access), and a Web API. I want the Web API to be accessed by Users and Clients with full access and read only access.
I create two Scopes "sampleApi.full and "sampleApi.read_only"
I create two Roles "full_access" and "read_only"
I configure the Web API with RequiredScopes = new[]{"sampleApi.full", "sampleApi.read_only"}
When Client A connects to the Web API, it passes an Access Token containing Scope "sampleApi.read_only" and I can use [ScopeAuthorize("sampleApi.full)] or ScopeAuthorize("sampleApi.full, sampleApi.read_only")] on my Classes and Methods to fine tune accessibility. No problem.
However, when User A logs in, then he/she "inherits" the Scopes of Client B. So the Access Token contains "sampleApi.full", "sampleApi.read_only", and Role "read_only".
Now I have a problem at the WebApi in that I need to act differently when being called by a User. In that case I ignore the Scopes and use his/her Roles and the User gets "read_only" access which is what I want.
That being correct, it no longer makes sense to use the ScopeAuthorize attribute, and I need a custom hybrid attribute that does something along the lines:
If Caller is a User
- then use Roles to determine accessibility
- use Scopes to determine accessibility
or have I completely misunderstood?
Scopes model what a client (not user) is allowed to access. They are manifest as claims in the token. The user's claims are also in the token. Authorization in the resource will be based on a combination of what the client is allowed to do and what the user is allowed to do. That's it.

JSON Web Token (JWT) - one account multiple users

If I'm using JWT to authenticate users to get access to my API, would it be possible to create one "generic" account for many users to use? That way, users who don't have a "real" account, would be given this generic account credentials in order to access the API. Would that be possible? Because, I'm wondering, with JWT, if one users log in, would I invalidate the other user token?
If that approach would not work, what would you recommend?
The reason: I want my app to communicate with my server, even if the user doesn't have an account created. But I would not like to keep that "door" open, hence I would like to add some kind of authentication for those people who are using the app but don't have an account. Suggestions?
Create accounts connected with accountgroups. This way you are also able to create temporary accounts having less permissions for example. And multiple clients are able to access same data and same time.
So the Payload is owned by the accountgroup, the client authenticates with a (maybe temporary) account and gets authorization via accountgroup.