Scroll to a component is a Scrollview in react-native - react-native

I want to be able to scroll a child component so that it visible on screen. How can I tell a react-native ScrollView or ListView to centre, or at least move to a certain component?

Both ScrollView and ListView have method scrollTo, so you can calculate position where you need to scroll


Hide vertical scroll event flatlist in Modal - React-Native

I need to stop scroll vertical event in flatlist (In a Modal view).
Please check video - red color is flatlist and full screen is modal in react-navigation. Need to stop vertical touch event in flatlist. (Other part of modal need to enable gesture).

Share animation values with child components - React reanimated 2

I have a snack here where I want to take the scroll Y value and pass it to an animated view inside a sibling component and have that view animate as I scroll, for this example I just want to animate the height. Smaller when scrolling down, larger when scrolling up (doesn't matter). The snack currently passes it as state which I know is incorrect but I'm not sure how else I would achieve this.
How I can animate the component the correct way?
Turns out I'm overthinking it. Just use the useSharedValue hook and pass the scroll value in there then use it as a prop on the sibling component...
Here is the updated snack if anyone was wondering

How could i make pagination with button and swiper in react native

I tried to do with ScrollView and transform and scrollTo but i couldnt figure it out and i dont want to create with react-navigation
i want to create a fixed bar at the top and two animated buttons in it and when button touched go second screen and play button animation and when screen swiped play button animation also
like this and screen has to be slideable too

React Native: How to make ScrollView scroll for just one item in it?

I have an image rendered inside a scrollview component and the dimensions of the image are fixed as (height: 200, and width from device dimension).
Also the style of the scrollview is set as (flex: 1 not contentContainerStyle).
But the image doesn't scroll properly and snaps back when I scroll.
I understand that this is because there is only one item in the scrollView.
How to force scroll the content inside the scrollView even if there is only one item in it?
Try wrapping your ScrollView within a an enclosing

Is it possible to control the scroll position of an Animated.Scrollview in react-native with the Animated API?

I'm trying to manually control the deceleration of an Animated.ScrollView after the user releases their finger. I have found plenty of resources on setting an animated value to the position of a scrollview but nothing about tying the position of the scrollview to an animated value. Is it possible to control the scrollview in the way I'm describing?