Redis scan match performance with large number of keys? - redis

Can't find any info about redis scan match
does it mean that if I have 500,000 keys it will iterate over all of them one by one and check if they match the pattern? or it have some other clever trick to pull only relevance keys?
if its actually scan them all, is it performance wisely?

Scan is basically an alternate to keys command which is blocking. It will return a cursor and with that cursor you need to scan again and the process continues. Duplicates are also possible so you need to handle them in the app logic which means even if you have only 1 million keys and you scan for 10,000 items in each scan it can go more than 10 times.
So it's actually a trade off instead of using keys which is a blocking command but quick you can use scan which is actually slow in comparison with keys command but will not block in the production environment and still achieves what you need.
Hope this helps


Is it safe to delete keys from Redis while iterating through them using scan?

I want to iterate through a number of keys that are stored in Redis with the same prefix using scan and do some processing in my app code with the key's values. Is it safe to delete the keys returned from scan's output after processing them? I don't see this mentioned in the scan documentation:
Yes, it's safe to delete the returned keys.
Redis scan is stateless. Keyspace change (e.g. adding new keys or removing old keys) during the scan process does not make the scan fail, although Keyspace change might lead to keys missing or duplicated keys returned.
Check this on the details of how Redis scan work.

How does postgres implement a sequential scan?

I understand that when the majority of a table is estimated to be required in the result set for a given query, that a sequential scan may be preferred over using an index.
What I'm curious about is how postgres actually reads the pages into memory?
Does it organise them into some kind of ad-hoc in memory index whilst it reads them?
What if the table's too large to fit into memory?
Are there any high level papers on the topic?
(I've done some searching but results are full of blog posts explaining the basics of indexing, not the implementation details of a sequential scan. I expect it's not as straightforward as read into an array when evaluating a join condition over most of a table)
What I'm curious about is how postgres actually reads the pages into memory?
The engine reads the whole heap in any order while discarding rows marked as deleted. Hot blocks (already present in the cache) are much faster to process.
Does it organise them into some kind of ad-hoc in memory index whilst it reads them?
No, a sequential scan avoids indexes and reads the heap directly using buffering and the cache.
What if the table's too large to fit into memory?
A sequential scan is pipelined. This means I/O blocks are read as needed. The engine does not need to have the whole heap in memory before it starts processing it. It read a few blocks, then process them and discards them; then it does this again and again until it reads all the blocks of the heap.
Are there any high level papers on the topic?
There should be but, anyway, any good book on query optimization will describe this process in detail.
EDIT For Your Second Question:
What I guess I mean is if you're joining on some random column X, does it have to iterate through each possible row multiple times to find the correct row for each value in the other table, or does it do something more advanced than that?
Well, when you join a couple of tables (or more) the engine query planner produces a plan that includes a "Nested Loop", a "Hash Join", or a "Merge Join" operator. There are more operators but these are the common ones.
The Nested Loop Join retrieves rows for the linked table that match the first one. It could perform an index seek or scan on the related table (ideal) or a full table scan (not ideal).
The Hash Join hashes the secondary table first (incurring in high startup cost) and then joins fast.
The Merge Join sorts both tables by the join key (assuming an equi-join), again incurring in heavy startup cost) and then joins fast (like a zipper).

Oracle 10g Full table scan(parallel access) 100x times faster than index access by rowid

There was a query in production which was running for several hours(5-6) hours. I looked into its execution plan, and found that it was ignoring a parallel hint on a huge table. Reason - it was using TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID. So after I added a /*+ full(huge_table) */ hint before the parallel(huge_table) hint, the query started running in parallel, and it finished in less than 3 minutes. What I could not fathom was the reason for this HUGE difference in performance.
The following are the advantages of parallel FTS I can think of:
Parallel operations are inherently fast if you have more idle CPUs.
Parallel operations in 10g are direct I/O which bypass
buffer cache which means there is no risk of "buffer busy waits" or
any other contention for buffer cache.
Sure there are the above advantages but then again the following disadvantages are still there:
Parallel operations still have to do I/O, and this I/O would be more than what we have for TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID as the entire table is scanned and is costlier(all physical reads)
Parallel operations are not very scalable which means if there aren't enough free resources, it is going to be slow
With the above knowledge at hand, I see only one reason that could have caused the poor performance for the query when it used ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID - some sort of contention like "busy buffer waits". But it doesn't show up on the AWR top 5 wait events. The top two events were "db file sequential read" and "db file scattered read". Is there something else that I have missed to take into consideration? Please enlighten me.
First, without knowing anything about your data volumes, statistics, the selectivity of your predicates, etc. I would guess that the major benefit you're seeing is from doing a table scan rather than trying to use an index. Indexes are not necessarily fast and table scans are not necessarily slow. If you are using a rowid from an index to access a row, Oracle is limited to doing single block reads (sequential reads in Oracle terms) and that it's going to have to read the same block many times if the block has many rows of interest. A full table scan, on the other hand, can do nice, efficient multiblock reads (scattered reads in Oracle terms). Sure, an individual single block read is going to be more efficient than a single multiblock read but the multiblock read is much more efficient per byte read. Additionally, if you're using an index, you've potentially got to read a number of blocks from the index periodically to find out the next rowid to read from the table.
You don't actually need to read all that much data from the table before a table scan is more efficient than an index. Depending on a host of other factors, the tipping point is probably in the 10-20% range (that's a very, very rough guess). Imagine that you had to get a bunch of names from the phone book and that the phone book had an index that included the information you're filtering on and the page that the entry is on. You could use an index to find the name of a single person you want to look at, flip to the indicated page, record the information, flip back to the index, find the next name, flip back, etc. Or you could simply start at the first name, scan until you find a name of interest, record the information, and continue the scan. It doesn't take too long before you're better off ignoring the index and just reading from the table.
Adding parallelism doesn't reduce the amount of work your query does (in fact, adding in parallel query coordination means that you're doing more work). It's just that you're doing that work over a shorter period of elapsed time by using more of the server's available resources. If you're running the query with 6 parallel slaves, that could certainly allow the query to run 5 times faster overall (parallel query obviously scales a bit less than linearly because of overheads). If that's the case, you'd expect that doing a table scan made the query 20 times faster and adding parallelism added another factor of 5 to get your 100x improvement.

ServiceStack.Redis SearchKeys

I am using the ServiceStack.Redis client on C#.
I added about 5 million records of type1 using the following pattern a::name::1 and 11 million records of type2 using the pattern b::RecId::1.
Now I am using redis typed client as client = redis.As<String>. I want to retrieve all the keys of type2. I am using the following pattern:
var keys = client.SearchKeys("b::RecID::*");
But it takes forever (approximately 3-5 mins) to retrieve the keys.
Is there any faster and more efficient way to do this?
You should work hard to avoid the need to scan the keyspace. KYES is literally a server stopper, but even if you have SCAN available: don't do that. Now, you could choose to keep the keys of things you have available in a set somewhere, but there is no SRANGE etc - in 2. you'd have to use SMEMBERS, which is still going to need to return a few million records - but at least they will all be available. In later server versions, you have access to SCAN (think: KEYS) and SSCAN (think: SMEMBERS), but ultimately you simply have the issue of wanting millions of rows, which is never free.
If possible, you could mitigate the impact by using a master/slave pair, and running the expensive operations on the slave. At least other clients will be able to do something while you're killing the server.
The keys command in Redis is slow (well, not slow, but time consuming). It also blocks your server from accepting any other command while it's running.
If you really want to iterate over all of your keys take a look at the scan command instead- although I have no idea about ServiceStack for this
You can use the SCAN command, make a loop search, where each search is restricted to a smaller number of keys. For a complete example, refer to this article:

Long UPDATE in postgresql

I have been running an UPDATE on a table containing 250 million rows with 3 index'; this UPDATE uses another table containing 30 million rows. It has been running for about 36 hours now. I am wondering if their is a way to find out how close it is to being done for if it plans to take a million days to do its thing, I will kill it; yet if it only needs another day or two, I will let it run. Here is the command-query:
UPDATE pagelinks SET pl_to = page_id
FROM page
(pl_namespace, pl_title) = (page_namespace, page_title)
page_is_redirect = 0
The EXPLAIN is not the issue here and I only mention the big table's having multiple indexes in order to somewhat justify how long it takes to UPDATE it. But here is the EXPLAIN anyway:
Merge Join (cost=127710692.21..135714045.43 rows=452882848 width=57)
Merge Cond: (("outer".page_namespace = "inner".pl_namespace) AND ("outer"."?column4?" = "inner"."?column5?"))
-> Sort (cost=3193335.39..3219544.38 rows=10483593 width=41)
Sort Key: page.page_namespace, (page.page_title)::text
-> Seq Scan on page (cost=0.00..439678.01 rows=10483593 width=41)
Filter: (page_is_redirect = 0::numeric)
-> Sort (cost=124517356.82..125285665.74 rows=307323566 width=46)
Sort Key: pagelinks.pl_namespace, (pagelinks.pl_title)::text"
-> Seq Scan on pagelinks (cost=0.00..6169460.66 rows=307323566 width=46)
Now I also sent a parallel query-command in order to DROP one of pagelinks' indexes; of course it is waiting for the UPDATE to finish (but I felt like trying it anyway!). Hence, I cannot SELECT anything from pagelinks for fear of corrupting the data (unless you think it would be safe to kill the DROP INDEX postmaster process?).
So I am wondering if their is a table that would keep track of the amount of dead tuples or something for It would be nice to know how fast or how far the UPDATE is in the completion of its task.
(PostgreSQL is not as intelligent as I thought; it needs heuristics)
Did you read the PostgreSQL documentation for "Using EXPLAIN", to interpret the output you're showing?
I'm not a regular PostgreSQL user, but I just read that doc, and then compared to the EXPLAIN output you're showing. Your UPDATE query seems to be using no indexes, and it's forced to do table-scans to sort both page and pagelinks. The sort is no doubt large enough to need temporary disk files, which I think are created under your temp_tablespace.
Then I see the estimated database pages read. The top-level of that EXPLAIN output says (cost=127710692.21..135714045.43). The units here are in disk I/O accesses. So it's going to access the disk over 135 million times to do this UPDATE.
Note that even 10,000rpm disks with 5ms seek time can achieve at best 200 I/O operations per second under optimal conditions. This would mean that your UPDATE would take 188 hours (7.8 days) of disk I/O, even if you could sustain saturated disk I/O for that period (i.e. continuous reads/writes with no breaks). This is impossible, and I'd expect the actual throughput to be off by at least an order of magnitude, especially since you have no doubt been using this server for all sorts of other work in the meantime. So I'd guess you're only a fraction of the way through your UPDATE.
If it were me, I would have killed this query on the first day, and found another way of performing the UPDATE that made better use of indexes and didn't require on-disk sorting. You probably can't do it in a single SQL statement.
As for your DROP INDEX, I would guess it's simply blocking, waiting for exclusive access to the table, and while it's in this state I think you can probably kill it.
This is very old, but if you want a way for you to monitore your update... Remember that sequences are affected globally, so you just can create one to monitore this update in another session by doing this:
create sequence yourprogress;
UPDATE pagelinks SET pl_to = page_id
FROM page
(pl_namespace, pl_title) = (page_namespace, page_title)
page_is_redirect = 0 AND NEXTVAL('yourprogress')!=0;
Then in another session just do this (don't worry about transactions, as sequences are affected globally):
select last_value from yourprogress;
This will show how many lines are being affected, so you can estimate how long you will take.
At just end restart your sequence to do another try:
alter sequence yourprogress restart with 1;
Or just drop it:
drop sequence yourprogress;
You need indexes or, as Bill pointed out, it will need to do sequential scans on all the tables.
CREATE INDEX page_ns_title_idx on page(page_namespace, page_title);
CREATE INDEX pl_ns_title_idx on pagelink(pl_namespace, pl_title);
CREATE INDEX page_redir_idx on page(page_is_redirect);