Create a new post through google plus Domain API - google-plus

I was trying to create an automatic post to Google plus from my own CMS. I've tried Google Plus Domain API. But I always get Forbidden log although I've put the right scope, and I've set the permission on my Credential.
Here is my code
#RequestMapping(value = { "/callback" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String gplusCallback (
#RequestParam(value = "code", required = false) String code,
WebRequest webRequest,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
HttpSession session) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
new NetHttpTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(),
System.out.println("Codenya " + code);
GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse = flow.newTokenRequest(code)
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.setTransport(new NetHttpTransport())
.setJsonFactory(new JacksonFactory())
Plus service = new Plus.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential)
.build(); mePerson = service.people().get("me").execute();
System.out.println("ID:\t" + mePerson.getId());
System.out.println("Display Name:\t" + mePerson.getDisplayName());
System.out.println("Image URL:\t" + mePerson.getImage().getUrl());
System.out.println("Profile URL:\t" + mePerson.getUrl());
try {
PlusDomains plusDomains = new PlusDomains.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential)
.build(); me = plusDomains.people().get(mePerson.getId()).execute();
System.out.println("ID:\t" + me.getId());
System.out.println("Profile URL:\t" + me.getUrl());
}catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("G+ has been connected!");
return "redirect:/cms/connection";
And here is the log 403 Forbidden {
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Forbidden",
"reason" : "forbidden"
} ],
"message" : "Forbidden"
at io.gnews.cms.controller.GplusController.gplusCallback(
I've read this, this, and this. But their case is on google Plus page, whereas mine is on a normal User. Do you have any idea where I've done wrong?

i also had same issue while Auto Posting to G+ user's wall.
a few points to note in this solution are:
remove the permissions granted earlier, visit
scope request - Google_Service_Plus::PLUS_ME, \Google_Service_PlusDomains::PLUS_STREAM_WRITE
i used Guzzle to request to GooglePlusDomain's REST API to auto post
for reference i have created a public gist.
in the example of gist, i am using php, google-api-php-client, yii2. if any issue in solving it, comment. will try to help
P.S. succesfully implemented and tested


Rest Service securization using JWT

I am trying to implement a token-based authentication on my web service.
I followed this tutorial : Tutoriel
First, when I get a token from the web service and I test it here : Website to test JWT Token I got a the message : invalid signature
And when I tried to identify my token from my web service (between my application and the ws), this function throws an exception :
Unable to read JSON value: XXXX (some data...)
Here the code to generate a token :
private String issueToken(String username) {
SecretKey key = keyGenerator.generateKey();
String jwtToken = Jwts.builder()
.setIssuedAt(new Date())
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, key)
return jwtToken;
And here the code to check if the sent token is valid :
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
// Get the HTTP Authorization header from the request
String authorizationHeader = requestContext.getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
// Extract the token from the HTTP Authorization header
String token = "";
if(authorizationHeader != null)
token = authorizationHeader.substring("Bearer".length()).trim();
try {
// Validate the token
SecretKey key = keyGenerator.generateKey();
} catch (Exception e) {
Thanks in advance.
Resolved, thanks to #jps :
"so your line "Token comparison" is the output from filter, right?! Then it's missing the first 6 characters, which explains the excpetion you get. The 6 characters get probably deleted in token = authorizationHeader.substring("Bearer".length()).trim(); . I guess you didn't add the word 'Bearer' to the request and now, instead of deleting 'Bearer' it deletes the first 6 characters of the token"

FCM Authorization always fails

Today i wanted to switch from GCM to FCM so i set up everything needed and wanted to implement the server side code. I used the gcm4j library and changed it so that the adress goes to
So im doing the following:
FCM fcm = new FCMDefault(new FCMConfig().withKey(FCMGlobals.FCM_API_KEY));
FCMRequest request = new FCMRequest().withRegistrationId(android.getRegistration())
// .withCollapseKey(collapseKey)
.withDataItem(FCMGlobals.FCM_PARAM_CODE, code)
.withDataItem(FCMGlobals.FCM_PARAM_USER_ID, "" + user.getId())
.withDataItem(FCMGlobals.FCM_PARAM_ADDITION, "" + addition);
ListenableFuture<FCMResponse> responseFuture = fcm.send(request);
Futures.addCallback(responseFuture, new FutureCallback<FCMResponse>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
public void onSuccess(FCMResponse response) {;
The implementation for that is:
protected FCMResponse executeRequest(FCMRequest request) throws IOException {
byte[] content = this.objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(request);
HttpURLConnection conn =;
conn.addRequestProperty("Authorization", getAuthorization(request));
conn.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
LoggerFactory.getLogger("FCMDefaultAbstract").info("Authorization: " + conn.getRequestProperty("Authorization"));
LoggerFactory.getLogger("FCMDefaultAbstract").info("Content-Type: " + conn.getRequestProperty("Content-Type"));
LoggerFactory.getLogger("FCMDefaultAbstract").info("send: " + new String(content));
try (OutputStream outputStream = conn.getOutputStream()) {
IOUtils.write(content, outputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FCMNetworkException("Error sending HTTP request to FCM", e);
FCMResponse response;
try (InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream()) {
response = this.objectMapper.readValue(IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream), FCMResponse.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
try (InputStream inputStreamError = conn.getErrorStream()) {
String str = inputStreamError != null ? IOUtils.toString(inputStreamError) : "No error details provided";
int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode < 500) {
throw new FCMNetworkException(conn.getResponseCode(), str.trim(), e);
} else {
throw new FCMNetworkException(conn.getResponseCode(), str.trim(), checkForRetryInResponse(conn), e);
Iterator<String> iteratorId = request.getRegistrationIds().iterator();
Iterator<FCMResult> iteratorResponse = response.getResults().iterator();
while (iteratorId.hasNext() && iteratorResponse.hasNext()) {;
if (iteratorId.hasNext()) {
LOG.warn("Protocol error: Less results than requested registation IDs");
if (iteratorResponse.hasNext()) {
LOG.warn("Protocol error: More results than requested registation IDs");
return response;
Here the log output:
FCMDefaultAbstract Authorization: null
FCMDefaultAbstract Content-Type:application/json
FCMDefaultAbstract send: {"registration_ids":["dMpvzp*************************************2lRsSl_5lFET2"],"data":{"CODE":"201","USER_ID":"1","ADDITION":"1468083549493"},"delay_while_idle":true}
FCM FCMNetworkException: HTTP 401: No error details provided
The Authorization header is not null in fact. it is correctly set with my FCM API Key. Only the HTTPUrlConnection implementation says to return null if someone trys to access Authorization key.
As you can see i am not able to connect with FCM. The Code 401 means that authentication failed.
What could be the problem here?
Check that you are using a server type API-KEY, and not a client or browser API-KEY.
If you are using Firebase you can find the API-KEY in
Project Settings > Cloud Messaging
If you are using cloud console, or you are not sure which key you are using,
you can generate a new key through through
Quoting the documentation
Server key: A server key that authorizes your app server for access to
Google services, including sending messages via Firebase Cloud
Messaging. [...]
Important: Do not include the server key anywhere in your client code.
Also, make sure to use only server keys to authorize your app server.
Android, iOS, and browser keys are rejected by FCM.

Basic Auth to Receive Token in Spring Security

I am implementing a RESTful API where the user must authenticate. I want the user to POST their credentials in order to receive a JSON web token (JWT), which is then used for the remainder of the session. I have not found any good sources of information to set this up. In particular, I'm having trouble with the filter. Does anybody have any information or tutorials to help me set this up?
The people at Stormpath have quite a straightforward solution for achieving Oauth. Please take a look at Using Stormpath for API Authentication.
As a summary, your solution will look like this:
You will use the Stormpath Java SDK to easily delegate all your user-management needs.
When the user presses the login button, your front end will send the credentials securely to your backend-end through its REST API.
By the way, you can also completely delegate the login/register/logout functionality to the Servlet Plugin. Stormpath also supports Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Github login.
Your backend will then try to authenticate the user against the Stormpath Backend and will return an access token as a result:
* Authenticates via username (or email) and password and returns a new access token using the Account's ApiKey
public String getAccessToken(String usernameOrEmail, String password) {
ApiKey apiKey = null;
try {
AuthenticationRequest request = new UsernamePasswordRequest(usernameOrEmail, password);
AuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateAccount(request);
Account account = result.getAccount();
ApiKeyList apiKeys = account.getApiKeys();
for (ApiKey ak : apiKeys) {
apiKey = ak;
if (apiKey == null) {
//this account does not yet have an apiKey
apiKey = account.createApiKey();
} catch (ResourceException exception) {
System.out.println("Authentication Error: " + exception.getMessage());
throw exception;
return getAccessToken(apiKey);
private String getAccessToken(ApiKey apiKey) {
HttpRequest request = createOauthAuthenticationRequest(apiKey);
AccessTokenResult accessTokenResult = (AccessTokenResult) application.authenticateApiRequest(request);
return accessTokenResult.getTokenResponse().getAccessToken();
private HttpRequest createOauthAuthenticationRequest(ApiKey apiKey) {
try {
String credentials = apiKey.getId() + ":" + apiKey.getSecret();
Map<String, String[]> headers = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
headers.put("Accept", new String[]{"application/json"});
headers.put("Content-Type", new String[]{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"});
headers.put("Authorization", new String[]{"Basic " + Base64.encodeBase64String(credentials.getBytes("UTF-8"))});
Map<String, String[]> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
parameters.put("grant_type", new String[]{"client_credentials"});
HttpRequest request = HttpRequests.method(HttpMethod.POST)
return request;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Then, for every authenticated request, your backend will do:
/** This is your protected API */
public void sayHello(String accessToken) throws OauthAuthenticationException {
try {
if (verify(accessToken)) {
doStartEngines(); //Here you will actually call your internal doStartEngines() operation
} catch (OauthAuthenticationException e) {
System.out.print("[Server-side] Engines not started. accessToken could not be verified: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
private boolean verify(String accessToken) throws OauthAuthenticationException {
HttpRequest request = createRequestForOauth2AuthenticatedOperation(accessToken);
OauthAuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateOauthRequest(request).execute();
System.out.println(result.getAccount().getEmail() + " was successfully verified");
return true;
private HttpRequest createRequestForOauth2AuthenticatedOperation(String token) {
try {
Map<String, String[]> headers = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>();
headers.put("Accept", new String[]{"application/json"});
headers.put("Authorization", new String[]{"Bearer " + token});
HttpRequest request = HttpRequests.method(HttpMethod.GET)
return request;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
All this will not need any special Spring Security configuration, this is plain Java code that you can run in any framework.
Please take a look here for more information.
Hope that helps!
Disclaimer, I am an active Stormpath contributor.
Here's a working sample code from Spring Security OAuth github.
You probably don't even need to mess with the filters as shown in the above example. If you've custom needs, please post some sample code.

Google+ unable to insert moment - A Year and 6 Revisions After

NOTE: Using the Sign-in button is NOT an option
A year ago I was having a problem creating a moment. Back then I was using version 1.2 of the Google+ API .Net client. As I described in this post, I had it working although the code failed to insert a moment from time to time. I was hoping that the process is more stable and easier to implement now, and it seems like it as can be seen in the example that you can download here - the current version as of this writing is v1.8. So I created a simple project following the SimpleOAuth2 sample in the download, but implementing Google+. This is the code I came up:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private PlusService service;
// Application logic should manage users authentication.
// This sample works with only one user. You can change
// it by retrieving data from the session.
private const string UserId = "user-id";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow;
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(
flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
DataStore = new FileDataStore("GPlusSample.Store"),
ClientSecretsStream = stream,
// Tried only this scope but it did not work
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusMe }
// I tried the following: but did not work either
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusMe,
// "" }
// I tried this as well and it failed
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin }
// Maybe this... but still no joy
Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin,
PlusService.Scope.PlusMe }
var uri = Request.Url.ToString();
var code = Request["code"];
if (code != null)
var token = flow.ExchangeCodeForTokenAsync(UserId, code,
uri.Substring(0, uri.IndexOf("?")), CancellationToken.None).Result;
// Extract the right state.
var oauthState = AuthWebUtility.ExtracRedirectFromState(
flow.DataStore, UserId, Request["state"]).Result;
var result = new AuthorizationCodeWebApp(flow, uri, uri)
.AuthorizeAsync(UserId, CancellationToken.None).Result;
if (result.RedirectUri != null)
// Redirect the user to the authorization server.
// The data store contains the user credential,
// so the user has been already authenticated.
service = new PlusService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
ApplicationName = "Plus API Sample",
HttpClientInitializer = result.Credential
/// <summary>Gets the TasksLists of the user.</summary>
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task InsertMoment()
var me = service.People.Get("me").Execute();
var request = service.Moments.Insert(new Moment()
Target = new ItemScope {
Name = "test message",
Text="test message",
Type = "",
}, me.Id, MomentsResource.InsertRequest.CollectionEnum.Vault);
var response =await request.ExecuteAsync();
output.Text = "<h1>" + response.Id + "</h1>";
catch (Exception ex)
var str = ex.ToString();
str = str.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "<br/>");
str = str.Replace(" ", " ");
output.Text = string.Format("<font color=\"red\">{0}</font>", str);
protected async void createMomentButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await InsertMoment();
That code always give me a 401 Unauthorized error, even if I have the Google+ API turned on for my project. Here's the actual error I got:
The service plus has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException:
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Unauthorized [401] Errors [
Message[Unauthorized] Location[ - ] Reason[unauthorized]
Domain[global] ]
It's interesting to see that the insert moment is failing even though the call to People.Get("me") works - get("me") works with all of the scope combinations I listed above. It's important to note that each time I try a new scope, I first log out of my Google account and delete the access token that is stored in GPlusSample.Store.
I tried setting just the Url instead of individual items as suggested by Ian and I got the exact same error.
var request = service.Moments.Insert(new Moment()
Target = new ItemScope {
Url = ""
Type = "",
}, me.Id, MomentsResource.InsertRequest.CollectionEnum.Vault);
var response =await request.ExecuteAsync(); is the right scope for writing moments, but you need to have requested the specific app activity types you want to write as well. The parameter for this is request_visible_actions, and it takes a space separated list of arguments of the types (Listed on - e.g.
The client library may not have a method for adding request_visible_actions, so you may have to add it on to the auth URL you redirect the user to manually (remember to URLencode the app activity type URLs!)

dropbox access token for others to upload to my folder

I plan to have a server program fetching my dropbox account access token and pass to
client program to uplaod to my dropbox folder. Client does not need DB account or login and is able to send file to my DB folder (thus NOT using OAuth ...). Something similar to:
and this
but without user upload to server first, i.e., once user get the access token, they upload directly to DB.
I've tried to use Apache httpclient 4.3 to simulate a browser to perform getting request token, sending login-info to get acces token, but get stuck on upload the file via post to a form. Error is HTTP 400 Bad Request ...
executing request:GET HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Request Token: moiejtzdLqTA_0sh3gQyNZAI
executing request:POST HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access Token: 5Ot52QKDbDPSsL1ApU4MIapJ
executing request:POST
name=sample.jpg&dest=upload&cookie_t=5Ot52QKDbDP....SsJ&t=5Ot5...apJ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
I used Firefox LiveHttpHeader to capture the headers as I do the login and upload file, and saw the post to file upload actually is doing this (and reflect in the code):
So apparrently I missed some param but can't figure out what. The access token seems to be valid as I can see my account info in the return from a httpclinet post to, but the upload simply not working. Anyone has similar experience and getting HTTP 400 error ? .... Many Thanks !
Some code as below:
Constructor and main():
// constructor ...
public HttpClientExample() {
gcookies = new BasicCookieStore();
globalConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
// Create local HTTP context
ghttpContext = HttpClientContext.create();
redirectStrategy = new LaxRedirectStrategy(); // for http redirect ...
httpclient = HttpClients.custom()
} // constructor ...
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
HttpClientExample myhttp = new HttpClientExample();
try {
this.localConfig = RequestConfig.copy(this.globalConfig)
String requestToken = this.getRequestToken(httpclient, loginurl);
theAccessToken = this.postForAccessToken(requestToken, loginurl);
String localFileTopassIn = this.localPath ;
this.postToUpload(httpclient, this.theAccessToken, localFileTopassIn , this.dropboxFolderOnlyName);
Get the request token:
private String getRequestToken(HttpClient client, String theURL) throws Exception {
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(theURL);
httpget.setHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
System.out.println("\nexecuting request:" + httpget.getRequestLine());
// Create a custom response handler
ResponseHandler responseHandler = new ResponseHandler() {
public String handleResponse(final HttpResponse response)
throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status >= 200 ) { // && status cookies = gcookies.getCookies();
for (Cookie aCookie: cookies) {
String cookieName = aCookie.getName();
if ( !(cookieName.lastIndexOf(gvcString) == -1) ) {
gvc = aCookie.getValue();
} else if ( !(cookieName.lastIndexOf(tString) == -1) ) {
requestToken = aCookie.getValue();
System.out.println("Request Token: " + requestToken );
return requestToken;
private String postForAccessToken(HttpClient client, String requestToken, String theURL) throws Exception{
* Send a post together with request token and my login to get accessToken ...
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(theURL); // loginurl);
List params = new LinkedList();
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("login_email", myemail));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("login_password", mypasswd));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("t", requestToken));
HttpEntity postentity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params);
System.out.println("\nexecuting request:" + httppost.getRequestLine());
// Create a custom response handler
ResponseHandler responseHandler = new ResponseHandler() {
public String handleResponse(final HttpResponse response)
throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status >= 200 ) { // && status cookies = gcookies.getCookies();
for (Cookie aCookie: cookies) {
String cookieName = aCookie.getName();
if ( !(cookieName.lastIndexOf(tString) == -1) ) {
theAccessToken = aCookie.getValue();
System.out.println("Access Token: " + theAccessToken );
return theAccessToken;
private String postToUpload(HttpClient client, String accessToken, String localFileInfo, String destPath) throws Exception{
String bjarString = "bjar";
String blidString = "blid";
String bjar=null;
String blid=null;
List cookies = gcookies.getCookies();
for (Cookie aCookie: cookies) {
String cookieName = aCookie.getName();
if ( !(cookieName.lastIndexOf(bjarString) == -1) ) {
bjar = aCookie.getValue();
} else if ( !(cookieName.lastIndexOf(blidString) == -1) ) {
blid = aCookie.getValue();
String[] fileNameArry = localFileInfo.split("(\\\\|/)");
String filename = fileNameArry[fileNameArry.length - 1]; // get the last part ...
URI uri = new URIBuilder()
.setParameter("name", filename)
.setParameter("dest", destPath)
.setParameter("cookie_t", accessToken)
.setParameter("t", accessToken)
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(uri);
FileBody bin = new FileBody(new File(localFileInfo));
StringBody comment = new StringBody("A binary file of some kind", ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY);
HttpEntity reqEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
.addPart("bin", bin)
.addPart("comment", comment)
// add header
httppost.setHeader("Host", "");
httppost.setHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
httppost.setHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
httppost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
httppost.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
httppost.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
// add entity
System.out.println("\nexecuting request:" + httppost.getRequestLine());
// Create a custom response handler
ResponseHandler responseHandler = new ResponseHandler() {
public String handleResponse(final HttpResponse response)
throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status >= 200 ) { // && status
OAuth is the only way to use the Dropbox API. Once you have an OAuth access token (which you get by authenticating once, in this case with your account), you just need to do an HTTP PUT to<path> with the header Authorization: Bearer <token> and the contents of the file in the body.
Note that anyone who has your access token can also delete all your files, upload their personal DVD collection, etc. So it's not recommended that you share that access token.
There is files_get_temporary_upload_link:
Get a one-time use temporary upload link to upload a file to a Dropbox location.
This endpoint acts as a delayed upload. The returned temporary upload link may be used to make a POST request with the data to be uploaded. The upload will then be perfomed with the CommitInfo previously provided to get_temporary_upload_link but evaluated only upon consumption. Hence, errors stemming from invalid CommitInfo with respect to the state of the user's Dropbox will only be communicated at consumption time. Additionally, these errors are surfaced as generic HTTP 409 Conflict responses, potentially hiding issue details. The maximum temporary upload link duration is 4 hours. Upon consumption or expiration, a new link will have to be generated. Multiple links may exist for a specific upload path at any given time.
So you need to have an access token to call this function, but the uploader needs only the produced URL, without access to the rest of the Dropbox vault.