How to arrange Intellij IDEA tools windows? - intellij-idea

Am new to Intellij IDEA. Earlier I used eclipse and Visual Studio.
I want to simultaneously view Project and Structure windows like this:
All I can do currently is this:
So I have Project and Structure windows docked side by side. However I want to dock/stack the vertically, one above other.
Q1. According to this link, I have to keep split mode on for one and off for other to make them stack one above other. However this is not working for me. What I am missing?
Q2. Also is it possible to have tabbed windows like in eclipse:

You are correct that only one should have the "Split Mode" option enabled, but under Settings > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance, you have the "Side-by-side layout on the left" option enabled.
As for the tabs, simply turn off the "Group Tabs" option.

Sounds like you might be running into IDEA-159015 which reports problems with split mode in v2016.2. Although the title of the issue indicates it is in an EAP version, in the comments, people are reporting it against released versions.

In case if tool windows are not appearing at the bottom try this. Go to
Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Tool Windows(The last one) -> Check the option "Tool Window bars"


IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows horizontally?

In IntelliJ I would like to have "project" and "structure" tool windows side by side horizontally, not vertically. Is this possible?
I found the solution in this question: Switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ: Is there a way to split tool windows?
In short, you need to go in to the File -> Settings -> Appearance and Behavior -> Appearance: and check "Side-by-side layout on the left."
Truly a UI failure on IntelliJ's part; that should very obviously be a checkbox on the tool window UI, not a setting!

How do I disable the Search Everywhere shortcut?

IntelliJ IDEA 13 has the new Search Anywhere feature. It sounds like it might be useful, but so far it just gets in the way. It's mapped to some kind of magical shift-based shortcut, and it comes up every time I try to shift-click to select text. When this happens, the pop-up flickers and gets into some stuck state, so the only way to get rid of it is to click in the editor pane, which of course loses the selection.
I call the shortcut "magical" because the Search Everywhere action appears in the Settings → Keymap list with no mapping, so I can't remove this mapping the usual way. Searching the dialog for search gives no relevant results.
How can I disable this buggy feature until it's ready for production use, and get back the ability to select text?
To disable the "Search everywhere" feature, you need to invoke "Go to action" (Ctrl+Shift+A), then type "Registry...".
Scroll down to "" and check the box.
After updating to build 133.331, I tried assigning a normal shortcut to it in Settings → Keymap, and that made it stop appearing on double-shift.
The settings for the new version have changed
Version: IDEA 2021.2.3
Preference > Advanced Settings
Scroll down to "User Interface", find "Disable double modifier key shortcuts" and check the box.
It's called Search Everywhere, and it's present in keymap.
For me it's perfectly disabled.
EDIT As I'v found it is hardcoded now, and will popup at doubleshift source
There is also an issue at jira, about this problem.
I hope it will be fixed soon.
In IDEA 2021.2:
You could enable the Settings (Preference on macOS) |
Advanced Settings | Disable double modifier key shortcuts option to
disable it.
This problem is still present under linux (ubuntu amd64 16.10 ) on Android Studio using X11Rdp for remote connection, maybe in other situations too - the Search Everywhere dialog appear on single Shift press.
The answer is here
Basically you need to
Open lib/resources.jar/idea/PlatformActions.xml and remove or comment such line:
<action id="SearchEverywhere" class="com.intellij.ide.actions.SearchEverywhereAction" />
and repack the jar.
Since end of 2017 you can add to the custom VM options: cf. the answer from JetBrains.

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.

Eclipse Indigo: shift+tab outdent (indentation) does not work anymore

After installing the new Eclipse Indigo, the outdent does not work anymore when I press shift+tab on a line. Is there any setting which activates this again?
Problem still actual for Eclipse Kepler
in Main Menu -> Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Formatter -> {your formatter profile} -> Edit -> Identation -> General Settings:
change tab policy to Spaces and indentation size to 4 (or any desired amount).
Okay, so I am currently using Eclipse Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1) and I was experiencing this problem too after switching from whitespace tabbing (4 spaces) instead of standard tab spacing.
The problem for me was that the area I was trying to de-tab/outdent/shift-tab (or whatever you want to call it) had a mix of 4xspaces and actual tabs in it.
Check if this is the case for you. If it is, you should do the conversion from one to the other. To do this, highlight everything in the effected area, then CTRL+F and replace all instances of however many spaces you are using, with "\t".
Make sure that the "Regular expressions" flag is checked.
SHIFT+TAB only seems to work correctly if only tabs or only spaces are used for indentation and won't do anything at all if there is a mix.
Also, naturally, ensure that the correct settings are applied for your tab policy in Main Menu -> Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Formatter -> {your formatter profile} -> Edit -> Identation -> General Settings.
The functionality works fine and as intended for me since I did this. Make sure to restart the IDE as I have observed that it will subtly tend to stick to old tabbing habits in strange ways if you do not.
It may have something to do with the formatter settings (preferences->java->code style->formatter). I've experienced today the same problem on Eclipse Juno and managed to solve it by setting the indentation size to 4 and the tab size to 4 in the indentation tab. It might be worth to give it a go and play with these settings.
For those who none of the other answers worked, just try to install PDT (Php Development Tools). It has the right hot keys for performing this action. I solved this way.

How do I set up IntelliJ on dual monitors?

I have just installed IntelliJ 9.0.2 on a machine running 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04.
How do I get another window to put on my second screen?
I would like to have both an editor and some tool windows on both screens.
All 'windows' inside of IntelliJ other than the code editor tabs have a "Float" option which pops open an independent window which you can drag to anywhere on your screen. This will allow you to manage your IDEA windows however you like.
IntelliJ also allow you to open multiple projects at once. When opening a project with one already opened, you are prompted as to wether you would like it in your current window or a "New Instance". If you choose new instance, it will open up a completely new IntelliJ with the other project in it. This will work for you if you have many projects you work on at once.
IntelliJ 14 and onwards you can select the settings cog and tick floating mode to detach menus, or drag editor tabs off the main window to detach them
If you're running on OSX you'll need to make sure it's not treating the screens as separate spaces, otherwise they'll snap back onto the same window as the main editor when switching between windows.
To do this untick Displays have separate Spaces in the Mission Control System Preferences.
IntelliJ 10 will have draggable & dockable editor tabs. A very nice feature. It's already present in the early access versions.