VB.NET How do I pass parameters to a class? - vb.net

Relatively new to coding and have taken up lots of small projects to help learn the basics, and I have now set myself a challenge of a "bigger" one. Essentially I want to recreate the Message Box but with my own styling and customisable elements.
I have got the basics in a class and created it, however I want the class to have two options.
1) load all the details from an XML file for the message, I have done this and that works.
2) I want it to be like the standard message box where you can pass in parameters.
My question is, How can I achieve number 2.
I have tried adding details into the Show/Load subs but no luck, the only way around it I can see is with properties but that would take too long.
I want to be something like the below.
However alot of my code is done in the load method as opposed to show, so it needs to be visible / accessible there.
Any help / advice would be appreciated.

Properties are definitely the way to go. It also makes sense: Conceptually, the message being shown is a property of the message box.
Your Show method would look like this:
Public Shared Show(message As String, title As String, ...)
Dim box as New MyMessageBoxWindow()
box.Message = message
box.Title = title
End Sub
In the Load method of MyMessageBoxWindow, you access these properties and configure the UI elements.


How do I go to the nth method of the eclipse editor's file?

I need to write a function goToNthMethod(int n) to let the user jump to the nth method in the file being edited.
Ideas so far:
I imagine the ContentOutline reads its tree from some sort of IContentSource (made up) or something, if I can read from the same source, that would probably be cleaner. Does something like this exist?
Read the contents of the outline view, and maybe simulate a double click on one of the Outline view's entries. This is as far as I got before I realized I was in over my head:
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
IViewPart part = page.findView("org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline");
ContentOutline outline = (ContentOutline)part;
PageBook pageBook = outline.book; // Doesn't work, book is private
Tree root = pageBook.currentPage; // Doesn't work, currentPage is private
String label = root.getLabel(); // Nothing like getLabel exists
Read the entire IDocument's contents, parse the java source code within, get the offsets in the file, and feed that to the editor.selectAndReveal method. However, parsing the java source code within is a massive task, so this approach probably won't work.
Use outline.getCurrentPage(), which is a JavaOutlinePage, but I can't seem to import that class. I'm guessing I need to pull in the entire JDT project to do that. This approach also means I'm tied to a specific language, when I want my goToNthMethod to be language agnostic.
Any ideas on how I can jump to the nth method? Thanks!
Some context: I'm integrating Dragon NaturallySpeaking with eclipse to be able to program with my voice. It's working well so far, but one tedious part is navigating around the file, which would be made easier if I could say "go to 8th method". In fact, just "go to 8th entry" to just go to the 8th row in the outline view would be sufficient. Any other ideas appreciated!

Identifying objects in IBM RFT

While executing my script in RFT, my script got failed due to the slight position change of a button. (This button's position slightly changes according to the option selected for previous combo box due to the label appearing near the button)
As there are 2 positions for this button in window, one of my script fails while other passes.
Please suggest how to identify this same object in 2 different places in RFT?
If you're alright with not using pre-mapped values and instead work with objects directly in code (which I've personally found to be extremely useful... it's allowed me to do great and wondrous things with RFT :), the following ought to work fine:
private void clickObject(String uniqueIdentifier) {
// Find object
RootTestObject root = RootTestObject.getRootTestObject();
TestObject[] matchingObjs = root.find(atProperty(".id", uniqueIdentifier));
if (matchingObjs.length > 0) {
// Click the object
((GuiTestObject) matchingObjs[0]).click();
// Clean-up
Feel free to replace ".id" with whatever property is best suited for the situation... since I work primarily with a web application, the ".id" property has worked splendidly for me.
Because the method finds the object anew each time, it'll grab the object's position wherever it's at at the time the method's called. The clean-up will also prevent any weird, horrible, and otherwise unfortunate UnregisteredObjectExceptions from cropping up.
Without looking at your pages I cannot be sure, but I think the buttons are actually two different buttons. Maybe they are generated by javascript, or they are just un-hidden after the option you select in the combobox.
If they are two different buttons (record them both and look at the recognition properties) you can either replace some properties with a regular expression or check wich button is visible/exists and then click it:
if (btn_button1.exists()) {
} else if (btn_button2.exists()) {
Here's a more complete tutorial on Object Recognition.
You can increase the tolerance of Rational Performance Tester AssureScript in the properties tab or you could set the description but hide the value. You can also make a custom code that updates the object map to prepare for this change in a java IF structure

Play Framework 2.1.1: bindFromRequest() returns the correct data but ignores all data pertaining to relations

I have a form that is supposed to create an entity of type Load, but for some reason, doesn't seem to be actually passing or seeing any of the data related to associations of the entity (load.user, load.client, etc). This all used to work fine but stopped working at some point during a bunch of refactoring (that didn't change any of the fields in any of the models). Now all of the forms in my website have broken the same way and I have no clue where to even look to start fixing it.
From the view, I submit the form for a new Load, printing out the data everywhere I can along the way. Printing out the data being sent to the server before it's sent shows all the data is there like it should be. Printing out Form.form(Load.class).bindFromRequest() in the controller shows the form's data contains everything needed, for example, the value user.id=1 is in the data. However, there is also a validation error saying that the user is missing. How can this be?
Form(of=class models.Load, data={ a bunch of stuff, user.id=1, a bunch more stuff}, value=None, errors={=[ValidationError(,Logged in user is missing or invalid.,[])]})
The validation error is being generated by public String validate() in the Load class, which is simply checking if(user==null) and returning that string if it is. I should note that every form that submits multiple entities (for example, submitting a Dock and then also the Dock's Location) only saves the main entity (in this example, the Dock) and ignores all others (the Dock's Location is never saved, even though Dock cascades in the model to also save the Location). All of our form fields are labelled correctly, this code did used to work at some point before it mysteriously stopped working!
So why did all of my forms suddenly stop correctly dealing with anything but the main model for the form? It is as if they cannot even "see" the data contained in bindFromRequest(). If I print out a variable in the validation method of Load, such as this.status, it prints the correct thing. But if I try to print something like this.user.id or this.client.id I get a null pointer error. Where is the code in Play that actually interprets the data (user.id=1) and turns it into the User associated with the Load, and how could it be breaking?
Edit: Also, yes, I did try "play clean", it was the first thing I tried since usually it fixes weird errors like these! But this time, no dice.
Edit2: I'm including the html from the form, in case it is helpful.
<input type="text" id="user_id" name="user.id" value="1" class="idfield">
Edit3: The only change I made during the refactoring that might have influenced this is that I had to make some setter methods like Load.setBroker() because the ones that are supposedly generated by Play didn't work. For example, load.broker=aBroker would not have set the Load's Broker before, so I had to make a public void setBroker(Broker broker) method in Load. Does Play use the auto-generated setters to bind the data? Could overwriting them cause problems?
Whoops, I figured it out. It was the setters I had written. Some of them were set to private purely by mistake, and apparently this was preventing Play from setting the values when binding the data. Changed them all to public and the mystery error vanished.

Shared Collection VB.NET

I need to get alot of data from my database and would like to get this when the application starts, store it in a collection and to reuse through out the application.
I tried declaring a Public Shared Collection and populate this when I start the application (in the main form). It works ok first time the collection is used, but then it is empty.
I have looked around for places where I might have written to clear it myself but can't figure anything out. Anyone have any ideas or tips?
The code is something like:
Public Shared m_objDocCollection As Collection(Of clDocumentation)
And then in the main form
clDocumentation.m_objDocCollection = clDocumentation.GetDocumentsFromDb()
Edit; sorry for not adding code. Have copied the most relevant and placed here; https://gist.github.com/2365610
It is not obvious from your code what is happening but my guess is that you are (re)initialising your collection more than once.
Do a search in your code for any places where the collection is being (re)initialised such as this:
m_objDocCollection = New Collection(Of clDocumentation)
and put a breakpoint on these. Then run your code and see when these are firing.

create a new object

I want to create a new object so as to instantiate and use it several times;
For example, if I want to create an object that has a label and a button inside, how do I? I created a new NSObject but inside it has nothing, then how do I make everything from scratch since there was a viewDidLoad for example (obviously, since it has a view)?
Your questions lead me to think that you're really just starting out. There's nothing wrong with that, but rather than trying to summarize several megabytes of documentation in a few paragraphs, I'm just going to point you to the iOS Starting Point. I think that you're just trying to create a container that can hold other UI components? If so, use a UIView for that. However, don't jump in and try to get something specific done without first reading through some of the Getting Started documents -- you'll just end up back here, and we'll just point you back to the docs. You might like the Your First iOS Application guide, as that lets you get your feet wet but explains things along the way.