vuejs, issue with delete on reorder element - vue.js

remove: function(item) {
var self = this;
var list = this.list;
index= list.indexOf(item);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(this.list));
If I drag an element on 2nd box, if I drag it like first 2, then 3 then 1, and click on delete on right why it causes issue on delete? But there is no issue on delete on box 1?


How to access or get value of specific graph on chart plot by click event?

I use vue-chartjs to draw some chart like line, bar, etc.
In my project, there are many cases using specific value or lable of data in chart.
Using tooltip option of vue-chartjs, I can check that value or label of data item when hovered.
I want to know how to access or get information of specific data matched with point on graph when clicked(not hovered).
Here is my code about chart options.
chartOptions: {
responsive: false,
onClick: function(evt){
//Some logic to get value of label of specific data...(type, label, value, ...)
In my case, I use 'onclick' option to access specific data on point triggered 'click' event. In 'onClick' callback, I checked all of chart elements and dataset, etc.
How can I get value of label specific dataItem on point of graph(like line) or bar of graph(like bar) when triggered click event?
I was not able to find a solution that worked for me, but I dug a little bit and this is what I came up with.
onClick: function(evt, array) {
if (array.length != 0) {
var position = array[0]._index;
var activeElement = this.tooltip._data.datasets[0].data[position]
} else {
console.log("You selected the background!");
This will get the position in the array that you clicked and grab the data from what position you clicked. This may not be the prettiest or best example, but it worked for me.
This solution use the getElementAtEvent method of chartjs, but to use that you need reference to the Chart itself, not the Vue component. We can get that from the $data._chart property. To use this in a parent Vue component, we use the $refs as seen below`.
So parent defines the chart options
options: {
onClick: this.handleChartClick
and then parent method, using $refs with $data._chart to get the chart. We get the datasetIndex and value and also the tooltip
handleChartClick(evt, elements) {
var chart = this.$refs.periodChart.$data._chart;
const chartIndex = chart.getElementAtEvent(evt);
if (chartIndex.length !== 0) {
const datasetIndex = chartIndex[0]._datasetIndex;
const position = chartIndex[0]._index;
const info = {
datasetIndex: datasetIndex,
valueIndex: position,
label: chart.tooltip._data.labels[position],
value: chart.tooltip._data.datasets[datasetIndex].data[position]
} else {
console.log("Background clicked");

Dojo - How to set "label" of togglebutton inside a grid from value?

i'm new to Dojo.
I have a "FullEditable" grid, with many columns, and one of them is a widget, it's a ToggleButton. This grid is used to show details of a purchase, so every line represents a product sold. When i click a button inside one of the columns it launches the product (dialog) browser and then the data of that product is passed to the grid. After some work i managed to display the button and being able to set it's label accordingly to the value received from that dialog.
But now i am editing that purchase and i need to be able to do the same, to be able to load the data from the preloaded array with data ("detalle") (as it's label) into the togglebutton, but nothing seems to work, not even the direct assignment of the widget or the row data or anything.
Here's a fragment of my code:
var grid = this;
var selectedRow = grid.row(i);
var cell = grid.cell(selectedRow, 'Moneda');
selectedRow.Moneda = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(cell.row !== null && cell.row !== undefined && !== null && !== undefined) = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(cell.element !== null && cell.element !== undefined){
cell.element.innerText = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
cell.element.textContent = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(detalle.MonedaItem === 'UF')
cell.element.widget.set('checked', true);
if(detalle.MonedaItem === 'CLP')
cell.element.widget.set('checked', false);
cell.element.widget.set('label', detalle.MonedaItem); //didn't work
cell.element.widget.set('value', detalle.MonedaItem); //didn't work
Whenever i set the value through the change event with "cell.element.widget.set('checked', boolean);" i get an error message from the editor, when it tries to get a cell but the variable is null, so it crashes.
The values of "label" and "value" of the widget, en cell are perfectly set, BUT the grid DISPLAYS the "emptyValue" value of the widget and not the one that is actually set.
AFAIK, best way to change the grid data is to update the store/ collection that is associated with the grid and just invoke grid.refresh(). The new data will be loaded automatically.
The statement = detalle.MonedaItem is actually changing the data in your store. Just refresh the grid after this and you are done!
Never try to set something in grid DOM element directly. Always work with store, renderCell and renderColumn. This will ensure consistency in store and grid attributes that reference the store.
I finally managed to get what i need through renderCell like this:
id: 'Moneda',
field: 'Moneda',
label: "Moneda",
renderCell: function (object, value, node, options) {
try {
var button = new ToggleButton({
node: node,
isWidgetInGrid: true,
parameterName: 'codigoMoneda',
label: object.Moneda,
showLabel: true,
onChange: function(newValue){
var grid = this.getParent();
var row = grid.row(this.node);
var data =;
if(this.get('label') === 'CLP')
data.Moneda = 'UF';
this.set('value', 'UF');
data.Moneda = 'CLP';
this.set('value', 'CLP');
catch (ex) {
Debug.log(this.declaredClass, arguments, ex);
emptyValue: 'CLP',
autoSave: true

Sencha how to update viewport on click on tabpanel?

I have an MVC multi item & paged image carousel in Sencha Touch 2, which works perfectly on it's own when added to the Viewport on init.
However, the problem I am having now is how to adapt it to my tab panel style app. I am a little unclear where I should put the code, at init or (I'm guessing) in the controller which fires on click of the specific tab. My tabpanel style app was downloaded from Github (Sencha touch 2 boilerplate template).
My working MVC carousel calls the following in the app.js:
controllers: ['Main'],
views: ['Carousel', 'Page'],
stores: ['Thumbnails'],
models: ['Thumbnail'],
launch: function () {
var carousel = Ext.create('Ext.Carousel');
Ext.getStore('Thumbnails').load(function (apps) {
var cols = 4, rows = 4; // todo: change for tablets
var page;
var btn;
var iPage = 0;
var iApp = 0;
var x = 1, y = 1, z = 0;
var row, grid, bottomrow;
var firstpage = 0;
etc....code cut for readbility.
Basically I want this carousel to appear on the second tab of the tabpanel, not initially on the viewport how it works now. Perhaps I should have the working launch code in a controller that fires when I'm on that tab of the tabpanel? I'm not sure of the best way to approach this.
Here is the launch function of my tabpanel app, with the
launch: function() {
Ext.create('TCApp.view.Viewport', {fullscreen: true});
// I have tried adding this working launch code after creating the Viewport, but maybe it should be in the controller? But I'm not sure how to go about it...
var carousel = Ext.create('Ext.Carousel');
Ext.getStore('Thumbnails').load(function (apps) {
var cols = 4, rows = 4; // todo: change for tablets
var page;
var btn;
var iPage = 0;
var iApp = 0;
var x = 1, y = 1, z = 0;
var row, grid, bottomrow;
var firstpage = 0;
Any help would be much appreciated!
You are adding your carousel to Ext.Viewport, which is the component that gets instantiated by default on application bootstrap. So, instead of using Ext.Viewport.add(carousel);, and adding it to the Viewport itself, try with
Where tabpanel is the reference to your tab panel instance. This way you'll be adding the carousel to the first available card in
Thanks Grgur, it helped. I eventually solved it this way, making sure to have a title and iconCls otherwise I get an error in the console when adding the carousel item to the tabpanel:
var carousel = Ext.create('Ext.Carousel', {
title: 'Carousel',
iconCls: 'info'
var MyTabPanel = Ext.getCmp('mytabpanel');

Cycle Jquery UI Tab on "previous" and "next" button

I am using Jquery UI Tabs for my website.
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery('#myTabs').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' }});
var jQuerytabs = jQuery('#myTabs').tabs();
var selected = jQuerytabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
jQuerytabs.tabs('select', selected+1);
var jQuerytabs = jQuery('#myTabs').tabs();
var selected = jQuerytabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
jQuerytabs.tabs('select', selected-1);
As you can see that i have been using the previous next button to move from one tab to another.
My question is "When i click on next and if the last tab is open then automatically the first tab should get open, and similarly When i click on previous and if the first tab is open then automatically the last tab should get open"
Please help me out, i am stuck from over 3 days now and no solution. I have searched a lot on net but no solution for this.
You can count the number of .ui-tabs-panel elements.
jQuery(window).load(function() {
var $tabs = jQuery('#myTabs');
fx: {
opacity: 'toggle'
var amount = $tabs.find('.ui-tabs-panel').length;
jQuery('.next-product').click(function() {
var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
$tabs.tabs('select', selected + 1 === amount ? 0 : selected + 1);
jQuery('.previous-product').click(function() {
var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
$tabs.tabs('select', selected === 0 ? amount - 1 : selected - 1);
select your tab element already and re-use the selector var $tabs = jQuery('#myTabs');, it'll be more efficient
no need to re-call .tabs() on your click handlers

How to avoid the first-line automatic selection after inserting a new row to the store of a grid

I am using extjs4 to create a gird which can be editable by the "Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing" plugin.
When the user click the "Add" button. It will add a new row to the store for user input. But after the insertion, first row of the grid will be selected automatically. So the cell editor lose the focus everytime.
Related code below:
var cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing');
// part options for grid
selType: 'cellmodel',
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { checkOnly: true }),
plugins: [cellEditing],
// Add new record
var r = Ext.ModelManager.create({
id: '',
name: '',
label: '',
description: ''
}, 'Privilege');
pstore.insert(0, r);
row: 0,
column: 1
i try, won't lose focus of input text.
but my code is
var r = Ext.create('PlcModel', {
eqdesc: 'Mostly Shady',
eqmanu: 'TL-PA201',
onlineSt: false,signal:0,
var len= curStore.count();
curStore.insert(len+1, r);
cellEditing.startEditByPosition({row: len, column: 1});
CheckboxModel choose but focus input also exist, you can input
pls not email me, since my login info input wrong for secret
my extjs4 version is 4.0.7