When connecting one Cloud app to another Cloud app, is SSL required? - api

I apologize if I am asking something too obvious, but I as understand SSL should be used when making API calls to remote apps. This particularly important if you are using a password or API key in the calls so networking sniffing doesn't reveal the details.
Having said that, if I have a Cloud-hosted app, e.g. AWS hosted PHP script, that makes a call to a MongoDB database hosted by a third-party provider e.g. ObjectRocket, do I need SSL between the two?
Secondly, as I understand if both the apps are hosted on the same infrastructure, e.g. Heroku (which AWS-based) and a third-party MongoDB provider (if they use AWS of the same region) then SSL is redundant when connecting from a Heroku-hosted app to the the database as AWS will prevent networking sniffing.
Thank you for your help. I appreciate anyone who can provide some fundamental information here.


Is there built-in support for enabling SSL on Azure Container Instances?

Is there built-in support for enabling SSL on Azure Container Instances? If not, can we hook up to SSL providers like Lets Encrypt?
There is nothing built-in today. You need to load the certs into the container and terminate SSL there. Soon, we will enable support for ACI containers to join an Azure virtual network, at which point you could front your containers with Azure Application Gateway and terminate SSL there.
As said above, no support today for built-in SSL when using ACI. I'm using Azure Application Gateway to publish my container endpoint using the HTTP-to-HTTPS bridge. This way, App Gateway needs a regular HTTPS cert (and you can use whichever model works best for you as long as you can introduce a .PFX file during provisioning or later during configuratiorn) and it will then use HTTP to talk to your (internally facing) ACI-based container. This approach becomes more secure if you bind your ACI-based container to a VNET and restrict traffic from elsewhere.
To use SSL within the ACI-container you'd need to introduce your certification while provisioning the container, and then somehow automate certificate expiration and renewal. As this is not supported in a reasonable way, I chose to use the App Gateway to resolve this. You could also use API Management but that is obviously slightly more expensive and introduces a lot more moving parts.
I blogged about this configuration here and the repo with provisioning scripts is here.
You can add SSL support at the API Gateway and simply configure the underlying API over HTTP.
You will need the secrete key to execute above api method!
You can access the underlying API hosted at the Azure Container Instance. This method does not require jwt token as this is a demo api.

custom ssl in windows azure

I was evaluating appharbor and azure framework or a cloud application.
I came across an article in this url: http://blog.appharbor.com/2012/06/10/some-notes-on-the-recent-azure-launch , which says
Azure Web Sites has no way to add your own SSL certificates at all. If your app needs SSL, you’re stuck with running on the Azure subdomain and piggy-backing off their certificate.
I am a little confused here and so the question:
1) Does this mean that I cannot register and use a ssl certificate for my domain (eg: www.mydomain.com) if my application is hosted in azure?
If that cannot be done- isnt this a fairly basic requirement for a secure web application? why is it not implemented in azure?
2) Azure articles talk of shared ssl certificate. So, if I use a shared certificate, what will the user see in certificate details? will they see something like myapplication.cloudapp.net?
This is true as of today. But please do note that Azure Web Sites is a preview feature and things do change. Having a custom SSL certificate for an Azure Web Sites is something that the team in Redmond is definitely after (check here). Also, please do note that this limitation is only valid for Windows Azure Web Sites. Website addresses usually maps to myapp.azurewebsites.net.
This is not the situation with Windows Azure Cloud Services (that maps to myapp.cloudapp.net). You check some articles and sample how to configure custom SSL for Azure Cloud services here and here.
Azure websites now do support SSL certificates, with the ability to buy an SSL certificate or bring your own.
see this article for the configuration:
Also free SNI certificates are available as of now for Basic, Standard and Premium App Services:

How can I secure internal roles in azure (SSL at minimum)

I am working on a HIPAA cloud project and am implementing a Key Store as a central repository for all of the key pairs for PHI(Private Health Information) encryption... I am not worried about the actual data because it will be encrypted at rest and in transit.
However when a worker or webrole needs to work with the data they need to decrypt and reencrypt it (if they do updates). That's where the key Store comes into play. However, I don't want this internal service exposed and I also need it to be SSLed, because sending keys in the clear, even inside a virtual network of roles wouldn't pass a security audit.
So any suggestions on how I can get a web or worker role to use SSL with an internal endpoint?
I don't think you can. Internal endpoints are on a closed network branch, so https would normally be redundant (although I understand your compliance issues). I found this answer (to my question) very useful in figuring out the security of internal endpoints: How secure are Windows Azure internal endpoints? - see the more detailed post that Brent links to.

How to secure WCF service which an Android app will use?

How to secure WCF service which an Android app will use?
Currently we are building an android app that will connect(by using SOAP) with a WCF service (made on another pc in console host)...
We actually want to secure this server so only people with right credentials can access the app?
How do we do this??? Do we need to use transport or message security... And can transport only use SSL or not??
And also is it better to use IIS for this or not..
Please help
Start by configuring everything to use HTTPS (i.e., HTTP over SSL) so that your communication channels are encrypted. Then add some sort of login credential scheme so that clients authenticate to the server. The simplest is username and password. You can use Basic or Digest auth styles; both should be supported by both ends so the choice is up to you (and it's not so important which you choose since it is all inside HTTPS anyway).
All this is independent of which clients you use and which servers you use. (There's also various XML Security things that you can use with SOAP, but that's adding a lot more complexity for very little extra advantage; the big gain comes from going to HTTPS.)

mobile application: how do I provide client authentication

I had an idea for a fitness mobile app and I have been developing applications based on this idea for iPhone (Obj-C based), Android (java based), WebOS (html5 based) and Nokia Qt.
I now need to provide authentication to the users of my application. The server is a typical LAMP system. I would like the users of my mobile application to log in to the server seamlessly and securely.
I am not really a web programmer and hence would appreciate ideas on how I can go about providing authentication. I've heard about OpenID...but I am not sure if it can be used for authenticating mobile clients. Some one mentioned OAuth but I am not sure if a) it would work in this use case and b) What if my client does not have a Facebook/Twitter account?
Any ideas will be appreciated!
I have done something similar and used gnuTLS and a x.509 certificate to authenticate from the client side. Its seamless and easy to integrate.
The important thing about using this method for me was that the https connection was just simple method calls and the handshaking process itself would be handled by the gnuTLS library.
My app was an iOS app and i used xcode to do it which was easy. I think it will be easier on the Java side but I am not sure about the Nokia part. The coding is in C and is thus cross platform.
However if you are looking for a iOS based solution i recommend http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/AdvancedURLConnections/Introduction/Intro.html
But for a cross platform solution that would require the same certificate across all applications and no input or work fro the user, I still suggest gnuTLS and using the x509 certificate.
If you already have a LAMP server somewhere, it should be fairly easy to set implement your own API for password authentication -- the important thing is that you do it via HTTPS! (so the user-ids / passwords can not be sniffed). You will need a digital certificate (CERT) for your web-server.
On your LAMP system you can keep the user data in it's database. Your LAMP server should also allow to create a local user account (of course).
You can use this solution either separate or together with OpenID or OAuth!
That means, if your client doesn't have Facebook or Twitter, they can still create an account on your LAMP server.