VueJS - Ajax communication between templates - vue.js

I'm very new to VueJS and i'm having a difficult to share a result from Two template, that come from AJAX Request.
This is the home page:
This is the search-bar component, where i have a text input field and after press the button, it will do an Ajax Request:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-3">
<div class="col-lg-5">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Numero Spedizione" v-model="trackingNumber">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default"
</div><!-- /input-group -->
</div><!-- /.col-lg-3 -->
</div><!-- /.row -->
export default {
data() {
return {
trackingNumber: '',
methods: {
search() {
Vue.http.options.emulateJSON = true;
this.$'/endpoint').then(function (response) {
var parsedResponse = JSON.parse( || undefined;
}, function (err) {
console.log('ERROR', err);
I did tried with $broadcast, but my components arent child, are sibling.
I did see a way can be Vuex, but my application will not be written entirely with Vue. I will use this framework just to "simplify some Javascript process".
The only alternative i did find is to "merge" the search-bar and tracking-result in a single component. In this way the data will be "shared", and i can communicate with the state.

[Update: sync is removed in Vue 2, so you would need to follow the standard props-down, events-up design pattern]
You can have the parent viewmodel pass a prop to each of the components, using sync for the search bar. The search bar would populate the value in the ajax call, it would sync up to the parent and down to the tracking-results.
Some example code:
Vue.component('child1', {
props: ['ajaxData'],
methods: {
loadData: function () {
this.ajaxData = 'Some data is loaded';
template: '<div>Child1: {{ajaxData}} <button v-on:click="loadData">Load data</button></div>'
Vue.component('child2', {
props: ['ajaxData'],
template: '<div>Child2: {{ajaxData}}</div>'
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
hi: 'Hello Vue.js!'
<script src="//"></script>
<child1 :ajax-data.sync='hi'></child1>
<child2 :ajax-data='hi'></child2>

Ideally, you can send data to the parent, then the parent send data to the component via props. The parent handles the communication between the siblings.
Another way of doing it is using state management or vuex. But that depends on the complexity of your project. If it's a simple thing, I suggest to let the parent handle the communication.


Vue.JS Passing object to child for use inside slot

I am trying to pass an object that is loaded within DataContainer into a slot, so that the user can customise the view.
<data-container silo-id="5">
<div slot="content"> <!-- I tried :data="siloData" here but no luck -->
Your current balance is {{data.balance}}
So DataContainer loads the resource via http and sets the value to its 'siloData' property.
DataContainer's template has no content of its own just a placeholder for the slot.
<slot name="content"></slot>
When I try this the text is not interpolated and just remains as {{siloData.balance}} to the browser.
I have tried some examples from Vue.JS site like the todo list, but I must admit utterly confused, maybe because this is not a collection, but just a single (albeit complex) object.
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Many thanks
You can use a $emit event
Vue.component('data-container', {
template: '#data-container',
data() {
return {
siloData: {}
mounted() {
this.siloData = { name: "Silo", balance: 10 } // loading data
this.$emit('silo-loaded', this.siloData)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
data: {}
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<data-container class="card" #silo-loaded="val => data = val">
<div slot="content">
Your current balance is {{ data.balance }}
<template id="data-container">
<slot name="content"></slot>

Dynamic Components with Slots

How can I use named slots from dynamic components in the parent component?
A slider component takes an array of dynamic slide components:
<slider :slides="slides" />
Each slide has named slots with content to be using by the slider:
<div class="slide">
<div slot="main">Slide 1 Main</div>
<div slot="meta">Slide 1 Meta</div>
The slider should now use these slots, like so:
<div class="slider">
<div class="slider__slide" v-for="slide in slides">
<component :is="slide">
<div class="slider__slide__main">
<slot name="main" /><!-- show content from child's slot "main" -->
<div class="slider__slide__meta">
<slot name="meta" /><!-- show content from child's slot "meta" -->
But <component> ignores its inner content, so the slots are ignored.
If this isn't possible, is there another way to create a slider that takes HTML content from slide components without caring about their content?
By splitting the main/meta sections into their own components, you can relatively easily use a render function to split them into the sections you want.
const slide1Meta = {
template:`<div>Slide 1 Meta</div>`
const slide1Main = {
template: `<div>Slide 1 Main</div>`
const slide2Meta = {
template:`<div>Slide 2 Meta</div>`
const slide2Main = {
template: `<div>Slide 2 Main</div>`
Vue.component('slider', {
props: {
slides: {
type: Array,
required: true
let children = => {
let main = h('div', {class: "slider__slide__main"}, [h(slide.main)])
let meta = h('div', {class: "slider_slide_meta"}, [h(slide.meta)])
return h('div', {class: "slider__slide"}, [main, meta])
return h('div', {class: "slider"}, children)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
slides: [
{meta: slide1Meta, main: slide1Main},
{meta: slide1Meta, main: slide2Main}
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<slider :slides="slides" />
<script type="text/x-template" id="slide1-template">
<div class="slide">
<div slot="main">Slide 1 Main</div>
<div slot="meta">Slide 1 Meta</div>
<script type="text/x-template" id="slide2-template">
<div class="slide">
<div slot="main">Slide 2 Main</div>
<div slot="meta">Slide 2 Meta</div>
Actually slots within a dynamic component element do work. I have have been attempting to solve this same issue, and found this lovely little example by Patrick O'Dacre on CodePen. Patrick has made ample and useful comments in his code which I paste verbatim here for posterity. I omitted the css which you can find on CodePen.
const NoData = {
template: `<div>
This component ignores the data completely.
<p>But there are slots!</p>
<slot name="namedSlot"></slot>
// In this component, I just ignore the props completely
const DefaultMessage = {
template: `<div>
This component will show the default msg: <div>{{parentData.msg}}</div>
// this component won't have posts like the Async Component, so we just ignore it
props: ['parentData']
const CustomMessage = {
template: `<div>
This component shows a custom msg: <div>{{parentData.msg}}</div>
// this component won't have posts like the Async Component, so we just ignore it
props: ['parentData']
const Async = {
template: `<div>
<section v-if="parentData.posts.length > 0">
<li class="postInfo" v-for="post in parentData.posts">
<div class="postInfo__title">
<strong>Title:</strong> {{post.title}}
props: ['parentData']
/* Children should only affect parent properties via an EVENT (this.$emit) */
const ChangeMessage = {
template: `<div>
<p>Type here to change the message from the child component via an event.</p>
<div><input type="text" v-model="message" #input="updateDateParentMessage" /></div>
data() {
return {
// initialize our message with the prop from the parent.
message: this.parentData.msg ? this.parentData.msg : ''
props: ['parentData'],
/* Need to watch parentData.msg if we want to continue
to update this.message when the parent updates the msg */
watch: {
'parentData.msg': function (msg) {
this.message = msg
methods: {
updateDateParentMessage() {
this.$emit('messageChanged', this.message)
const Home = {
template: `<section>
<div class="wrap">
<div class="right">
<p><strong>Change the current component's message from the Home (parent) component:</strong></p>
<div><input type="text" v-model="dataForChild.msg" /></div>
<p><strong>Important!</strong> We do not change these props from the child components. You must use events for this.</p>
<div class="controls">
<button #click="activateComponent('NoData')">No Data</button>
<button #click="activateComponent('DefaultMessage')">DefaultMessage</button>
<button #click="activateComponent('CustomMessage', {posts: [], msg: 'This is component two'})">CustomMessage</button>
<button #click="getPosts">Async First</button>
<button #click="activateComponent('ChangeMessage', {msg: 'This message will be changed'})">Change Msg from Child</button>
<button #click="deactivateComponent">Clear</button>
<div class="wrap">
<div class="right">
<h2>Current Component - {{currentComponent ? currentComponent : 'None'}}</h2>
<!-- ATTN: Uncomment the keep-alive component to see what happens
when you change the message in ChangeMessage component and toggle
back and forth from another component. -->
<!-- <keep-alive> -->
<div class="slotData">This is a default slot</div>
<div slot="namedSlot" class="namedSlot">This is a NAMED slot</div>
<div slot="namedSlot" class="namedSlot"><p>Here we pass in the message via a slot rather than as a prop:</p>{{dataForChild.msg}}</div>
<!-- </keep-alive> -->
data() {
return {
currentComponent: false,
/* You don't NEED to put msg and posts here, but
I prefer it. It helps me keep track of what info
my dynamic components need. */
dataForChild: {
// All components:
msg: '',
// Async Component only
posts: []
methods: {
* Set the current component and the data it requires
* #param {string} component The name of the component
* #param {object} data The data object that will be passed to the child component
activateComponent(component, data = { posts: [], msg: 'This is a default msg.'}) {
this.dataForChild = data;
this.currentComponent = component;
deactivateComponent() {
this.dataForChild.msg = '';
this.currentComponent = false;
/* Hold off on loading the component until some async data is retrieved */
getPosts() {
axios.get('').then( resp => {
const posts =, 10) // get first 10 posts only.
// activate the component ONLY when we have our results
this.activateComponent('Async', {posts, msg: `Here are your posts.`})
* Update the message from the child
* #listens event:messageChanged
* #param {string} newMessage The new message from the child component
updateMessage(newMessage) {
this.dataForChild.msg = newMessage
// must wire up your child components here
components: {
const routes = [
{ path: '/', name: 'home', component: Home}
const router = new VueRouter({
const app = new Vue({
The html,
<div id="app">
<h1>Vue.js Dynamic Components with Props, Events, Slots and Keep Alive</h1>
<p>Each button loads a different component, dynamically.</p>
<p>In the Home component, you may uncomment the 'keep-alive' component to see how things change with the 'ChangeMessage' component.</p>
<nav class="mainNav"></nav>
<!-- route outlet -->
<!-- component matched by the route will render here -->
<section class="mainBody">

how to pass data between different template

I'm trying to make a chat and I do not know how to click an item in one template
get the data and transfer it to another.
from #template1 to #template2
const app = new Vue({
el: '#content',
users: [],
messages: []
<template lang="html">
<li v-on:click="getMessages()">
<div class="content-container">
<span class="name">{{ user.first_name}} {{user.last_name}}</span>
<span class="txt"></span>
export default {
props: ['user'],
data: function() {
return {
messages: []
methods: {
getMessages(id) {
this.messages =;
<template lang="html">
<ul class="chat">
<chat-message v-for="message in messages" :key="+message" :message="message"></chat-message>
export default {
props: ['messages']
how to pass data between this template
The structure is:
el: #content
<div id="content">
<div class="list-text" id="chatbox">
<user-list :users="users">#template1</user-list>
<div class="list-chat">
<chat-log :messages="messages">#template2</chat-log>
<chat-composer v-on:messagesent="addMessage"></chat-composer>
When I click on the user in the user-list
i'm trying to load messages from this user
and I do not know how to pass them in chat-log
There are a few ways to achieve the communication between the components
Emit and listen to event (if the component are siblings, you will have to go through the parent) - this solution is fine if you have very little components that need to communicate with each other
Use event bus -> every event will go through this bus (good tutorial on how to create an event bus)
Use vuex - state management (just like event bus, but better, if you have a lot of component communication)

Vue custom filtering input component

I'am trying to create a component that have 'just' an text input. String typed in this input will be used to filter a list. My problem is that I cannot handle how to share this filter string between my component and the main app that contains the list to filter.
I tried several things and most of the time I get the error :
Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value
So I looked Vuex but I thinks it cannot help in this case because I can have several filter component used in he same page for different list, and I don't want them to be synchronized ^^
Here is what I have:
The filter component
<script type="x/template" id="filterTpl">
<span class="filter-wrapper">
<input type="search" class="input input-filter" v-model.trim="filter" />
Vue.component('list-filter', {
props: {
filter: String
template: '#filterTpl'
And my main app:
<div id="contacts">
<list-filter :filter="filter"></list-filter>
<ul class="contacts-list managed-list flex">
<li class="contact" v-for="contactGroup in filteredData">
var contactsV = new Vue({
el: '#contacts',
data: {
filter: "",
studyContactsGroups: []
computed: {
filteredData: function(){
// Using this.filter to filter the studyContactsGroups data
return filteredContacts;
Thanks for any help or tips :)
You can synchronize child value and parent prop either via explicit prop-event connection or more concise v-bind with sync modifier:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
rawData: ['John', 'Jane', 'Jim', 'Eddy', 'Maggy', 'Trump', 'Che'],
filter: ''
components: {
'my-input' : {
// bind prop 'query' to value and
// #input update parent prop 'filter' via event used with '.sync'
template: `<input :value="query" #input="updateFilter">`,
props: ['query'],
methods: {
updateFilter: function(e) {
this.$emit('update:query', // this is described in documentation
computed: {
filteredData: function() {
// simple filter function
return this.rawData.filter(el => el.toLowerCase()
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-input :query.sync="filter"></my-input>
<li v-for="line in filteredData">{{ line }}</li>

Vuejs 2.1.10 method passed as prop not a function

I'm very new to Vuejs and JS frameworks in general, so bear with me. I'm trying to call a method that resides in my root component from a child component (2 levels deep) by passing it as a prop, but I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: this.onChange is not a function
at VueComponent._onChange (category.js:8)
at boundFn (vendor.js?okqp5g:361)
at HTMLInputElement.invoker (vendor.js?okqp5g:2179)
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track by assigning the prop to a method inside the child component, but see what you think:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function () {
return {
categories: [],
articles: []
methods: {
onChange: function () {
console.log('first one');
return function () {
console.log('second one');
The html:
<div id="app">
<sidebar :onChange=onChange :categories=categories></sidebar>
<varticles :articles=articles></varticles>
Vue.component('sidebar', {
props: ['onChange', 'categories'],
methods: {
_onChange: function () {
template: `
<div class="sidebar">
<category v-for="item in categories" :onChange="_onChange" v-bind:category="item"></category>
Vue.component('category', {
props: ['category', 'onChange'],
methods: {
_onChange: function () {
template: `
<div class="category">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<li v-for="option in category.options">
<input v-on:change="_onChange" v-bind:id="option.tid" type="checkbox" v-model="option.checked">
<label v-bind:for="option.tid">{{ }}</label>
There's got to be simpler way to do this!
I'd suggest taking a look at this A simplified version of your code is in this fiddle
When writing props in your templates declare them without Capital letters.
A prop declared as onChange in your props is equivalent to on-change in your html.
<sidebar :on-change=onChange :categories=categories></sidebar>
Also I would suggest looking at events and non parent-child communication if you want a link between components that are more than 1 level deep.