How to insert a value into a BTreeSet in Rust and then get an iterator beginning at its location? - iterator

Am I missing something, or is there no way to get an iterator beginning at the newly-inserted value in a BTreeSet?
BTreeSet::insert just returns a boolean. For comparison, the insert method for std::map in C++ returns a pair of an iterator and a boolean.
It is possible to look up the newly-inserted element and get the iterator that way, but that's inefficient.
This isn't a duplicate of How to lookup from and insert into a HashMap efficiently? as I need to get an iterator pointing to the location of the newly inserted value. I want to obtain the preceding and following values, if these exist.

I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that it boils down to the fact that no one has needed it so it hasn't been added.
In the meantime, you will need to look up the last entry again to get an iterator, as you mention. This also gives an opportunity to specify the direction that the iterator should travel:
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
fn main() {
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
for i in set.range(0..) {
println!("{}", i);


Why does Iterator::next return an Option instead of just an item?

It seems to me that whether an option is the right type to return should be up to the implementor.
I notice that it goes away when I try to filter or using other collection methods on the items. Is this simply a replacement for has_next? Won't it have potential performance/memory implications?
Because it needs some way to communicate to the caller that there's nothing left to output.
fn main() {
let mut it = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter();
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None); // End of iterator.
As for a hypothetical has_next, that can complicate some iterator designs because it requires the iterator to know whether there is another element. This might require the iterator to compute the next element, then store it somewhere. It's also possible to forget to call has_next, or call it but ignore the result.
With next returning an Option, none of this is an issue; an iterator can compute the next item and return it whilst making it impossible for a caller to forget to ensure the returned value actually has something in it.
One thing this does not let you do is "peek" at the iterator to see if there's something more and then change logic based on that answer, without actually consuming the next item. However, that's what the peekable combinator is for, which gives you what amounts to a traditional has_next: peek().is_some().
On your concerns about performance: I've never seen anything to suggest there is any penalty. Anything using an iterator correctly has to check to see if it's reached the end. As for space, a Rust iterator doesn't need to cache the next item, so they're likely to be the same size or smaller than an iterator for a language that uses has_next.
Finally, as noted in comments, Option is not heap allocated. A None is equivalent to a false followed by some uninitialised space (since there's nothing in it), and a Some(v) is equivalent to a true followed by v.

Different variable type declaration in Golang

Hi I'm just learning Go since the last view days, read some docs and noted that its something about defining struct or interface. Still cant get the difference between
var result []Struct
result := Struct{}
Is there particular docs I can refer to?
The result in the first example is a nil slice. The spec says that variables are initialized to their zero values and that zero value of a slice is nil.
The result in the second example is a Struct value. It uses a short variable declaration and composite literal value for a Struct. The second example identical to
var result Struct
Perhaps you meant to write
result := []Struct{}
for the second example. This is a non-nil zero length slice. The expression []Struct{} is a composite literal for an empty slice of Struct.

Kotlin infinity loop on list in recursion

This follows infinite loop, in clojure such things just fine
tailrec fun passHeaders (xH: List<Int>)
while (xH.isNotEmpty())
List.drop does not mutate the List, but rather produces a new List instance. Thus, you're while loop is infinite.
You don't provide a base case, that's why. Because in each call to passHeaders, xH is it's own copy, it will NEVER not be empty. Remember, when you call drop(), a new list is created.
while (xH.isNotEmpty())
What this says is "while my copy of xH is not empty, call passHeaders.
On the other hand:
if (xH.isNotEmpty())
Will probably do what you intend.
The first call to this function will never terminate if xH isn't empty. .drop() doesn't modify the original list.

How to mutate another item in a vector, but not the vector itself, while iterating over the vector?

It is quite clear to me that iterating over a vector shouldn't let the loop body mutate the vector arbitrarily. This prevents iterator invalidation, which is prone to bugs.
However, not all kinds of mutation lead to iterator invalidation. See the following example:
let mut my_vec: Vec<Vec<i32>> = vec![vec![1,2], vec![3,4], vec![5,6]];
for inner in my_vec.iter_mut() { // <- or .iter()
// ...
my_vec[some_index].push(inner[0]); // <-- ERROR
Such a mutation does not invalidate the iterator of my_vec, however it is disallowed. It could invalidate any references to the specific elements in my_vec[some_index] but we do not use any such references anyway.
I know that these questions are common, and I'm not asking for an explanation. I am looking for a way to refactor this so that I can get rid of this loop. In my actual code I have a huge loop body and I can't modularize it unless I express this bit nicely.
What I have thought of so far:
Wrapping the vector with Rc<RefCell<...>>. I think this would still fail at runtime, since the RefCell would be borrowed by the iterator and then will fail when the loop body tries to borrow it.
Using a temporary vector to accumulate the future pushes, and push them after the loop ends. This is okay, but needs more allocations than pushing them on the fly.
Unsafe code, and messing with pointers.
Anything listed in the Iterator documentation does not help. I checked out itertools and it looks like it wouldn't help either.
Using a while loop and indexing instead of using an iterator making use of a reference to the outer vector. This is okay, but does not let me use iterators and adapters. I just want to get rid of this outer loop and use my_vec.foreach(...).
Are there any idioms or any libraries which would let me do this nicely Unsafe functions would be okay as long as they don't expose pointers to me.
You can wrap each of the inner vectors in a RefCell.
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn main() {
let my_vec : Vec<RefCell<Vec<i32>>> = vec![
for inner in my_vec.iter() {
// ...
let value = inner.borrow()[0];
Note that the value binding here is important if you need to be able to push to the vector that inner refers to. value happens to be a type that doesn't contain references (it's i32), so it doesn't keep the first borrow active (it ends by the end of the statement). Then, the next statement may borrow the same vector or another vector mutably and it'll work.
If we wrote my_vec[some_index].borrow_mut().push(inner.borrow()[0]); instead, then both borrows would be active until the end of the statement. If both my_vec[some_index] and inner refer to the same RefCell<Vec<i32>>, this will panic with RefCell<T> already mutably borrowed.
Without changing the type of my_vec, you could simply use access by indexing and split_at_mut:
for index in 0..my_vec.len() {
let (first, second) = my_vec.split_at_mut(index);
Note: beware, the indices in second are off by index.
This is safe, relatively easy, and very flexible. It does not, however, work with iterator adaptors.

Non-destructively iterating over a Rust collection, but not by reference

I can write the following two ways, the second is inspired by What is the idiomatic way to create a collection of references to methods that take self?:
The second line has to clone the collection because char::to_uppercase doesn't accept a reference as it's argument and .iter() provides references and .into_iter() moves the collection.
Is there a way to do this that doesn't need to clone the collection or create a closure? I don't hate closures, I promise, and I know they're just turned into (usually inline) function calls in LLVM anyway, but I like the cleanness of referring to a function like in the second line and would prefer to use it if it can be done without the clone.
Iterator has a cloned method which is equivalent to .map(|x| x.clone()) which, in case of Copy types is equivalent to .map(|&x| x). This way you can write
You can define a function that takes a reference. You can even put it inside another function, if you want to keep it close to its usage.
fn foobar() {
fn to_uppercase(c: &char) -> ::std::char::ToUppercase {
// [...]
let channels_upper = channels.iter().flat_map(to_uppercase).collect();