How do I go about email verifying a user who is CONFIRMED yet email_verified is false?
The scenario is roughly an agent signs up user on their behalf, and I confirm the user through the admin call adminConfirmSignUp. At that point, the user cannot change their password because of the email_verified flag being false.
I can't call resendConfirmationCode because the user is already confirmed.
I can't call forgotPassword because the email_verified flag is false.
The best I can think of is deleting the user account and calling signUp (prompting them to re-enter their password or a new password), hence recreating their account.
Using the AWS CLI you can update the email_verified attribute:
aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes
--user-pool-id eu-west-xxxxxx
--user-attributes Name=email_verified,Value=true
Here is the official documentation:
You can change email_verified, phone_number_verified and other attributes by calling adminUpdateUserAttributes without any lambdas and triggers:
'use strict'
var AWS = require('aws-sdk')
region: 'us-east-1' // change region if required
var CognitoIdentityServiceProvider = AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider
var client = new CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
apiVersion: '2016-04-19',
region: 'us-east-1' // change region if required
UserAttributes: [{
Name: 'phone_number_verified',
Value: 'true'
}, {
Name: 'email_verified',
Value: 'true'
// other user attributes like phone_number or email themselves, etc
Username: 'USERNAME'
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack)
} else {
Currently, Cognito does not allow an external agent to update the email_verified and phone_verified attributes on behalf of the user. The only way these can be marked as true is through a code verification process which can be done by the end user. The exception to this is with admin level APIs, as answers below describe, but those shouldn't be done from client side.
The process is this: user signs-in and gets an access token. They then call GetUserAttrbuteVerificationCode API with the attribute they want to verify. This will deliver a code to the user, which can be used by calling VerifyUserAttribute which will flip the attribute as verified.
You can now programmatically set email_verified to true using the Pre-Signup lambda trigger and modifying the returned event with event.response.autoVerifyEmail = true;
It's not in the docs yet but referenced on this github issue. Also read working with cognito lambda triggers.
Here is the Another Approach you can use to create users by Agents.
You can Use AdminCreateUser on the Behalf of user. By calling this API user will be created with a temp Password which will be sent to the user Email Address. (i.e. User will be in Force_Change_Password state). Now use RespondToAuthChallenge API to change the Password.
Note: You need to set "email_verified" attribute in attribute List. to make sure user email will be verified.
Here is the Code Example in NodeJS:
var params = {
UserPoolId: process.env.userPoolId, /* required */
Username: email,//'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
DesiredDeliveryMediums: [
/* more items */
ForceAliasCreation: false,
UserAttributes: [{
Name: 'email_verified',
Value: 'True'
},/* any other Attributes*/],
cognitoidentityserviceprovider.adminCreateUser(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
reject(err); // an error occurred
else {
}// successful response
It was giving an error message: 'No email provided but email_verified was true', code: 'InvalidParameterException'.
So I added also email attribute into attributes list.
const params = {
UserPoolId: this.userPoolId /* required */,
Username: username /* required */,
TemporaryPassword: password,
DesiredDeliveryMediums: ['EMAIL'],
ForceAliasCreation: false,
UserAttributes: [
Name: 'email_verified' /* required */,
Value: 'true',
Name: 'email' /* required */,
Value: email,
then create the user with these params
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw new BadRequestException(err);
// an error occurred
else resolve(data); // successful response
Trigger on pre-registration this lambda function (Node.js v6):
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
event.response.autoConfirmUser = true;
event.response.autoVerifyEmail = true;
event.response.autoVerifyPhone = true;
context.done(null, event);
Using the "Configure test event" you can test it first with this payload
"version": 1,
"triggerSource": "PreSignUp_SignUp",
"region": "<region>",
"userPoolId": "<userPoolId>",
"userName": "<userName>",
"callerContext": {
"awsSdk": "<calling aws sdk with version>",
"clientId": "<apps client id>"
"request": {
"userAttributes": {
"email": ""
"validationData": {
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2"
"response": {
"autoConfirmUser": false,
"autoVerifyEmail": false,
"autoVerifyPhone": false
Now when you create the user from the API those verifications flags should be true.
verify user email on aws cognito with python using boto3
response =client.get_user_attribute_verification_code(AccessToken='eyJraWQiOiJtTEM4Vm......',AttributeName='email')
response = client.verify_user_attribute( AccessToken='eyJraWQiOiJtTEM......', AttributeName='email', Code='230433')
Here is the Official Documentation.
I use next-auth Credentials (v3) to allow my users to register and sign in with good old email and password in my NextJS website. I use MongoDB as my database.
This is my [...nextauth].js file:
export default NextAuth({
session: {
jwt: true
providers: [
async authorize(credentials) {
await dbConnect();
// Check if a user with the email exists
const user = await UserModel.findOne({ email: });
if (!user) throw new Error("Emailen is not in use");
// Check if the password is correct
const correctPassword = await
if (!correctPassword) throw new Error("Wrong password");
return {
userid: user._id,
callbacks: {
// Add userid to token
async jwt(token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) {
if (user) { = user.userid;
return token
// Add userid to session returned to front-end
async session(session, token) { =;
return session
Before fetching data in my NextJS API endpoints, I check if the user is authenticated like this:
const session = await getSession({ req });
const user = await UserModel.findById(session?.user?.id);
if (!session || !user)
return res.status(400).json({ success: false });
But I'm worried that if a person gets the id of another user, they can just edit their JWT and access any API endpoint pretending to be another user?
Is that true? Would the users be able to fake their id's in my code?
If so, what can I do to avoid that?
I am using a web application to create and share write permission in a google drive folder through service account. The creation and permission sharing successfully performed.
I am using below code to create this permission.
function createPermissionOffic(auth){
const drive ={version: 'v3', auth});
var fileId = rootFolderId;
var permissions = [
'type': 'user',
'role': 'writer',
'emailAddress': serviceAccountEmail
// Using the NPM module 'async'
async.eachSeries(permissions, (permission, permissionCallback)=> {
resource: permission,
fileId: fileId,
fields: 'id',
sendNotificationEmails: false
}, (err, res)=> {
if (err) {
// Handle error...
} else {
console.log('Permission ID: '+ res)
}, (err)=> {
if (err) {
// Handle error
} else {
// All permissions inserted
I was hoping that " sendNotificationEmails: false" will prevent any such mail notification. How to solve this issue?
I think that the reason of your issue is due to the spell mistake. So please modify as follows and test it again.
sendNotificationEmails: false
sendNotificationEmail: false
Please remove the last character s of sendNotificationEmails.
Permissions: create
I am using the JavaScript SDK of AWS Cognito (
When a new user completes registration confirmation, the documentation says the user is now ready to sign in. Is it possible to automatically sign in the user at this time?
For eg., after confirmation when I use the following I get null:
If this is the intended behavior, are there any ways to sign in the user without explicitly asking the user again?
I know this is not a good idea, one thing I can think of is to save the user credentials in local storage and use them after confirmation to automatically sign in. Any other ideas better than this?
Upon user signup, your backend will be receiving users credentials, which you can use to generate the JWT token. Then you can add the JWT token in the same response, which can be use by the browser client to request authorized endpoints.
AWSCognito.config.region = 'us-east-1'; //This is required to derive the endpoint
var poolData = {
UserPoolId: 'us-east-1_TcoKGbf7n',
ClientId: '4pe2usejqcdmhi0a25jp4b5sh3'
var userPool = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserPool(poolData);
var attributeList = [];
var dataEmail = {
Name: 'email',
Value: ''
var authenticationData = {
Username: 'username',
Password: 'password',
var attributeEmail = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUserAttribute(dataEmail);
userPool.signUp(authenticationData.Username, authenticationData.Password, attributeList, null, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
var authenticationDetails = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);
var userData = {
Username: authenticationData.Username,
Pool: userPool
var cognitoUser = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.CognitoUser(userData);
cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
onSuccess: function (result) {
console.log('access token + ' + result.getAccessToken().getJwtToken());
/*Use the idToken for Logins Map when Federating User Pools with Cognito Identity or when passing through an Authorization Header to an API Gateway Authorizer*/
console.log('idToken + ' + result.idToken.jwtToken);
/*Return the result.idToken.jwtToken with the response*/
onFailure: function (err) {
I'm starting to work on an express API using graphql with apollo-server-express and graphql-tools. My register user process steps are:
User submit user name, email and password.
Server send an email to user by Mailgun with unique link generated by uuid.
User follow the link to verify the registration.
But I'm in struggle at how to bind the mutation in the resolver. See snippets:
const buildOptions = async (req, res, done) => {
const user = await authenticate(req, mongo.Users)
return {
context: {
dataloaders: buildDataloaders(mongo),
// JWT setting
secret: JWT_SECRET,
credentialsRequired: false,
res => data => res.send(JSON.stringify(data))
Mutation on resolver
signupUser: async (root, data, {mongo: { Users }}) => {
// Check existed accounts,
// if account is not exist, assign new account
const existed = await Users.findOne({email:})
if (!existed) {
// create a token for sending email
const registrationToken = {
token: uuid.v4(),
created_at: new Date(),
expireAfterSeconds: 3600000 * 6 // half day
const newUser = {
password: await bcrypt.hash(data.password, 10),
created_at: new Date(),
verification_token: registrationToken,
is_verified: false,
const response = await Users.insert(newUser)
// send and email to user
await verifyEmail(newUser)
return Object.assign({id: response.insertedIds[0]}, newUser)
// Throw error when account existed
const error = new Error('Email existed')
error.status = 409
throw error
// Set verify to true (after user click on the link)
// Add user to mailist
verifiedUser: async (root, data, {mongo: { Users }}) => {
await Users.updateOne(
{ email: },
set: {is_verified: true},
unset: {verification_token: {token: ''}}
route config
routes.get('/verify?:token', (req, res, next) => {
res.render('verified', {title: 'Success'})
the route config is where I stuck, because the object is passed to all resolvers via the context inside graphqlExpress
Any one help me out or suggest for me any articles related. Thanks so much.
You will need 3 graphql endpoints and 1 apollo http endpoint for proper workflow.
Optionally you can combine 3 graphql endpoints in one, but then it will be a one big function with a lot of different responsibilities.
1# graphql endpoint: changepass-request
expects email param
check if user with such email found in db:
generate code
save it in the local account node
send code to the user email with http link to confirm code:
return redirect_uri:
for UI page with prompt for confirmation code
2# graphql endpoint: changepass-confirm
expects code param:
if user with such code found in db, return redirect_uri to UI page with prompt for new pass with confirmation code in params:
3# graphql endpoint: changepass-complete
expects code and new pass:
hash new password
search in db for local account with such code
3a. if not found:
return error with redirect_uri to login page:"Confirmation code is not correct, try again."
3b. if found:
change password for new, return success status with redirect_uri to login page:"ok"
4# apollo HTTP endpoint:
if no code provided:
redirect to UI registration page with error message in params:"Confirmation code is not correct, try again."
if code provided: search in db for local account with such code
1a. if user not found:
redirect to reg ui with err mess in params:"Confirmation code is not correct, try again."
1.b if user found:
redirect to ui page with new password prompt and attach new code to params
I didn't put any code above, so you can use this workflow in other auth scenarios.
It seems like rather than utilizing the verifiedUser endpoint, it would be simpler to just keep that logic inside the controller for the /verify route. Something like:
routes.get('/verify?:token', (req, res) => {
{ verification_token: { token } },
$set: {is_verified: true},
$unset: {verification_token: {token: ''}}
(err, data) => {
const status = err ? 'Failure' : 'Success'
res.render('verified', {title: status})
I'm working in an application which uses a REST api using the MEAN stack and Passport JS to manage the authentication.
The authentication, we use JTW tokens for the communication between the backend and frontend. The token is generated based on local username and passwords.
Now I want to 'add' (authorize) the user's google account to the profile to use with google calendar API. (using this->
I've already have managed to send the user to the google authorization page, and get the token back from it. The problem is that when the user gets redirected to the page, it looses the JWT token where I check the user for the request.
Is there any other way to get the current logged in user, or to pass some custom callback authorization header/param when calling the authorize method?
var googleParams = {
var googleStrategy = new GoogleStrategy(googleParams, function (token, refreshToken, profile, done) {
profile.token = token;
return done(null, profile);
auth.authenticate(), // will check the current user
auth.isLoggedIn, // make sure the user is really logged in
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true }) // redirects to google to get the token
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })
the auth.authRedirect() function above is the closest solution I've found. It's a Express middleware wich redirects the user to a known route in the frontend where the user IS authenticated... but then I would not be able to fetch all his Google profile and information i need...
You have to be sure the app.use(session) its been called before any route.
secret: 'secret'
auth.authenticate(), // will check the current user
auth.isLoggedIn, // make sure the user is really logged in
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true }) // redirects to google to get the token
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })
Your req.user won't be undefined in this case.
If it doen't work right way, I can put my whole code that I've created here.
Hope it help you! :)
So what I ended up doing was:
Authenticate the user making the request via JWT access_token
Get the user's ID and set it to the state option's property
The user is redirected to the google authorization page and choose the account (s)he wants to connect
(S)He gets redirected to my callback url with the state query param having the user's id
Now I just have to get that id, search the user in the database, and set the data I need from req.account which contains the user's openid profile.
var googleScope = ['openid', 'email', ''];
function (req, res, next) {
var _id = '' + req.user._id; // convert to String... _id is an mongoose object
return auth.authorize('google', { session: false, scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true, state: _id })(req, res, next)
function (req, res, next) {
auth.authorize('google', { session: false, scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })(req, res, next);
saveUserData= function () {
return function (req, res, next) {
if (req.query.state) {
var _id = req.query.state;
User.findOne({ _id, deleted: false, active: true })
.exec(function (err, user) {
if (err) {
if (user) { = {
token: req.account.token,
email: (req.account.emails.length ? req.account.emails[0].value : null),
name: req.account.displayName
} (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
} else {